quarta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2022

Earth's electric chair

Dedicated to Dr. José Luis Sevillano & Ricardo Delgado of la Quinta Columna, and to the misunderstood patients suffering from electrohypersensitivity (EHS).

Galo Dabouza
4th Noviember, 2022 (leer en castellano)

As we mentioned yesterday, as an answer to the acute irradiation syndrome (ARS), now renamed covid, the WHO and almost all states adopted the "vaccine" as the only "solution", whilst hindering or even prohibiting effective drugs for said syndrome. Of course, the vaccine was the initial objective (alongside extreme social control, with the crude pretext of protecting our health) as well as the collapsing of the economy to impoverish and controll the middle class.

But speaking of vaccines, in 2017 a report was published by the married couple of Italian scientists Gatti-Montanari that showed that ALL vaccines for human use (but not those for veterinary use) are contaminated with heavy metals. (1)  The cleanliness of the veterinary vaccines proves that this was not an accident of the production process, but rather a consciously sought effect.

In a similar way, the combative
Scabelum association demanded the Ministry of Health provide the scientific reports that it had to prove the safety and efficacy of any vaccine used in Spain. They have so far received no answer. (2)

Regarding the "efficacy" and "safety" of vaccines, many critical doctors deny that they have saved any lives at all, and rather
that they are a terrible threat to human health, causing numerous pathologies such as autism, which did not exist before childhood vaccination campaigns began (3), or measles, which in Spain is prevalent in 40% of vaccinated populations. (4)

Regarding vaccines and the acute irradiation syndrome ARS/covid, a team of scientists from the Barbastro Hospital (Huesca), Ms Ana Martínez, Ms Juan Gastón and Ms Elisa Sahún, through a pharmacovigilance study, established an
unquestionable 95% correlation of  between common flu vaccination and “covidmortality. (5) They did biological analyses of the vaccines, without finding anything conclusive, and then considered the hypothesis that the cause was polysorbate 80, an adjuvant present in these vaccines. If they had done chemical, rather than biological, analyses, they would very likely have discovered graphene oxide, as other researchers have found. But for disseminating their discoveries and asking for the investigation to be widened (both of these being obvious & logical demands), they were cruelly vilified by their own trade union. Undaunted, they expanded the research themselves, concluding that the flu vaccine multiplied by 6 the chances of dying from "covid". A strange virus, this Sars-cov-2.

In the tradition of attributing “covid” to environmental causes, Ricardo Delgado, from La Quinta Columna, soon became involved, and he was quickly joined by Dr. José Luis Sevillano, a rural doctor in France (6). He discovered that his geographically located “covid” patients showed a “focus” effect and a “gradient” effect. That is, the largest number of patients are focused around a specific point, which is possible for both infectious agents and chemical or physical agents. But he also discovered that the severity of the clinical picture (the gradient) is greater in the vicinity of the focus, and less when we move away. This does not correspond to any infectious disease, but it does correspond to chemical or physical agents. Coincidentally, in the center of the town's sick spot was the largest telephone antenna in the area.

Expanding on these theses, which are as reasonable as they are reviled, the mathematician and biologist Bartomeu Payeras released several reports, which statistically and geographically correlated the implementation of the 5G network with "covid", The irrefutable conclusions he reached were that: the correspondence found has chance possibility of less than 1 in 12 million. (7) Later on, he extended and ratified this study. (8)

The doctor in biomedicine, Ms. Ana María Oliva, broadcast an informative video on the matter, entitled “virus, waves and health”, with the same perspective, which was immediately censored by YouTube, proof that she had hit the nail on the head. Today accessible on odysee. (9) 24 essential minutes.

This scientific assessment was later joined by the Rubik-Brown report, which confirmed the geographical and clinical correspondence of "covid" and telephone radio frequencies: where there are no antennas, there is no covid, and the symptoms of covid are coincidentally identical to those of acute irradiation syndrome ARS. (10)

And now it's time to reconcile and synchronise radiation with the vaccines.. (11)

To be continued...


  1. http://medcraveonline.com/IJVV/IJVV-04-00072.php
  2. https://www.scabelum.com/post/vacunas-transparencia-y-justicia
  3. https://nestorpalmetti.com/noticias/vacunas-autismo-y-paradigmas/
  4. https://www.isciii.es/QueHacemos/Servicios/VigilanciaSaludPublicaRENAVE/EnfermedadesTransmisibles/Documents/archivos%20A-Z/Sarampi%C3%B3n/Informe_SAR-RUB_2020_FINAL_web.pdf
  5. https://rafapal.com/2020/09/01/los-cientificos-de-barbastro-actualizan-la-informacion-sobre-la-influencia-de-la-vacuna-para-la-gripe-en-la-mortalidad-del-covid/
  6. https://www.periodistadigital.com/politica/opinion/20200921/doctor-jose-luis-sevillano-fases-covid-corresponden-cronologicamente-efectos-irradiacion-noticia-689404368774/
  7. https://castellondiario.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Estudio-Bartomeu-Payeras.pdf
  8. https://www.untumbes.edu.pe//vcs/biblioteca/document/varioslibros/0567.%20Estudio%20sobre%20la%20asim%C3%A9trica%20distribuci%C3%B3n%20de%20casos%20de%20COVID-19%20y%20su%20relaci%C3%B3n%20con%20la%20tecnolog%C3%ADa%205G.pdf
  9. https://odysee.com/@JMPERIS:6/Vrus-ondas–y-salud:7
  10. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8580522/ https://www.eldiestro.es/2022/07/te-llaman-magufo-negacionista-pero-que-le-diran-a-una-web-oficial-que-ha-publicado-un-estudio-acerca-de-las-evidencias-que-relacionan-el-coronavirus-con-la-red-5g/
  11. https://www.eldiestro.es/2022/01/arma-binaria-para-una-plndemia/


See also: Is Wifi-nanotube resonance affecting brain activity? 

Source: https://www.eldiestro.es/2022/11/la-tierra-en-la-silla-electrica-7-vacunas/

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