terça-feira, 16 de julho de 2024

Meta to remove content critical of Zionism on Facebook and Instagram


Fourth World
July 11th  

One of the most insidious effects of Israel's demolition of Gaza is the expansion of censorship amongst both private and state media around the world. From Sangita Myska at LBC to Mehdi Hasan at MSNBC to Antoinette Lattouf at Australia's ABC, journalists and politicians speaking out against the massacre have been gagged. Even the mere call for a ceasefire has crushed numerous political careers.

Now, Meta is expanding its censorship policy on posts critical of “Zionism” and will prohibit speech that uses the term “Zionist” in a way that the company deems “anti-Semitic.”

The policy will amplify the range of posts targeting “Zionists” that will be removed based on how the term is treated, compared to Meta’s previous policy on “hate speech.”

...[W]e have decided that from now on we will remove content that attacks "Zionists" when it does not specifically deal with the political movement, but uses anti-Semitic stereotypes, or threatens other types of harm through intimidation, or violence directed at Jews or Israelis under the guise of anti-Zionist statements, including including claims about managing the world or controlling the media, comparisons that dehumanize, such as comparisons to pigs, filth or vermin, calls for physical harm, denials of existence or ridicule of illness, the company said in its publication.

For example, posts that criticise Zionism with “claims about runng the world or controlling the media” will be removed under the updated policy, Meta said.

Meta said it reviewed the use of the term Zionist on several occasions in recent years, including at a March 2024 policy forum, given the lack of “global consensus on what people mean when they use it

The company made the update based on “research regarding its use as an alternative expression (proxy) for Jews and Israelis in relation to certain types of hate attacks...from now on we will remove content that targets "Zionists" in comparisons that dehumanize, call for harm, or deny existence. This, on the basis that the use of the word "Zionist" in those cases is often seen as the use of an alternative expression (proxy) for Jewish or Israeli people.” 

Meta also says it received "input" from a variety of Jewish advocacy groups that complained about the rampant use of the word "Zionist" and "Zionism" on the Facebook and Instagram platforms.

A revealing exampe of this type of advocacy can be seen in World Jewish Congress president Ron Lauder's call for all nations of the world to adopt "severe laws" that punish citizens engaging in "antisemitism" with jail time.  

Gaza Death Toll Could Surpass 186,000 Amid Israel's War: Lancet 

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