quinta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2024

As Prosecution's Case Crumbles, And Viviane Fischer Backtracks, They Nevertheless Make A Truly Crazy "Demand" For Reiner Fuellmich to Serve 3 Years


Why Isn't Covid Freedom Movement Speaking Out About Reiner? He Is A Sacrificial Scapegoat For All Covid Dissidents

August 28th

3rd part 31.7.24 trial day 22

Frank Großenbach was not allowed to justify his application for adhesion and is now sitting in the audience. His justification would have further exonerated Reiner. Viviane Fischer has realized that she should no longer be prosecuted. So now she wants to tell the truth. But the court doesn't want to hear that. Chr. Miseré then submitted this application as a separate application. Viviane, on the basis of whose statement the court wanted to convict Reiner, is now of the opinion that Reiner's behavior was not criminal.

From Elsa’s Substack, July 31

News broke this evening that the prosecution is Reiner Fuellmich’s trial “demanded” he serve 3 years and nine months in prison; He’s already served close to ten months. And for what?

This is the most psychedelic case most of us have ever seen or heard of.

Elsa covered the latest in this post.

I have been trying to make heads or tails of it, and was recently contacted by Fuellmich friend and colleague Joseph Molitorisz, whom I spoke with at length both yesterday and today.

I am going to now try to highlight a few bullet points as I understand them, even though they are incomprehensible:

If I make an error, please correct me. Some of these points are known, and have been reported, some are new:

1. Viviane Fischer (one of two names and identities—she was previously a successful fashion designer specializing in hats) has recently backed off her initial position. She had indicated, but not entirely gone on record legally, to say she no longer believes Reiner did anything illegal. It has been observed that she may have done this because she no longer feels she herself to be in danger of being sued by the “port lawyers,” also known as the “Berlin lawyers,” who are against Reiner and also against her, if I have understood it correctly. Here are some of Fischer’s flip flops.

  1. One of said lawyers, Marcel Templin, allegedly has the money that is being fought over. Reiner does not have it, and if I am not mistaken, never did. At the end of this clip, the journalist Claudia Jaworski, asks one of the prosecutors if Templin is not the real flight risk, since he has the money (700,000 Euros, I believe.) The lawyer runs away. Who can believe any of this?

    This clip above has several revealing interviews, including one with Viviane’s former lawyer who says he no longer represents her but rather, two un named “donors,” (whose identities may shock people.) The case needs to get out of its pure German context and become a story of international outrage.

  2. The basic direction appears to be that Reiner’s team and Viviane’s team are inching closer to one another, to make some kind of face-saving deal, with Viviane seemingly wishing to exonerate Reiner, and herself, one supposes, while the other team, Templin et al, are the darlings of the prosecution, though their case is disintegrating almost beyond belief. Who cares what they “demand?” Reiner will be freed, and soon.

  3. The prosecution, in desperation, has shifted to a new set of accusations, having been forced to abandon the old ones, like crumbling wood planks underfoot. The new ones have to do with some kind of “sham agreement” between Reiner and Viviane.

  4. A new, fourth layer has come on board, you can hear him speak in Jaworski’s clip. He speaks simply, and starkly, that Reiner should be released immediately, poses no flight risk, and has been vindicated by FOIA documents out of Germany proving that Covid was an attack in the people, rooted in fraud, terror and lies.

  5. A witness (Martin Schwab) has also been compelled to testify, who was central to the creation of the documents and agreement between Viviane and Reiner, and who, according to Molitorisz, supports the defense arguments that Reiner did nothing illegal. Molitorisz details some of this here.

  6. As far as I can see: The original accuser, Viviane, has now said Reiner is not guilty, as has the new witness who drew up their contacts! The evidence all points to the same conclusion. In spasms of an apparent cover up and colossal embarrassment for Germany, the court keeps collapsing, shutting down, and blocking the case from proper publicity/public exposure, which is unheard of in Germany since the end of the Nazi Reich in 1945. Molitorisz told me the judge is “very nervous.” He knows he has a dud on his hands. They all know—so they’re tossing the hot potato, re-inventing the case mid-stream.

  7. Reiner Fuellmich is an enemy of the German state—full stop, There’s nothing else to understand.

  8. Reiner wants Viviane questioned again. And he is calling desperately for international media attention. This whole thing is sickening, and I want to take a moment to rebuke Viviane Fischer: In war, you never, ever start a personal mud-fight, never mind one as pedantic and idiotic as this. By launching that initial attack video, in 2022, she not only helped the Deep Covid State capture and imprison Reiner, she also damaged the entirety of the health freedom movement—consisting of people whose lives are already at risk for speaking out against this deadly global Covid Reich. I also feel it is very sad and very upsetting that so few in the health freedom movement have said BOO about Reiner’s plight. Turns out people are cowards who don’t even defend their own friends and allies when sh%^t hits the fan. Some of them even helped the enemy, and attacked Reiner for all kinds of nonsense not worth describing. That is depressing. It is consistent with my own experience in this very long war. The enemy is one thing, but “our side” can hang your heart on a tundra tree and walk away. Please do all you can to inspire international media attention to the shameful, illegal capture and persecution of Reiner Fuellmich. 

     Courtroom Stunner In Reiner Fuellmich Case In Germany: New Witness Testimony Clears Him 

Source: https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/as-prosecutions-case-crumbles-and?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=257742&post_id=148243524&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=wm70y&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

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