terça-feira, 11 de outubro de 2022

Humans with an expiration date? Guatemalan study reveals stunning pattern in vaccine deaths

                                                 Sci-fi dystopia made reality?

A study on the death of vaccinated doctors finds a suggestive coincidence in batches, dates of inoculation and dates of death. Are the inoculations creating humans with an expiration date?

Claudio Fabian Guevara
1st October, 2022

Are the injected headed towards a kind of programmed obsolescence?

Are post-vaccine deaths merely accidents of the technology, a result of interaction with electromagnetic fields, or are they the result of a prior programming?

An independent analysis of data on physicians who died after Covid vaccination in Guatemala found striking patterns which should be compared with other databases. In 2021,
not only was there a 150% growth in deceased doctors compared to 2020, but many of the deceased show striking similarities: They were vaccinated in a very similar range of dates, with the same type of vaccine and batch. In many cases they were vaccinated on almost the same day, and died on the same day weeks later.

The analysis, carried out by an independent investigator who prefers to keep his identity confidential, examines each individual case of the deceased doctors up to September 25th, 2022, excluding cases of death due to accidents, damages by third parties or other violent causes. The analysis also excludes those who went to other countries to be vaccinated. Only physicians whose vaccination data appears in official records were counted.

The investigation issued a document with 68 deaths of doctors after injecting with AstraZeneca, with similarities in the date of inoculation and death. Of these, 33 show an amazing pattern: they were vaccinated within a very close range of dates and died (months or weeks later) on the same day or almost the same day.

There are also deceased people with similarities as the previous groups but with Moderna, Pfizer and Sputnik. They will be published soon, the researcher revealed.

Wilfredo Stokes, a Guatemalan surgeon and researcher (one of the figures among the Illustrious Guatemalans) is aware of this research, and points out that at this time, 50% of the cases fall within the "injection date / date of death”
coincidence within a range of 10 days.

What chance is there that these coincidences are just random? At the moment, the sample is not statistically significant. But the extension of the analysis to other groups can shed light on these questions.



Source: https://diariodevallarta.com/humanos-con-fecha-de-caducidad-asombroso-patron-en-muertes-de-vacunados/

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