sábado, 19 de novembro de 2022

Vaccines transform funeral homes into the most thriving businesses



18 November, 2022

Throughout Europe, but especially in Spain and Portugal, excess mortality is galloping. Insurers are shelling out large sums of money for the policies of the deceased they had insured, while funeral homes cannot find enough coffins to bury the corpses.

The Swiss magazine Uncut dedicates a report to the overwork of Dutch funeral homes, which are in luck, with more business than usual in recent months. “It doesn't have an obvious explanation,” he says.

"The greater number of deaths has no explanation," he insists for the second time. Funeral homes are not aware of the causes of death for data protection reasons.

DELA is the largest funeral home in the Netherlands. It typically handles between 100 and 120 deaths a day in 40 locations across the country, but "lately, we've often been at or above the top of this range," says a company spokesperson.

“We are in fifth gear, it is no longer a sprint, it is a marathon,” says Martijn van de Koolwijk, a spokesman for the funeral home.

The director of the Monuta funeral home cannot attend to journalists because he is very busy. However, a spokeswoman stressed that the company was able to handle the excess work very well.

In Spain, fakers talk about the heat wave, but this explanation
doesn't work in the Netherlands. In summertime the number of deaths tends to decrease, while this year it has remained stable. “So in the summer we were a bit busier,” says the post-spokeswoman.

According to the Central Statistical Office, more people are dying than expected for months. In October, for example, excess mortality was 16 percent. In all, nearly 1,800 more people died than anticipated, including 1,000 especially vulnerable, such as the elderly in nursing homes and the disabled.

The O
ffice of Statistics won't get involved. It also will not provide any information on the cause of the additional deaths. Do not know, no answer. The pact of silence does not allow us to find out what the defenders of “public health” are really talking about.


Source: https://mpr21.info/estados-unidos-esta-a-punto-de-llevar-a-los-supermercados-la-carne-de-laboratorio/

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