segunda-feira, 15 de julho de 2024

On the bogus culture wars


Juan Manuel de Prada
July 14th

The phenomenon of the so-called 'culture wars', promoted by ideological sectors that eco-progressives call 'far-right', is very illustrative of the degree of confusion (and perversion) that invades our political life. In reality, such 'culture wars' are a complete deception, since their champions always share the assumptions of their opponents, and in such a way that they only manage to create screechy antagonisms and confuse their followers. Said followers naively believe they are participating in a cosmic democracy to decide the destiny of Humanity, when in reality, the only thing being decided is the mode of imposition of the ideas they're supposedly fighting. It could even be said that the promoters of the so-called 'culture wars' are actually assisting in the imposition of those ideas, since they prevent them from being imposed despotically (which always makes their social acceptance difficult), and instead allow them to be imposed under the appearance of a debate. In this way, the promoters of the 'culture wars', in addition to fueling a democracy that weakens the people, allow their opponent to present their victories to their parish as epic conquests...whilst the opposing parish is portrayed as fanatical and unbalanced.

And, in some ways, it really is. Because there is a flagrant imbalance, a painful cognitive distortion, in those who try to combat people they consider wrong by upholding the same principles, but pretending that such principles have consequences other than what their own nature presupposes. If you buy a car but then try to travel in it using animal traction, you will naturally be branded a dimwit. If you accept the concepts of negative freedom and individual autonomy that are so typical of liberalism but then attempt to fight against 
–let's say–abortion, all the measures proposed will inevitably turn out to be odious extortions that try to constrain a woman's 'right to choose'. And, furthermore, your speech will always be unbalanced and vociferous. Because pretending that ideas do not have logical consequences requires contortions of thought that cannot be expressed in a balanced way. You cannot buy a car for a mule to pull. In the same way, you cannot accept liberal concepts of freedom, or nation, or many others, and then try to avoid the consequences that derive from them. And any attempt to avoid them will end in a frantic but ultimately inane tantrum, and the strengthening of the ideas you are trying to combat.

In the end, all these 'culture wars' that are fallaciously presented as cosmic battles against progressivism end up generating frustration, except for the cranks and the profiteers who have made a career out of generating shrill antagonisms. They don't care if they are called 'far-right', because in the meantime they are lining their own pockets; and triumphant progressivism is interested in generously funding these 'far-rightists', in exchange for using them as clownish punching bags. Furthermore, as these 'far-rightists' guide potential dissidents into the deception of the 'culture wars', the dissidents are incapable of defending other, more balanced assumptions. Instead of a
true alternative vision of man and the world, they adhere to the principles of 'progressivism' and exhaust themselves in the ridiculously attempt to avoid its inevitable consequences. 

In short, the promoters of the 'culture wars' are nothing more than minions of the system, tasked with maintaining the brutal antagonisms that bolster 'democracy' and which prevent people from removing the blindfold and creating a new and truly alternative vision, where human freedom conforms to the nature of things. This new vision only comes from traditional thought and the development of a new, balanced man that, in Gustave Thibon's words, would be like “a mountain whose balance implies the existence of two slopes. And the strength of his foundations allows him, like the mountain whose summit boldly disappears into the sky, to commit himself thoroughly, to despise half-measures and precautions. He can go very far and very high without endangering his inner grounding. He is strong and rich enough to be healthily excessive. In contrast to the equilibrium of the traditional man, the 'culture wars' only generate unbalanced men, as vociferous as they are inane, and who assist in the triumph of the very ideas they claim to fight. 


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Translation: David Montoute

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