segunda-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2025

Youssef Hindi: “The genocide in Gaza reveals the true nature of Israel”


Monika Berchvok (for Rivarol)
February 19, 2025

Born in 1986 in Morocco and raised in France, Youssef Hindi is a historian of religions and geopolitical scientist. A specialist in messianism and its historical, political and geopolitical implications, his unique research has shed light on the origins of modern ideologies, including Zionism, secularism and French republicanism.

Rivarol: You present a summary of the entire history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a book entitled Comprendre le conflit israélo-palestinien, published in 2024 by the very interesting Éditions Kontre Kulture. Through your book, we understand that Zionist ideology still maintains the objective of ethnically cleansing Palestine. How can this obsession with a clean slate be explained?

Youssef Hindi: Zionism, at its origin, is a political-religious project based on Judaism. The founding fathers of modern Zionism, the Jewish national homeland and the State of Israel, although predominantly atheist, based their project on the Hebrew Bible (expurgated from the New Testament), considered as a land register and a political, social and geopolitical manual. The conquest of the Holy Land by the Zionist paramilitary organizations that formed the “Tsahal” in 1948 is modeled on Deuteronomy and the Book of Joshua; founding texts which, read literally, without the authorized interpretation given by the Catholic Church, advocate conquest, ethnic cleansing, the elimination of populations without distinction of age and sex, as well as animals, and the destruction by fire of cities in their entirety. To put it simply, when you claim, like David Ben-Gurion and Benjamin Netanyahu, to be the heir of Joshua and you claim to follow his example, the concrete result is the ethnic cleansing of 1948 (the Nakba) and the current genocide in Gaza.

The American-Israeli alliance is a constant in the history of the conflict. How are the roles divided between them? Is Trump’s return a turning point in this toxic relationship?

America is Israel’s aircraft carrier and wallet. Israel is Washington’s wife and order-giver, a wife who spends dollars without counting and who drags the United States into deadly wars against all those who prevent its territorial expansion from the Nile to the Euphrates, and this, often against Washington’s interests. Through its lobby, Israel exercises an even stronger hold on the US establishment because the Anglo-Americans have converted twice: first to Judaism; Calvinism, Puritanism, Evangelicalism, etc., being only masks for Judaism; then to Zionism. The United States has considered itself, since its origins, as the new Jerusalem. Judeo-Protestantism is the fertile ground for Anglo-American Zionism and the pro-Israeli lobby. Donald Trump must satisfy the pro-Israeli lobby and its Jewish Zionist donors, including the Adelson family. I think he will do what he did during his first term, namely giving a maximum of symbolic concessions: the Abraham Accords, moving the embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing the Syrian Golan as Israeli property. All this, I think, while avoiding the war against Iran that the Israeli leaders and their lobby in the United States are pushing for. As I write these lines, a ceasefire agreement in Gaza has been signed. This is the result, in particular, of negotiations led by the Trump team. Donald Trump had told Netanyahu on the phone, after his victory in the presidential election, that he wanted a ceasefire in Gaza before his inauguration. 

From the 2000s onwards, Zionism made an openly religious and messianic turn. In Israël et la guerre mondiale des religions, co-written with Pierre-Antoine Plaquevent and recently published by Éditions Culture & Racines, you provide several keys to understanding this shift. How does this translate into the goal of war against the Palestinian people?

This translates into an acceleration of the ethnic cleansing that began in 1948, and which has continued slowly and insidiously since then, with a few peaks of aggravation such as during the 1967 war. The Jewish messianic turn of the State of Israel has the consequence, not of transforming Zionism, but of removing all the obstacles to its objectives and of removing its hypocritical liberal democratic mask. With this extremist government, Zionism appears as it is in essence: messianic, expansionist, racist, exclusivist, supremacist and genocidal. The “spectacular” dimension of the
live genocide in Gaza reveals to humanity the deep nature of Israel and the hypocrisy of Western leaders who speak of the Holocaust daily but who look away from a genocide that is taking place before our very eyes.

What is the real toll of the ethnic cleansing of the Gaza Strip?

According to a conservative estimate in a study (published in November 2024) by two researchers, Corey Scher of New York University and Jamon Van Den Hoek of Oregon State University, 58.7% of the built-up areas of the Gaza enclave are degraded or destroyed. “In the particularly dense Gaza City area, this figure rises to 73.8%. » [1]

In July 2024, the scientific journal Lancet estimated the number of deaths at 186,000, taking into account the “indirect” causes linked to the conflict [2]. Based on this estimate, today the number of deaths in Gaza is between 220,000 and 240,000, that is to say 10% of the population.

The surprise attack against Hezbollah is a victory for Israel. How is the Lebanese resistance reorganizing itself after this terrible blow? What are the geopolitical and internal consequences of this situation for you?

The attack was not a surprise. Hezbollah and the Israeli army had already been in a low-intensity war since October 2023. The Israeli attack with the beepers and the assassination of several Hezbollah leaders announced an attempted ground invasion of Lebanon by Israel. This attempted invasion ended in military failure for the IDF. The assassination of high-ranking army officers should not be confused with the balance of military power on the ground. On the other hand, the fall of the Syrian state and the seizure of power in Damascus by terrorists friendly to Israel constitute an undeniable defeat for the Axis of Resistance. And this will have the consequence of weakening Hezbollah, whose weapons and military support passed through Assad’s Syria.

Is the collapse of Bashar al-Assad’s regime in a few days a surprise or the logical continuation of the Zionist offensive? How do you explain the speed of its fall?

The new offensive by armed terrorist groups in Syria, from Idlib, was launched at the same time as that of the Israeli army in Lebanon. The two attacks were coordinated, in particular to prevent Hezbollah from intervening in Syria to help Assad.

The rapid fall of the Syrian state can be explained by many factors. The economic sanctions imposed by the United States, which began in 2004 and were intensified in waves in 2011 and 2019-2020, exhausted the country, whose resources (oil, wheat, cotton) were stolen by the Americans and their Kurdish allies. Syria was bled dry, the military, both soldiers and generals, were underpaid and therefore lacked motivation. The Syrian generals, who gave orders to the troops to retreat, were undoubtedly corrupted by the enemy to facilitate the conquest of the country.

The victorious Islamist groups seem to be under the control of Turkey. What is Erdoğan’s goal in liquidating the Syrian Baathist regime?

Erdoğan’s goal is to get his hands on a part of Syria that once belonged to the Ottoman Empire. The terrorist troops are effectively under the control of Erdoğan’s Turkey and the United States. One of the questions that remains unanswered is the division of Syria. 

Does Erdoğan want to make it a protectorate with puppets in Damascus or will he colonize Syria and expand Turkish territory, and if so, to what extent?

The Americans, who control the Kurds of Syria, who control a significant part of Syrian territory (about 30%), will not let Turkey encroach on this area. A major conflict between Turkey and the Kurds is likely in the coming months or years. The Israelis, who are now less than 20 kilometers from Damascus, will not accept that Turkey hinders the Greater Israel project that includes Syria. We can expect that, in the long term, the United States and Israel will launch the Kurds of Syria into a confrontation against the Turks.

Syria will be for years to come a place of confrontation for the regional powers that want to control this territory. Vladimir Putin understood this well. He declared, during a press conference on December 19, 2024 [3]: “The main beneficiary of the events in Syria is Israel. Russia condemns the seizure of any Syrian territory. We hope that Israel will one day leave Syrian territory. But today, it is sending more troops. I think there are already several thousand there. And I have the impression that not only will they not leave, but that they will strengthen.” [4]

Russia, caught up in the Ukrainian conflict, seems to have abandoned Bashar al-Assad. Is its presence in the region being questioned?

When terrorist troops approached Aleppo, the Russian and Iranian armies carried out missile strikes to weaken them. But seeing that the Syrian army was not fighting, Moscow and Tehran took their fingers off the trigger.

The vital threat to Russia is in Ukraine, but it is not in its interest to abandon Syria. It had no other choice. The presence of its air and naval bases in Syria is indeed threatened. Turkey, the United States, Israel and their terrorist puppets at the head of Syria all want to see the Russians leave the region.

Is resistance to the new Islamic regime in the Alawite areas possible for you?

There is still fighting, and it is not limited to the Alawite areas. Fighters loyal to the fallen regime continue their attacks against the new masters of the country. I remind you that the Syrian army was composed of 60% Sunnis.

I think that the Iranians will support these forces. There will soon be a new round of the Syrian civil war.

Will the defeats of the Axis of Resistance have direct consequences on Iran? Is destabilization of the Islamic Republic the next step?

For about twenty years, the Israelis and their lobby have been pushing the United States into a war against Iran. At the same time, the Israeli-Americans are trying to provoke a color revolution in Iran to bring down the state. Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders are literally harassing US decision-makers to carpet bomb Iran. Donald Trump, during his first term, was forced in 2019 to fire John Bolton, his national security adviser and telegrapher of the Hebrew state, because he was putting all his energy into convincing President Trump to declare war on Iran, based on alarmist reports from the Mossad that Tehran threatened US interests.
A new attempt at a color revolution in Iran and/or provocations to trigger a war between Washington and Tehran may take place during this second term of Donald Trump. But a new war in the Middle East that could lead to a world war and an economic catastrophe is not part of Trump's agenda.

You have been warning for several months about the shift of the national camp to pro-Zionist positions. What were the agents and stages of this ideological shift?

I have been publicly analyzing this shift for about ten years. But to be honest, a number of figures from the true national camp – like Jérôme Bourbon, to name just one – have criticized this shift toward Zionism by what we can call the authorized far right, before me.

We can trace the stages of this Zionist conversion back to the time of the Second World War and the post-war period. We could cite many French right-wing figures who were attracted to Zionism by ideological affinity or by careerism and opportunism. Pierre Boutang (1916-1998) is one of them.

But to talk about the current period, it was in the 2000s that the major offensive of the pro-Israeli far-right (likudnik) networks in America and Europe was launched. A huge propaganda and influence machine aimed at the European right was set in motion in the 2000s, in the aftermath of September 11, 2001, after the neoconservative coup in the United States. It mobilized American, Ukrainian, Russian Jewish billionaires, politicians in England, France, Holland, Belgium, within major political parties. Money flowed freely, in particular to promote pro-Israeli personalities disguised as patriots in the media. In France, these Zionist agents and figures are the Éric Zemmour, the Élisabeth Lévy, the Alain Finkielkraut, the Gilles-William Goldnadel who, for 15-20 years, have been leading the official far right, with the help of billionaires like Vincent Bolloré and Iskandar Safa (1955-2024). In 2016, an in-depth investigation of these stages of Zionist infiltration into European right-wing circles was published under the title “The Israel Lobby and the European Union.” The authors, David Cronin, Sarah Marusek and David Miller, are journalists and academics. 

We know the weight of the Bolloré group's media in this shift. How do its networks work on behalf of Israel?

If I had to summarize their main objective, it is to get the French people to believe that they belong to a large Judeo-Christian civilizational group called the West. That France is the eldest daughter of Judaism and that, consequently, it must support Israel in its messianic mission in the Middle East. These networks and their media explain seven days a week that the enemy of this Judeo-Christian West, and therefore of France, is the Arab-Muslim world.
But make no mistake, the same networks hold the same discourse to Muslims. For example, in Morocco, the Aladdin project aims in particular to promote a Judeo-Islamic and Judeo-Moroccan civilization. These Zionists who have massacred more than a million Muslims in 20 years are pushing their arrogance to this extreme. The discourse on "Judeo-Christian civilization" and "Judeo-Islamic civilization" are the two sides of the strategy of the clash of civilizations, to divide, oppose and destroy through Western-Islamic wars.

Does the National Rally have a geopolitical line on the issue?

The RN aligned itself with the United States regarding the war against Russia in Ukraine, and aligned itself with Israel by applauding the genocide in Gaza. Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella think that serving as a doormat for the Americans and the Israelis is a winning political strategy. Basically, they are not seeking to gain power and save France but to maintain an income by supporting the oligarchic power currently represented by Macron. Moreover, this stupid strategy of submission to the United States does not hold water. Supporting a Democratic administration, that of Biden, as the RN (so-called right-wing opposition party) did, is totally counterproductive. What Marine Le Pen should have done was to align herself with the Trumpist discourse, bet on Trump's victory, in order to reap the benefits today in the context of an opposition to Macron. A Macron that the Trump team wants to bring down. But as I said, the RN is not a real opposition party and does not understand anything about global geopolitics. Marine Le Pen has always been despised by Trump and his team who did not invite her to the inauguration of the new president on January 20; they preferred to invite Éric Zemmour and his mistress Sarak Knafo. Trump had called Zemmour during the 2022 presidential election to give him his "support". The Trumpists had already humiliated Marine Le Pen in January 2017. She went to Trump Tower, waited in the lobby, but was not received by Donald Trump. The Trump team seems to be ignorant of the French political situation. It is the pro-Israeli networks that manage relations between the Trumpists and the right-wing opposition. This is why they favor Zemmour, who has no other qualities than being a Jewish tribalist, spokesperson for the Likud. Nothing else explains it, because let us recall that he achieved a score of 7% in the 2022 presidential election, and the miserable score of 0.6% in the 2024 legislative elections, despite excessive media promotion. The RN lacks a real ideological backbone and strategic brains to rise to the level of current issues.



[1] destructions-a-gaza_6388361_1669088.html

[2] « Gaza : “À partir de combien de morts passe-t-on de l’indignation à l’indifférence ?” », Courrier international, 15/07/2024.

[3] BUW37AuG4E

[4] israel-est-le-principal-beneficiaire-des-evenements- en-syrie/ article/1440484/poutine-appelle-israel-a-retirer-ses- troupes-du-territoire-syrien.html


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