quinta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2021

Tens of thousands of dead and hundreds of thousands of injured by Covid-19 vaccines


Jose Antonio Campoy, Discovery DSalud

October 2021

The audacity with which we are being lied to is unprecedented. Covid-19 vaccines for  have already caused tens of thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of injuries, but governments, as well as doctors and journalists from the mainstream media continue to tell the population that they are safe. And not only safe but also effective when everyone knows that those vaccinated with the two doses still fall sick and can still "infect" others. This is officially recognised to be the case. After calling those of us who warned about it well in advance "deniers" - it is now alleged - falsely again - that although the vaccines do not immunise, they "protect" and that those vaccinated suffer less severe symptoms. This is completely false, of course, but after repeating the lie so often, people end up believing it because we are not informed otherwise in independent free media. It is manifestly "tragacionista" (sheep-like), a useful word invented by the well-known Spanish writer Juan Manuel de Prada that defines -according to his own words- to the "clueless types who swallow official stories and repeat them like parrots or committed actors (with their pockets and with the circulating systemic slop)." As of September 11 of this year - the last data available at the time of sending this copy to press - Covid-19 vaccines have caused the death of 24,256 people in the 27 countries of the European Union and adverse effects to 2,317,495 (50% gravity). And this is official data from EudraVigilance, the union's data processing and management network that reports and assesses suspected adverse drug reactions. As for the United States, the Vaccine Adverse Event Notification System (VAERS) recognized that as of September 3, 2021, there had been 14,506 deaths and 88,171 serious injuries in the country due to vaccines. And these are the figures from official bodies that no one has questioned. Close to 40,000 direct deaths, just between the United States and the 27 countries of the European Union! To these should be added, therefore, those that have taken place in the remaining 167 nations.

It is truly terrifying and yet the political and health authorities, in collaboration with doctors, biologists, pharmacists, professional associations and scientific societies around the world and in collusion with the majority of journalists, judges and magistrates, continue to urge the people to get vaccinated!  And they do this - we insist - with the full knowledge that the vaccines do not immunise and are very dangerous. In fact, it has already been officially recognised that they can cause hypersensitivity, pain, swelling, redness, erythema and itching at the injection site, fatigue, malaise, low-grade fever, chills, inflammation, thrombi, myocarditis, pericarditis and Guillain Barré syndrome. It is currently being evaluated whether they can also cause erythema multiforme, glomerulonephritis (kidney inflammation) and nephrotic syndrome. This recent question arose because, as we have already explained several times, the data sheets of the "Covid vaccines" indicate that they can also cause acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, myelitis, transverse myelitis, encephalitis, encephalomyelitis, meningoencephalitis, meningitis, encephalopathy, seizures, cerebrovascular accidents, narcolepsy, cataplexy, anaphylaxis, acute myocardial infarction, autoimmune disease, other acute demyelinating diseases, non-anaphylactic allergic reactions, thrombocytopenia, disseminated intravascular coagulation, venous thromboembolism, arthritis, arthralgia, joint pain, Kawasaki disease, multisystemic inflammatory syndrome in children, and even death. 

These are pathologies that have also been associated with previous vaccines. How, then, is it possible for someone who is healthy and sensible to accept the risk of dying or suffering from any of these pathologies by inoculating a vaccine that does not even immunise! Also, Covid-19 usually causes mild symptoms and it is only a concern if you have an impaired immune system, if you suffer from comorbidities and are taking numerous medications. In fact, the vast majority of serious cases occur among elderly people over 80 years of age. Obviously our questions are rhetorical ones, because we know well that the fundamental cause comes down to one thing: people have lost "the fatal habit of thinking."

Post-vax death surges by country:

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Source: https://www.dsalud.com/revistas/numero-252-octubre-2021/decenas-de-miles-de-muertos-y-cientos-de-miles-de-lesionados-por-las-vacunas-para-la-covid-19

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