segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2022

Macron’s Apocalyptic Declaration: ‘We Are Living the End of Abundance’


El American Newsroom Español
24 August 22

French President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday opened the first Council of Ministers after the summer vacations on a grave note in the face of the economic, energy and social challenges facing the country, and warned that “the end of abundance” has arrived.

“I think we are witnessing a great upheaval, a radical change. Basically, what we are experiencing is the end of abundance, of liquidity without cost,” said Macron, breaking with his conventional optimism and the slogan of “whatever it takes” that he had raised during the pandemic, when the State came to the rescue of entrepreneurs and citizens at the cost of public spending.

For Macron, the scarcity of certain raw materials or water is on the table and measures will have to be taken.

“It is also the end of evidences. Democracy, human rights. If anyone thought it was the fate of the international order, the last few years have blown up some evidence,” he said in reference to the rise of authoritarian regimes.

The French leader considered that the war in Ukraine has brought to Europe “the end of carelessness”.

After the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, with the shadow of inflation hanging over the global economy and the risk of recession in Europe.




Canadian Court rules child can't be forcibly vaccinated



A 12-year old schoolgirl who objected to being vaccinated against COVID-19 cannot be forced to take it, a Peterborough, Ontario judge has ruled.

“The science relating to COVID-19 is developing,” wrote Justice Christopher Corkery of Ontario Superior Court. “The ‘facts’ are changing.”

According to Blacklock's Reporter, the decision came in a family court dispute. The girl’s unidentified father filed a motion with the Court compelling his ex-wife to have the girl vaccinated before the start of the school year. “It’s keeping everyone in our community safe,” the father told the Court. “It’s keeping you safe."

The schoolgirl described as an A-student wrote in an email submitted to the court stating she did not want to get vaccinated. Her reasons included data suggesting “people who have received both shots and the booster are still getting COVID” and that “she heard from friends that their doctors are advising that children not get vaccinated.”

“This is my final decision,” wrote the girl. “I do not want the vaccine. I hope my wishes will be respected.” The Court was told the girl’s mother “is not against the COVID-19 vaccine but is not prepared to force her daughter to be vaccinated against her will.”

Justice Corkery ruled he could not mandate vaccination. “I am satisfied she is able to reasonably form her own opinions,” he wrote.

“What are the health implications if children receive the current vaccine but skip some or all of the boosters?” said Corkery. “What future COVID variant will boosters guard against?”

“These are all valid questions requiring answers which are currently unavailable. It is improper for the Court to pre-determine future medical treatments at unknown times, in unknown circumstances.”

“Does safe mean there are no side effects?” wrote Justice Corkery. “Is the vaccine effective in protecting her from contracting COVID-19, from spreading it, from dying from it, from severity of symptoms? As with informed consent there are many factors that must be carefully considered in weighing risks and benefits.”

“Requiring her to be vaccinated against her will would not respect her physical, emotional and psychological safety, security and well-being but would in fact put her at risk of serious emotional and psychological harm,” the Court concluded: “It is not in her best interest.”

The Public Health Agency of Canada has not endorsed vaccine mandates for patients of any age. “We know parents who are unvaccinated,” Dr. Theresa Tam, chief public health officer, told reporters last November 19. “It’s probably going to be quite difficult to convince them their kids need to be vaccinated.”



quarta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2022

Can "environmental consciousness" be a threat to the global ecosystem?


(Image: ejaugsburg via Pixabay)

The modern conservation mindset is based on a misconception. According to environmental journalist Michelle Nijhuis, environmentalism is a nostalgic enterprise for wanting to achieve a human-free state that has long since ceased to exist.

Carolina Avendano
July 2nd, 2022

Up to 21 percent of all land on Earth is ecologically intact due to the conservation practices of indigenous peoples and the local communities that inhabit these areas, according to the 2021 report by the ICCA indigenous rights organisation. The modern conservationist mindset falls short in failing to recognise that the land depends upon its indigenous communities. It does not need to be protected from them.

If protected areas overseen by different national efforts amount to 14 percent of the global territory, according to the ICCA report mentioned above, then indigenous and local communities conserve ecosystems at a rate of 50 percent more than national parks and nature sanctuaries do.

A biodiversity study showed that the biodiversity of indigenous-managed lands equaled – and often exceeded – that of protected areas in Australia, Brazil and Canada; while other research found that the rate of loss of intact forest landscapes is significantly lower in indigenous peoples' territories than in other lands.

The role of indigenous peoples in conservation 

A territory is said to be traditionally occupied if a population has inhabited and interacted with its environment for at least several centuries. The ICCA estimates that about 32 percent of global land is occupied in this way. But what is the criteria for these areas to be considered "in good ecological condition" by the UN World Conservation Monitoring Center?

Indigenous cultures have always been characterized by rich cultures and traditions. Although each community is unique, they generally share a common belief based on the unity of man with nature, in which the environment is sacred and humanity is naturally part of it.

It is common among Aboriginal groups to have a view of nature imbued with cultural and spiritual meaning. (Image: StockSnap via Pixabay)

In their daily activities, the indigenous people ensure a balance with the environment so that it continues to provide them with water, food, shelter and the medicines they need to survive. These practices that have been transmitted in the form of traditional knowledge.

The Awá tribe in Brazil can distinguish 31 species of honey bees. In fact, protecting bees is one of their priorities. The natives understand that bees are essential for the pollination of plants, which promotes the biodiversity of the ecosystem's flora and ensures food sources for both humans and animals.

To preserve the biodiversity of an ecosystem, indigenous and local communities have long used controlled fires and grazing to regulate crop rotations and restrict the growth of invasive species.

Controlled burning is practiced to maintain the health of a forest. Burned materials include dead grass and trees, fallen branches, and dense brush. (Image: YIvers via Pixabay)

This is popular with Solegas in India, who use the garbage fire regimen to prevent the invasive Lantana camara plant from outcompeting other native plants and becoming a danger to animals. 

Everything in moderation 

While most Aboriginal communities hunt for survival, they do so sustainably. Members of the Baka tribe in Cameroon and Gabon never hunt young animals, thus allowing the species to reproduce.

Communities like the San group in southern Africa hunt animals using handmade weapons, mainly a bow with poisoned arrows. According to Robert K. Hitchcock, a research professor at the University of New Mexico, a tribesman who has been successful several times in a row will stop hunting for a period of time.

   San men ready to hunt. (Image: Internet Archive Book Images via Wikimedia Commons)

Similarly, if an individual is believed to be overhunting, the issue is usually raised in the community and addressed as part of what the San people call their "conservation ethic."

Trees are also used, but they are not abused. When the Yanomami people occupy a territory, the leaves of palm trees
are typically use to roof the tribe's houses. Other trees are also felled as a source of wood. However, when indigenous groups know that an area has provided resources to their full capacity, they move to other territories, allowing the ecosystem to recover.

Research has shown that indigenous management reduces deforestation more effectively than official land 'protection'. In Latin America, for example, indigenous management was found to be almost twice as effective as any other form of conservation, the situation being similar in Africa.

Where does the modern conservation mindset fall short? 

According to environmental journalist Michelle Nijhuis, the modern conservation movement was based on a misconception. In her article, Nijhuis explains that the human impact on the environment is not a recent phenomenon, but a natural process that has been going on for thousands of years.

Written records reveal that humans have been altering the environment since ancient times. The domestication and spread of various species of flora and fauna, as well as the extinction of species by mass hunting, are examples of the human transformation of ecology, resulting in the ecosystem that modern man has come to know over the last few centuries. 

The dodo was a flightless bird endemic to the island of Mauritius, in Madagascar. Human hunting and the destruction of their habitat are some of the factors that contributed to their extinction. (Image: bergslay via Pixabay)

Thus, Nijhuis points out that "there is no such thing as pristine nature," implying that the idea of ​​an ecosystem untouched by humans is idealistic. "'Pristine' landscapes simply do not exist and, in most cases, have not existed for millennia." Today's environmentalism is like a nostalgic pipe dream of a human-free state that ceased to exist long ago.

Environmentalist ideals are therefore at odds with the presence of indigenous communities in ecologically intact areas. Starting from the premise that preserving the environment means protecting it from humans, conservationists often promote the eviction of indigenous and local communities, without recognizing the important role they play in protecting the environment.

Although human influence on the biosphere has been a natural phenomenon throughout history, the impact of modern society on the ecosystem is considerably greater than that of prehistoric humans. "What we see today is truly monumental," said Nijhuis.

Returning to traditional conservation practices, with humans coexisting and caring for nature, whilst curbing the growing material demands that are taxing our planet beyond its capacity, may be a more "green" approach to environmentalism.

The danger of expanding conservation areas

In 2020, the 30 by 30 initiative was launched worldwide, with more than 70 nations pledging to designate 30% of Earth's land and ocean as protected areas by 2030. However, with new research pointing to the low effectiveness of protected areas and its explicit stance on indigenous presence in intact ecosystems, the initiative has become a cause for concern.

Many of today's biodiversity hotspots are on indigenous lands. (Image: Los Muertos Crew via Pexels)

Estimates indicate that 10 million people in developing countries have been forced to relocate to establish protected areas. By criminalising hunting, fishing, and traditional indigenous practices like controlled burning, government policies threaten not only the survival of indigenous communities, but also the delicate environmental balance that these groups have long maintained through generational efforts.

In many cases, indigenous territories have been shown to host more biodiversity than protected areas. (Image: Skyler Ewing via Pexels)

While the controversy continues, some countries have begun to consider the possibility of indigenous and community-led conservation, recognising that the presence of these groups only benefits the protection of the environment.

Since 2002, at least 14 countries have passed laws recognising the rights of indigenous peoples to use and own their land. The general hope is that in the coming years, indigenous traditional knowledge will be respected and recognised as an essential element of any conservation agenda.



terça-feira, 23 de agosto de 2022

WEF: the “rational” reasons to microchip your child



The World Economic Forum website suggests there are “rational” reasons to microchip your child 

Didi Rankovic
August 20th

The latest highly controversial technology/policy that the World Economic Forum (WEF) has set out to explore is the idea of implanting tracking chips into humans.

It wasn’t that long ago that those speculating on a future where this is happening would get dismissed as conspiracy theorists, but now the world elites’ most vocal outlet is predicting that chip implants will eventually become just a commodity.

And an article on the WEF website makes a case that implanting chips into children could be viewed by parents as a “solid, rational” move. All of this crops up in a blog post on the organization’s website dedicated to the future of augmented reality (AR), and what is referred to as “an augmented society.”

Like in many of WEF’s other takes on the future of various types of technology, the emphasis is put on inserting the “right,” i.e., its own “vision” in the direction these should be developing, with the inevitable mention of undefined society stakeholders who will hold the key to the ethics issue of it all.

The article is talking up the allegedly broad usefulness of AR going forward in fields such as healthcare, education, and professional settings, with the underpinning notion of providing guidelines as to how to “ethically” regulate this vast potential power – and therefore, when all’s said and done, control it.

The article calls AR and similar tech transformative – but in need of “the right support, vision, and audacity.”

Once again it isn’t at all clear why “audacity” is thrown in, unless it is a euphemism to sell some pretty outrageous “visions” that the WEF is expressing, such as replacing drugs with brain implants that will manipulate the body with electrical pulses, and pairing all sorts of chips put into humans through surgery, with sensors one might find in a chair.

And so, with the human and the chair “seamlessly integrated,” the quality of life across the board shoots up, the Davos-based group promises.

“As scary as chip implants may sound, they form part of a natural evolution that wearables once underwent. Hearing aids or glasses no longer carry a stigma,” the blog post reads. “They are accessories and are even considered a fashion item. Likewise, implants will evolve into a commodity.”

But critics of these trends say their opposition has nothing to do with “stigmas” – rather with serious concerns about civil rights, privacy, and the very concept of human autonomy.

11 Year Old Girl Calls Out Klaus Schwab


SHOCKING: White Embalmer Clots Are Self-Assembling Circuits [VIDEO]



Pam Barker
August 23, 2022

ER Editor: We remind readers that we published Dr. Jane Ruby‘s interview with US embalmer Richard Hirschman, who had found tough, long white rubbery ‘clots’ in the veins and arteries of Covid-vaccinated cadavres. They were discovered as blockages when trying to infuse the body with embalming fluid. See

Worldwide Exclusive: Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with Never Before Seen Rubbery Clots


This finding has been corroborated by many embalmers, including UK funeral director John O’Looney.

Below, Dr. Jane Ruby interviews Health Ranger Mike Adams, who has done initial ICPMS analysis of ‘clots’ provided to him by Hirschman. We provide notes below but recommend listening to the interview as certain parts are very technical.

Adams’ findings are preliminary and incomplete. Two things have been analysed: the rubbery clots and the mRNA vaccines themselves.



  • Adams has spent the last 2 months analysing these samples and getting additional opinion on them. The ICPMS method detects elements from an atomic analysis; it does not detect proteins or molecules, which is a needed next-step. Adams’ lab is ISO-accredited.
  • His preliminary findings show that the ‘clots’ are not made of blood, blood vessels or human tissue. The elements common to human blood and human tissue were largely missing in the samples or found at such low levels that wouldn’t support human life. They do, however, contain elements in much higher amounts that are found in circuitry or machinery or electrically conductive systems, e.g. tin, sodium and aluminum.
  • Q. Is there any benefit to having these in the body? Metal hip replacements can leak this type of metal into the body causing chronic illness. No, there is no benefit, and you shouldn’t have these non-carbon based elements in the human body.
  • The clots are self-assembling biostructures that increase in size over time. And they harvest elements from the blood simultaneously such as the metals mentioned above. The clots, as they grow, could become dislodged such as when blood pressure increases due to taking exercise. This could be behind why many doctors have dropped dead. Over more time, they become so large as to completely block veins and arteries, which stops the blood flow to that area of the body. Which explains why some people have had to have extremities amputated. There are people walking around now who will succumb to this problem as the blockage increases in size.
  • The clots are harvesting and organizing conductive elements in the blood. In one clot, a nanowire (see video) was seen emanating from it using a 1500x optical view. The structure resembles a circuit board interface.
  • We know that EMP (electro-magnetic pulse) weapons can emit high levels of energy to melt circuitry, causing it to fail. Q. Can external EMPs or DEWs (directed energy weapons) be used on a person, specifically on the ‘clot’ structures to cook them from the inside and create blockages in the blood flow? This is a real question. Can it be done to control people?
  • Ruby: Another question – why are SOME people dropping dead, with just SOME of them having these clots found? We know that certain batches of vials went to different geographical locations, having far different effects. These are unanswered questions.
  • The entire medical establishment denies any harms or any clots due to the Covid vaccines. There is no federally funded investigation into this! Medicine has a centralized control system of funding-through-approval.
  • Why aren’t these structures visible on standard imaging? Blood vessels are very strong and dense, which might hide the clots on these images.
  • These long clots take months to grow whereas micro-clots form fast and take people down quickly. Surgeons MUST be seeing this.
  • Further findings: Three Covid vaccines have been analysed using the ICPMS test: industrial trace metals have been found in all of the mRNA vaccines but at much higher levels in one of them (Adams doesn’t say which one just yet). He reads a list of around a dozen metals, including chromium, strontium, vanadium and molybdenum.
  • Pharmaceutical products are generally quite pure and don’t have these trace elements in them. They should NOT be present in the vaccines.
  • Manufacturing equipment could be the cause of their presence, but there is no manufacturing process involved, such as grinding of powder or grains, which would put them there. They shouldn’t be there.
  • Ruby: Is this intentional? Why aren’t Pharma defending themselves? They are exempt from liability, so they can put whatever they like in there and blame the person who took the vaccine. This story won’t appear in the MSM anyways, so they have nothing to defend. The best bet is for Big Pharma to ignore it, which likely means they won’t launch a lawsuit on the basis of these findings because of the publicity it would bring.
  • Adams: It’s a depopulation weapons system. The globalists don’t have to do anything dramatic, just create a biological weapon that leads to an injection, which leads to death over time. 12 billion doses have been given across the planet, with 600 million in the US. These people are ticking time bombs of clot death, who will die over the next few years.
  • Anti-clotting medications don’t work on this problem as we’ve discovered from emergency physicians who have tried. Even if we stop vaccinating now, we’re going to see millions of deaths over the next few days.
  • You can only find out what these clots are NOT over time, with much testing. Different testing IS needed, one which detects proteins (he explains this). We also need an intact vein from a cadaver with a clot, which would reveal how they are attached inside the veins.
  • There could be an answer from the plant world that could stop this. For example, an anti-antiogenesis molecule, such as that found in broccoli. But you need millions in funding for this and nobody will give it.



sábado, 20 de agosto de 2022

Thailand study of young adults post jab showed nearly 30% with cardiovascular injuries


Steve Kirsch
August 16th

Executive summary

A new study on cardiovascular impacts of the COVID vaccines done in Thailand is particularly troubling: 29% of the young adults experience non-trivial changes in their cardiac biomarkers.

It is amazing what you find when scientists doing a study are honest and want to know the truth.

“Why isn’t a study like this being done in the US?” asks UCSF Professor Vinay Prasad.

Heck, we don’t even know the d-dimer of people before vs. after the vax.

This is just more evidence of corruption of the medical community that nobody was calling for any of this data.

These vaccines are a disaster. Every day, the evidence gets worse and worse.

Will this new study stop the vaccines for kids? Of course not!

Look, even if the shots killed every child under 20 who takes it, they’d write off the death to something else and recommend that kids get the shot. The brainwashing is that bad. It’s stunning. Facts do not matter.

Note: This was originally buried in my Fox justification article but it's important enough to call out in a separate article.

The Thailand study

Consider this Thailand study:

18% of kids had an abnormal EKG post-vaccine?!? That has to be extremely troubling. A vaccine is not supposed to do that. Are doctors telling parents the vaccine causes serious heart issues in 18% of kids? At least let them know.

The paper noted that “Cardiovascular effects were found in 29.24% of patients, ranging from tachycardia, palpitation, and myo/pericarditis.” Wow.

Almost 30% of the cases?!?! That’s not “rare.”

Finally a 3.5% rate of myo/pericarditis (including subclinical) among males 13-18 is not rare either. We were lied to by the CDC. Big time.

Interestingly, this is consistent with the number of myocarditis rates at Monte Vista Christian School in Watsonville, CA which was in excess of 1% but they wouldn’t reveal any of the details beyond that publicly; gotta keep the school safe from lawsuits. Major credit there goes to Head of School Nikki Daniels for making sure that nobody found out that the shots they gave at the school were hurting kids. When adverse reactions started showing up, they did the right thing: they kept their mouths shut.


30% of young adult Thais have post-vax cardiovascular injuries 

quinta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2022

Depopulation of Taiwan: Birth rate dropped by 23% in ONE YEAR

Igor Chudov
June 26th

This is a continuation of my post from yesterday about a massive 13% decline in births in Germany. Such a decline is a nine-sigma event, meaning that it is so unlikely to occur by chance, that it would naturally happen as rarely as an asteroid striking the Earth.

My article explored several more locales (UK, North Dakota, and Switzerland).

But no other place stands out as much as Taiwan does.

According to a Taiwan government report, the birth rate dropped by 23.24% in May 2022, compared to May 2021.

I inputted historical birth rate data from Macrotrends for the years 2009-2021, and added the year 2022 as year 2021 adjusted down by 23.24%. Obviously, 2022 is not over and the number of Taiwanese babies to be born this year (or during the next 12 months) is unknown. So the chart below is an illustration of what would happen in the next 12 months if the 23.24% drop stays constant.

When expressed in “sigmas”, units of standard deviation, the 23.24% drop in the birth rate in Taiwan is a 26-sigma event!

This can be described as “unimaginable” in terms of the likelihood of happening due to random chance.

The Wolfram-Alpha illustration of likelihood by sigma only goes to nine-sigma. They thought that it would be pointless to show more sigmas. Except a 26-sigma drop in birth rate just happened in Taiwan.

Health experts are quick to blame Covid for all sorts of health problems afflicting those they advised to vaccinate. It is not the vaccine, they say, it is Covid. We tried to protect you with the vaccine, they would always insist. But you got Covid anyway, thanks to the evil antivaxxers, and your problems are due to Covid — that’s their explanation.

We know for certain, though, that the drop in birth rate in Taiwan is NOT due to Covid. Yes, Taiwan is suffering from a terrible COVID pandemic right now (despite being 91% vaccinated), however, Covid in Taiwan only started around April 21 of 2022, and could not impact May birth rates much.

To see what could cause the extreme drop in births, go back 9 months from May 2022, so to September 2021.

Taiwan was a poster child for successful vaccination. 91% of all Taiwanese residents received a vaccine dose. By October 1, 2021, 56% of ALL people of Taiwan received Covid vaccines.

They got a fairly usual mix of “safe and effective” AstraZeneca, Moderna, and Pfizer vaccines.

People of Taiwan got their shots, felt assured that Covid-19 stops with every vaccinated person, and moved on with their lives.

I doubt that the people of Taiwan noticed anything at the end of September. They knew for sure that their vaccines were safe and effective and would not affect their sperm or pregnancies. So they proceeded with family plans just as before, trying to make babies on purpose, or partying and having fun and getting pregnant accidentally, just as people do elsewhere.

Except for 9 months later, they only gave birth to 77% of the number of babies expected.

I hope that the people of Taiwan will start asking their authorities: what is happening to us?

This substack often refers to PSYOP-19 as a depopulation and control program for good reason.

The world is in serious trouble.

Do NOT comply.



quinta-feira, 11 de agosto de 2022

The roots of medicalized fascism


Sami in Härjedalen


On secular ideology at the end of empire


What is a society?

Human beings are made to live and interact in tribal bands of, at most, about 150 people. Reams of data support something akin to this assertion, and not least our experiential fact that this seems to be the upper limit of the set of people we can effectively remember and have meaningful long-term relationships with.

We’ve evolved towards and with this tribal lifestyle for, arguably, a couple of millions of years. The urban patterns of human existence, in most places just a couple of generations old, have not even begun scratching the surface of our DNA.

So society, to us, is basically the band. The tribe. The clan. People to whom we are bound by blood and fidelity, generally for life. We’re “configured” to these sorts of immediate and permanent relationships.

Our cognitive approach to society, our experience and apprehension of it, is therefore an extension of this fundamental model, rooted in our ancient human nature. This of course goes a long way to explain most of the disorders of civilized life, individually as well as collectively, but that’s somewhat beside the point here.

Since our mental map of society is always modelled after this small, tight-knit tribe, it inevitably follows that abstract and impersonal higher-level constructs such as the state, the nation, the kingdom, or what have you, are always a form of usurpation of the immediate and natural social world. These are artifices, simulacra, that mimic the band or the family and interpose themselves between us and them, and which thus appropriate our natural human energies of care, support and industry that we would normally direct towards those around us. You build a career and struggle to amass status points in an abstract network felt to be much more real than your elderly parents tucked away out of sight in the care home. You nurture and protect nameless inmates in the private healthcare system while your children spend most of their waking hours among strangers in daycare.

The hierarchical social orders of civilization are a kind of institutional parasite that feeds upon our natural social intentionalities to sustain itself.

(Incidentally, this is the root of alienation and of the appropriation of surplus value analyzed by Marxist economics.) 

                                          (Edward Hopper. (1927). Automat.)

So we’re born and raised in a hopefully nurturing environment among loving persons close to us and each other. Parents, siblings, cousins, grandparents, friends, neighbors &c. And when the child meets still new people in the village around her, she approaches them as some sort of mythical heroes. They’re embodied mysterious absolute truths, archetypes of deep reality imbued with the vastness of an incomprehensible past. Great-grandmother is an eternal fixture of love and security in the yellow house upon the hill; an old friend of her father that they encounter together on a stroll is a manifest immutable pipe-smoking reality as strange and inexorable as the very blueness of the sky.


On this naive (yet inexpressably and profoundly true) and immediate apprehension of the robust and living reality around us, is then projected the monolithic framework of the modern social order. Of mass society. It’s piecemeal, and operates by a step-by-step association between the intimate social reality and the abstractions of the hierarchical system. The network of friends and family members amicably indicate “our society” in outward concentric circles. Our school. The neighborhood association. Our city council. Our healthcare. Our police and our government. Our nation, our lebensraum, and our manifest destiny.

And in modern mass society, the simulacra of these latter constructs have almost fully replaced actual interpersonal relationships to the isolated, semi-transient individual, whose familial ties are generally smashed to bits.

There’s much talk about the emergent formation of “parasocial relationships”, specifically in relation to social media, but the phenomenon in question is much older and deeper. A similar sort of pseudo-relationship is formed to the abstractions of the social artifices of civilization, all in all a sort of institutional superstructure that builds upon and usurps the immediate social realities and the mythical narratives that normally bind them together in dynamic mutual interchange. While this sort of institutional attachment is more or less embryonic in traditional or pre-technological societies (perhaps contained by the immediate presence of robust social ties), it becomes fully dominant in atomized mass society.

In this new situation, the equally new myths are disconnected from (the increasingly suppressed) deep, lived social reality, and instead projected upon parasocial simulacra with real people reduced to mere spectators. Actual human beings now at best bear only a passive relationship to the fundamental narratives of society.

While a person like the village smith in a traditional society used to be an actual reflection of something divine and mysterious, violently forging the treasures of the Earth in his dark and dangerous abode; while the uncle returning poverty-stricken and starved from America was in some immediate way actually the prodigal son of the New Testament and Christ in the flesh, dad’s old friend is now no longer as immutable as the color of the sky. He’s just another silently desperate middle-aged man among a billion interchangeable others, disconnected from the overarching mythological framework. Just meat and no magic.

(Vǫlundr the Smith, chieftain of the Elves (Poetic Edda, ca 800 AD, 19th century illustration))

The resulting situation lifts up our “parasocial ties” to the system’s social artifices to an almost complete predominance. The abstractions crowd out actual relationships to other people, especially in the alienated conditions of the urban environment; especially in a hyper-mediated context of modern propaganda where we primarily relate to technological reproductions.

That loneliness inside the crowd is perhaps the most terrible ordeal of modern man; that loneliness in which he can share nothing, talk to nobody, and expect nothing from anybody, leads to severe personality disturbances. For it, propaganda, encompassing Human Relations, is an incomparable remedy. It corresponds to the need to share, to be a member of a community, to lose oneself in a group, to embrace a collective ideology that will end loneliness. Propaganda is the true remedy for loneliness. It also corresponds to deep and constant needs, more developed today, perhaps, than ever before: the need to believe and obey, to create and hear fables, to communicate in the language of myths. It also responds to man’s intellectual sloth and desire for security … (Ellul, J. (1962). Propaganda. Ch. 3:2)

And so these abstractions become substitutes for our friends, lovers and family. There are many “collective ideologies”, many facets of the system’s interconnected set of pseudo-social simulacra that manifest as roles which we can relate to and identify with, and through which the “well-adjusted” citizen internalizes society at large and comes to think of it as his own.

When I was about four or five, I was going to build a spaceship with… A candle and a bunch of dry sticks. Rather than propulsion (which obviously would have been the strategic choice), my main concern was how to get back to Sweden from orbit since I didn’t really know my way around the world map, so I had my dad sketch the outline of Scandinavia on a post-it.

Science with a capital “S” was one such collective ideology I internalized early on, through a narrative of the inexorable march of “research” and technology providing the key to interstellar colonization and astonishing transhumanist augmentation. The police was another, as for most boys, and Medicine I think came last. I remember some late winter during early sunset, sitting in my second-floor room at a 486 PC learning the Latin names of the parts of the human skeleton. This exercise was supposedly in preparation for an imaginary medical school some ten years in the future. I was mesmerized by the discipline’s power to define, to measure and to know intimately the occult workings of the human body.

And one aspect of the myth of medicine that stood out was the notion that “medical science” actually knew just about everything possible to know about the human body, how to perfect and support this flesh-machine, and how to protect it from disease. The myth of medicine was thus joined at the hip to the authority of Science, and sort of embodied its power and mystery, bringing us into immediate healing contact with the sacred source of redemption.

Medicine namely holds a special place in the mythological landscape of secular modernity. Just like the cult of Apollo of the Greek and Roman pantheon, originally a god of health and protection from evil, the enterprise of industrial medicine provides a ritual space for strengthening existential security and apotropaic (protective, warding) magical observances. And while the classical world gave one a plethora of options towards these or similar ends, medicine almost uniquely performs these sorts of functions today, single-handedly carrying most of the burden of providing existential and psychological assurance and peace of mind.

The stadium of Delphi, every four years hosting the Pythian games in honor of Apollo from the 500s BC until the 300s AD

The resulting situation is one wherein medicine becomes key to value-formation. Medicine, broadly speaking, becomes not only an expression of ethics, but a central determinant thereof. It becomes a “moral enterprise”, as Ivan Illich argues, and comes to itself shape our categories of good and evil.

“The permissibility of abortion has nothing to do with ethics”, I once saw being argued. “It’s about [medical] science”. A contradictory statement at the face of it, but a quite telling sentiment. The person’s intuition evidently being that medical science simply describes reality in such a definite sense that all speculations of ethics and philosophy become moot. The authority of science being transposed into explicit moral guidance, the is becoming an ought by fiat.

Something similar was being expressed by the pharmacist clique I encountered at university. While discussing recreational use of benzodiazepines and ADHD drugs, someone remarked that these substances were “designed” for very specific and healthful ends, and should not be brought outside of the narrow context provided for us by the near-omniscient authority of medicine.

A rather adorably naive perspective, considering the contemporary structures of R/D and marketing in the pharmaceutical sector, as well as the actual development history of the drugs in question. Benzos began as failed leftovers from a scrapped research project, showing potential as a substitute for the then widely abused barbiturates, and let’s just say that speed wasn’t exactly meticulously designed to correct an amphetamine deficit in the brains of non-compliant teenagers unwilling to submit to institutional formation.

But here was that same exaggerated perception of the competence and benevolence of medical science, with an ethical imperative hiding somewhere in the undergrowth of its precepts. The similarities to the cult of Apollo are striking.

You see, to the end-user, to the “consumer”, as well as to the cadres of glorified drug dealers, it’s not really about actual medical science. Notwithstanding its actual track record, permeating the role and function of this institution in our society is something quite like songs of warding and rituals of protective magic. This is evident in the prescription line at the pharmacy, where lonely and frightened people revel in the “therapeutic contact” with the kind and pleasant apotecharies. It’s evident in countless examples of pharmaceutical malpractice, such as when dangerous antipsychotics with mile-long lists of side effects are prescribed as a sleep aid (since one of those myriad side effects happens to be “drowsiness”).

And this is one of the core reasons as to how an entirely useless and positively hazardous substance like statins is prescribed to almost a full third of the adult US population, most of whom honestly believe it’s keeping them fit and healthy. It’s why SSRIs are the go-to treatment for a plethora of “mood disorders” in spite of their purported mechanism now evidently being both unattainable by the drug as such, as well as unable to produce its desired effects, all the while the actual efficacy of the drugs is on par with placebo.

                                        Silent Hill 2, (Brookhaven Hospital). 2002.

It’s also why we’ve so readily accepted an incipient biopolitical authoritarianism in the wake of the covid narrative, with a generalized notion of “health” as the unique highest good, as the lone anchor point of anything even akin to applied ethics.

If until now this cultic practice was, like every other liturgy, episodic and limited in time, the unexpected phenomenon which we are at present witnessing is that it has become permanent and ubiquitous. The cultic practice no longer concerns taking medications, being visited by a doctor, or undergoing surgery. Rather, the entire life of human beings must become, at every instant, the site of an uninterrupted cultic celebration. The enemy (the virus) is omnipresent and must be fought constantly and ceaselessly (Agamben. (2020). Where are we now? The epidemic as politics.)

The covid situation was revolutionary. The incredible barrage of the marketing apparatus purified these already influential tendencies towards the medicalization of life, elevating health within the framing of industrial medicine to the issue of utmost concern. The isolation further catalyzed all of this, rendering our parasocial ties to the system’s abstractions almost completely unchallenged by reality.

And the resulting situation is not only an ideological outgrowth of what’s manifest in classical Fascism, but indeed a more complete actualization of its basic principles than anything we’ve ever seen. The covid-era biopolitics are truly totalitarian in the proper sense of the word, increasingly grafted to mythical institutions such as the utopian rebirth narrative of climate change mitigation.

As a background, biological life itself is structured as the supreme value of society, where physical life and its flourishing is all that matters. The secular worldview becomes auxiliary to this project, affirming how there’s really nothing except physical existence, and no other value apart from its perfection. Health. The health of Gaia, the health of the state. The absence of whatever is designated unclean and pathological.

And the whole edifice becomes totalitarian in that there’s absolutely no corrective to the view within the dominant culture. There’s no pantheon of bickering gods, no realization that Apollo also has a trickster side to him and sometimes brings disease.

There’s no actual quest for the transcendent within secular modernity’s horizons, so health and physical perfection become the only deep values. I wrote elsewhere that, in this situation, paradoxically,

… a strategic reintroduction of the specter of death as a looming threat, will therefore at least superficially address society’s fundamental lack of meaning, because it will supercharge and refocus our desires towards temporal existence and biological life, as well as the political powers which shape and sustain them. In a context where life is devoid of transcendent meaning, and death is both sanitized and hidden from view, the reintroduction of death in a sense eroticizes life and makes it acutely relevant again, which inevitably will expand and reinforce the goals of biopower, which governs our health and provides safety and reassurance.

Open up your newspaper. It’s evident how all the pressing issues of our day are piece by piece being subsumed under the auspices of the incipient biopolitical ideology. Apart from obvious institutional arrangements such as the continuance of the health emergency under the label of “monkey pox”, the climate change narrative is increasingly connected to health concerns and not only to metaphors of physical fitness. True believers tout renewable energy as “healing the Earth”. The foreign policy of the empire’s enemies is framed as mental illness, and the Harvard Political Review requests a “vaccine for political nihilism” amid a plethora of portrayals of conspiracist wrongthink as some form of clinical insanity.

Of course, with no other deep values apart from physical health and its perfection, all meaningful forms of political dissent will tend to be pathologized. Ideas will increasingly not be afforded the dignity of being right or wrong, because we don’t really work with those categories anymore.

Ideas will now rather be thought of as either proper and healthy, or in some sense bad for you, casually rejected if they can be labelled as unclean. And if you’re in possession of pathological ideas, well, you will then in some way or another have to be cured of them, lest the mind-virus spreads.

