Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current pharmaceutical industries analyst, presents documentation on the uses of graphene oxide, and claims that this contaminant is found in Pfizer and Moderna injections.
David Montoute
27th AugustA major evolution in the Plandemic drama took place on June 25th, as El Gato al Agua — a Spanish current affairs TV show — broke the news
that huge quantities of graphene oxide (GO) nanoparticles
had been discovered in Pfizer vaccine vials. The analysis by Dr. Pablo
Campra Madrid at the University of Almería was undertaken at the
initiative of Spanish research group La Quinta Columna,
headed by Dr. Ricardo Delgado and Dr. José Luis Sevillano. La Quinta Columna then released a stunning interim report on June 30th which claimed that graphene oxide is the principal ingredient in Pfizer’s Covid-19 “vaccine”, of which the filtrate's absorption signal showed in a proportion of 99.5%. The university, for its part, issued a communiqué dissociating itself from Campra Madrid's study.
In July, a team led by Swiss-based biophysicist Andreas Kalcker and the Colombian doctor Eduardo Insignares claimed to have confirmed the findings of La Quinta Columna through electron microscopy studies on all of the principal Covid vacines. The team concluded that the same characteristic evidence of GO was present in all of the Covid vaccines. These revelations were then bolstered by pharmaceutical drug development expert Dr. Jane Ruby, whose groundbreaking data presented to the Stew Peters Show showed the disastrous impact upon the blood of people who had taken the Pfizer and AstraZeneca injections.
the following weeks, former Pfizer employee Karen Kingston came forward with documentation suggesting that graphene oxide nanoparticles could be the key ingredient in the Covid-19 experimental shots. The link was the use of polyethylene glycol ('PEGylated' lipid
nanoparticles) in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Since messenger RNA is highly unstable, PEGs are used as a “biosphere” to protect the RNA until it can dock with the cell wall and deliver its contents. Kingston claimed that the PEGs in current use must also contain graphene oxide. The latter is not listed in Moderna's patent application, Kingston explained, because the nanoparticle's composition is intellectual property and its public disclosure is thus not legally required. Exemption from
labeling requirements is common for vaccine ingredients considered to
be "inactive". In the current context, drug
delivery vehicles such as the dubious PEGs, along with adjuvants and
other excipients typically fall under this category, and so our knowledge of them is blocked by the shield of proprietary information.
Naturally, mass-media outlets went into overdrive to "debunk" these claims. And while it is true that the documentary evidence thus far presented does not show directly that graphene oxide is present in the emegency-use Coronavirus vaccines, it is significant that SINOPEG, the Chinese company that specialises in making PEGylated lipids, also has expertise in combining the two substances in “polyethylene glycol functionalised graphene” nanocomposites. Moreover, the Kingston interview demonstrated that the same type of lipid nanoparticles manufactured by SINOPEG is used in the Moderna vaccine (i.e. the synthetic amino lipid SM102) and in Pfizer (ALC-0159). Kingston also demonstrated the existence of patents for Chinese Coronavirus vaccines that do contain graphene oxide. At least one of these patents, which would have worldwide application, was applied for by the Shanghai National Engineering Research Center for Nanotechnology Co Ltd. Researchers at this institution had previously investigated a graphene oxide-containing SARS-CoV-2 vaccine back in 2020, noting that "graphene has excellent drug loading ability due to its unique π-π conjugation at every single graphene layer, which can efficiently adsorb small molecular and macromolecular drugs, and provides an excellent delivery platform for nucleic acid and protein delivery".
Graphene oxide has been exploited in the biomedical field for DNA sequencing and for the development of biosensors. Alongside its general use in gene delivery and administering of drugs into living cells, recent research shows that it has already been used as an adjuvant in vaccines, including flu vaccines — a point to which we will return further below. La Quinta Columna has collected a wide range of research on its website to demonstrate graphene oxide's toxicity for humans, including its ability to disrupt mitochondrial homeostasis, its damage to the DNA of human retinal cells, its ability to cause lethal anaphylactic shock in primates, its genotoxic and epigenotoxic effects, and its critical, dose-dependent impact on spermatogenesis. It also causes immune system alterations by decompensating the
oxidative balance in relation to glutathione stores. But most crucially, for the issue of "Covid-19", GO has been shown to induce extensive pulmonary thromboembolism in mice.
Although the documentation brought forth by Karen Kingston does not constitute a smoking gun, it does propose a workable explanation (and so far, the only explanation) for the widespread
magnet-sticking phenomenon, in which metallic objects adhere to the vaccine injection site — a phenomenon that has been
video-recorded by thousands of people around the world.
What is the GO relationship to this magnetism?
While graphene oxide has low electrical conductivity (insulating or
semi-conducting properties) reduced graphene oxide (rGO) can be highly electrically conductive. Andrew Goldsworthy, an Honorary Lecturer in Biology at Imperial College London, suggests that a
graphene-like compound has been used as a vaccine adjuvant to increase the rate of
uptake of the mRNA. Both graphene and graphene oxide, he says, can conduct enough electricity across the cell membranes to magnetise nearby superparamagnetic particles such as ferritin and magnetite to trigger widespread magnetisation of people receiving the vaccine:
"It's just as the iron core of an electromagnet becomes magnetised when an electric current is passed through the coil of wire wound around it...
To make this argument more quantitative; the electrical conductivity of graphene on the nano scale is two orders of magnitude greater than copper...The transmembrane voltage gradient of living cells is of the order of ten million volts per metre (100 mV across a 10 nm membrane)...
This means that a transmembrane strand of graphene or graphene oxide (from the vaccine) could carry a huge electric current and be likely to magnetise any superparamagnetic materials such as ferritin or magnetite that may be close by...This effect could spread like wildfire across the membrane as each magnetized particle magnetizes its neighbours and then to those of the next cell, so that the magnetic effect increases and...Ultimately, it could spread to all parts of the body via the bloodstream, starting with the blood cells themselves, including those white cells needed for our immune system, then the veins, then the heart, followed by the lungs and finally the brain.
Wherever It goes, it could wreak havoc with cell permeability and have all sorts of biological effects, including heart failure, premature Alzeimer's disease and, when the mitochondria are affected, chronic fatigue."
Truth hangs upon a PEG
Suspicion of the Covid vaccines' delivery system as a trigger for adverse events is not new. As early as December 2020, Science Magazine, the peer-reviewed academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) reported that "[s]evere allergy-like reactions in at least eight people who received the
COVID-19 vaccine produced by Pfizer and BioNTech"
may be due to the polyethylene glycol component of the lipid nanoparticle packaging.
Polyethylene glycol is a petroleum-derived polyether, the most widely used stealth polymer in drug delivery, and is
contained in over a dozen PEGylated pharmaceuticals on the market.
Although the US FDA gives polyethylene glycol a Generally-Recognized-As-Safe (GRAS) rating, a growing body of evidence shows
the existence of anti-PEG antibodies in almost three
quarters of the general population in the US that has never treated with PEGylated
drugs. It is important to notice that Pfizer did not test whether its vaccine could cause antibodies against
polyethylene glycol, nor did it control for any potential toxicokinetic reaction, nor for autoimmune reactions or neurological, fertility or reproductive reactions. When the EUA vaccines were first wheeled out, no patients were pre-screened for existing antibodies
against PEG before they were injected. The first cases of suspected anaphylactic reactions emerged in the UK, where approximately 8% of the population is known to have highly
elevated levels of anti-PEG antibodies. Yet there was no free, public debate on this, nor any consideration of why vaccine manufacturers would insist on blanket indemnity to prosecutions for vaccine injuries and deaths if they knew their product to be safe. Pfizer's criminal negligence here is perfectly in keeping with the company's history of delincuency. But it is less easy to explain the MHRA's resort to an emergency use authorisation of its products, products whose animal test equivalents had such a spectacularly awful results. The familiar explanations of backscratching and the corporate revolving door do not seem sufficient to account for these measures, which, moreover, were adopted in lockstep fashion around the world. An EUA for unapproved medical products cannot be legal when there exist safe, effective and approved alternative treatments for the ailment. The catch, of course, is the "approved" component of this formula, since it is the regulatory bodies themselves that decide which agents are safe and effective and which are not.
Another most critical point in this case is that one cannot examine the toxicity of PEGs in isolation. In their medical applications, polyethylene glycols are commonly modified and crosslinked into hydrogels with graphene oxide for their ability to mimic the extracellular matrix. But the PEG functionalisation of graphene-based materials can also alter the surface charge of graphene, which can, in turn, impact cellular functions in a biological environment. So, if graphene oxide really is present in the vaccine hydrogels, as the Kalcker and Quinta Columna spectroscopy results suggest, it forces us to consider the most critical matter — known to all toxicologists — of synergistic toxicity. By this we mean the phenomenon through which exposure to combined but distinct toxins may produce effects that neither ingredient can by itself. By way of example, the PEGylation of reduced graphene oxide has been observed to induce toxicity in cells of the Blood–Brain Barrier.
So, if the results from Spain are validated, what are the implications of GO-containing lipid nanoparticles in our "emergency use" Covid vaccines?
The vaccine's drug delivery system, combined with its gift of a "spike protein" — whose high homology with placental protein syncytin-1 opens the way to antigenic cross-reactivity — provides the picture of an alarming and highly complex toxic challenge that institutionalised scientists have hardly even begun to evaluate.
Poisoned from the word GO
two-dimensional, atomic-scale hexagonal lattice is 200 times stronger than steel but as
flexible as skin.The material's amazing properties and
ever-widening range of commercial applications in transport, medicine, electronics, energy, defence, and water
desalination all provide a commensurate growth in the potential for
widespread environmental contamination with graphene nanoparticles.
La Quinta Columna's researchers concluded that graphene oxide can trigger the same symptoms attributed to the putative SARS-CoV-2 virus, and that since the latter has apparently never been purified or sequenced, the COVID-19 condition is better explained by the introduction into the body of graphene oxide. GO's presence inside the body, they claim, causes post inflammatory syndrome or systemic or multi-organ inflammations, depleting levels of glutathione —the body's most important antioxidant reserve — and leading to cytokine storms and collapse of the immune system. Inhaled graphene oxide spreads evenly throughout the alveolar tract. La Quinta Columna asserts that this causes bilateral pneumonias. Certainly, repeated aerosolised exposure to GO has been seen to elicit a proinflammatory response in the lungs. And once GO has triggered inflammation of the mucous membranes, loss of taste and smell can often follow, two of the signature conditions for the Covid syndrome.
If COVID-19 is truly results from graphene oxide exposure, rather than an unsubstantiated virus, it must be entering the body via multiple routes of exposure. On April 2nd, 2021, the Canadian government's national Health Canada department withdrew face masks containing graphene nanoparticles,( but later rescinded the recall). To grasp the range of potential exposures, we must add to the masks, still marketed by companies such as Nanografi, a constantly growing list of products and devices containing graphene, from bone and teeth implants to food packaging, lubricants, dialysis, public water filtration systems, antigen tests and perhaps even the PCR swabs themselves.

Although graphene oxide hydrogels' first medical applications were principally in cancer therapy, they have been increasingly used in vaccine development, in particular with intranasal flu vaccines. La Quinta Columna's suspicion, therefore, that the 2019 influenza campaign had introduced a vaccine containing graphene oxide was not unreasonable. The correlation between high coverage flu vaccination and 'Covid' mortality rates in 2020 had already been widely noted by numerous sources. By August 24th 2020, the top ten countries in COVID-19 mortality, according to Johns Hopkins, were Belgium, Peru, the UK, Spain, Italy, Chile, Sweden, the US, Mexico, and France. What united all of these countries (and contrasted them with countries on the low end of fatality rates) is that they had all vaccinated more than 49% of their elderly populations with flu vaccines during the previous year. Even before the Quinta Columna's hypothesis was aired, biologist Almudena Zaragoza had voiced similar suspicions about the role of the flu vaccines, and she has called for an investigation into the shot's potential relationship to the unprecedented spike in flu deaths in 2017 which killed and hospitalised more people than any influenza had in decades.
If the GO hypothesis is correct, it clearly places the whole debate about the presumed role of antibody-dependent enhancement in a very different light. The Quinta Columna's emphasis on a toxicological — versus biological — explanation has also generated some tension
with other dissident Spanish medical researchers.
Most notable amongst these are Médicos Por La Verdad,
who have critiqued aspects of La Quinta Columna's models for ignoring
the correspondences between the receptors targeted by the famous "spike
protein" and the observed clinical pathologies of COVID-19. Although Médicos Por La
Verdad do not reject a role for graphene oxide, either in the syndrome, or in the post-vaccine injuries and deaths, they
are waiting upon a more thorough grounding for the GO hypothesis before going any further. The group's reserve is also expressed in its reluctance to promote any particular detoxification protocol for GO, due to the lack of relevant studies and the radical novelty of the mRNA vaccine composition (per Chinda Brandolino "we don't know how to deal with the electromagnetic effects produced by the enormous quantities of graphene...we never imagined something like this.").
In stark contrast, the Quinta Columna has energetically promoted oral intake of N-acetylcysteine (a glutathione precursor)
quercetin, proteolytic enzymes, zinc and other nutrients that they claim can degrade GO. Glutathione in particular is emphasised due to its neutralising of free radicals and reactive oxygen species. The dramatic effect of its amino acid precursor in reversing pulmonary diseases has not gone unnoticed. Ricardo Delgado sees the FDA's attempted ban on N-acetylcysteine (after more than 52 years of safe use) to be a further confirmation of its role in degrading GO and its prophylactic and remedial effects on "Covid", as well as all manner of thrombotic injury. As with Ivermectin, artemisia annua, vitamin C or zinc, all effective natural remedies must be surpressed in order for the vaccine mandates to continue to hold sway.
But Delgado and Sevillano's focus is not limited to the removal of what they believe to be the primary offending agent in this 'pandemic'. They have also shone a light on reduced graphene oxide's superconductive properties, the ways in which these properties allow it to function like an antenna, and how these can even amplify pulsed frequencies. One engineer contributing to the Quinta Columna's debates has suggested that when the carbon nanotubes of the vaccine hydrogel are of a specific size of (1.2 nm) they may convert regular signals into frequencies on the order of
terahertz, a thousand times higher than those pulsed (and which essentially travel at the speed of human thought). If this seems fanciful, be aware that 6G deployments roughly a decade from now will be working in this range. “Terahertz frequencies" we are told "will likely be the first wireless spectrum that can provide the real time computations needed for wireless remoting of human cognition." That is, we will finally have something like a true human-AI interface.
Beyond the transhumanist fantasies at work in these designs, the amplitudes dissipated by our graphene nanotubes can be extremely dangerous for the human brain, even when the power of the original signal is fairly weak. And without any amplification effects at all, good old 'regular' 60GHz radiation can by itself cause oxygen molecule resonance and trigger widespread blood coagulation effects. When oxygen absorbs the millimeter wave 60GHz signal, it cannot easily bond with the haemoglobin molecule, as it is absorbing most of the transmitted energy. The consideration is important when we recall the reports from last year by frontline doctors in New York that the "Covid" patients were suffering not from a pneumonia but from something akin to haemolytic anaemia.
For the Spanish researchers at La Quinta Columna, the interaction of graphene oxide with the common frequencies employed in 5G technology traces a general 'environmental hypothesis' for COVID-19, and it is an hypothesis for which their colleague B. Payeras Cifre has drawn up geographical correspondences between cell mast concentrations and the syndrome's highly uneven global distribution. Delgado and Sevillano also doubt that the extremely abrupt waves of fatalities in care homes in 2020 can be explained in any natural way. Rather, they say, we should look at the interaction between the 5G frequencies and the graphene oxide intoxication from earlier vaccination campaigns. They point out
that Wuhan was the first city in the world to trial 5G technology near the end of 2019, and conclude that this fatal resonance was not, and is not, accidental: "That
is why the implantation of these antennas never stopped during the
pandemic; in fact, they were one of the few services that were
maintained, apart from special surveillance by the armed forces and
state security bodies of these antennas."
The people's response, and a way forward
claims of graphene oxide's presence in the principal Covid vaccines initially received a lukewarm reception amongst health
freedom/anti-lockdown activists. Since this material was so new and its
implications so profound, their cautious attitude was understandable.
Nevertheless, certain activists responded with kneejerk dismissiveness and critiques that resembled in tone the poorly-conceived debunking excercises of the corporate media. Few in the movement have appreciated the achievement that an independent analysis of the vaccine vials represents, including how these were obtained — at great personal and professional risk — by policeman Rafa Navarro. Complaints about the lack of a legal chain of custody for these (sealed) vials must be balanced against the
backdrop of the broader "Covid-19" operation in which basic science has
been ignored, doctors and scientists have been overruled, medical licenses revoked, and vast numbers of social media
accounts deleted for "wrongthink".
In this context, winning a court-ordered, independent analysis of any of these vaccine vials is a highly improbable proposition in any of the powerful lockdown-promoting nations.
In fact, a Freedom of
Information request to Britain's MHRA asking for the full nucleotide
sequence used in the recombinant DNA of the Oxford-AstraZeneca and Johnson and Johnson vaccines has just been rejected. The
petitioner, Dr. Lee Proctor, with 25 years of experience in the
pharmaceutical industry, responds that he knows of "no other examples
where the full chemical structure of the
API for any drug product is not freely available in the public domain."
It is informed consent that is the crux of the vaccine question. In the fashion of a traditional dictatorship, the UK government is now creating conditions that will effectively mandate vaccination for all UK
citizens, yet those same citizens are not permitted to know the actual chemical
substances that they are to be treated with. This underlinines better than anything the problem of confronting the Covid coup solely within legal, institutional limits.
ALC-0159, one of the lipids suspected by Karen Kingston to contain graphene oxide, is explicitly protected by these provisions. In answer to an earlier request for exact composition of ALC-0159, the British government responded that "this information is exempt from release under Section 41 (Information
provided in confidence) and Section 43 (Commercial interests) of the
Freedom of Information (FOI) Act...Section 41 is an absolute exemption and no consideration of the
public interest is required, except to state that we consider its
disclosure to constitute an actionable breach of confidence." [emphasis added]
If the core conclusions of La Quinta Columna are hard for some to digest, it is worth remembering that the existence of dangerous, undisclosed ingredients in vaccines is not a new phenomenon. In 2017 Stefano Montanari and Antonietta Gatti examined 44 samples of 30 different vaccines, finding them all to be contaminated with undeclared nanoparticles (the response of the Italian government was to immediately have their laboratory raided). It was also in this year that the class 2A carcinogen glyphosate was discovered in five common vaccines produced by Merck, Sanofi Pasteur, Novartis and Glaxo Smith Kline. Earlier, in 2014, several independant studies had revealed the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in World Health Organisation tetanus toxoid shots, which mimicked the function of an earlier Rockefeller-financed a “birth-control” vaccine. With this history, then, instant, reactive dismissals of the existence of toxic ingredients in COVID-19 vaccines are difficult to justify to an objective observer.
Contrary to the claims of some sources, the Spanish GO researchers are clearly working with much more than just speculative claims. And the potential exposure to unknown vaccine ingredients has now been dramatically confirmed by yesterday's news that Japan is pulling 1.63 million doses of Moderna’s COVID-19 shots after receiving reports of contaminants in 39 unopened vials across 8 vaccination locations. Takeda Pharmaceutical Company, which is running the sales and distribution of the Moderna shot, has "received reports from several vaccination centres that foreign substances have been found inside unopened vials", and is requesting an urgent investigation from the company. Moderna, for its part ,said it had found "no safety or efficacy issues" related to these cases. Curiously, the Ministry of Health, Labour & Welfare
said that the extraneous substance that had been mixed
in may have been metal, because it is a substance that "reacts to magnets."
In the Bizarro world in which we now live in, when the most fundamental aspects of health policy are shielded from view and vaccine manufacturers are immune from virtually all liability for harm, it would be rash to dismiss any evidenced-based assertions surrounding on the darker aspects of these putative medical interventions, even those that may initially appear outlandish. Here, it is a trade secret alone that obscures what could be the smoking gun showing graphene oxide's inclusion in these lethal formulas. Not only must this legal shield be overturned, but legally-sanctioned, independant toxicological studies on these products must be carried out without delay. Around the world, there are countless injured recipients that await secure information on remedial measures against the unprecendented negative effects of these medications. But whether or not any peer-reviewed study confirms evidence of GO in the Covid shots, it is imperative that our health rights and human bodily autonomy be restored, which means that all coercive vaccine policies must be immediately annulled.
* * *
A lipid nanoparticle (LNP) contains hundreds of small interfering RNA (siRNA) molecules, each surrounded by ionizable lipids, phospholipids, and cholesterol. The exterior of the particle is coated with pegylated lipids. LNPs for messenger RNA (mRNA) are made with similar ingredients but contain only a few strands of mRNA.
A technical description of the lipid nanoparticles follows below (courtesy of Ciencia y Salud Natural) :
Understanding Nanotechnology in COVID-19 Vaccines
Lipid nanoparticles are a vital component of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines from Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna, and they play a key role in protecting and transporting mRNA to the right place in cells. They are next-generation liposomes that use nanotechnology and are adapted for the delivery of various therapies. Nanoparticles can be composed of precious metals (copper, silver, gold), inorganic materials (graphene, silicon), proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, RNA / DNA, or conjugates, combinations and polymers of all of the above.
Liposomes: the precursor to lipid nanoparticles
Liposomes are closed lipid bilayer vesicles that form spontaneously in water (see Fig. 1A), essentially a fatty capsule. They were discovered in the 1960s and their potential as effective drug delivery systems was recognised almost immediately. Over the past decades, scientists have worked on the design of liposomes to control where they act, how long they circulate in the body, and where and when their contents are released.
Liposomes have proven to be a versatile nanocarrier platform because they can transport hydrophilic drugs within the enclosed aqueous interior or hydrophobic drugs within the hydrocarbon chain region of the lipid bilayer (see Figure 1B).
Liposomes are the first nanomedicine delivery platform to move into clinical application. There are a number of approved pharmaceutical preparations. For example, Doxil for the administration of the chemical inhibitor doxorubicin to treat ovarian cancer, and Epaxal for the administration of protein antigens as a hepatitis vaccine, alomg with others in the works.
Although mRNA vaccines have received much worldwide interest as a new type of drug, lipid nanoparticles have been used in drug delivery systems (DDS) since the discovery of liposomes in the 1960s. Despite their benefits, liposomes have disadvantages:
have a short circulation time in the bloodstream,
they are unstable in the human body and lack selective orientation.
Leaked documents show that some commercial batches of Pfizer-BioNTech's covid-19 vaccine had lower-than-expected levels of intact mRNA, raising further questions about how to evaluate this new vaccine platform.
Graphene incorporated into hydrogels
Graphene and graphene derivatives (eg, graphene oxide (GO)) have been incorporated into hydrogels to improve the properties (eg, mechanical strength) of conventional hydrogels and / or develop new functions ( e.g. Electrical conductivity and drug charge / delivery). Unique molecular interactions between graphene derivatives and various small macromolecules or macromolecules allow the manufacture of various functional hydrogels suitable for different biomedical applications.
Allergic Reactions to COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines
Lipid nanoparticles have an unwanted side effect; they have the potential to induce an allergic reaction, especially for those with severe allergies.
The compositions of the lipid nanoparticles are very similar for the two vaccines (Pfizer / BioNTech and Moderna): an ionizable cationic lipid, a PEGylated lipid, cholesterol and the phospholipid distearoylphosphatidylcholine (DSPC) as auxiliary lipid. Scientists believe that these reactions are related to the PEG-lipid component of the vaccine, since the risk of sensitization appears to be greater with formulations comprising higher molecular weight PEG, such as PEG3350 - PEG5000. It should be noted that the mRNA vaccines contain only MW PEG2000.
Graphene, is the thinnest, strongest and most rigid material and is arranged in a honeycomb pattern structure with carbon with sp2 hybridization. It finds more potential applications in modern industry than other carbonaceous allotropes. In pristine form, it is also a conductor of heat and electricity.
Graphene oxide was chemically functionalised with single terminal amino-PEG (PEG-NH2) and subsequently introduced into the epoxy resin as a "core-shell" structure to improve the dielectric performance of polymer dielectrics. The resulting PEG @ rGO became hydrophilic and exhibited polydispersive behavior in various solvents. The unique structure and excellent dispersion state of PEG @ rGO offer an easy technique to modulate the interface and optimise the microstructure, thus achieving high permittivity and low loss polymeric dielectric materials. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0266353819336371
Superparamagnetic nanoparticle delivery of DNA vaccine: presence of magnetic graphene oxide (MGO), potential of Fe3O4, suggests they have changed the mRNA delivery platform https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24715289/
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Technical source on liposomes: