segunda-feira, 1 de novembro de 2021

The grand swindle of a virus that does not exist


Luys Coleto

June 2021

Let's talk about the manifestation of a colossal reverie, a lavish fiction, a planetary hallucination, an unparalleled blindness, an extreme obfuscation, and an infinite mass psychosis.

SARS-Cov-2 does not exist. Nor has it ever existed. Nor will it ever exist. The coronavirus was never isolated, purified, or sequenced. In fact, the term "isolated" is used just in the opposite sense to that given by science. "We assume that we have the virus embedded in a lot of other material, and we never extracted or purified it." A scientific crime, then. So we repeat: without isolation you cannot speak of the existence of a virus. End of story. It's the ABC of virology.

And lately they're been coming back to us with the artificial origin story. Uggh, a nightmare. A crude way of making us believe. The tall tale of a Chinese pangolin or a Wuhan laboratory, although the latter, of course, exists. Well, it's going to be a 'no' from us. No more smokescreens.

They're lying through their teeth 

And of course it's impossible to extract the genetic sequence of RNA from a virus that has never been found. Unless, of course, you're lying like a scoundrel. And that's what has happened for the last year and a half. Nothing more. 

To take one example: Dr. Andrew Kaufman has disassembled step-by-step a study in which the authors describe how they "isolated" SARS-CoV-2. Kaufman shredded the aforementioned pathetic study. He showed and proved how absurd and unscientific everything referenced there was.

Nothing, there is nothing ...

When people are faced with an Himalayan-sized mountain of pure propaganda disguised as science, it is impossible for most of those on the mountain path to accept the fact that at the heart of the huge hill, there is ... NOTHING! Absolutely nothing. Today, the glaring example of this is: "Oh, that can't be. There has to be SOMETHING, and that something must be a virus." The same as when a child says that "there must be a ghost in the closet every night when I go to sleep."

All that fear and horror we lived through and there is nothing there at all? People find it difficult, if not impossible, to accept. They prefer to believe that there must be SOMETHING. That is what they want to believe. That is what they have been taught to believe. "Well, you see, every effect has a cause; a premise, an inference, and that cause is actually the effect of a previous cause, and you can go further and further down the chain." And you can trace back with Aristotelian efficient cause, if that is your thing. Such an axiom is somehow the basis for assuming that, if a pandemic is announced, there must be a virus. "I have to have a virus. I NEED, I demand, I require a virus: I fear the virus." 

But there is nothing. People died of other causes

And there are teeming variations on this theme. "The pandemic? There must be something at its core. There must be." THERE IS NOTHING, I'm sorry to tell you. And if someone responds with the familiar and tedious battle cry, "Then what do all these people die of?" we reply that this tiresome objection was explained long ago.

The totality of illness and death attributed to the COVID-19 label can be explained by multiple grim etiologies and none of these triggers or adjuvants implies under any circumstances the presence of any virus. The latter is a pure fantasy…

So, let's come out from under the spell and the hypnosis. 

It doesn't take much. 

That's all for now...



Debunking virology:

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