sábado, 9 de dezembro de 2023

The Blue Dot: against Agenda 2030


Morféo de Gea
14 November, 2023

In the summer of 2022, "The Big Reset" documentary was released in Spain. In its runtime of just over two hours, it exposed a conspiracy against Humanity driven by the Covid-19 plandemic. The documentary's objective - as stated on its website—was to “help regain control of our lives and all the rights that have been violated. And the only way to achieve this is to help citizens understand what is really happening". The film was a resounding success, filling theaters in the 20 Spanish cinemas where it was screened, and it was also translated into the most relevant languages.

Directed by W—the pseudonym of an unknown
filmmaker—and necessarily financed by crowdfunding, the documentary was censored on all globalist social networks, but it still took the dissident platforms by storm.

After laying out the main points of the Covidian plandemic, the documentary concludes by stating that the plan's ultimate objective was to accelerate implementation of the “Great Reset”, a gigantic globalist operation looking to establish a totalitarian New World Order that will end most of our freedoms and rights.

It is a New Order made explicit with Agenda 2030, and the “The Blue Dot” project, which constitutes the second part of “The Big Reset Movie”, aims to expose this sinister plan against humanity.

The name of the documentary comes from astronomer Carl Sagan, who in 1990 thought it would be interesting for the Voyager 1 spacecraft, after completing its mission to Saturn, to turn around and take a photo of the Earth. Seen from across that enormous distance, our planet looks inconsequential, or as Carl Sagan said, “a speck of dust suspended in a ray of sunlight.” But it is a blue speck; hence the photograph's
famous name: "A pale blue dot."

As stated here on https://thebluedotmovie.com, "The Blue Dot" will try to address all of the challenges that threaten the future of humanity. Pandemics, wars, climate change, economic destruction, implementation of a universal basic income, worldwide digitalisation, and control of people via microchips are merely stepping stones to achieve greater objectives: total control of the planet's resources, as well as the minds and bodies of human beings.

Lying behind pretty slogans like “ending poverty” or “Zero Hunger”, and adorned with colourful tones, is an agenda that seeks to transform every aspect of our free societies in favour of a few private conglomerates.

This New World Order has several names: the Great Reset, Agenda 2030, Environmentalism, Globalism, Transhumanism... but they all respond to the same programme aimed at implementing a new model of society under the control of globalist elites.

With the plandemic already worn out, the new jewel in globalism's crown is climate change: «The story of global warming generated by CO2 from human activity has become a dogma resisting any debate, despite the fact that countless physicists, climatologists, Nobel Prize winners, and leading experts on the subject worldwide affirm the opposite. Dressed up as science, it comes to us now as a new religion, a new 21st century, ecological totalitarianism.

For this reason, “The Blue Dot” gives great relevance to the despotic and dystopian “Green Agenda”: “Again with the WEF at the helm, the “My carbon” policy signals an unimaginable number of restrictions that threaten free societies. In the documentary we will show the scenarios that have been drafted
: coercive mobility restrictions, digital identity, prohibition of cash, programmable currencies, and the Net Zero carbon tax policy will all convert our daily lives into an Orwellian nightmare.

Logically, a project like ours cannot count on any type of institutional aid, quite the opposite. This is why in order to carry it out, it will once again be absolutely necessary to resort to crowdfunding, in order to cover the high expenses involved in the preparation of a project of this magnitude. Because many prominent dissident figures will be interviewed, which entails expenses for the team to
travel to various cities in Spain and abroad.

It was the collaboration, generosity and support of many people that made the success of The Big Reset possible, and it is this same spirit of solidarity that the makers of the new documentary are asking for. Taking advantage of the wave of awareness that the first film provoked, it aspires to deepen that awakening, and give the necessary continuity to a project that would be in danger without it, since, following the plandemic, new threats to our rights & freedoms have arisen, along with new threats to human dignity and prosperity. Bringing these new provocations into the light in order to understand and combat them is the foundation of The Blue Dot.

The satanic mafia that wants to throw us into the dustbin of history represents only 1% of the human population, which means that if we united, if there was authentic collaboration and a commitment to solidarity, the battle would be won in a very short time. For this reason, the sinister elite that conspires against humanity wants to divide us at all costs. It does this by dividing the dissidents into beach bars, little cliques and groups that, despite having a common objective, not infrequently experience Goyesque-style beatings. What about the spike-protein gang? What about the graphenists? What about the atheists? What about the Catholics? What about the Right? What about the Left? In this context, projects like "The Blue Dot" are a magnificent opportunity to unite efforts, to generate solidarity and to overcome sectarianism.

It will need all our help for "The Big Dot" documentary to go ahead, We're aiming to help those who are awake have a better understanding of this total apocalypse on its way, and to stir an awakening in those still asleep, as happened with the first documentary. We really want to turn the “The Black Dot” of Agenda 2030 into a bright and happy “Blue Dot”.

"Making a donation is the ultimate sign of solidarity. Actions speak louder than words." (Ibrahim Hooper)

"A lot of small people, in small places, doing small things, can change the world." (Eduardo Galeano)

"There is nothing stronger in the world than the heart of a volunteer." (Colonel James H. Doolittle)

To collaborate with "The Blue Dot": https://thebluedotmovie.com/como-ayudar

To watch the documentary “The Big Reset”, click here


 Fernando López Mirones on Agenda 2030 (Blue Dot movie)  

Source: https://www.eldiestro.es/2023/11/el-punto-azul-desafiando-la-agenda-2030/

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