sexta-feira, 7 de março de 2025

Romania – The first “post-election” democracy?

Kit Knightly
March 6th 

In December 2024, a Romanian court cancelled the second round of the planned Presidential election and annulled the completed first round, citing (totally theoretical) “Russian interference”.

This caused massive protests in Romania, as you can imagine. The first round had been won by right winger Călin Georgescu following a social media-based campaign, and he was predicted to quite easily win the second round as well.

The Romanian opposition – denied a likely victory – took their case to the European Court of Human Rights.

Then, earlier today, the ECHR threw the case out without even hearing it. Apparently, the Romanian courts were perfectly within their rights to simply indefinitely postpone their election on the basis of unproven allegations, and all those people who already voted and wanted to vote again can just go to hell.

This is the ECHR, which lectures the world on rights and democratic norms on the regular.

And everyone is apparently just fine with it. It’s crazy.

Imagine the outrage in the media if Putin or Trump had suddenly cancelled elections they looked like losing because “they weren’t going to be fair”.

Anyway, now Călin Georgescu has been arrested, and his supporters are taking to the streets, while  the Romanian government is set to crack down on “conspiracy theories” and other “misinformation”.

This anti-election narrative is growing outside of Romania too.

Ukraine, of course, hasn’t had any elections in years either. They also outlawed certain political parties, religions and television channels. Meanwhile, laundering billions of dollars/pounds/euros through the Ukrainian government to boost the bottom line of arms manufacturers is considered “defending democracy”.

Last month, former EU chairman Thierry Breton remarked that they had already had to cancel the Romanian elections, and might have to do the same in Germany. (As it happens the “right side” won in Germany, so I guess that election was fair).

To a smaller extent, nine local elections across the UK have been “postponed” for at least a year for unknown reasons.

This is not about controlling the result because they could accomplish the same thing by just rigging it. We know they rig elections all the time.

No, this isn’t about controlling the votes it’s about controlling the language. Taking words and tearing them away from their old-fashioned definitions. Even inverting those meanings.

Seeding the idea that democracy doesn’t necessarily have to include voting and that, in the right circumstances, voting is actually anti-democratic and cancelling elections is more “democratic” than holding them.

“Democratic” can become a free-floating concept removed from real-world application. It’s just a nice thing, something that we and all the people on our side just are, and all the meanies on the other side are not.

We have “democracy”, and it doesn’t matter how many elections we cancel or political parties we ban, or religions we outlaw or journalists we lock up or outlets we censor…we still have democracy. Because now it means whatever we want it to mean.

Years ago, I reviewed a terrible documentary by David Dimbleby about Russia. At one point David essentially argues that just having elections does not mean you live in a democracy.

In my review I made the point that if they argue an election doesn’t make a democracy, they could eventually argue that you can be a democracy without having an election.

At the time I was mostly joking. More fool me.



terça-feira, 4 de março de 2025

Is Your “Normal” Thyroid Test Hiding the Source of Your Depression?

Originally published

Do you have one or more of the following symptoms?

  • Unexplained weight gain or loss
  • Swelling, puffiness
  • Low energy, depressed mood
  • Racing heart, anxiety
  • Lethargy, sleeplessness
  • Digestive disturbances, constipation or loose stools
  • Brain fog, forgetfulness
  • Aching muscles, cramps
  • Hair loss, thinning
  • Dry skin, brittle nails

If so, you could be among the nearly 200 million people worldwide1 (the majority of whom are women) who have some type of thyroid problem. If you also suffer from symptoms of depression, did you know that a normal thyroid test can be masking a critical link between these two conditions?

The Quiet Regulator

Most of us never think about our thyroids. Yet this butterfly-shaped, master gland regulates some of the most critical functions of the human body. From the production of hormones to regulating metabolism, the thyroid helps maintain healthy weight, overall immunity, and even regulates mood and memory functions. When one or more of these systems is disturbed, we must explore a possible connection to thyroid to avoid treating the symptoms while neglectinga the root cause.

Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone. Characterized by feelings of anxiety, a racing heart, bouts of insomnia, diarrhea, and weight loss, this is more rare than underactive thyroid, and has the potential to trigger heart and bone problems.

An underperforming thyroid, or hypothyroidism, is a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone. Despite being incredibly common, hypothyroidism is one of the most under-diagnosed conditions in America. At least 20 percent of all women have an under responsive thyroid - yet only half of those women get diagnosed.

And the other half? For reasons I will explain, too many of these patients are given a clean bill of physical health, and a prescription for an antidepressant.

Are You Really a Mental Patient?

As a holistic psychiatrist, I often refer to psychiatric pretenders: physiological conditions that masquerade as symptoms of mental illness. In my experience, a vast majority of psychiatric symptoms are actually driven by thyroid dysfunction.

I’m not alone in these observations. Scientists like Dr. Mark S. Gold, a world-renowned addiction expert, have long known about the relationship between a dysfunctional thyroid and symptoms of depression.2 Through ongoing research, this correlation continues to be validated.3 So why the staggering number of missed diagnoses?

Missing the Diagnostic Mark

Symptoms of thyroid dysfunction can vary broadly, and unfortunately, are not easily pinpointed in the standard diagnostic exam. Complaints of low energy, flat mood, poor sleep, and appetite disturbance, are too easily hung on the nail of “depression”, for which an easy fix is applied – a prescription for antidepressant medication.

The standard medical test for thyroid, called TSH, measures thyroid stimulating hormone levels. Even when doctors perform this test, their interpretation of the clinical picture is limited by their biases. I speak from experience when I say that most physicians are simply not trained to diagnose thyroid imbalance properly.

Where it Goes Wrong 

TSH measures only one hormone in the blood, rather than the entire range of thyroid-produced hormones (of which there are five identified). And doctors rarely look at free hormone levels – levels of thyroid hormones in the blood that aren’t bound to proteins.

They also miss screening for thyroid antibodies, which would demonstrate an autoimmune component to the imbalance, distinguishing it from nutrient-deficiency thyroid dysfunction, for example. They apply a one-size-fits-all “fix” in the form of a synthetic hormone called Synthroid. The “gold-standard” thyroid treatment, Synthroid is the most prescribed drug on the market today.4

Thanks to growing awareness among sufferers, what constitutes a normal thyroid test result has come under scrutiny. Results may fall within normal range even when thyroid autoantibodies are grossly elevated and data suggests that this is relevant to those suffering from mood, anxiety, and cognitive complaints.

Current standards allow for a normal result within the range of 0.5 to 5.0. However, variations in laboratory testing as well as deviations by age, pregnancy, and other health factors, have allowed many patients at the fringes (and well beyond) to go undiagnosed.5

Thyroid’s Relationship with Adrenals

Any effort to resurrect thyroid function cannot afford to ignore the adrenal glands. Adrenals are small glands that sit over our kidneys. Through the production of hormones and neurochemicals, adrenals help us respond to life’s everyday demands.

When signalled by the brain, adrenals produce the stress hormone cortisol, which is intrinsically tied to thyroid functionality. This is key to why stress has a direct impact on thyroid and mood. Whether through overactive cortisol production (a state of chronic fight or flight), or the brain essentially shutting down cortisol secretion, patients who suspect thyroid dysfunction must test cortisol output throughout the day to see the big picture. When properly tested, thyroid patients often show abnormal adrenal output. The next question to ask is “Why?

Adrenal Stress Factors

When we consider the potential stressors affecting adrenals, the following offenders stand out:

  • Birth control pills – Even with normal test readings, these synthetic hormones lower available thyroid hormone in the body by elevating thyroid-binding globulin. This protein binds to thyroid hormone in the bloodstream. When thyroid-binding globulin goes up, your thyroid levels go down.
  • Gluten – The thyroid contains proteins that resemble those found in gluten, confusing the immune system, which pounces on the thyroid like a foreign invader. Studies show people with celiac disease have three times the risk of thyroid dysfunction, as well as a strong association between untreated celiac disease and depression.
  • Fluoride – Once used to suppress overactive thyroid, fluoride interferes with multiple aspects of the thyroid’s tissues, disrupts normal hormone physiology, displaces iodine and depletes selenium, two critically essential elements for thyroid function. Recent research shows that fluoride in water increases risk of thyroid illness by 30 percent.6
  • Endocrine disruptors – Industrial and agricultural chemicals such as phthalates, flame retardants, and PCBs interfere with the thyroid’s biology. The resultant disruption can present as immune system hyperactivity, as well as disturbances in mood.

The Canary in the Coalmine

Connecting the dots between these physiological functions and mental health may seem convoluted and difficult at first, but not after you come to appreciate the direct, intimate relationship shared between these networks in the body.

The thyroid is a canary in the coalmine. In our fast-paced, nutrient-depleted world that’s filled with toxic substances, your thyroid gland may be the first to come under siege. While you may not feel the attack in your thyroid per se, you’ll feel it in your mood and cognition.

How to Test Effectively

If you suspect thyroid may be at the root of your depressed mood and physical symptoms, it’s important to be empowered by facts. The idea of your physiology working in tandem with your mental health isn’t something most doctors agree on, so be prepared to guide the process – or find a new doctor.

For starters, insist on testing (or order your own) beyond the standard TSH. The following breaks down my own testing protocol:v

  • Measure the full range of thyroid hormones in the blood, including thyroid antibodies. Test for TSH, T4, free T3 (FT3), reverse T3 (RT3).
  • Screen for the autoimmune disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, by ordering thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPOAb) and thyroglobulin antibodies (TgAb).
  • For optimal thyroid functioning, the pattern of cortisol output must be optimized. You may choose to test your salivary cortisol although this is why I don’t typically do this test with my own patients.

For help interpreting the results of these tests, I recommend connecting with an experienced functional medicine doctor or naturopath who has experience working with thyroid patients.

Safeguard Your Glands to Improve Your Mood!

I share the protocol that I have used to support hundreds of patients through their mental/health challenges in my book, A Mind of Your Own. This protocol includes the comprehensive testing I have outlined here, which goes far beyond the standard employed by traditional doctors. But these tests are just the beginning. The next steps are a series of diet and lifestyle adaptations that will begin to bring these critical systems back into balance.

Supporting a healthy thyroid is an exercise in holistic medicine. It starts with supporting the immune system so it doesn’t attack the body’s own tissues and manifest as symptoms of depression – and autoimmune disease. The healing journey continues with the awareness of what’s really going on in your body, and deepens as you become empowered by choices that support your vitality – mind, body and soul.



The Iodine Doctor: 97% Are Iodine Deficient 


Doctors aren’t scientists, and medicine isn’t science

Henry Bauer
Originally published 25 Nov, 2008 (Leer en castellano)

That doctors aren’t scientists is entailed by the training that doctors experience, which is appropriate for practicing medicine but not for carrying on research [“Nobel Prizes illustrate that doctors are not scientists”, 19 October 2008]. I’ve understood that for many years, so I felt quite chastened when the clearest support for that distinction occurred to me only recently: there’s a very obvious and clear-cut difference of principle between scientific knowledge and medical knowledge:

Scientific knowledge is universal, whereas medical knowledge is local.

One of the norms of science that Robert Merton identified in the late 1930s is its universality: chemists and physicists believe and teach the same facts and theories everywhere. Atoms and electrons and molecules are described everywhere under identical laws. The movements of the solar system, when accurately described, are the same for Europeans as they are for Asians or Americans. The photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, X-ray spectroscopy, etc., etc., etc., have no regional or national variations in description (facts) or in explanation (theory).

Please note that I said, re solar system, “when accurately described”. There are some dishonest scientists, and there have been some fraudulent publications in science, and at times there have been politically imposed ideologies to which scientists at times have had to bow, like Lysenkoism in the Soviet Union or “Deutsche Physik” in Nazi Germany. But no scientist with un-addled brain regarded those as constituting science. Left alone, science is universal. [Of course, I’m not saying that everything scientists believe is true. Scientific understanding changes and progresses. What I’m saying is that there are no culture-specific facts or laws of chemistry or any other science.]

Whereas science left alone is universal, medicine left alone — in the unfettered professional hands of doctors — is not universal. What doctors believe to be the best treatment for a given condition varies from country to country, because the understanding of what that condition is, the explanation of that condition, also varies from country to country.

I’m not speaking of differences often referred to between Western medicine and Chinese medicine, or between “modern” and “traditional” or “folk” medicine; I’m speaking of differences between what is regarded as modern, “scientific” medicine in so-called developed countries. Anyone who has incurred similar illnesses in the United States and in Britain is likely to have encountered some of the differences I’m talking about here. When I’ve had urinary-tract (or other) infections in the United States, antibiotics were prescribed immediately; when I had one in Britain, the doctor told me that these are usually self-limiting, that it’s best not to use antibiotics unless absolutely necessary, and to come back if the infection hadn’t cleared itself within a few days. In the United States, my wife had been offered an hysterectomy whenever she was ready, because of occasional pain; in Britain, the gynecologist was aghast that anyone would contemplate so drastic an operation at so early a stage of occasional and minimal discomfort. At a time when acupuncture was still regarded as quackery in the United States, around 1960, a friend of mine was permanently cured of migraines by a practitioner of acupuncture in France. Nowadays, homeopathy is a respected technique in several European countries, but it’s viewed as quackery or pseudo-science in the United States.

When it occurred to me to footnote my earlier post with this to-me-new insight, it also occurred to me that it would be good to have something more than such anecdotes to support the assertion that medical knowledge is local whereas scientific knowledge is universal. I enquired of a former colleague, the medical historian Ann LaBerge, and was rewarded by being referred to a truly marvelous book on the subject: Medicine and Culture — Varieties of treatment in the United States, England, West Germany, and France by Lynn Payer. I recommend it unreservedly to all and sundry. One indication of its value may be that it was first published in 1988, revised in 1996, and remains in print (the author died some years ago, though).

As Payer herself acknowledges, medical practices change continually, and differences between nations don’t remain the same; thus acupuncture has gained a foothold in the United States, for example. But Payer does much more than delineate differences, she lends insight into the reasons. For instance, the attitude among Anglo-Saxons towards “natural dirt” is one of horror focusing on the “dirt”, entailing a great emphasis on disinfectants, frequent washing, and the like; whereas French medicine emphasizes the “natural” part and considers a certain degree of exposure to “dirt” as beneficial toward the acquisition of a robust immune system. Again, I would not have imagined that, 20 years ago, Germans would have been consuming 6 or 7 times as many heart medications as Americans, yet Payer has the data to prove it — as well as an intriguing suggested explanation rooted in cultural context.

Unfortunately, there don’t seem to be radical differences between countries regarding HIV/AIDS theory. There are some minor discrepancies as to “HIV” tests, of course; Val Turner has pointed out succinctly and clearly that there are about a dozen different criteria in use in different regions and laboratories for what supposedly constitutes a “positive” Western Blot [“HIV tests: danger to life and liberty“, 16 November 2007; for a very detailed critique, see “Valendar Turner’s evidence in chief” (1.2 MB pdf)].  There are also differences in criteria for an AIDS diagnosis: in Africa under the Bangui definition, clinical diagnosis doesn’t need the support of an HIV test; and few if any other countries agree with the CDC’s decision to regard, as AIDS patients, asymptomatic HIV-positive individuals with CD4 counts below 200. On the central mistaken points, though, that HIV causes AIDS and that HIV is sexually transmitted and that antiretroviral drugs are a good thing, there seems to be trans-national agreement.

Still, the general point, that medicine isn’t science, is fully illustrated by the sad tale of HIV/AIDS.

The Slow Death of the AIDS/Cancer Paradigm (Nancy Turner Banks MD) - Part Two


domingo, 2 de março de 2025

The Mysterious Human Heart

Greg Reese, The Reese Report
December 25, 2023

Rudolf Steiner, whose teachings led to anthroposophical medicine, biodynamic farming, and the Waldorf school, said that the heart is a seven-sided regular form that sits in an imaginary box in the chest. “Regular” means that all seven sides are identical. Plato described five platonic solids, and Steiner said there was a sixth one. He also said that the heart is not a pump.

This claim was vindicated by Frank Chester, who figured out how to design a seven-sided regular form. This sixth platonic solid is now called the chestahedron, and it fits perfectly inside a cube at an angle of 36 degrees off center to the left, the exact same angle that the heart sits in the chest. When submerged in water and spun, two counter-rotating vortices are formed. Recent scientific studies have shown that these two vortices facilitate the closing of the valves. And when the vortices don’t form properly, blood clots will appear.

The man who unfolded a thousand hearts, Paco Torrent Guasp, discovered that the heart is a single muscular band folded over itself in a spiraling pattern. The heart itself is a vortex of tissue. It is not a pump, it is a vortex machine.

For centuries it was believed that matter can only exist in three states. Such as water, which can exist as liquid, ice, and vapor. Human cells are seventy percent water but most of this water is not in any of these three states. We have recently learned that with water, there is a fourth state. This fourth state is called the plasma state, gel phase, exclusion zone or structured water. And this is what pushes your blood through the entire cardiovascular system.

Fueled by Infrared energy from its environment, the water in our body becomes an electrical propulsion system. A certain percentage of the water in our body becomes structured water, and the rest remains normal liquid water, or bulk water. The structured water becomes negatively charged and forms the gelatinous outer walls of our capillaries, veins, and arteries. These negatively charged outer walls continuously propel the positively charged bulk water within, carrying the blood with it. This propulsion system will run indefinitely so long as it stays charged. And the way you charge it, is with the earth’s electromagnetic field, infrared energy, and positive thought.

The work of Dr. Masaru Emoto has scientifically demonstrated that water exposed to loving human words and thoughts is transformed into its natural hexagonal shape. It becomes structured at a molecular level based on our positive intention. This new model shows that it is the blood that pumps the heart, not the other way around. And in order to keep the flow strong and healthy, our best medicine is to connect to the earth, get sunlight, love ourselves, and love one another with physical touch.

Viktor Schauberger spent his life studying water and found that in the natural world, water will always create vortices along its path. Schauberger learned that this spiral action is what structures the water in nature. And that when subjected to modern man made water treatment, it loses its structure. Schauberger’s work led him to believe that one could generate energy out of a vortex. He described it as an energy implosion as opposed to an energy explosion.

Dr Tom Cowan, who has written about this in, Human Heart Cosmic Heart, has an interesting theory which may explain the saying, “a heart of gold.”

Another recent discovery, is that gold in it’s purest form does not appear to be gold at all. Under the right conditions, normal physical gold can be transformed into a fine white powder known as monoatomic gold. This monoatomic gold has been studied by multiple advanced laboratories and it has very strange properties. It can be made to levitate and disappear. Monoatomic gold is superconductive. And many would argue that this is what the alchemists were after.

One of the ways of turning metallic gold into monoatomic gold is by putting it through a high-speed vortex. When this transformation occurs, there is a flash of light, and a forty-four percent loss in weight. Dr Cowan believes that the trace amounts of gold in our blood is transformed into monoatomic gold as it travels through the double vortices in the heart. Creating the spark of life.

There are hints of a hidden science being studied and suppressed that involves counter-rotational spin. The NAZIs most classified project, Die Glocke, involved the counter-rotational spin of a mysterious fuel mix that included liquid mercury.

This vortex system creates an energetic field around the heart. It creates the heat within our body. And it raises a whole new set of questions about spin.


Quantum Coherence and the Hidden Secret Behind Our Bodies


Joseph Selbie
Originally published Dec 21, 2017

In an adult human body, there are fifty-quadrillion coordinated biochemical events taking place each and every second. Every second, each of our fifty trillion cells generates fifty thousand biochemical events in a near-perfectly coordinated dance of atoms and molecules that make possible everything from voluntary movement to the continuous complex processes of circulation, digestion, assimilation, elimination, respiration, growth, and healing.

If you aren’t staggered by this you should read that paragraph again—fifty-quadrillion coordinated biochemical events take place in your body each and every second.

How does our body know what to do?

The DNA Model

The conventional biochemical model considers the body to be an amazing self-organizing and self-sustaining biochemical machine. This model maintains that our bodily processes are influenced by the brain to some extent through the agency of electrochemical signals running through our nervous system and by biochemical messengers, such as neuropeptides, flowing through our circulatory system, but that the fundamental self-organizing life-processes, the heavy lifting, so to speak, is achieved by preprogrammed instructions coded into our DNA. In the conventional model, the DNA in the nucleus of the cell is that cell’s brain, and collectively, the brains of fifty trillion cells work together astonishingly seamlessly to keep us alive and healthy.

Fine as far as it goes. But how does our DNA do this?

Most microbiologists and geneticists still hold the belief that not only are all the blueprints for all the proteins the body needs contained in our DNA, but that all the information our body needs to grow and maintain itself (i.e., all the information that determines when and in what combinations to build specific proteins) is also contained in our DNA. According to this belief, the DNA in every cell is hard coded like a computer to regulate what and when proteins are needed within the cell and in response to outside instructions: From the beginning of life in the womb to the passing from life in death, every infinitesimally small biochemical interaction is preset by and preprogrammed in our DNA.

Unfortunately for the conventional DNA model this preset programming has yet to be found.

You can imagine that geneticists who held this belief eagerly looked forward to the revelations surely to come from the Human Genome Project. Once the entire human genome was sequenced in 2003, geneticists thought they would be able to understand all the unexplained mysteries of how the encoded information in our DNA coordinates and controls the life of every cell and thus the life of every organism.

Alas for the geneticists, the Human Genome Project did not solve the last mysteries. In fact, those mysteries were compounded:

“When the human genome was sequenced, some scientists were saying, “That’s the end. We’re going to understand every disease. We’re going to understand every behavior.” And it turns out, we didn’t, because the sequence of the DNA isn’t enough to explain behavior. It isn’t enough to explain diseases.”
— Denise Chow, LiveScience: Why Your DNA May Not Be Your Destiny

In a commentary on the surprising results of the Human Genome Project, David Baltimore, one of the world’s preeminent geneticists and a Nobel Prize winner, addressed the issue of human complexity: “But unless the human genome contains a lot of genes that are opaque to our computers, it is clear that we do not gain our undoubted complexity over worms and plants by using more genes.”

Not finding the preprogramming for all of life encoded in our genes has forced geneticists into a fundamental reassessment of how our genes function. This reassessment has been strongly influenced by relatively recent discoveries that have led to the establishment of a new discipline in genetics known as epigenetics—literally, “above the gene.” These discoveries indicate that our genes are not fixed—that what were previously considered permanently dormant genes can become active and active genes can become deactivated.

Twins who begin their lives with identical portions of their DNA activated can end their lives with very different portions of their DNA activated. There is no inevitable, preprogrammed, hard-coded destiny in our genes; outside influences, such as diet and exercise, and even our thoughts and feelings, can substantially alter gene activation and gene expression.

It is impossible to reconcile the new evidence of such flexible gene expression with the idea that DNA is the preprogrammed brain of the cell. Our DNA turning on and turning off genes by itself would be rather like Escher’s hand drawing the hand drawing the hand or a computer that can independently decide what programs to run.

These discoveries cast significant doubt on the long-held belief that DNA is the brain of the cell. It looks more and more likely that our DNA is a collection of protein blueprints and that the controlling information that decides which protein is created when comes from outside the cell—in fact from outside the physical world.

Quantum Coherence

How, then, can such controlling information that comes from outside the cell turn genes on and off or alter the gene expression of the same gene—something that according to the conventional model is impossible? The key is found in the emerging field of quantum biology.

Quantum biology, as the name implies, is the study of quantum effects, specifically nonlocal quantum effects, in living systems. Until recently, nonlocal quantum effects were believed to be impossible in the warm, moist environment of living systems. However, fascinating new discoveries have shown that belief was mistaken.

The first and most well-established discovery of quantum biology is its explanation for the amazing efficiency of photosynthesis.  Scientists have long known that photosynthesis in plants is far more efficient at capturing the energy of the sun than any nonliving chemical processes can duplicate. It turns out that the cause of photosynthesis’s amazing efficiency is quantum coherence.

The chlorophyll molecule’s job is to transfer the sun’s energy to a photoreaction center where the sun’s electromagnetic energy is converted to chemical energy. Quantum biologists discovered that hundreds, even thousands, of chlorophyll molecules, when transferring the sun’s energy, vibrate in perfect synchronization with one another. They do so by forming a liquid crystal—i.e. they align in exactly the same way, in exactly the same phase (like rowers stroking in perfect rhythm), and in exactly the same frequency. This perfectly coordinated and sustained liquid crystal structure turns all the chlorophyll molecules into a kind of biological superconductor, thereby enabling the super-efficient transfer of sunlight quanta from one chlorophyll molecule to the next. The phenomenon is called resonant energy transfer and can only happen when all those molecules are in a state of quantum coherence.

This may sound like just another wonder of science, but such coordinated molecular coherence does not occur naturally in nonliving systems. In fact, according to conventional thinking in quantum mechanics, every chlorophyll molecule should be dancing to its own tune—out of alignment, out of frequency, and out of phase with all the other chlorophyll molecules. In the language of quantum physics, every chlorophyll molecule should behave decoherently.

Nonlocality and the Holographic Principle

Weirdness Alert: You are about to learn more about one of the cast members, nonlocality, that has a starring role in the long running play called Quantum Weirdness.

If thousands of chlorophyll molecules are being held in a coherent state, then the coordinating information that maintains the coherent state must originate nonlocally. Nonlocal is an awkward term physicists use to describe a realm in which distance does not exist. An object or an event is considered to be local if it is subject to the effects of distance. On the other hand, and counterintuitively, objects or events in a nonlocal realm are unaffected by distance—because in that nonlocal realm there is no time, space, or matter.

If you can’t get your head around this you are not alone: Even physicists who accept the inescapable need for nonlocality in the workings of quantum physics have a hard time with it:

“Despite the unrivalled empirical success of quantum theory, the very suggestion that it may be literally true as a description of nature is still greeted with cynicism, incomprehension, and even anger.”
— Dr. David Deutsch, Oxford University

Quantum weirdness is compounded when the concept of nonlocality is combined with M-theory (the most accepted branch of string theory). One of the weird results of this combination is the holographic principle. The holographic principle states that the information that determines the behavior of the entire three-dimensional volume of space we call the universe is “pasted on” the “boundary” between our three-dimensional universe and a two-dimensional, nonlocal, pure energy realm. Put another way, the way the universe works—from the Big Bang to the present—is the result of information existing outside the universe itself.  Put yet another way, light energy, interacting with holographic information in a nonlocal two-dimensional realm, results in the continuous holographic projection of the colossal three-dimensional world that we call the universe.

There is another logical leap that can be taken from M-theory’s holographic principle that few physicists make: our physical bodies are also continuously created holographic projections and the information that controls our projection exists nonlocally outside the physical universe.

“We must liberate man from the cosmos created by the genius of physicists and astronomers, that cosmos in which, since the renaissance, he has been imprisoned. We now know that we . . . extend outside the physical continuum. . . . In time, as well as in space, the individual stretches out beyond the frontiers of his body. . . . He also belongs to another world.”
—Dr. Alexis Carrel, Nobel Prize winner

According to M-theory, the information that coordinates the continuous manifestation of our physical body cannot reside in our DNA or any other physical form, but must reside in a nonlocal two-dimensional pure energy realm from which the physical body is projected.

The saints and sages, masters and mystics, have been telling us essentially this for millennia: we have a subtle energy body, or astral body, or spirit body, or any of many other names given to it, and it is a luminous, Intelligently coordinated, perfect template for our physical body. According to the esoteric spiritual teachings of many traditions, without our astral body, the physical body would simply disappear.

“A subtle spiritual mechanism is hidden just behind the bodily structure.”
—Sri Yukteswar

M-theory’s holographic principle and quantum physics’ nonlocality lends support to this millennial spiritual belief that our physical body is controlled by information that originates outside the body itself—our subtle energy body. Quantum biology identifies the mechanism, the bridge that enables information to go from nonlocal to local: quantum coherence.


M-Theory (2010) in studioPaintings L-R: Introspection, The Dream, Multiverse

Quantum Coherence and Liquid Crystal Behavior

Chlorophyll’s magic dance in a liquid crystal state isn’t the only evidence that quantum coherence occurs in living systems. Experiments suggest that the tissues of all living organisms are frequently found in coherent states—possibly even most of the time. In a 1998 study, geneticist and quantum biologist Mae-Wan Ho and her team were amazed to find liquid crystalline domains virtually everywhere in living tissues.

Another confirmation of sustained states of quantum coherence in the physical body is based on the 1920s discovery that our bodies emit very weak photons, called biophotons. In the 1970s, Fritz-Albert Popp extensively measured biophoton emission from human bodies. Popp’s team expected to find, based on the conventional biochemical model, that every biophoton emission would be emitted at random times and at random frequencies. Instead, they found that almost all biophoton emissions were emitted in phase—same timing, same frequency. Their findings suggest that, just as chlorophyll molecules are aligned and synchronized during photosynthesis, most tissues in the human body exist indefinitely in quantum coherent states.

Significantly, it has also been discovered that DNA, too, behaves as a liquid crystal.

Putting It All Together

From these and other discoveries, we see that a new quantum biological model is emerging. While well-known conventional biochemical processes are unquestionably taking place continuously in living organisms, there is another, subtler process taking place as well: the liquid crystal structures within our tissues, including DNA, phase in and out of quantum coherence—thus allowing the information from our subtle energy body to Intelligently coordinate the life processes taking place in our physical body.

“It is the failure to transcend the [biochemical] mechanistic framework that makes people persist in enquiring which parts [of the body] are in control, or issuing instructions or information. These questions are meaningless when one understands what it is to be a [quantumly] coherent, organic whole. An organic whole is an entangled whole, where part and whole, global and local are so thoroughly implicated as to be indistinguishable, and where each part is as much in control as it is sensitive and responsive. The challenge for us all is to rethink information processing in the context of the [quantumly] coherent organic whole.”—Mae-Wan Ho, geneticist and quantum biologist

Quantum biology strongly suggests that life did not arise from the atoms in a cosmic accident. Instead, it appears that physical life was created by the intelligent coordination of physical matter at the direction of Intelligent information originating beyond our physical realm. Quantum coherence is the hidden bridge by which that Intelligence coordinated the trillions of atoms necessary for even the veriest beginning of life—that elusive magic moment when life was born and which has and will continue to elude biologists as long as they remain convinced life arose from inert matter. Quantum coherence is also the bridge by which our Intelligently coordinated subtle energy body coordinates the fifty-quadrillion biochemical events taking place in our bodies every second. The emerging evidence of quantum coherence in living systems has given us a glimpse of the lawful mechanism, the hidden secret, by which Intelligence creates, evolves, and sustains biological life.

Joseph Selbie makes the complex and obscure simple and clear. On a personal mission to make esoteric spiritual teachings understandable and attractive to everyone, he is adept at translating science fact into spiritual experience and spiritual experience into scientific fact. Joseph is a yogi, meditator, author of The Physics of God, blogger, entrepreneur, buyer of too many books, proud father of four, and lucky husband. He remains deeply inspired by Paramhansa Yogananda (author of Autobiography of a Yogi) and was fortunate to be trained by his direct disciple Swami Kriyananda. Over forty years a resident of Ananda Village, Joseph lives the change he wants to see in the world.  

Quantum Biology | Genetic Memory 


Open Letter to the HHS Secretary, RFK Jr.

Sasha Latypova
Feb 26, 2025

Breaking news update: (Fox News) Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has paused a multimillion-dollar contract from the Biden administration to create a new COVID-19 vaccine. On Friday Kennedy also issued a stop-work order for the covid vaccine trial which was about to begin.

News article here.

I don’t know if this is a good signal or not - this would depend on the future steps that HHS will take. At the moment, this move only puts a stop to spending additional millions of taxpayers’ money on new versions of covid vaccines. It does not affect the shots that are on the market, and in fact, benefits Pfizer and Moderna. Did they reach this deal with Trump at the recent White House dinner where Trump bromanced with Bourla and called him a great person and an excellent business man? Both companies have been struggling with plummeting sales and restructuring, so they are probably breathing a sigh of relief that a non-injectable product competitor has been taken out for now. 

Main Post - Letter to Secretary Kennedy.

This post is my open letter to the HHS Secretary Kennedy asking him to use his authority and terminate the PREP Act declaration for covid emergency. I posted this letter on X and I also sent it directly to RFK Jr. Please join me in calling for Secretary Kennedy to terminate the contrived, false state of emergency.

Transcript of the video message:

Secretary Kennedy,

All mRNA injections marketed as covid vaccines today are Emergency Use Authorized (EUA) Military Countermeasures. The EUA pathway is used only when the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services declares an emergency and issues a PREP Act declaration.

Section 564 of the FD&C Act exempts medical countermeasures from the pharmaceutical regulatory compliance or from the informed consent requirements for the duration of the PREP Act declaration of emergency.

While the manufacturers may choose and FDA may ask to undertake some of the activities typically expected from an investigational clinical trial and manufacturing validation process, none of the typical pharmaceutical regulatory standards are applicable in an enforceable way. If there is no enforcement of the law, it’s as if the law does not exist.

Misrepresentations of safety, efficacy or contents of EUA products are allowed by federal law. Thus, claims provided by the federal health authorities or manufacturers cannot be considered reliable sources of information.

When these products are pushed onto unsuspecting consumers, claims about safety, efficacy or contents of these products are based solely on the HHS Secretary’s opinion, which requires no supporting scientific evidence. Today 3 mRNA shots are listed on the CDC Childhood Vaccination Schedule to be given to 9 months old infants.

Secretary Kennedy, are we supposed to think that it is now YOUR opinion that they are safe and effective for babies? I do not believe that, knowing what you know about mRNA injections, you can honestly believe this yourself.

Current PREP Act emergency declaration for covid was extended by the previous administration by Xavier Becerra to last until December 31, 2029!

Real emergencies do not last decades simply based on the opinion of a single public health official. There is no real emergency for covid in the United Sates or worldwide as you are well aware.

Continued PREP Act declarations, therefore, defy the observed reality and common sense, and represents a misuse and abuse of the federal law which was intended for declaring short-term emergencies in severe situations such as war or acts of terrorism. This law also did not envision shipping of billions of doses of medical products legally allowed to be adulterated and misbranded. Yet, this is precisely what is transpiring under the current PREP Act declaration today.

By keeping the PREP Act declaration in place, the current administration continues to contrive a non-existing emergency. This contrivance serves only the interests of pharmaceutical companies and those institutions that still mandate the shots, shielding them from liability for deaths and injuries caused by the falsely promoted inherently unsafe products.

Clearly, this contrivance does not serve the interests of the public at all. The continued disregard of the victims of the covid shots under the thorough liability shield of the PREP Act abuses the federal law and destroys any remaining shreds of the public trust in the government health authorities.

These products pose severe risk of harm and death to the public due to the absence of any enforceable pharmaceutical regulations.

The FDA and manufacturers falsely claim that these products are fully approved for age 12 and older as prophylactic vaccines. However, once someone is injured by these vaccines and seeks compensation for their injuries, they are informed that the products are not legally vaccines but countermeasures and the only avenue available to them is the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program.

To date this program has denied almost all claims and paid only a few thousand dollars to a handful of victims, making a mockery of them and the unbearable toll of their permanently destroyed health. During your Congressional confirmation hearings you said that a healthy person has a thousand dreams while a sick person has only one dream. Were you sincere about helping the covid vaccine victims?

Secretary Kennedy, I respectfully ask you to:

  • Please use your authority to immediately terminate the PREP Act emergency declaration for covid pandemic, as there is no such emergency in reality.

  • Please also investigate the misuse and abuse of the federal law utilized in the so-called "pandemic response" and countermeasures that resulted in the greatest human tragedy in recorded history and also destroyed public trust in the government health agencies.

As a reminder why I say “knowing what you know” in the video above, here is my interview with RFK Jr on his podcast in 2023:

The letter below contains more detailed information with references to the US federal law (for those who are interested in taking this up with you state legislators):

Dear Secretary Kennedy,

Please use your authority to terminate the PREP Act emergency declaration for covid pandemic, as there is none in reality. Please investigate the misuse and abuse of the federal law utilized in the "pandemic response" (described below) that has resulted in the greatest human tragedy in the world in recorded history and completely destroyed public trust in the government health agencies.

All covid injections on the market today are EUA Countermeasures, due to current PREP Act emergency declaration for covid public health emergency extended by the previous administration to December 31, 2029!

EUA Countermeasures including covid vaccines and other EUA drugs and devices pose severe risk of harm to the public due to absence of any enforceable pharmaceutical regulations.

Pursuant to Section 564 of the FD&C Act, as amended by PAHPRA, 2013, and the Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution (Article VI, Clause 2), medical countermeasures have been exempted from testing using Good Laboratory Practices, Good Clinical Practices, including informed consent.

Under federal law, FDA must formally approve any new investigational drug product prior to a manufacturer introducing it into interstate commerce.[1] This process requires manufacturer to open an Investigational New Drug application and obtain an exemption from the FDA for its use in regulated clinical research (trials). This regulated process is therefore referred to as an “investigational” regulatory pathway. It requires a manufacturer to conduct regulated clinical research (trials) under the IND, obtaining Institutional Review Board’s (IRB) approval for clinical trial protocols, independent safety monitoring oversight, and informed consent from clinical trial volunteers. In addition, manufacture of the drugs and biologics subject to the investigational status is regulated by the current Good Manufacturing practices (cGMP)[2]

EUA Medical Countermeasures are radically different, non-investigational drugs, biologics and devices deployed under FDA’s authorization power known as the “Emergency Use Authorization” (EUA) process[3].

The EUA pathway is used only when the United States Secretary of Health and Human Services declares an emergency[4].

By law, the EUA status is non-investigational[5]: while the manufacturers may choose and FDA may ask to undertake some of the activities typically expected from an investigational clinical trial and manufacturing validation process, none of the typical pharmaceutical regulatory standards are applicable in an enforceable way.

FDA has the discretion to issue an EUA if, in the sole opinion of the HHS secretary, the product “may be effective” in treating the relevant disease or condition[6]. No other criteria for approval apply in an enforceable way. There is no strict requirement to conduct clinical trials prior to authorization. In addition, due to the unenforceability of the pharmaceutical regulations and non-investigational status of the product, regulated human clinical trials are not legally possible, as none of the clinical trial human subject protections can be ensured.

FDA will approve EUA products on incomplete/non-existent information based on an opinion that “known and potential benefit of the product” may “outweigh[s] the known and potential risks”[7] and considers it unlikely that “comprehensive effectiveness data” will be available before an EUA grant. In contrast, for an investigational drug (under normal regulatory approval process) the FDA “shall” deny approval if the applicant “do[es] not show that such drug is safe.”[8]

Therefore, the EUA status of a medical countermeasure precludes collection of the regulated clinical trial data and thus precludes reliable, valid scientific knowledge of risks and benefits associated with the EUA Countermeasure while it remains non-investigational.

There is no strict requirement for an Investigational New Drug exemption (IND), nor institutional review board (IRB) approval of a clinical trial protocol and informed consent forms. Thus, the EUA process makes it impossible to obtain meaningful informed consent from the recipients of the product.

Congress mandated that FDA directly inform health care professionals and product recipients of any “significant known and potential benefits and risks.”[9] However, given that formal regulated clinical trials are neither required nor possible for a non-investigational EUA product, there is no effective way to collect and collate reliable and scientifically valid information on risks and benefits of an EUA, thus making the informed consent mandated by Congress meaningless.

Furthermore, there are no required standards for quality-control in manufacturing; no inspections of manufacturing procedures; no lot-release testing and no prohibition on wide variability among lots; no prohibition on adulteration; and no required compliance with Current Good Manufacturing Practices. EUA products, even though unregulated and non-standardized, “shall not be deemed adulterated or misbranded.”[10]

In summary, the process by which the EUA products enter interstate commerce and claims about their safety, efficacy or contents are based solely on the HHS Secretary’s opinion, which requires no supporting scientific evidence. Misrepresentations of safety, efficacy or contents of EUA products are allowed by federal law. Thus, claims provided by the federal health authorities or manufacturers cannot be considered reliable sources of information.

[1] See, e.g., 21 U.S.C. § 355 (drugs); 42 U.S.C. § 262 (biologics).

[2] CFR Title 21, including sections in parts 1-99, 200-299, 300-499, 600-799, and 800-1299.

[3] Section 564 FD&C Act. Note that the EUA pathway should not be confused with the “Expanded Access Use” regulatory pathway which is often colloquially referred to as an “emergency use”. The expanded access is an investigational pathway and is regulated in the same manner as all normal drug approvals. (21 CFR 312.310-320)

[4] 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3(a)(1), (b).

[5] 21 USC 360bbb-3(k): If a product is the subject of an authorization under this section, the use of such product within the scope of the authorization shall not be considered to constitute a clinical investigation for purposes of section 355(i), 360b(j), or 360j(g) of this title or any other provision of this chapter or section 351 of the Public Health Service Act [42 U.S.C. 262].

[6] 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3(c)(2)(A)

[7] 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb3(c)(2)(B)

[8] 21 U.S.C. § 355(d)(2); See also 42 U.S.C. § 262(a)(2)(RB) (biologic approved only if it actually “is . . . safe”).

[9] 21 U.S.C. § 360bbb-3(e)(1)(A)(II)

[10] 21 USC 360bbb-3a(c).

Art for today: The Fates, oil on linen, 32x38 in.

RFK: the goal of HHS is to end the chronic illness epidemic


The Monsters Aren’t Just in History Books. They Live Among Us. They’re Everywhere


Jonathan Cook
February 28, 2025

Walter Salles’ new film on the disappearances of regime critics in 1970s Brazil is a powerful reminder that the ghouls who defend the slaughter in Gaza are biding their time

Walter Salles’ new film I’m Still Here, is a moving, true-story, Oscar-nominated portrait of a middle-class, leftwing family in Rio de Janeiro in the early 1970s struggling to come to terms with the father’s disappearance – 25 years later confirmed as murder – by the Brazilian military dictatorship.


Video Link

The mother and a teenage daughter spend time inside a regime torture camp too, before being released.

What struck me powerfully in the film was the endless supply of compliant regime officials who impassively, conscientiously carried out the abuse of men, women and children.

It was a reminder that plenty of these people live among us – and that they have been doing very little to hide who they are over the past 16 months.

They are the politicians mangling language and international law by terming as “self-defence” the collective punishment of the people of Gaza through carpet bombing and starvation – crimes against humanity.


Video Link

They are the police officers raiding people’s homes, and detaining and arresting independent journalists and human rights activists, including Jewish ones, for protesting the slaughter in Gaza.

They are the establishment journalists pretending the carnage inflicted on the people of Gaza is just another routine news story, less important than the death of an elderly actor, or the latest outburst from serial misogynist Andrew Tate.

And, more than anything, they are the army of ordinary people on social media:

  • Mocking the families of children shredded by US-supplied bombs;
  • Reciting endless claims of “Gazawood” (Gaza-Hollywood), as if the levelling of the tiny territory, visible from outer space, is a fiction and that the only victims are Hamas fighters;
  • Defending as a legitimate legal procedure the abduction of hundreds of doctors and nurses from Gaza’s hospitals into “detention camps” where torture, sexual abuse and rape are routine;
  • Justifying the destruction of Gaza’s hospitals – leaving premature babies, pregnant women, the sick and the elderly to die – on the basis of entirely unsubstantiated, and self-serving, Israeli government claims that each is a Hamas “command and control centre”;
  • Cheering the erasure of the only documentary on Gaza humanising its children because the father of the 13-year-old narrator is a scientist appointed by the Hamas government to oversee what was the agricultural sector before Israel destroyed all the enclave’s vegetation.

These people live among us. They grow more confident by the day.

And one day, if we don’t fight them now, they will be putting a hood over our head to take us to a secret location.

They will be across the desk, asking us the same questions over and over again, making us pore over photo albums to find faces we recognise, people we can inform on.

They will lead us to dirty cells, where there is a hard shelf for a bed, no blanket to keep us warm, no chance to shower, a hole in the ground for a toilet, and one meal to sustain us through the day.

They will escort us silently through long dark corridors to a room where they will be waiting for us.

There will be a chair in the centre of an empty room. They will nod for us to sit down. And then it will begin.



Ukraine: Why Trump broke the Western narrative on the conflict


José Javier Esparza
February 26th 

 Trump has changed the narrative on the war in Ukraine. The winner of the German elections has said it, our Minister of Defence has said it and other prominent spokesmen of the global order have said it. And it is striking that they have said it in these precise terms: the narrative. Because, in effect, the political relevance of the war in Ukraine, outside the contending countries, lies above all in its strength as a narrative: an evil aggressor power abuses its power and treacherously invades the territory of a free and sovereign nation. How can we not come to the defence of the country that was attacked? This has been the official narrative since February 2022 and from the beginning they wanted it to be the only possible narrative. So much so that one of the first decisions of the European countries was to ban any Russian media on our soil and, immediately afterwards, to publish in all our countries, at the expense of no one knows who, laudatory biographies of Zelensky, both in book and audiovisual format. All to make the narrative clear.

From that moment until today, the only tone of information in our major media has been war propaganda: everything was told from Zelensky's perspective. We were on the verge of winning the war every day. The cruelties and atrocities of the Russians were highlighted while the virtues of the Ukrainians were extolled, for whom more and more weapons were incessantly demanded, since victory was only a matter of time. A strongly emotional atmosphere has grown around this narrative and it made any dissent impossible. Any attempt to see things from another point of view was - and still is - immediately recast as treason, fifth columnism or venality ("who's paying this guy?"), in a kind of reductio ad Putinum that justified any insult, because, of course, who else but a scoundrel or a sell-out could choose Evil instead of Good? And from that point of view, it was true.

The problem was – and always has been – this very issue: the point of view. To use a very popular image, it is like that Indian tale in which a group of blind men try to describe an elephant by palpating the part of the animal they can touch. Each one describes a different animal depending on whether they feel the trunk, the ear, a leg, etc. Each of them is right, but none of them is describing the whole reality. It is the same here in this war (as in all others). If one focuses on February 22, it is clear that Russia started the war with a treacherous and clearly illegal invasion of Ukrainian sovereign territory. Now, if one broadens the focus and places it not in 2022, but in 2013-14, which is when the conflict becomes irreversible, then the perspective changes. Do we remember this? Elections won by Yanukovich, a coup d'état disguised as a popular revolution, the transparent declaration by Victoria Nuland, at the time U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for
Eurasian Affairs with her "Fuck the EU." And the failed Minsk agreements, and the Russian occupation of Crimea… If we focus on those, the Americans started the conflict. But if we widen the focus and go back to the birth of the Ukrainian state in 1991, then the perspective changes again: we have a largely artificial state, with two clearly differentiated communities (the Ukrainian and the Russian), both governed by two symmetrically corrupt oligarchies, incapable of building an efficient state. If we focus on those, the blame for the conflict undoubtedly lies with the successive Ukrainian governments, predators of a nation that they have condemned to permanent corruption and the emigration of millions of people long before the war began. But there is more: if we focus again and go to the spring of 2022, to the peace talks in Istanbul, the perspective changes again. Zelensky had then obtained a much more advantageous peace than the one he will be able to achieve now, but the English arrived and pushed Ukraine to prolong the war, we still do not know under what promises. If we focus on that, then the fault lies with the Europeans; the same Europeans who confessed (Merkel, Hollande) that the Minsk agreements were only a trap to gain time and allow the Ukrainians to rearm. And Europe, since then, has not stopped prolonging... the story. 

Trump has violently changed the script. He has done so not out of love for the truth, but out of pure political pragmatism (which is his duty, mind you). Quite simply, this war is not his war, but that of the Democratic establishment. He is not in the least interested in pressuring the Russians, because, in his vision of the world order, his rival on the chessboard is not Russia, but China (and if he succeeds in separating Russia from China, all the better). The war in Ukraine is only a money-sink whose fate, on the other hand, is shrouded in shadows. As for the war itself, of course NATO could bring Russia to its knees, but only at the cost of an escalation whose consequences would surely be catastrophic. Under these conditions, what is the point of prolonging the war? A war that you are not going to win is better terminated. And that's all there is to it. So what about the Ukrainians, who have been pushed into an impossible conflict? Well, the White House must be thinking now that they would have been better not trusting the US or its European acolytes, who are as guilty of this as Washington is. But to do so, it is essential, first of all, to break the narrative that for three years has made the war in Ukraine the axis of world politics, the quintessence of the struggle for freedoms and "Western values" against Asian-Russian-Soviet despotism. The narrative must be broken.

The helplessness of those who, throughout all this time, had finally found a discourse capable of explaining History, a new Cold War that explained how the world worked, is perfectly understandable. Now the narrative is falling apart and the blind man has to accept that he was only touching one part of the elephant. But how can one accept such a thing when one cannot see the whole? That is why there are those who, unable to react, opt for tears, like Christoph Heusgen, or else for the delirium of conspiracy: Trump is a puppet of the Russians, its the Sudetenland, Trump is a traitor to the cause, it's Chamberlain and Churchill, evil Trump abandons the Ukrainians to their fate… or to the embrace of the European Union, which may be an even worse fate. But no, there is none of that. There is only power. As always. As when the conflict began. And now again, as always, we will see a new story manufactured whilst the weapons fall silent and peace prevails… until the next war comes around.

And what about us Europeans? Perhaps we should start writing another story. Our own story. But with different scribes, please, because the ones in Brussels are no longer even fit to write a comic strip.


Fourth World comments:

The above article was written several days before Trump's public humiliation of Zelensky at the Oval Office. But it bolsters what was said in our previous post, that Washington has stopped resisting the shift to a new global order and is now instead trying to lead it.


Zelensky's humiliation:
