domingo, 17 de setembro de 2023

Medical nemesis



Ivan Illich

Within the last decade medical professional practice has become a major threat to health. Depression, infection, disability, dysfunction, and other specific iatrogenic diseases now cause more suffering than all accidents from traffic or industry. Beyond this, medical practice sponsors sickness by the reinforcement of a morbid society which not only industrially preserves its defectives but breeds the therapist’s client in a cybernetic way. Finally, the so-called health-professions have an indirect sickening power—a structurally health-denying effect. I want to focus on this last syndrome, which I designate as medical Nemesis. By transforming pain, illness, and death from a personal challenge into a technical problem, medical practice expropriates the potential of people to deal with their human condition in an autonomous way and becomes the source of a new kind of un-health.

Much suffering has always been man-made: history is the record of enslavement and exploitation. It tells of war, and of the pillage, famine, and pestilence which come in its wake. War between commonwealths and classes has so far been the main planned agency of man-made misery. Thus, man is the only animal whose evolution has been conditioned by adaptation on two fronts. If he did not succumb to the elements, he had to cope with use and abuse by others of his kind. He replaced instincts by character and culture, to be capable of this struggle on two frontiers. A third frontier of possible doom has been recognised since Homer; but common mortals were considered immune to its threat. Nemesis, the Greek name for the awe which loomed from this third direction, was the fate of a few heroes who had fallen prey to the envy of the gods. The common man grew up and perished in a struggle with Nature and neighbour. Only the élite would challenge the thresholds set by Nature for man.

Prometheus was not Everyman, but a deviant. Driven by Pleonexia, or radical greed, he trespassed the boundaries of the human condition. In hubris or measureless presumption, he brought fire from heaven, and thereby brought Nemesis on himself. He was put into irons on a Caucasian rock. A vulture preys at his innards, and heartlessly healing gods keep him alive by regrafting his liver each night. The encounter with Nemesis made the classical hero an immortal reminder of inescapable cosmic retaliation. He becomes a subject for epic tragedy, but certainly not a model for everyday aspiration. Now Nemesis has become endemic; it is the backlash of progress. Paradoxically, it has spread as far and as wide as the franchise, schooling, mechanical acceleration, and medical care. Everyman has fallen prey to the envy of the gods. If the species is to survive it can do so only by learning to cope in this third group.


Most man-made misery is now the byproduct of enterprises which were originally designed to protect the common man in his struggle with the inclemency of the environment and against wanton injustices inflicted by the elite. The main source of pain, disability, and death is now an engineered—albeit non-intentional—harassment. The prevailing ailments, helplessness and injustice, are now the side-effects of strategies for progress. Nemesis is now so prevalent that it is readily mistaken for part of the human condition. The desperate disability of contemporary man to envisage an alternative to the industrial aggression on the human condition is an integral part of the curse from which he suffers. Progress has come with a vengeance which cannot be called a price. The down payment was on the label and can be stated in measurable terms. The instalments accrue under forms of suffering which exceed the notion of “pain”.

At some point in the expansion of our major institutions their clients begin to pay a higher price every day for their continued consumption, in spite of the evidence that they will inevitably suffer more. At this point in development the prevalent behaviour of society corresponds to that traditionally recognised in addicts. Declining returns pale in comparison with marginally increasing disutilities. Homo economicus turns into Homo religiosus. His expectations become heroic. The vengeance of economic development not only outweighs the price at which this vengeance was purchased; it also outweighs the compound tort done by Nature and neighbours. Classical Nemesis was punishment for the rash abuse of a privilege. Industrialised Nemesis is retribution for dutiful participation in society.

War and hunger, pestilence and sudden death, torture and madness remain man’s companions, but they are now shaped into a new Gestalt by the Nemesis overarching them. The greater the economic progress of any community, the greater the part played by industrial Nemesis in the pain, discrimination, and death suffered by its members. Therefore, it seems that the disciplined study of the distinctive character of Nemesis ought to be the key theme for research amongst those who are concerned with health care, healing, and consoling.


Medical Nemesis is but one aspect of the more general “counter-intuitive misadventures” characteristic of industrial society. It is the monstrous outcome of a very specific dream of reason—namely, “tantalising” hubris. Tantalus was a famous king whom the gods invited to Olympus to share one of their meals. He purloined Ambrosia, the divine potion which gave the gods unending life. For punishment, he was made immortal in Hades and condemned to suffer unending thirst and hunger. When he bows towards the river in which he stands, the water recedes, and when he reaches for the fruit above his head the branches move out of his reach. Ethologists might say that Hygienic Nemesis has programmed him for compulsory counter-intuitive behaviour. Craving for Ambrosia has now spread to the common mortal. Scientific and political optimism have combined to propagate the addiction. To sustain it, the priesthood of Tantalus has organised itself, offering unlimited medical improvement of human health. The members of this guild pass themselves off as disciples of healing Asklepios, while in fact they peddle Ambrosia. People demand of them that life be improved, prolonged, rendered compatible with machines, and capable of surviving all modes of acceleration, distortion, and stress. As a result, health has become scarce to the degree to which the common man makes health depend upon the consumption of Ambrosia.


Mankind evolved only because each of its individuals came into existence protected by various visible and invisible cocoons. Each one knew the womb from which he had come, and oriented himself by the stars under which he was born. To be human and to become human, the individual of our species has to find his destiny in his unique struggle with Nature and neighbour. He is on his own in the struggle, but the weapons and the rules and the style are given to him by the culture in which he grew up. Each culture is the sum of rules with which the individual could come to terms with pain, sickness, and death—could interpret them and practise compassion amongst others faced by the same threats. Each culture set the myth, the rituals, the taboos, and the ethical standards needed to deal with the fragility of life—to explain the reason for pain, the dignity of the sick, and the role of dying or death.

Cosmopolitan medical civilisation denies the need for man’s acceptance of these evils. Medical civilisation is planned and organised to kill pain, to eliminate sickness, and to struggle against death. These are new goals, which have never before been guidelines for social life and which are antithetic to every one of the cultures with which medical civilisation meets when it is dumped on the so-called poor as part and parcel of their economic progress.

The health-denying effect of medical civilisation is thus equally powerful in rich and in poor countries, even though the latter are often spared some of its more sinister sides.


For an experience to be pain in the full sense, it must fit into a culture. Precisely because each culture provides a mode for suffering, culture is a particular form of health. The act of suffering is shaped by culture into a question which can be stated and shared.

Medical civilisation replaces the culturally determined competence in suffering with a growing demand by each individual for the institutional management of his pain. A myriad of different feelings, each expressing some kind of fortitude, are homogenised into the political pressure of anaesthesia consumers. Pain becomes an item on a list of complaints. As a result, a new kind of horror emerges. Conceptually it is still pain, but the impact on our emotions of this valueless, opaque, and impersonal hurt is something quite new.

In this way, pain has come to pose only a technical question for industrial man—what do I need to get in order to have my pain managed or killed? If the pain continues, the fault is not with the universe, God, my sins, or the devil, but with the medical system. Suffering is an expression of consumer demand for increased medical outputs. By becoming unnecessary, pain has become unbearable. With this attitude, it now seems rational to flee pain rather than to face it, even at the cost of addiction. It also seems reasonable to eliminate pain, even at the cost of health. It seems enlightened to deny legitimacy to all non-technical issues which pain raises, even at the cost of disarming the victims of residual pain. For a while it can be argued that the total pain anaesthetised in a society is greater than the totality of pain newly generated. But at some point, rising marginal disutilities set in. The new suffering is not only unmanageable, but it has lost its referential character. It has become meaningless, questionless torture. Only the recovery of the will and ability to suffer can restore health into pain.


Medical interventions have not affected total mortality-rates: at best they have shifted survival from one segment of the population to another. Dramatic changes in the nature of disease afflicting Western societies during the last 100 years are well documented. First industrialisation exacerbated infections, which then subsided. Tuberculosis peaked over a 50–75-year period and declined before either the tubercle bacillus had been discovered or anti-tuberculous programmes had been initiated. It was replaced in Britain and the U.S. by major malnutrition syndromes—rickets and pellagra—which peaked and declined, to be replaced by disease of early childhood, which in turn gave way to duodenal ulcers in young men. When that declined the modern epidemics took their toll—coronary heart-disease, hypertension, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, and mental disorders. At least in the U.S., death-rates from hypertensive heart-disease seem to be declining. Despite intensive research no connection between these changes in disease patterns can be attributed to the professional practice of medicine.

Neither decline in any of the major epidemics of killing diseases, nor major changes in the age structure of the population, nor falling and rising absenteeism at the workbench have been significantly related to sick care—even to immunisation. Medical services deserve neither credit for longevity nor blame for the threatening population pressure.

Longevity owes much more to the railroad and to the synthesis of fertilisers and insecticides than it owes to new drugs and syringes. Professional practice is both ineffective and increasingly sought out. This technically unwarranted rise of medical prestige can only be explained as a magical ritual for the achievement of goals which are beyond technical and political reach. It can be countered only through legislation and political action which favours the deprofessionalisation of health care.

The overwhelming majority of modern diagnostic and therapeutic interventions which demonstrably do more good than harm have two characteristics: the material resources for them are extremely cheap, and they can be packaged and designed for self-use or application by family members. The price of technology that is significantly health-furthering or curative in Canadian medicine is so low that the resources now squandered in India on modern medicine would suffice to make it available in the entire sub-continent. On the other hand, the skills needed for the application of the most generally used diagnostic and therapeutic aids are so simple that the careful observation of instruction by people who personally care would guarantee more effective and responsible use than medical practice can provide.

The deprofessionalisation of medicine does not imply and should not be read as implying negation of specialised healers, of competence, of mutual criticism, or of public control. It does imply a bias against mystification, against transnational dominance of one orthodox view, against disbarment of healers chosen by their patients but not certified by the guild. The deprofessionalisation of medicine does not mean denial of public funds for curative purposes, it does mean a bias against the disbursement of any such funds under the prescription and control of guild-members, rather than under the control of the consumer. Deprofessionalisation does not mean the elimination of modern medicine, nor obstacles to the invention of new ones, nor necessarily the return to ancient programmes, rituals, and devices. It means that no professional shall have the power to lavish on any one of his patients a package of curative resources larger than that which any other could claim on his own. Finally, the deprofessionalisation of medicine does not mean disregard for the special needs which people manifest at special moments of their lives; when they are born, break a leg, marry, give birth, become crippled, or face death. It only means that people have a right to live in an environment which is hospitable to them at such high points of experience.


The ultimate effect of medical Nemesis is the expropriation of death. In every society the image of death is the culturally conditioned anticipation of an uncertain date. This anticipation determines a series of behavioural norms during life and the structure of certain institutions.

Wherever modern medical civilisation has penetrated a traditional medical culture, a novel cultural ideal of death has been fostered. The new ideal spreads by means of technology and the professional ethos which corresponds to it.

In primitive societies death is always conceived as the intervention of an actor—an enemy, a witch, an ancestor, or a god. The Christian and the Islamic Middle Ages saw in each death the hand of God. Western death had no face until about 1420. The Western ideal of death which comes to all equally from natural causes is of quite recent origin. Only during the autumn of the Middle Ages death appears as a skeleton with power in its own right. Only during the 16th century, as an answer European peoples developed the “arte and crafte to knowe ye Will to Dye”. For the next three centuries peasant and noble, priest and whore, prepared themselves throughout life to preside at their own death. Foul death, bitter death, became the end rather than the goal of living. The idea that natural death should come only in healthy old age appeared only in the 18th century as a class-specific phenomenon of the bourgeois. The demand that doctors struggle against death and keep valetudinarians healthy has nothing to do with their ability to provide such service: Ariès has shown that the costly attempts to prolong life appear at first only among bankers whose power is compounded by the years they spend at a desk.

We cannot fully understand contemporary social organisation unless we see in it a multi-faceted exorcism of all forms of evil death. Our major institutions constitute a gigantic defence programme waged on behalf of “humanity” against all those people who can be associated with what is currently conceived of as death-dealing social injustice. Not only medical agencies, but welfare, international relief, and development programmes are enlisted in this struggle. Ideological bureaucracies of all colours join the crusade. Even war has been used to justify the defeat of those who are blamed for wanton tolerance of sickness and death. Producing “natural death” for all men is at the point of becoming an ultimate justification for social control. Under the influence of medical rituals contemporary death is again the rationale for a witch-hunt.


Rising irreparable damage accompanies industrial expansion in all sectors. In medicine these damages appear as iatrogenesis. Iatrogenesis can be direct, when pain, sickness, and death result from medical care; or it can be indirect, when health policies reinforce an industrial Organisation which generates ill-health: it can be structural when medically sponsored behaviour and delusion restrict the vital autonomy of people by undermining their competence in growing up, caring, ageing; or when it nullifies the personal challenge arising from their pain, disability, and anguish.

Most of the remedies proposed to reduce iatrogenesis are engineering interventions. They are therapeutically designed in their approach to the individual, the group, the institution, or the environment. These so-called remedies generate second-order iatrogenic ills by creating a new prejudice against the autonomy of the citizen.

The most profound iatrogenic effects of the medical technostructure result from its non-technical social functions. The sickening technical and non-technical consequences of the institutionalisation of medicine coalesce to generate a new kind of suffering—anaesthetised and solitary survival in a world-wide hospital ward.

Medical Nemesis cannot be operationally verified. Much less can it be measured. The intensity with which it is experienced depends on the independence, vitality, and relatedness of each individual. As a theoretical concept it is one component in a broad theory to explain the anomalies plaguing health-care systems in our day. It is a district aspect of an even more general phenomenon which I have called industrial Nemesis, the backlash of institutionally structured industrial hubris. This hubris consists of a disregard for the boundaries within which the human phenomenon remains viable. Current research is overwhelmingly oriented towards unattainable “breakthroughs”. What I have called counterfoil research is the disciplined analysis of the levels at which such reverberations must inevitably damage man.

The perception of enveloping Nemesis leads to a social choice. Either the natural boundaries of human endeavour are estimated, recognised, and translated into politically determined limits, or the alternative to extinction is compulsory survival in a planned and engineered Hell.

In several nations the public is ready for a review of its health-care system. The frustrations which have become manifest from private-enterprise systems and from socialised care have come to resemble each other frighteningly. The differences between the annoyances of the Russian, French, Americans, and English have become trivial. There is a serious danger that these evaluations will be performed within the coordinates set by post-cartesian illusions. In rich and poor countries the demand for reform of national health care is dominated by demands for equitable access to the wares of the guild, professional expansion and sub-professionalisation, and for more truth in the advertising of progress and lay-control of the temple of Tantalus. The public discussion of the health crisis could easily be used to channel even more power, prestige, and money to biomedical engineers and designers.

There is still time in the next few years to avoid a debate which would reinforce a frustrating system. The coming debate can be reoriented by making medical Nemesis the central issue. The explanation of Nemesis requires simultaneous assessment of both the technical and the non-technical side of medicine—and must focus on it as both industry and religion. The indictment of medicine as a form of institutional hubris exposes precisely those personal illusions which make the critic dependent on the health care.

The perception and comprehension of Nemesis has therefore the power of leading us to policies which could break the magic circle of complaints which now reinforce the dependence of the plaintiff on the health engineering and planning agencies whom he sues. Recognition of Nemesis can provide the catharsis to prepare for a non-violent revolution in our attitudes towards evil and pain. The alternative to a war against these ills is the search for the peace of the strong.

Health designates a process of adaptation. It is not the result of instinct, but of autonomous and live reaction to an experienced reality. It designates the ability to adapt to changing environments, to growing up and to ageing, to healing when damaged, to suffering and to the peaceful expectation of death. Health embraces the future as well, and therefore includes anguish and the inner resource to live with it.

Man’s consciously lived fragility, individuality, and relatedness make the experience of pain, of sickness, and of death an integral part of his life. The ability to cope with this trio in autonomy is fundamental to his health. To the degree to which he becomes dependent on the management of his intimacy he renounces his autonomy and his health must decline. The true miracle of modern medicine is diabolical. It consists of making not only individuals but whole populations survive on inhumanly low levels of personal health. That health should decline with increasing health-service delivery is unforeseen only by the health manager, precisely because his strategies are the result of his blindness to the inalienability of health.

The level of public health corresponds to the degree to which the means and responsibility for coping with illness are distributed amongst the total population. This ability to cope can be enhanced but never replaced by medical intervention in the lives of people or the hygienic characteristics of the environment. That society which can reduce professional intervention to the minimum will provide the best conditions for health. The greater the potential for autonomous adaptation to self and to others and to the environment, the less management of adaptation will be needed or tolerated.

The recovery of a health attitude towards sickness is neither Luddite nor Romantic nor Utopian: it is a guiding ideal which will never be fully achieved, which can be achieved with modern devices as never before in history, and which must orient politics to avoid encroaching Nemesis.

A review of modern alternatives to medical professionalism is in progress at the Center for International Documentation, APDO 479, Cuernavaca, Mexico. For information, write to Valentina Borremans.


  • * Abridged from a lecture given in Edinburgh on April 26 and in Nottingham on May 1, 1974. The lecture is based on the book Medical Nemesis, which is to be published this autumn by Calder and Boyars.


     Medicine: The Killing Fields  


segunda-feira, 11 de setembro de 2023

The Other 9/11 – Chilean Coup 50 Years On


Michel Chossudovsky
Originally published 11 September 2003

Half a century ago on September 11, 1973, the Chilean military led by General Augusto Pinochet, crushed the democratically elected Unidad Popular government of Salvador Allende.

The objective was to replace a progressive, democratically elected government by a brutal military dictatorship.

The military coup was supported by the CIA. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger played a direct role in the military plot.

In the weeks leading up the coup, US Ambassador Nathaniel Davis and members of the CIA held meetings with Chile’s top military brass together with the leaders of the National Party and the ultra-right nationalist front Patria y Libertad.  While the undercover role of the Nixon administration is amply documented,  what is rarely mentioned in media reports is the fact that the military coup was also supported by a sector of the Christian Democratic Party.

Patricio Aylwin, who was elected Chile’s president in 1989,  became head of the DC party in the months leading up to the September 1973 military coup (March through September 1973). Aylwin was largely instrumental in the break down of the “Dialogue” between the Unidad Popular government and the Christian Democrats. His predecessor Renan Fuentealba, who represented the moderate wing of the Christian Democratic Party (PDC), was firmly against military intervention. Fuentealba favored a dialogue with Allende (la salida democratica). He was displaced from the leadership of the Party in May 1973 in favor of Patricio Aylwin.

The DC Party was split down the middle, between those who favored “the salida democratica”, and the dominant Aylwin-Frei faction, which favored “a military solution”.

On 23 August, the Chilean Camera de Diputados drafted a motion,  to the effect that the Allende government “sought to impose a totalitarian regime”. Patricio Aylwin was a member of the drafting team of this motion. Patricio Aylwin believed that a temporary military dictatorship was “the lesser of two evils.”

This motion was adopted almost unanimously by the opposition parties, including the DC, the Partido Nacional and the PIR ( Radical Left).

The leadership of the Christian Democratic Party including former Chilean president Eduardo Frei, had given a green light to the Military. Unquestionably, US intelligence must have played an undercover role in the change of leadership in the PDC.

And continuity in the “Chilean Model” heralded as an “economic success story” was ensured when, 16 years later, Patricio Aylwin was elected president of Chile in the so-called transition to democracy in 1989.

At the time of the September 11 coup, I was Visiting Professor of Economics at the Catholic University of Chile (Instituto de Economia, Universidad Catolica de Chile. In the hours following the bombing of the Presidential Palace of La Moneda, the new military rulers imposed a 72-hour curfew.

When the university reopened several days later, I started patching together the history of the coup from written notes. I had lived through the tragic events of September 11, 1973 as well as the failed June 29, 1973 coup. Several of my students at the Universidad Catolica had been arrested by the military Junta.

In the days following the military takeover,  I started going through piles of documents and newspaper clippings, which I had collected on a daily basis since my arrival in Chile in early 1973. A large part of this material, however, was lost and destroyed by my research assistant, fearing political reprisals in the days following the coup.

This unpublished article was written 50 years ago (see below). It was drafted on an old typewriter in the weeks following September 11, 1973.

This original draft article plus two carbon copies were circulated among a few close friends and colleagues at the Catholic University. It was never published. For 30 years it lay in a box of documents at the bottom of a filing cabinet.

I have transcribed the text from the yellowed carbon copy draft [in 2003]. Apart from minor editing, I have made no changes to the original article.

The history of this period has since then been amply documented including the role of the Nixon administration and of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in the plot to assassinate Allende and install a military regime.

Chicago Economics: Neoliberal Dress Rehearsal of the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP)

The main objective of the US-supported military coup in Chile was ultimately to  impose the neoliberal economic agenda.  The latter, in the case of Chile, was not imposed by external creditors under the guidance of the IMF. “Regime change” was enforced  through a covert military intelligence operation, which laid the groundwork for the military coup. Sweeping macro-economic reforms (including privatization, price liberalization and the freeze of wages) were implemented in early October 1973.

Henry Kissinger & General Pinochet

Barely a few weeks after the military takeover, the military Junta headed by General Augusto Pinochet ordered a hike in the price of bread from 11 to 40 escudos, a hefty overnight increase of 264%. This “economic shock treatment” had been designed by a group of economists called the “Chicago Boys.”

While food prices had skyrocketed, wages had been frozen to ensure “economic stability and stave off inflationary pressures.”

From one day to the next, an entire country had been precipitated into abysmal poverty; in less than a year the price of bread in Chile increased thirty-six fold (3700%). Eighty-five percent of the Chilean population had been driven below the poverty line.

I completed my work on the “unpublished paper’ entitled “The Ingredients of a Military Coup” (see text below) in late September 1973.  In October and November, following the dramatic hikes in the price of food,  I drafted in Spanish an initial “technical” assessment of the Junta’s deadly macro-economic reforms entitled

La Medición del Ingreso Minimo de Subsistencia y la Politica de Ingresos para 1974′ .

Fearing censorship, I limited my analysis to the collapse of living standards in the wake of the Junta’s reforms, resulting from the price hikes of food and fuel, without making any kind of political analysis.

The Economics Institute of the Catholic University was initially reluctant to publish the report. They sent it to the Military Junta for its approval prior to its release.

I left Chile for Peru in December 1973. The report was released as a working paper (200 copies) by the Catholic University of Chile a few days after my departure.

In Peru, where I joined the Economics Department of the Catholic University of Peru, I was able to write up a more detailed study of the Junta’s neoliberal reforms and its ideological underpinnings. This study was published in 1975 in Spanish and English.

Needless to say, the events of September 11, 1973 also marked me profoundly in my work as an economist.

Through the tampering of prices, wages and interest rates, people’s lives had been destroyed; an entire national economy had been destabilized. Macro-economic reform was neither “neutral” –as claimed by the academic mainstream– nor separate from the broader process of social and political transformation.

I also started to understand the role of military-intelligence operations in support of what is usually described as a process of “economic restructuring”.

In my earlier writings on the Chilean military Junta, I looked upon the so-called “free market” reforms as a well-organized instrument of “economic repression.”

The Argentina March 1976 Coup d’Etat

Two years later, I returned to Latin America as a Visiting professor at the National University of Cordoba in the northern industrial heartland of Argentina under the auspices of an ILO project.

My stay coincided with the 1976 military coup d’État. It was “The Dirty War” . “La Guerra Sucia”.Tens of thousands of people were arrested; the “Desaparecidos” were assassinated. The military takeover in Argentina was “a carbon copy” of the CIA-led coup in Chile.

                                        Henry Kissinger and General Jorge Videla

And behind the massacres and human rights violations, “free market” reforms had also been prescribed, this time under the supervision of Argentina’s New York creditors.

The IMF’s deadly economic prescriptions under the “structural adjustment program” had not yet been officially launched. The experience of Chile and Argentina under the “Chicago boys” was “a dress rehearsal” of things to come.

David Rockefeller (Centre) meets up with General Jorge Videla and Finance Minister Martinez de Hoz

In due course, the economic bullets of the “free market system” were hitting country after country.

Since the onslaught of the debt crisis of the 1980s, the same IMF “economic medicine” has routinely been applied in more than 150 developing countries.

From my earlier work in Chile, Argentina and Peru, I started to investigate the global impacts of these reforms. Relentlessly feeding on poverty and economic dislocation, a New World Order was taking shape.

Originally published via Global Research. For further details, see Michel Chossudovsky, The Globalisation of Poverty and the New World Order, Second Edition, Global Research, 2003.

terça-feira, 5 de setembro de 2023

Finding New Treatment Solutions: Our Bio Photonic and Bio Electric Nature



Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
27 Jun 2023

The most common comments I see on my substack, is that I tell people all these terrible things about their blood, but what are the solutions?

People must understand that for complex new problems you must change your thinking about how to approach solutions. The one protocol cookie cutter approach does not work because people are unique and different. But you can change your paradigm of though so you can find novel treatment approaches. I want to explain why the research regarding the electrical properties of the blood are very important - the finding directly correlate with what measures need to be taken for solutions.

Let me explain.

In the research documented by Clifford Carnicom and myself, we have shown that the CDB/Hydrogel filaments are literally stealing electricity, hence life force from the body.

If you look at the work of Georges Lakhovsky described in his book “The Secret of Life” written in 1939, he understood life in a completely different way. Of course, because he cured all diseases his information was suppressed by the poisonous Rockefeller criminal FDA Pharma cartel that is still in charge of genocide and population slow kill to this day, as we are currently witnessing - all under the psy-op codename “Healthcare”.

He invented the multiple electrode radio lamp and he took out several patents for refining and improving sound reproductions, earpieces, double-lined loudspeakers filled with a mix of an oil fluid, gums in solutions with glycerine jelly. The resulting sounds did not suffer any impairment and had an acoustic with a richer range in its harmony of frequencies. Lakhovsky drew an analogy between acoustic waves and their harmonics, luminous waves, colours, electromagnetic waves which, although do not spread within the same media, spread through reflection, refraction and bear similarities to forces of induction, resonance and oscillation phenomena. He formed a hypothesis on the chemistry of the living: physical bodies, in their component parts, are vibratory supports whose oscillations are animated by radiating vibrating energies. Lakhovsky thought that the living cell is created by integrating the oscillatory phenomena of heat, light, electricity and magnetism, organic chemical corpuscles responding in varying degrees of manifestations, to the laws of exchange and interlinkages, resonances and inductions existing on earth, in the solar system and intergalactic space. This is Georges Lakhovsky's theory on the Origin of Life. He envisaged a number of beneficial applications for cellular vitality the stimulation of the human metabolism and agricultural, veterinary and medical adaptations by demonstrating the action of the oscillating circuits or Hertz' dipoles, of his radio cellular oscillator and later his Multiple Wave Oscillator.

I have worked with his multi wave oscillator, Tesla technology, Light Therapy and have studied the physics applicable to many other healing devices. I have understood that his approach is in fact key to anti- aging and it can be applied to the accelerated aging situation we are now in. We are being attacked in our electromagnetic beingness, which means by understanding our nature as such, we can also combat the assault and regenerate us.

In my book Light Medicine, A New Paradigm, The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity, I explain that to regenerate the bioelectric field, you can give molecules that give off light or electricity, or use other means like light, sound, scalar waves to enhance cellular function. Lakhovsky was able to cure cancer and all diseases by viewing cells from an electric perspective. This definition is brilliant:

He discussed that the elements of the cell, operate just like an oscillating electrical circuit literally creating AC- alternating current:

The reason this is so important to understand is because we are being attacked from an oscillating electromagnetic field on a nano scale. The most recent paper by Clifford and myself, shows that the blood of the C19 vaccinated has a different electromagnetic response in the extremely low frequency range. That is the range in which these cellular oscillation take place, hence it is evidence that indeed the C19 injected are being remote controlled for many different disease inducing purposes and mind control. We have also shown that the electrical conductivity in human blood is significantly decreased. Remember how Lakhovsky said bacterial “radiations” override natural cellular radiations until they kill the host. Now replace bacterial for nanotechnological. You get the same result. Radiation is the bio photonic light emission of all cellular components. When electrons get excited the photons in their orbit jump, hence a photon or light is emitted. In essence light and electricity can be used interchangeably.

If you are looking for a solution, you have to also look at the oscillating circuitry and regenerate 1. the oscillation and 2. the alternating current generated.

You can help regenerate the cellular control system with scalar technology which operates in a sense as a scaler interferometry. Your brain is a scalar interferometer, it processes information that way.

To regenerate the alternating current you give molecules with high electrical properties. Anti oxidant in essence means giver of electricity. Research studies have shown, that you can predict the anti oxidant power of herbal supplement by measuring their capacity of producing an electrical current, which is what we need to regenerate the body:

A New Approach for Predicting Antioxidant Property of Herbal Extracts

This study was conducted in order to determine if the herbal extract having antioxidant property. The major principle is to find out if there is any relationship between electrical current conductivity and antioxidant property of the ten Malaysian medicinal plants. The results show that all the extracts have significant amount of electrical conductivity ranging from (0.06 – 0.12 Ω·cm). All the extracts consist of high antioxidant property and that these extracts contain abundant amount of elements. This study found that there is a relationship between the electrical current conductivity and the antioxidant property. This introduces a possible new tool, which is electrical current conductivity as a predictor for the antioxidant property.

Now the next step is looking at all anti aging pathways. They are all activated by giving electricity. Most scientists got the idea that you have to figure out every little effect one supplement has. You don’t have to if you understand that we are a biphotonic light field. Coherence ( high electricity) means health, incoherence (low electricity) means disease. High coherence or electricity upregulates health promoting genes, low coherence or electricity upregulates disease promoting pathways.

Every single molecule in this article is an electron donor. I have checked. I also looked at the molecules and their light spectroscopy and many have side chains that emit in the ultraviolet range, meaning high light frequency, inducing health.



Ageing, an unanswered question in the medical field, is a multifactorial process that results in a progressive functional decline in cells, tissues and organisms. Although it is impossible to prevent ageing, slowing down the rate of ageing is entirely possible to achieve. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is characterized by the nourishing of life and its role in anti-ageing is getting more and more attention. This article summarizes the work done on the natural products from TCM that are reported to have antiageing effects, in the past two decades. The effective anti-ageing ingredients identified can be generally divided into flavonoids, saponins, polysaccharides, alkaloids and others. Astragaloside, Cistanche tubulosa acteoside, icariin, tetrahydrocurcumin, quercetin, butein, berberine, catechin, curcumin, epigallocatechin gallate, gastrodin, 6-Gingerol, glaucarubinone, ginsenoside Rg1, luteolin, icarisid II, naringenin, resveratrol, theaflavin, carnosic acid, catalpol, chrysophanol, cycloastragenol, emodin, galangin, echinacoside, ferulic acid, huperzine, honokiol, isoliensinine, phycocyanin, proanthocyanidins, rosmarinic acid, oxymatrine, piceid, puerarin and salvianolic acid B are specified in this review. Simultaneously, chemical structures of the monomers with antiageing activities are listed, and their source, model, efficacy and mechanism are also described. The TCMs with anti-ageing function are classified according to their action pathways, including the telomere and telomerase, the sirtuins, the mammalian target of rapamycin, AMP-activated kinase and insulin/insulin-like growth factor-1 signalling pathway, free radicals scavenging and the resistance to DNA damage. Finally, Chinese compound prescription and extracts related to anti-ageing are introduced, which provides the basis and the direction for the further development of novel and potential drugs.

Our DNA acts like a wire, even Caltech has re-discovered that:

Electrons use DNA like a wire for signaling DNA replication

In the early 1990s, Jacqueline Barton, the John G. Kirkwood and Arthur A. Noyes Professor of Chemistry at Caltech, discovered an unexpected property of DNA—that it can act like an electrical wire to transfer electrons quickly across long distances.

Later, she and her colleagues showed that cells take advantage of this trait to help locate and repair potentially harmful mutations to DNA.

Now, Barton's lab has shown that this wire-like property of DNA is also involved in a different critical cellular function: replicating DNA. When cells divide and replicate themselves in our bodies—for example in the brain, heart, bone marrow, and fingernails—the double-stranded helix of DNA is copied. DNA also copies itself in reproductive cells that are passed on to progeny.

Did you understand what she said? You can repair DNA mutations with an electrical current.


How about this - instead of going to get hormone pellets put into your buttocks, or get enormous hormone doses from a functional doctor, why not regenerate the hormones with electricity? Dr Nikola Gethoff from Vienna shows us how its done with Ascorbic Acid, good old Vitamin C:

Photo-induced regeneration of hormones by electron transfer processes: Potential biological and medical consequences

Based on the previous results concerning electron transfer processes in biological substances, it was of interest to investigate if hormone transients resulting by e.g. electron emission can be regenerated.

The presented results prove for the first time that the hormone transients originating by the electron emission process can be successfully regenerated by the transfer of electrons from a potent electron donor, such as vitamin C (VitC). Investigations were performed using progesterone (PRG), testosterone (TES) and estrone (E1) as representatives of hormones. By irradiation with monochromatic UV light (λ=254 nm) in a media of 40% water and 60% ethanol, the degradation as well as the regeneration of the hormones was studied with each hormone individually and in the mixture with VitC as a function of the absorbed UV dose, using HPLC. Calculated from the obtained initial yields, the determined regeneration of PRG amounted to 52.7%, for TES to 58.6% and for E1 to 90.9%. The consumption of VitC was determined in the same way.

The reported results concerning the regeneration of hormones by the transfer of electrons from an electron donor offer a new, promising method for the therapy with hormones. As a consequence of the regeneration of hormones, a decreased formation of carcinogenic metabolites is expected.

Yes, Vitamin C makes your hormones younger and because they have your own frequency and their helical spin gets regenerated, they no longer cause cancer. Vitamin C is such a cheap wonderful miracle, you just have to listen to Linus Pauling to get the doses right.


If something is stealing your life force, you have to give it back to regenerate the body. That can be done with the right doses of molecules that give off electrical currents in the body. I have extensively researched the subject and described it in my book. Solutions are all around us, once we understand that we are bio photonic Light Beings or electromagnetic life fields, whichever language you prefer.

I hope I said this simple enough. Life is electric. These is always hope, but the reason why we need to study the problem is because only then can we understand the new paradigms of solutions. I have to tell people in what terrible shape humanity is, and how bad the assault is, because only when we know what we are dealing with can we begin to design a path forward. Science is not intrinsically bad. We must have scientists however who cherish the life force in all things, and have the wisdom of spiritual understanding. Without honoring life, the inevitable path of soulless science lies only the power of destruction. Without wisdom, virtue and love for life, science can be and has been - weaponized for human extinction. 



domingo, 3 de setembro de 2023

What to Do When COVID Tyranny Returns


Jeff Thomas

Recently, a colleague commented: “I am still truly angry about what happened to me and my family because of our refusal to take the vaccine in this country [Canada]. I never believed Nazi Germany was possible again until covid. And now I KNOW it is possible and likely WILL happen again…only next time the gloves will be off, and there will be nowhere to hide.”

He’s correct in each of his points.

First, there can be no question that the COVID scam was used to create tyranny in globalist countries. Although the other countries overreacted, there is mixed evidence as to whether their leaders sought tyranny or whether they were just trying to exercise caution by copying the policies imposed in the globalist countries. Therefore, the level of actual force by governments varied.

Second, the globalist First World countries introduced a joint programme that was akin to the Nazi effort beginning with Kristallnacht, and there can be little doubt that this was intentional – a campaign to manufacture irrational fear and demand obedience far beyond what might have been necessary for a mere virus.

Third, whether the globalists intend to revisit COVID with a further viral “emergency” or not, that’s not really the point. COVID was a highly successful dry run into tyranny. Whether the next emergency is to be justified by a virus, warfare, or economic collapse, is immaterial. The implementation of globalism requires tyranny to succeed, and the clock is ticking on the next excuse for a lockdown.

Not surprising, then, that those who recognise that a further, more all-encompassing tyranny is on the way are likely to ask, “Where do I go? Will I be caught out, no matter where I am? If so, why not just stay where I am?”

Now that the dust has settled on the COVID scam, the answer to this quandary may be found by looking back on how COVID played out in a variety of locations around the globe. Was the outcome uniform? Or did it vary? And if the latter, was this significant enough that I owe it to my family to relocate before the next wave of tyranny is on our doorstep?”

Having tracked the behaviour in dozens of countries during and following COVID, my first observation is that there were unquestionably layers of tyranny. It became clear over time that there was a coordinated push in the First World globalist countries (the US, UK, EU, Canada, Australia, Japan, and New Zealand) – a verifiable effort to impose uniform restrictions, with uniform rhetoric by the media to back up the oppression.

This was less so in other countries. Those closest to the globalist countries tended to mimic their policies without seeming to do so with zeal. There was a mood of “We don’t understand any of this, but we want to be safe. Tell us what to do.”

Those who are the least attached to the globalist countries, either through trade or culture, tended to deviate even more from globalist diktat, in some cases defying it.

In this regard, it became clear that each country that was not fully invested in the globalist cabal tended to react in keeping with their respective cultures.

The US was, predictably, the spearhead for globalist mandates. Self-absorbed crusaders came out in force, as they do over every issue, making the US one of the worst places to be. Not only were people pressured to get each vaccination, regardless of a lack of evidence of effectiveness. Shaming of those who were unvaccinated peaked in the US, with a campaign that emphasized a Gestapo-like “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated.”

We saw something similar in the closest allies of the US – the other countries listed above.

However, the further out we ventured from the globalist centre, the more each nation reacted in accordance with its natural culture rather than with globalist diktat.

In Thailand, an orderly programme was created that most people complied with, yet there was a minimal push for greater controls. This was not surprising, as in Thailand, most people take up what the government puts in place, and the rest are on their own. There’s nothing in the limited national budget to pursue them. Thailand was, therefore, a good country to simply not take part in the imported hysteria.

Similarly, in Uruguay, most people observe a high degree of compliance with their minimally-corrupt government. Most people, therefore, went along with vaccinations, and Uruguay was one of the most highly vaxxed countries in the Americas. But Uruguayans have a strong distaste for meddling in the private affairs of others. Therefore, even with a high level of vaxxing, very few people would have the bad manners to question their neighbours as to whether they’d been jabbed, so Uruguay became a good country to live – to fly under the vaccine radar, unvaccinated.

Not ideal, but I’d settle for that.

In the Cayman Islands, people have always expected newcomers to come in with a good bill of health or stay away, but they will vote out any politicians who dictate to Caymanians. As a result, Cayman’s government shut down tourism for a year, but no politician dared to suggest a vaccine mandate for locals for fear of losing office. (The expats were the only people attempting to shame those who didn’t get vaxxed.)

Again, not ideal, but workable.

In Mexico, the populace has a long history of distrust of authority and is inclined to defy the central government at the drop of a hat. Consequently, the Mexican Government allowed its people access to all vaccines and traditional treatments, such as Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, but made no edicts about their use. There were no mandates of any kind and, in fact, no testing required, even for travelers in and out of the country.

Mexico ended up being the freest country in the Americas regarding COVID.

COVID was a dry run for globalism. Those who managed to avoid the vax dodged a bullet, but, like my colleague in the opening paragraph, they were left with the understanding that, while the COVID scare may be over, the intent of globalists to impose tyranny is not. COVID was merely a dry run – a Kristallnacht that’s the first installment in a plan for all-encompassing tyranny.

As troubling as this realisation is, we can benefit from it by understanding that while the tentacles of globalism do seek to dominate all corners of the globe, they’re less effective than they’d like to be. The world at large does not perform uniformly to the globalist edict.

It matters little whether we see another manufactured viral emergency or whether the next globalist attempt at dominance is justified by unnecessary warfare or by a now-overdue First World economic collapse. The COVID scam has revealed that the worst place to be in a crisis is right at the centre of the storm – the First World.

Interestingly, Uruguay sat out two world wars and the Great Depression almost totally unaffected – they simply didn’t participate, and the country bypassed all three crises. In the colonialist period, attempts were made to colonise nearly every country in southeast Asia, yet Thailand was passed by. As such, to this day, Thais tend to ignore the edicts of the West more than any other Asian nation. Good to know.

There’s no perfect place in the world, but there are locations where the odds of being victimised by the latest Hitler, Robespierre, Idi Amin, etc., are considerably less.

Regardless of the comfort of the familiarity of our birth country, if it’s a First World country, we’re located in the centre of the storm that’s now underway.

If we establish a bolt-hole in another country, our environment will surely change. There may be no Starbucks. There may be no baseball game to watch. But there’s the likelihood that we can provide ourselves and our families with a greater possibility of a continued quality of life than by remaining in a location where a significant decline in freedoms is a near-certainty.

Editor’s Note: Unfortunately, most people have no idea what really happens when a government goes out of control, let alone how to prepare…

The coming economic and political collapse is going to be much worse, much longer, and very different than what we’ve seen in the past.

That’s exactly why New York Times best-selling author Doug Casey and his team just released an urgent guide that will show you exactly how to prepare. Click here to download the PDF now.


sábado, 2 de setembro de 2023

The Chlorine Dioxide Controversy


Stephanie Seneff, PhD

January 22, 2021

Chlorine dioxide (CD) is a strong oxidizing agent that has found many applications in wastewater treat­ment and food disinfection. It is popular among campers as a way to disinfect water taken from a lake or stream prior to using it as drinking water. In recent years, it has become a popular treatment choice among alternative medicine specialists for various diseases and conditions, despite the fact that the mainstream medical establishment has come down very hard against it. To say that it is con­troversial would be an understatement.

A gas at room temperature, chlorine dioxide is highly soluble in water. It is made by mixing 28 percent sodium chlorite solution with an acid such as citric acid or hydrochloric acid. With its very simple molecular structure (one chlorine atom and two oxygen atoms), CD spontaneously breaks down into hypochlorite and superoxide. These two molecules are very commonly produced by living cells, particularly by immune cells in response to an infection.

Jim Humble, originally trained as an aero­space engineer, is the person most responsible for bringing to light the many special benefits of CD. While using CD as a water-treatment solu­tion during a gold mining expedition in South America, he made a serendipitous discovery. He observed that CD quickly restored health to victims of malaria, evidence of CD’s apparent ability to strengthen the immune cell response to infection. Intrigued by this success story, he became completely committed to sharing his discovery with the world, and to exploring CD’s benefits in treating other diseases. This became for him a lifetime obsession.

On the first page of one of his books on CD, Jim Humble “humbly” claims that CD is recommended as a treatment for a wide range of diseases. These include “cancer, diabetes, hepa­titis A, B and C, Lyme disease, MRSA, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, HIV/AIDS, malaria, autism, infections of all kinds, arthritis, acid reflux, kidney or liver disease, aches and pains, allergies, urinary tract infections, diges­tive problems, high blood pressure, obesity, parasites, tumors and cysts, depression, sinus problems, eye disease, ear infections, dengue fever, skin problems, dental issues, problems with prostate (high PSA), erectile dysfunction, and many others.”1

Many of these diseases have been linked to glyphosate exposure, either because their rate is rising alarmingly in lockstep with the rise in glyphosate usage or because glycine dysfunction in particular proteins could cause the diseases. Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the herbi­cide Roundup, which conventional agriculture uses liberally on crops to control weeds and as a desiccant; as a result, it is a widespread contaminant in our food supply. I have written extensively on the idea that glyphosate, acting as a glycine analogue, might be getting inserted into proteins during protein synthesis by mis­take in place of the coding amino acid glycine.2,3 If this is true, it would explain the stunning correlations that are found between glyphosate usage on core crops and the rise in prevalence of many of these debilitating diseases.4


Kerri Rivera is the mother of an autistic child. Like many other parents of autistic chil­dren, she was desperate to find a way to improve her child’s autistic symptoms. She spent over a million dollars trying to find a treatment that would work to heal her son. She was sufficiently impressed with the improvements she witnessed following CD treatment that she decided to become actively involved in promoting the idea that it might be useful for autism.

Kerri has developed a protocol to treat autism that includes various nutritional supple­ments (such as chondroitin sulfate and vitamin D) and a modified ketogenic diet that eliminates gluten and casein. Although the protocol can also include a number of other components— anti-parasitic medications, humic and fulvic acid, black seed oil, digestive enzymes, binders, thyroid supplements, ionic foot baths and hy­perbaric oxygen—she believes that an essential aspect is the idea of frequent tiny doses of CD throughout the day.5

Kerri uses a questionnaire called the Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) as a metric of progress.6 A high score means more severe autism, and a score under ten indicates that the child is not autistic. She has helped thousands of children. Over six hundred chil­dren have had their autism completely reversed through Kerri’s protocol (meaning they achieved a score of under ten); she maintains that chlorine dioxide is the key to this success. Kerri refers to CD as an “inexpensive, broad spectrum, gentle anti-pathogenic.” I am not aware of any other practitioners who have been able to achieve such dramatic results in treating autism. Some of Kerri’s patients have parents who refuse to use chlorine dioxide due to the controversy surrounding it; none of those children have had their autism successfully reversed. Predictably, the mainstream media have tried hard to dis­credit her work, and Amazon even removed her book, Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism.7

My hunch is that CD is a miracle worker in part due to its ability to break down glyphosate nonenzymatically. If small doses are taken throughout the day, the hope is that natural mechanisms in place to detoxify hypochlorite (into which CD breaks down) can keep pace with exposure levels, such that it never causes sufficient harm to lead to permanent damage.


Paracelsus presciently wrote in the 1500s: “The body possesses the high art of wrecking but also restoring health. . . . Poison is in ev­erything, and no thing is without poison. The dosage makes it either a poison or a remedy.” This is an apt remark regarding chlorine dioxide therapy and also ozone therapy. Alternative medicine specialists find ozone therapy to be useful in treating infected wounds as well as a number of difficult diseases, such as circula­tory disorders, geriatric conditions, macular degeneration, viral diseases, rheumatism and arthritis, cancer, severe acute respiratory syn­drome (SARS) and AIDS.8 Ozone has been used in medicine for at least one hundred fifty years, but—probably because like chlorine dioxide it is inexpensive and not patentable—the medical establishment likes to play up the risks and play down the benefits.

Both ozone and chlorine dioxide are oxi­dizing agents, and, as such can cause oxidative damage. However, both are also powerful antimicrobial agents and perhaps more impor­tantly, both are able to break down glyphosate nonenzymatically.9,10 Both are commonly used in water treatment plants as disinfectants. This is very fortunate from the standpoint of glyphosate contamination; I suspect that we would have had a much bigger problem with glyphosate expo­sure through the water supply if this was not the case. Chlorine dioxide can be purchased without prescription to be used for purifying lake water or river water for safe drinking while camping in the wilderness.

Glyphosate was likely an important con­tributor to the catastrophic failure of the water supply in Flint, Michigan, where dangerously high levels of lead were found in the drinking water.11 This occurred during a period when the water supply was temporarily diverted to a river source, and the river ran through agricultural areas where glyphosate was routinely used on GMO crops. A water treatment plant that had been in disrepair was hastily brought back into action before it had been properly refurbished. I suspect this meant that significant levels of glyphosate remained in the water. Notably, glyphosate was first patented as a pipe clean­ing chemical due to its ability to strip metals from pipes. Although this has not been properly researched and therefore remains speculative, I believe it is possible that there were high levels of glyphosate in the water that ran through the lead pipes supplying water to Flint, and this caused much more of the lead to be stripped off of the pipes into the water.

The medical establishment maintains that chlorine dioxide—a simple, inexpensive, non­patentable molecule—is a dangerous substance that should never be used in medicine. However, this is a gross exaggeration. Oxygen is highly reactive as well, but that does not mean that we advise people not to breathe.


Chlorine is superior to chlorine dioxide in breaking down glyphosate, but chlorine is definitely too toxic to take medicinally. Chlo­rine also reacts with organic matter to produce highly toxic chlorinated products, whereas chlo­rine dioxide does not. In fact, chlorine dioxide has very different chemical properties than pure chlorine. CD preferentially oxidizes sulfur in sulfur-containing molecules.12 This could be highly beneficial in overcoming deficiencies in sulfite oxidase, due either to genetic defects or toxic chemical exposures such as glyphosate.

Hypochlorite (one of CD’s breakdown prod­ucts) reacts with the sulfur-containing amino acid taurine to produce taurine chloramine. Taurine is generally considered to be inert, but taurine chloramine is capable of getting oxi­dized to sulfate, particularly with the help of gut microbes. Thus, it is possible that CD enhances the bioavailability of sulfate to the body through this mechanism. I have written several papers arguing that sulfate deficiency is a common problem associated with many diseases, most notably with autism. I have proposed that tau­rine, which is stored in large quantities in the brain, heart and liver, may be serving as a buffer for supplying sulfate, mediated by hypochlorite, when sulfate levels drop too low.13

Both hypochlorite and superoxide (another CD breakdown product) are common oxidizing agents naturally produced by immune cells in their fight against pathogens. Thus CD enables the immune cells to be more effective in fighting pathogens in the gut. CD may also be a source of chloride to help the stomach maintain an acid pH. The parietal cells in the stomach release hydrochloric acid through chloride channels to maintain acidity. Insufficient stomach acid re­sults in impaired ability to metabolize proteins, leading to autoimmune disease.


Risperidone (brand name Risperdal) is an atypical antipsychotic drug prescribed to treat aggressiveness and irritability associated with schizophrenia and mania associated with bipolar disorder. In 2006, the drug was approved for use to treat similar symptoms associated with autism. Its manufacturer, Johnson & Johnson, is now facing over thirteen thousand lawsuits based on severe side effects of Risperdal.

Most striking is its ability to induce the growth of breasts in males (gynecomastia), but it also causes an increased risk to hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) and diabetes, seizures and tardive dyskinesia (uncontrollable spontaneous movements), among other unwanted effects. Elderly patients are at increased risk to cere­brovascular events, stroke and death. A lawsuit in Philadelphia led to a jury decision to award the plaintiff, Nicholas Murray, eight billion dol­lars, including punitive damages.14 Nicholas has autism and was originally prescribed Risperdal to treat sleep disorder in 2003.

Risperidone and aripiprazole (Abilify), both atypical antipsychotics, are the only drugs approved for treating the symptoms of autism. I downloaded data available from the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) website, just for the year 2017, to compare side effects for these antipsychotic drugs and for chlorine dioxide. In 2017 alone, there were 22,759 events where risperidone was listed as the primary drug responsible for the reactions, and another 10,736 events where Abilify was listed as primary. There were only three cases where chlorine dioxide was mentioned at all as one of the drugs being taken, and it was never listed as primary.

I gathered more detailed information for ris­peridone, focusing on the fourth quarter of 2017. In just three months, from October through December of 2017, there were 3,216 cases where gynecomastia was reported; 450 cases reporting weight gain; 75 cases of galactorrhoea (exces­sive or inappropriate production of milk); 69 attempted suicides, of which 29 were successful; 37 cases with fatigue; 20 involving cardiac or respiratory arrest; 20 reporting tachycardia; 19 cases of neuroleptic malignant syndrome (a life-threatening reaction); 19 cases of acute kidney injury; and 15 cases of coma.

These antipsychotic drugs are being widely prescribed to autistic children. A study published in 2013, involving over thirty-three thousand children with autism, found that 64 percent of them had been prescribed at least one psychotropic medication, with 35 percent taking more than one psych drug concurrently.15 Clearly, the hype in the media arguing against chlorine dioxide is way out of line in the face of these adverse reactions to pharmaceutical drugs commonly prescribed for autism.


CD is a powerful oxidizing agent. This can be beneficial, not only for keeping patho­gens in check but also for breaking down toxic chemicals and for oxidizing sulfur to produce sulfate. Clinicians treating children with autism have found that CD has an amazing ability to reverse autism. I know of no other medicine that can claim such an extraordinary effect. It makes sense to me that it would be useful for autism, because I have identified sulfate deficiency and glyphosate toxicity, as well as gut dysbiosis due to an overgrowth of pathogens, as all being features of autism.

An important thing to keep in mind is that it is necessary to administer small doses at fre­quent intervals throughout the day. In this way, the dose is never high enough to cause oxida­tive damage because antioxidant defenses can keep up with production of reactive molecules. CD’s ability to treat malaria suggests that it might also be of benefit in treating Covid-19. It is intriguing that hydroxychloroquine, another chlorine-containing molecule that is commonly used to treat malaria, has shown promise in treating Covid-19.16



  1. Humble J, Lloyd C. MMS Health Recovery Guidebook (first edition). James V. Humble; 2016.
  2. Samsel A, Seneff S. Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases V: Amino acid ana­logue of glycine in diverse proteins. Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry. 2016;16:9-46.
  3. Seneff S, Morley WA, Hadden MJ, Michener MC. Does glyphosate acting as a glycine analogue contribute to ALS? Journal of Bioinformatics, Proteomics and Imaging Analysis. 2016;2(3):1-21.
  4. Swanson N, Leu A, Abrahamson J, Wallet B. Genetically engineered crops, glypho­sate and the deterioration of health in the United States of America. Journal of Organic Systems. 2014;9:6-37.
  5. Thomas JP. Autism can be cured – How to use the chlorine dioxide protocol to recover broken lives. Retrieved November 11, 2019 from
  6. Rimland B, Edelson SM. Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC). Autism Research Institute. Retrieved October 20, 2019 from
  7. Rivera K, McDaniel K, Bender D, Humble JV, Kalcker A, Ruggiero M, Sands RL. Healing the Symptoms Known as Autism (second edition). AutismO2l; 2014.
  8. Elvis AM, Ekta JS. Ozone therapy: a clinical review. J Nat Sci Biol Med. 2011;2(1):66-70.
  9. Assalin MR, De Moraes SG, Queiroz SCN, Ferracini VL, Duran N. Studies on degradation of glyphosate by several oxidative chemical processes: ozonation, photolysis and heterogeneous photocatalysis. J En­viron Sci Health B. 2010;45(1):89-94.
  10. Mehrsheikh A, Bleeke M, Brosillon S, Laplanche A, Roche P. Investigation of the mechanism of chlorina­tion of glyphosate and glycine in water. Water Res. 2006;40(16):3003-3014.
  11. Teller M. Lead in the water: Flint’s cautionary tale. Wise Traditions, Spring 2016;17(2).
  12. Kutchin AV, Rubtsova SA, Lezina OM et al. Studies on oxidative transformations of thiols, sulfides and alcohols in the presence of chlorine dioxide. Pure and Applied Chemistry. 2017;89(10).
  13. Seneff S, Lauritzen A, Davidson RM, Lentz-Marino L. Is encephalopathy a mechanism to renew sulfate in autism? Entropy. 2013;15:372-406.
  14. Mundy J. Has J&J lost its way? LawyersandSettle­ October 25, 2019. Retrieved October 30, 2019 from
  15. Spencer D, Marshall J, Post B et al. Psychotropic med­ication use and polypharmacy in children with autism spectrum disorders. Pediatrics. 2013;132(5):833-840.
  16. Risch HA. The key to defeating COVID-19 al­ready exists. We need to start using it. Newsweek, July 23, 2020. Retrieved September 25, 2020 from­ion-1519535.

This article appeared in Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Winter 2020


 Chlorine Dioxide, the Universal Remedy that Drug Companies Hate   
