quinta-feira, 6 de junho de 2024

Anti-vaxxers pose a serious challenge to the WHO's plans


June 6th, 2024

If anti-vaxxers were as crazy as we're told they are, there would be no reason to fear them. But this is not the case. The pandemic has given wings to a movement that, until that time, was almost insignificant, outside of some very small circles.

Now the director of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has returned to the fray, declaring that “it is time to be more aggressive to push back against anti-
vaxxers”. He doesn't seem worried personally, but his mentors in the pharmaceutical industry certainly are.

During a conference titled “Celebrating 50 years of progress in immunisation,” Ghebreyesus said: “You know the serious challenge that anti-vaxxers pose, and I think we need to develop a strategy to push them back.”

Therefore, it is not to be taken lightly: anti-
vaxxers pose a “serious” challenge, even for the WHO. “I think it's time to be more aggressive in pushing back on anti-vaxxers,” he said. “I think they use Covid as an opportunity and, you know all the havoc they are creating...” he said.

The WHO has always attacked people who oppose
vaccines, whether in whole or in part. Criticism has reached the point of equating them with the “extreme right”, an increasingly popular topic that lately is used for everything.

Desperation has skyrocketed because adversity abounds for the WHO circus and its supporters. The latest came from former Japanese Interior Minister Kazuhiro Haraguchi, who has apologised for the deaths and injuries caused by “Covid” vaccines in his country.

Furthermore, in his talk, Ghebreyesus did not hide that the plan consists of vaccinating more and earlier, especially children from birth. They want to convince the world of the achievements of vaccines in general, and of childhood vaccination in particular.

“More than 14 million children in 2022 did not receive a single dose of vaccine. Working together with partners such as Gavi [the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization] and Unicef, we aim to half that number by 2030,” said the WHO chief.

Ghebreyesus praised Gavi's role “in supporting access to vaccines around the world” and called for benefactors, such as Bill Gates, to continue donating to the program.



Source: https://mpr21.info/los-antivacunas-suponen-un-serio-desafio-para-los-planes-de-la-oms/

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