terça-feira, 31 de outubro de 2023

“Wiping Gaza Off The Map” is a Big Money Agenda: the Confiscation of Palestine’s Maritime Natural Gas Reserves



Felicity Arbuthnot and Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research, October 30, 2023


Israel has launched an invasion (October 7, 2023) of the Gaza Strip.

As outlined by Felicity Arbuthnot with foresight 10 years ago in a December, 30 2013 article: 

“Israel is set to become a major exporter of gas and some oil, “If All Goes to Plan”.

In the current context, Israel’s “All Goes to Plan” option consists in bypassing Palestine and “Wiping Gaza off the Map”,  as well confiscating ALL Gaza’s maritime offshore gas reserves, worth billions of dollars. 

The ultimate objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating the multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves, namely those pertaining to the BG (BG Group) in 1999, as well the Levant discoveries of 2013. 

First published on October  22, 2023. Video added on October 27, 2023


Video: Michel Chossudovsky, Interview with Caroline Mailloux, Lux Media


Felicity Arbuthnot’s 2013 Analysis

“The Giant Leviathan natural gas field, in the eastern Mediterranean, discovered in December 2010, widely described [by governments and media] as “off the coast of Israel.”

These Levant reserves must be distinguished from those discovered in Gaza in 1999 by British Gas, which belong to Palestine. Felicity Arbuthnot’s analysis nonetheless confirms that “Part of the Leviathan Gas fields lie in Gazan territorial waters” (See Map Below). 

Whilst Israel claims them as her very own treasure trove, only a fraction of the sea’s wealth lies in Israel’s bailiwick as maps. Much is still unexplored, but currently Palestine’s Gaza and the West Bank between them show the greatest discoveries… (Felicity Arbuthnot, 2013) 

Flash Forward to October 2023

Netanyahu’s October 2023 declaration of war against 2.3 million people of the Gaza Strip is a continuation of its 2008-2009 invasion of Gaza under “Operation Cast Lead.” 

The underlying objective is the outright military occupation of Gaza by Israel’s IDF forces and the expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland.

I should however mention that there are powerful financial interests which stand to benefit from Israel’s criminal undertaking (Genocide) directed against Gaza. 


The ultimate objective is not only to exclude Palestinians from their homeland, it consists in confiscating the multi-billion dollar Gaza offshore Natural Gas reserves, namely those pertaining to the BG (BG Group) in 1999, as well the Levant discoveries of 2013. 

Egypt-Israel “Secret Bilateral Talks” 

In 2021-22, Egypt and Israel were involved in “secret bilateral talks” regarding “the extraction of natural gas off the coast of the Gaza Strip.

“Egypt succeeded in persuading Israel to start extracting natural gas off the coast of the Gaza Strip, after several months of secret bilateral talks.

This development … comes after years of Israeli objections to extract natural gas off the coast of Gaza on [alleged] security grounds, … 

British Gas (BG Group) has also been dealing with the Tel Aviv government.

What is significant is that the civilian arm of the Hamas Gaza government has been bypassed in regards to exploration and development rights over the gas fields: 

The field, which lies about 30 kilometers (19 miles) west of the Gaza coast, was discovered in 2000 by British Gas (currently BG Group) and is estimated to contain more than 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas

The official in the Egyptian intelligence service told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity, “An Egyptian economic and security delegation discussed with the Israeli side for several months the issue of allowing the extraction of natural gas off the coast of Gaza. …Al-Monitor, October 22, 2022

A Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Egypt and Israel, which had the rubber-stamp of the Palestinian National Authority (PA):

“The Egyptian official explained that Israel required the start of practical measures to extract gas from the Gaza fields at the beginning of 2024, to ensure its own security. (Al-Monitor, October 22, 2022

Netanyahu’s Timeline: “Before The Beginning of 2024”

The timeline resulting from these bilateral Israel-Egypt “secret talks” i.e. confiscation of Palestine’s offshore Maritime Gas Reserves is “The Beginning of 2024”.

United Nations Assessment

An important United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) (2019) report describes Palestine’s predicament as follows: 

Geologists and natural resources economists have confirmed that the Occupied Palestinian Territory lies above sizeable reservoirs of oil and natural gas wealth, in Area C of the occupied West Bank and the Mediterranean coast off the Gaza Strip.

However, occupation continues to prevent Palestinians from developing their energy fields so as to exploit and benefit from such assets. As such, the Palestinian people have been denied the benefits of using this natural resource to finance socioeconomic development and meet their need for energy.

The accumulated losses are estimated in the billions of dollars. The longer Israel prevents Palestinians from exploiting their own oil and natural gas reserves, the greater the opportunity costs and the greater the total costs of the occupation borne by Palestinians become.

This study identifies and assesses existing and potential Palestinian oil and natural gas reserves that could be exploited for the benefit of the Palestinian people, which Israel is either preventing them from exploiting or is exploiting without due regard for international law. (UNCTAD, August 2019, emphasis added, download complete report)

Crimes against Humanity

In the words of Netanyahu who is on Record for Supporting and Financing a faction within Hamas:  

“Anyone who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas … This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank.”

(Benjamin Netanyahu, statement at a March 2019 meeting of his Likud Party’s Knesset members, Haaretz, October 9, 2023, emphasis added)

“Hamas was treated as a partner to the detriment of the Palestinian Authority to prevent Abbas from moving towards creating a Palestinian State. Hamas was promoted from a terrorist group to an organization with which Israel conducted negotiations through Egypt, and which was allowed to receive suitcases containing millions of dollars from Qatar through the Gaza crossings.”

(Times of Israel, October 8, 2023, emphasis added)

Crimes against humanity beyond description by the Netanyahu government against the People of Palestine,

Crimes also committed against the People of Israel who are the victims of the Hamas “False Flag Attack” carefully engineered by Mossad-IDF.

There are deep-seated divisions within Hamas. Our “False Flag” analysis pertains to a military-intelligence faction within Hamas which cooperates with Israeli and U.S. intelligence.  See:

Is the Gaza-Israel Fighting “A False Flag”? They Let it Happen? Their Objective Is “to Wipe Gaza Off the Map”?

By Philip Giraldi and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 20, 2023

Below is the 2013 article by Felicity Arbuthnot


Israel Gas-Oil and Trouble in the Levant

by Felicity Arbuthnot 

Global Research, 

December 13, 2013

Israel is set to become a major exporter of gas and some oil, if all goes to plan. The giant Leviathan natural gas field, in the eastern Mediterranean, discovered in December 2010, is widely described as “off the coast of Israel.”

 At the time the gas field was:

“ … the most prominent field ever found in the sub-explored area of the Levantine Basin, which covers about 83,000 square kilometres of the eastern Mediterranean region.” (i)

Coupled with Tamar field, in the same location, discovered in 2009, the prospects are for an energy bonanza for Israel, for Houston, Texas based Noble Energy and partners Delek Drilling, Avner Oil Exploration and Ratio Oil Exploration.

Also involved is Perth, Australia-based Woodside Petroleum, which has signed a memorandum of understanding for a thirty percent stake in the project, in negotiations which have been described as “up and down.”

There is currently speculation that Woodside might pull out of the deal: “ …since the original plans to refrigerate the gas for export were pursued when relations between Israel and Turkey were strained. That has changed, more recently, which has opened the door for gas to be piped to Turkey.”

The spoils of the Leviathan field has already expanded from an estimated 16.7 trillion cubic feet (tcf ) of gas to nineteen trillion – and counting:

”We’ve discovered nearly 40 tcf of gas, and we have roughly 19 tcf of that gas that’s available for export to both regional and extra-regional markets. We see exports reaching 2 billion cubic feet a day in capacity in the next decade. And we continue to explore.”, stated Noble Vice Chairman Keith Elliot (ii) There are also estimated to be possibly six hundred million barrels of oil, according to Michael Economides of energytribune.com (“Eastern Mediterranean Energy – the next Great Game.”)

 However, even these estimates may prove modest. In their: “Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources of the Levant Basin Province, Eastern Mediterranean”, the US Department of the Interior’s US Geological Survey, wrote in 2010:

“We estimated a mean of 1.7 billion barrels of recoverable oil and a mean of 122 trillion cubic feet of recoverable gas in this province using a geology based assessment methodology.”

Nevertheless, Woodside Petroleum, might also be hesitant to become involved in further disputes, since they are already embroiled, with the Australian government, in a protracted one in East Timor relating to the bonanaza of energy and minerals beneath the Timor Sea, which has even led to East Timor accusing Australia “of bugging East Timorese officials during the negotiations over the agreement.”(iii)

Woodside’s conflict in East Timor however, may well pale against what might well erupt over the Leviathan and Tamar fields. The area is not for nothing called the Levantine Basin.

Whilst Israel claims them as her very own treasure trove, only a fraction of the sea’s wealth lies in Israel’s bailiwick as maps (iv, v, see below) clearly show.

Much is still unexplored, but currently Palestine’s Gaza and the West Bank between them show the greatest discoveries, with anything found in Lebanon and Syria’s territorial waters sure to involve claims from both countries.


In a pre-emptive move, on Christmas Day, Syria announced a deal with Russia to explore 2,190 kilometres (850 Sq. miles) for oil and gas off its Mediterranean coast, to be: “… financed by Russia, and should oil and gas be discovered in commercial quantities, Moscow will recover the exploration costs.”

Syrian Oil Minister, Ali Abbas said during the signing ceremony that the contract covers “25 years, over several phases.”

Syria, increasingly crippled by international sanctions, has seen oil production plummet by ninety percent since the largely Western fermented unrest began in March 2011. Gas production has nearly halved, from thirty million cubic metres a day, to 16.7 cubic metres daily.

The agreement is reported to have resulted from “months of long negotiations” between the two countries. Russia, as one of the Syrian government’s main backers, looks set to also become a major player in the Levant Basin’s energy wealth. (vi)

Lebanon disputes Israel’s map of the Israeli-Lebanese maritime border, filing their own map and claims with the UN in 2010. Israel claims Lebanon is in the process of granting oil and gas exploration licenses in what Israel claims as its “exclusive economic zone.”

That the US in the guise of Vice President Joe Biden, as honest broker, acting peace negotiator in the maritime border dispute would be laughable, were it not potential for Israel to attack their neighbour again. In a visit to Israel in March 2010, Biden announced: “There is absolutely no space between the United States and Israel when it comes to Israel’s security- none at all”, also announcing on arrival in Israel:”It’s good to be home.”

Given US decades of  “peace brokering” between Israel and Palestine, this is already a road of pitfalls, one sidedness and duplicity, well traveled. There is trouble ahead.

Oh, and in demonology, Leviathan is one of the seven princes of Hell.


i. http://www.offshore-technology.com/projects/leviathan-gas-field-levantine-israel/

ii. http://m.theage.com.au/business/options-widen-for-woodsides-leviathan-partners-20131219-2znu6.html

iii. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-09-04/east-timor-offers-funds-for-onshore- gas-processing/4933106

iv. http://www.offshore-technology.com/projects/leviathan-gas-field-levantine-israel/leviathan-gas-field-levantine-israel1.html

v. http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Leviathan+gas+project+Israel+map&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=ntC2UvO7IcPE7Ab7rIDYCQ&ved=0CEQQsAQ&biw=1017&bih=598

vi. http://www.phantomreport.com/syria-inks-oil-gas-deal-with-russia-firm#more-20238

Source: https://www.globalresearch.ca/israel-gas-oil-and-trouble-in-the-levant/5362955

Israel y Gaza: guerra y gas


                                          Mapa de los sondeos de gas de la región

Desde los años noventa del siglo pasado, las guerras en Oriente Medio no son solo una derivada de la expansión de Israel y la apropiación de las tierras palestinas. Son parte de una lucha cada vez más frenética para encontrar, extraer y poner a la venta combustibles fósiles. El conflicto palestino-israelí hoy tiene notas, como la deriva energética gazatí, que no estaban presentes en el inicio pero hoy deben ser consideradas. Este asunto no se incluye, sin embargo, dentro del marco del conflicto por los medios.

A partir de entonces, los dirigentes israelíes y palestinos comenzaron a discutir sobre los depósitos de gas natural existentes frente a las costas de Gaza. Un inmenso campo de gas que podía podría haber sido eficazmente explotado de forma conjunta por Israel, Siria, Egipto, Chipre y los palestinos. Las autoridades israelíes, sin embargo, proclamaron desde el inicio que la «mayor parte» de las recién confirmadas reservas de gas estaban «dentro de las aguas económicas de Israel». Y anunciaron que no dudarían «en utilizar toda su fuerza para proteger lo que consideraban suyo».

El Estado de Israel, que en el año 2000 tenía «una economía en rápida expansión, escasos combustibles fósiles y unas relaciones terribles con sus vecinos ricos en petróleo, se encontró enfrentando una escasez energética crónica.» En vez de intentar afrontar el problema con el desarrollo de fuentes de energía renovable, exigió a los palestinos que fuera Israel quien recibiera el gas de Gaza. Y reclamó, además, el control israelí de todos los ingresos destinados a los palestinos para impedir que «el dinero se usara para financiar el terrorismo». Se hizo aun sabiendo que esta exigencia no sería admitida por ninguna facción ni dirigente palestino. Con ella llegó la era de los conflictos de los combustibles fósiles en el Mediterráneo oriental. El resultado han sido varios intentos militares israelíes fallidos en pos de las reservas de gas en 2007, 2011, 2012 y 2013.

Esta exigencia no solo es una disputa económica, sino que esconde un rechazo a una autonomía palestina, siquiera limitada. Una de las consecuencias de la intransigencia israelí ha sido la paralización de la explotación de los recursos gasísticos por los palestinos. La otra fue la voladura de los Acuerdos de Oslo. El corolario es que la pugna por los combustibles fósiles se ha colado en el centro de las relaciones entre Israel y Palestina.

"No hay duda de que Israel tiene derecho a defenderse. Eso no significa que el Estado israelí pueda aplicar la brutalidad que se está usando en su respuesta. Ni que pueda considerar Gaza como una base militar enemiga."

El escenario que se ha abierto en Europa tras la invasión de Ucrania en febrero de 2022 ha obligado a la Unión Europea a buscar nuevos proveedores que le permitieran reducir su dependencia del gas ruso. En este contexto, el gas del Mediterráneo oriental es un recurso de alcance estratégico para garantizar la seguridad energética de la Unión Europea.

Esta coyuntura ha generado una comunión de intereses entre la UE e Israel en torno al gas que explica la tibieza de la respuesta europea y el respaldo que ésta ha mostrado a Israel tras la agresión terrorista de Hamás. Aclara por qué mantiene un criterio diferente respecto a Israel en la guerra de Gaza del defendido en la guerra en Ucrania. «Si cortar el suministro de agua, comida y electricidad en Ucrania [era allí] un crimen de guerra», también lo es en Gaza. Y por qué la UE ha rechazado pedir el alto el fuego junto a la ONU.

No hay excusas para el despiadado ataque de Hamás contra Israel. Ni hay duda de que Israel tiene derecho a defenderse. Eso no significa que el Estado israelí pueda aplicar la brutalidad que se está usando en su respuesta. Ni que pueda considerar Gaza como una base militar enemiga. Si Israel sigue violando el derecho internacional y humanitario, y convirtiendo Gaza en un charco de sangre, la UE tampoco debe dudar en imponer sanciones al estado israelí por la perpetración de crímenes de guerra sobre la población gazatí. De igual manera que las ha impuesto a Rusia por los cometidos en Ucrania.

Este ignorado aspecto energético del conflicto palestino esclarece, además, la negativa del Parlamento Europeo a que hablen en la cámara las víctimas de Hamás, pero no las de lsrael. La prohibición de las manifestaciones a favor de palestina en Francia, Alemania e Italia. La cancelación de la entregada de un premio literario a una escritora palestina en la Feria del Libro de Fráncfort. La identificación de manifestantes propalestinos. La sanción por ondear una bandera palestina en el estadio de fútbol. La prohibición de la intervención de un diputado en el Parlamento Europeo por llevar un pañuelo palestino. O el rechazo de esa institución a pedir también un alto el fuego que ya está pidiendo la ONU.

Esta manera de actuar de la UE evidencia el doble rasero que aplica al conflicto palestino. Con él contradice los valores y principios que afirma respaldar, debilita su credibilidad a nivel global y pone de manifiesto la bancarrota moral y la impotencia política en que se halla Europa.

El conflicto palestino ha experimentado un giro sustancial, como ya dije. Un Israel «más desesperado energéticamente, [ha] «incrementado sus capacidades militares de forma significativa.» Y, a su vez, los otros países en conflicto «han encontrado (…) socios mayores y más poderosos para que les ayuden a reforzar sus reclamaciones económicas y militares. Esto significa que «la crisis alrededor del gas natural del Mediterráneo oriental no ha hecho más que empezar.» Y que existe la posibilidad cierta de que se desencadenen «guerras aún más brutales por el gas.»

Israelíes y palestinos, a pesar de toda la sinrazón que les rodea, tienen derecho a poder celebrar en paz el Yom Kipur y el Día de Arafat. En este conflicto en el que la ira, el miedo y el odio se han adueñado de todo, la solución reside en el mutuo reconocimiento de israelíes y palestinos de su derecho a convivir en paz y en la reactivación del Acuerdo de Oslo, porque sin una solución justa no habrá paz. Pero para ello primero habrán de ser desvelados los intereses que hay detrás de este antagonismo que mantiene a ambos pueblos como rehenes de una guerra sin solución. La prueba es la incapacidad de los países reunidos en la Cumbre de Egipto de alcanzar un consenso sobre una petición de alto el fuego. ¿A quién le interesa que la memoria colectiva reinvente creativamente lo sucedido?


Francisco Soler Luque es Co-Portavoz de Cambia-Partido del Clima.


Source: https://www.infolibre.es/opinion/plaza-publica/israel-gaza-guerra-gas_129_1627536.html

domingo, 29 de outubro de 2023

Dr. Naomi Wolf Uncovers Pfizer’s Depopulation Agenda, as Evidenced by Its Own Documents



Originally published June 5, 2023

“This is a mystery novel in which the question is, how do we stop women from having healthy babies? That’s the story of the Pfizer documents.”

“These people [powers that be] don’t want us to be self-sustaining,” concluded Dr. Naomi Wolf in front of a live audience at a recent VAC family event. “They want us to be dependent and scared.”

What self-sustaining quality are they targeting most? Our ability to reproduce, attested Dr. Wolf.

“One thing people have been able to do for thousands of years is to have sex and have babies without any intervention or help from anyone else. It’s a tremendous way that the human race is self-reliant — that it can survive catastrophe. Well, the Tech Bros. and probably China want to take that away from us. This is clear in the Pfizer documents.”

“There’s a section of the Pfizer documents in which Pfizer breaks down the adverse events and concludes that women sustain 72% of them,” she continued. “And of those — and these are Pfizer’s words — 16% are quote-unquote “reproductive disorders” compared to 0.49% for men. So they’re very focused on reproduction, on female reproduction.”

“It’s my belief that they were trying to disrupt especially female reproduction,” Dr. Wolf determined. “And the question is, how do I know that? And the answer is from the structure of what they looked at. Again, I’m a literary critic, but this is a mystery novel in which the question is, how do we stop women from having healthy babies? That’s the story of the Pfizer documents.”

“So in the Pfizer documents, there’s a chart,” detailed Dr. Wolf.

“And as a woman, this is one of the most painful things to see. And I’m Jewish. And my grandmother lost nine brothers and sisters to the Holocaust. So I don’t say this lightly, but this chart is a Mengele-type of chart. It’s Mengele science.”

“Why is it Mengele science?” she asked. “Because they break down 20 different horrible things that can happen to women’s menstruation.”

More reproductive adverse events are listed here.

Here’s a fraction of the 20-something different ways Pfizer admits the mRNA jab can dysregulate or affect women’s reproductive health:

  • Heavy menstrual bleeding – 27,685 cases
  • Menstrual disorder (pain, heavy bleeding, or absence of menstruation) – 22,145 cases
  • Menstruation irregular (irregular cycle lengths) – 15,083 cases
  • Menstruation delayed – 13,989 cases
  • Dysmennorhea (pain during menstruation) – 13,904 cases
  • Intermenstrual bleeding (bleeding in between periods) – 12,424 cases
  • Amenorrhea (absence of period) – 11,363 cases
  • Polymenorrhea (multiple periods) – 9,546 cases
  • Vaginal hemorrhage (excessive bleeding of the female reproductive system) – 4,699 cases.
  • Oligomenorrhea (infrequent menstrual periods) – 3,437 cases

“I’m looking at ruined lives,” grieved Dr. Wolf.

“And they [Pfizer] just note them calmly, one by one by one.”

There’s also a group in France called Où est mon cycle, which translates to “Where’s my cycle?”

Dr. Wolf detailed “super-strange things” within the Pfizer Documents, such as “ten-year-old girls menstruating on first being injected” and “long-postmenopausal women in their 80s and 90s bleeding again after being injected.”

It wasn’t enough for Pfizer to watch women be ruined, asserted Dr. Wolf.

“Again, I keep saying this is a respiratory pathogen. Why are they so focused on sex? At one point, they mate vaccinated male rats and unvaccinated female rats. Then they kill them, and they dissect and look at the cells of their sexual organs. Okay? So they’re very, very focused on mammalian sexuality.”

“And you don’t need to be a rocket scientist” to figure out that Pfizer’s mRNA injections would cause fertility issues, emphasized Dr. Wolf.

“You need 8th-grade math to guess that if women are having horrible menstrual problems in 2021, there are going to be fertility problems in 2023, right?”


“So now it’s 2023,” mourned Dr. Wolf, as those fertility problems have come to fruition. “Igor Chudov compared databases in countries around the world. There are a million missing babies in Europe. They never got born. [There are] double the number of miscarriages and spontaneous abortions in Scotland [and a] 13% to 20% drop in live births around the world. [There are] two or three times the number of spontaneous abortions and miscarriages in Tel Aviv as before. And so on around the world. And now we know why. Now we know the mechanism.”

“So it is an attack not just on humanity; it’s an attack on our future,” determined Dr. Wolf.

“It’s not just an attack on us. It’s not just a mass murder, which is the language that Ofcom objected to, but it’s an existential attack. And think about it chronologically. I’m very worried that a source in Britain said that they wanted to embargo this information for 20 years. Because I’m like, what do they expect to have happened in 20 years?”

“I think this is the tip of the iceberg,” she continued. “We’ve [DailyClout/War Room Volunteers] got a report on turbo cancers, we’ve got a report on strokes, we’ve got a report on liver damage, kidney damage.”

“I don’t want to depress you, but all around you are people who are suffering from illnesses,” mourned Dr. Wolf. “None of their doctors are telling them that these illnesses are in the Pfizer documents as side effects and that we now understand the mechanisms of them.”

“And if you want to know what’s happening to your loved ones, please, read the reports on Dailyclout.io,” urged Dr. Wolf.

“They’re free. Or order the book, please. It has all of it [the evidence] right there. But all around you, all around me, are people suffering and dying from side effects that are in these documents that they knew about.”

The entirety of Dr. Wolf’s speech is available to watch in the video below:


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The Vigilant Fox is a citizen journalist with 12 years of healthcare experience, focused on The Great Reset, world protests, and COVID-19. After being deeply disturbed by COVID measures, mandates, and medical discrimination, he has dedicated his free time and effort to making short, informative clips — featuring top doctors, scientists, and thought leaders from around the world.

Source: https://www.globalresearch.ca/dr-naomi-wolf-uncovers-pfizer-depopulation-agenda-evidenced-its-own-documents/5821250

segunda-feira, 23 de outubro de 2023

New Zealand: "30 people jabbed in 1 clinic in 1 day - all dead shortly after"



Meryl Dorey
21 Oct 2023

A whistleblower has come forward and given Liz Gunn of the NZ Loyal Party (NZL) documentation showing that tens of thousands of New Zealanders have died within a short time of vaccination. Remember, NZ has just over 5 million people so tens of thousands of deaths are significant in anyone’s book.

In this video, she describes one clinic where 30 people received the COVID jab and all 30 of them died soon after.

Ms Gunn is demanding a criminal investigation - not an inquiry - and I think that’s what we need here in Australia too.

Would our stats be any different than those in NZ? I doubt it very much. And a Royal Commission or Albo’s Clayton’s inquiry will do nothing to stop the carnage taking place all around us.

I clearly remember when the VaxXed Bus was in Lightning Ridge last year - a town of about 3,000 people. We spoke with 25 locals and every single person we spoke with could name at least 3 people they personally know who died after a COVID jab and 6-10 who were injured.

These jabs - actually ALL jabs - need to be stopped today! Until they are proven to be safe, effective and necessary, we should not be forcing, mandating or even using any medical products which are essentially untested.

I applaud Liz Gunn and pray she will be successful in her appeals to Winston Peters.

We need Senators Malcolm Roberts, Alex Antic, Gerard Rennick, Ralph Babbet and Matt Canavan to join together as one and make the same demands here in Australia.

 New Zealand: 30 people jabbed in 1 clinic in 1 day - all dead shortly after: 

Source: https://informedchoice.substack.com/p/the-mother-of-all-revelations-moar

quinta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2023

Quantum Dots or Kinetically Active Micro-Structures?


15 Oct 2023

Last week I had a discussion with Ana and Len about the nanotechnology that we are seeing in blood and medications. The thing I like about this title as it presumes that there is nanotechnology and seeks to clarify what we are seeing. There is no doubt.

As George Orwell famously said in 1984 : “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears…”

Hopefully the evidence we presented was compelling.

Here is a link to the video on my website, no ads and high definition…


The following is one of the most persuasive series of photos and the events and images are described in detail on my website including a preceding interview with Gareth Icke and a subsequent podcast with Mateo Taylor. Links for these as below:



This is a structure that has formed in a Pfizer Covid-19 injection that has been kept on a microscope slide for 4 months at room temperature. There is no cover slip. The first 4 images are darkfield photos at 200x magnification:


And in bright field at 100x magnification:

Recently I have been trying to find a local anaesthetic that does not exhibit a complex chemical process on drying nor produce (or reveal?) what appears to be a bewildering amount of plasmonic nanoparticles nor produce crystals that have an often breath-taking complexity. I have failed to do so. So far at least. I will keep looking.

It is difficult to believe that the these crystals are other than associated with nanotechnology particularly when witness to events such as that above. I will return to this in a separate post soon.

This is a darkfield photo at 200x magnification of a crystal that has formed after drying a sample of local anaesthetic manufactured in India. I have added a small amount of oil to aid clarity.


There is a lot going on but this is a discussion we also need to have!


Source: https://davidnixon.substack.com/p/quantum-dots-or-kinetically-active?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1283658&post_id=137970583&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=wm70y&utm_medium=email

terça-feira, 17 de outubro de 2023

Dietary Chronobiotics: Polyphenols and Plant Melatonin



October 5th 2023 at 12:15 pm 

Originally published on www.deannaminich.com

Everyone is affected by environmental fluctuations, whether yearly with the changing seasons or daily with cycles of lightness and darkness. Monthly changes are seen with the menstrual cycle and lunar phases, and transition phases like menopause or puberty occur once but are mostly consistent across all humans. Humans adapt to these rhythms with internal clocks that drive the lifecycle, health, and day-to-day life and behaviors; chronobiology refers to these biological rhythms.

The Circadian Rhythm and the Dangers of Artificial Light at Night (ALAN)

The circadian rhythm is a 24-hour sleep-wake cycle. Circadian clocks generate it, and the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) in the hypothalamus is the primary circadian clock. Light exposure during the day sets circadian clocks and synchronizes physiology to exogenous or environmental cues. However, because light is the most potent cue or "zeitgeber," too much light exposure at night can interfere with and dysregulate the circadian rhythm, ultimately impacting physiology and behavior, and potentially increasing the risk of disease. For example, exposure to artificial light at night (ALAN) can cause changes in thyroid hormone, glucocorticoids (e.g., cortisol), and gonadotropic hormones (i.e., luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone). ALAN from light pollution is associated with risk for cancer as it can increase tumorigenesis. Finally, ALAN is implicated in impaired brain function and may contribute to learning and memory deficits and mood changes like depression.

Of note, those with light-colored eyes may be more susceptible to the suppressive effects of light at night on melatonin, a hormone involved in the sleep-wake cycle, compared to those with dark eyes. However, light-eye individuals may be less prone to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). On the other hand, bright light in the morning and during the day can support the circadian rhythm by increasing melatonin levels at night.


Chronobiotics are substances that can set the circadian rhythm. A well-known chronobiotic is melatonin, a hormone produced and secreted during darkness that promotes sleep. Given its role in the circadian rhythm, melatonin has diurnal variations and begins to rise 2-3 hours before sleep, peaks between 2 am to 4 am, and declines with daylight. Melatonin also has its own rhythm throughout the lifecycle, peaks in early childhood, declines through adulthood, and is nearly negligible in older adults.

Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland, among other organs, including the gastrointestinal tract, brain, adrenal gland, heart, thymus, placenta, reproductive system, kidney, and immune cells. Besides its effect on the sleep-wake cycle, melatonin regulates body temperature and hormone synthesis, activates the immune system, protects the skin from UV radiation, regulates skin pigmentation, and slows aging. It also has cardioprotective, antioxidant, and cytoprotective effects. When melatonin concentrations are disrupted, there may be changes in hormone rhythms of the thyroid, adrenals, and reproductive system. Low melatonin is also associated with various conditions, including Alzheimer's disease, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, fibromyalgia, certain types of cancer, and migraines.

Melatonin may be neuroprotective and support several aspects of cognitive health. One study found that melatonin treatment involving 3 mg of melatonin per night for three months restored circadian rhythm and increased brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in obese children. However, another study found that, while melatonin did not increase BDNF, it did improve depression. Melatonin may also protect against arsenic-induced neurotoxicity, and cell and animal studies show that it decreases the permeability of the blood-brain barrier. Finally, sleep may facilitate the removal of toxins in the brain via glymphatic fluid, an area where cerebral spinal and interstitial fluid come together by the cerebral blood vessels. Melatonin secreted into the cerebral spinal fluid potentially helps to flush harmful molecules like amyloid-β peptide - a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease - from the brain. Notably, melatonin promotes sleep, and waste clearance from the central nervous system is highest during slow-wave sleep.


Polyphenols are the largest category of phytochemicals and include compounds like catechins, ellagic acid, resveratrol, quercetin, and isoflavones. Plant foods, including grapes, berries, cocoa, coffee, tea, herbs, and spices, are rich in polyphenols and have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. The brain is sensitive to oxidative damage, and by lowering oxidative stress, polyphenols can protect against neurological conditions. The effects of polyphenols extend to autophagy and detoxification, epigenetic modification, the microbiome, and metabolic effects, all of which lead back to the brain.

The brain-promoting activities of polyphenols are wide-ranging. In animal models of Alzheimer's disease, it is shown that epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) may prevent and treat Alzheimer's disease; quercetin reduces deposition of amyloid beta-protein in the hippocampus and amygdala; and curcumin improves cognitive performance. Urolithins are metabolites of ellagitannins produced by the gut microbiota that are shown to stabilize the intestinal barrier and blood-brain barrier. A 12-month randomized controlled trial found that pomegranate juice, which is rich in polyphenols like ellagitannins, helped maintain visual memory performance in individuals (ages 50-75) who were considered to have cognition consistent with normal aging or mild cognitive impairment. In the study, participants consumed either 8 oz of pomegranate juice per day or a placebo drink with the same flavor, color, sugar, and acidity level of pomegranate juice but did not contain pomegranate polyphenols. Additionally, polyphenols may improve symptoms of depression by reducing inflammation and oxidative stress, modulating neurotransmitter systems involving neurotransmitters like GABA, serotonin, and dopamine, modulating the HPA axis; and increasing cerebral blood flow.

Some polyphenols may affect clock genes and regulate the circadian rhythm. For example, EGCG, the primary catechin in green tea, may regulate the expression of circadian clock genes and improve circadian function affected by a Western diet. This effect may improve obesity-related parameters, such as glucose homeostasis and body weight. Some studies imply that another polyphenol, resveratrol, can impact the circadian rhythm by upregulating Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1), a circadian regulator. Interestingly, resveratrol pharmacokinetics exhibits circadian variation and has higher bioavailability in the morningOne study investigated the effects of cacao polyphenols on the expression of circadian clock genes in mice using cacao liquor procyanidin, an extract abundant in catechin, epicatechin, and procyanidins. Results showed that the cacao extract regulated the expression of circadian clock genes by activating GLP-1 and AMP-kinase pathways.

Circannual Rhythms: Chronobiology Throughout the Year

Fluctuations in the environment throughout the year are primarily marked by the changing seasons. Fluctuating environmental factors, such as melatonin, vitamin D, and UV radiation, may profoundly impact health, including the activity of autoimmune disorders. Changing levels of melatonin and vitamin D may cause circadian rhythm disruption, which can lead to an increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines and contribute to autoimmune disease.

One published article summarizes the relationship between seasons and autoimmune diseases:

  • Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune condition involving the myelin of the central nervous system. It has higher onset rates in the spring when vitamin D and melatonin are both low. March and April show higher relapses in MS patients compared to other months. Several studies have found that spring birth months are associated with a higher susceptibility to MS than winter birth months. The connection between birth month and MS is more robust in individuals with increased genetic risk, and it may be related to low maternal levels of vitamin D during the prenatal and perinatal periods, increasing the risk of MS development in the spring. Melatonin may have an immunosuppressive role, and low levels in the spring may increase the relapse rate of MS.
  • Systemic Lupus Erythrematosis (SLE) exhibits seasonal patterns related to UV exposure, the occurrence of infections, and vitamin D levels, a nutrient inversely associated with disease activity. During winter months, there is a higher rate of non-cutaneous and nephritic flares of lupus. Additionally, infections like Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), a human herpes virus, are implicated in the development of SLE and are more prevalent during the winter, though the connection needs more research. On the other hand, UV radiation in the summer aggravates cutaneous lupus.
  • Irritable Bowel Disease (IBD) consists of Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC). Rates of ulcerative colitis diagnosis have been shown to increase in April, and April birth months have a higher risk of UC development compared to October birth months. The trend may be connected to UV exposure and vitamin D levels during the third trimester.

The bioavailability of polyphenols can be impacted by time of year and growing method. Thus, they have their own seasonal variations. An animal study using grapes found that when rats were exposed to light conditions (short photoperiod) simulating winter light exposure, their metabolite concentrations from the grapes were at their highest compared to conditions simulating spring, summer, and autumn light exposure. In other words, these grape polyphenols have enhanced metabolism in the simulated winter condition compared with the other light simulations. The study also found that organic grapes had better polyphenol bioavailability than conventionally-grown grapes, as shown by higher serum concentrations of metabolites. Another animal study using oranges from the southern and northern hemispheres showed that orange consumption out of season led to fat tissue accumulation. The study analyzed approximately 39 phytochemicals, and the two oranges differed in 24 of them. The xenohormesis theory explains that humans and other heterotrophs respond to bioactive compounds, such as polyphenols, in food to facilitate adaptation to the environment or changing seasons, which may impact fat storage. The synthesis of these polyphenols are modulated by environmental factors, including water, light, temperature, and soil salt, thus connecting them to the changing seasons. This concept is also seen with sweet cherries, typically consumed in the spring and summer when days are long. In an animal study, the metabolism of adipose tissue differed depending on the photoperiod, or whether or not the fruit was consumed in or out of season, simulated by hours of light exposure. When the cherries were consumed out of season, the animal was more prone to fat accumulation.

Supplementation and Phytomelatonin

Melatonin has far-reaching impacts on health, and clinically, melatonin has the potential to be used for circadian rhythm support, cognitive conditions, migraines and headaches, tinnitus, metabolic syndrome, fertility, irritable bowel syndrome, autoimmune disorders such as Hashimoto's thyroiditis, coronavirus disease, osteopenia, and more. Supplemental melatonin is available over-the-counter, and its use among US adults is on the rise. While melatonin is generally regarded as safe, the actual melatonin content of supplements may be between -83% to up to 478% higher than advertised and may contain serotonin, which is considered a controlled substance used to treat neurological disorders. Because supplements come in a range of doses from 0.3 mg to 200 mg, individuals could be consuming very high amounts of melatonin. The pineal gland produces about 0.3 - 0.9 mg of melatonin per day. Most melatonin supplements are synthetically produced through a multi-chemical step process involving products like acetone, ethanol, and cold petroleum ether, and the facilities that make them create significant pollution. However, nearly all melatonin, whether synthetic, "plant-based," or "natural," involves industrial processing that may use toxic substances. Contrary to popular belief, melatonin supplementation does not impact endogenous production. However, high doses of melatonin over long periods could potentially reduce the sensitivity of receptor sites, creating a need for higher quantities.

Phytomelatonin is a bioidentical melatonin produced by plants. Compared to synthetic melatonin, phytomelatonin has higher anti-inflammatory and free radical scavenging activity. Foods such as cherries, almonds, walnuts, flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, oats, black pepper, and many more contain varying amounts of melatonin. However, the melatonin content of plants is inconsistent and depends on several factors, including cultivars and growing conditions. Because tryptophan - an essential amino acid - is converted to serotonin and then melatonin, tryptophan intake should be included when considering food sources of melatonin. However, not all individuals efficiently convert tryptophan to melatonin due to gene variants related to the N-acetylserotonin methyltransferase (ASMT) enzyme.

Besides consuming food sources of tryptophan, dietary and lifestyle support for melatonin production includes:

  • Receiving adequate darkness at night.
  • Reducing artificial blue light at night includes limiting cell phone and computer use, avoiding LED lightbulbs, and using blue-light-blocking glasses if using screens.
  • Eating adequate protein and an anti-inflammatory diet.
  • Eating food sources with blue-light protective nutrients, such as lutein and zeaxanthin (e.g., kale, spinach, parsley, peas, lettuce, squash, and pumpkin).

If you have questions about which foods or supplements can best support your health, talk to your doctor, nutritionist, dietician, or another healthcare team member for personal options based on your circumstances.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of GreenMedInfo or its staff.

Source: https://greenmedinfo.com/blog/dietary-chronobiotics-polyphenols-and-plant-melatonin