domingo, 18 de agosto de 2024

From chickenpox to mpox: we don't want to call things by their name

August 17th

Many people like to “call things by their name”, but this is not the case for those who define and catalogue diseases, such as the ICD (International Classification of Diseases).

There are more and more such repertoires, which express the dominance exercised by certain organisations and, above all, by those who manage them. Nebrija explained it 500 years ago with the first grammar of Spanish: language is the perfect instrument of empire, or in other words, “the class war is the pencil that writes the dictionaries”.

The nomenclature of diseases demonstrates this, although now it is the WHO that administers the empire. If Nebrija wanted to teach the American Indians how to speak, now the WHO wants to teach doctors how to speak.

This international organisation acts as a shaman. It gives names to 
some diseases whilst removing others. In this way it seems that some diseases are ending (thanks to vaccines) and new ones are appearing, which humanity had not known about until the WHO published its catalogues.

For example, in 2020 a new disease appeared that no doctor had ever known, because no medical school had it registered in its annals: “Covid.” Despite this, one hundred thousand scientific articles were published that year about “Covid,” something never
before seen in history. The question is: how can such a large number of articles be written about something that was unknown to everyone?

A hundred years earlier, before the WHO even existed, the empire called the flu that appeared in Kansas during the First World War Spanish,” as if by accident. Perhaps it was precisely by being “Spanish” that this flu killed many more than the flus usually kill when winter comes to Kansas.

All the pandemics that have broken out lately have something in common: that the outbreak appears in countries other than our own. For example, “Covid” emerged in Wuhan, China, and that is why Trump called it the “Chinese virus.” As a result of the anti-Chinese hysteria caused by Trump and his cronies, more than 9,000 attacks against people of Chinese or Asian origin occurred in the United States between March 2020 and June 2021.

However, the most common source of infection is always the Third World. They are to blame and we are the victims. “mpox” has spread from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, although it was not called that before but rather “monkeypox” because the WHO changed its name in 2022. Anyone who goes back a little further in time knows that “mpox” is the traditional chickenpox (herpes zoster).

But scientists, like musicians, also need to pretend to originality, like they have discovered something new under the sun. The empire that writes medical articles claims that chickenpox and “mpox” are not the same disease because they are caused by different families of viruses . That is why they are pulling out variants and strains, which are increasingly lethal, or more contagious, or both at the same time.

However, in four years of “covid” many thousands of strains of the same virus have appeared (or been invented), says Wikipedia, but each one of them has not caused a different disease. Sometimes the strains cause the same disease, sometimes they cause different diseases, and there are even variants that do not cause any disease, Wikipedia tells us. It all depends on what the empire wants to prove at any given time.

The Lancet
journal has denounced “stigma, racism and discrimination” in the naming of diseases, because there's no doubt that it all fits together: Africans are monkeys, the links in the evolutionary process that remained stagnant on the Black Continent.

Infectious diseases, such as the black death, have always been a social stigma throughout history and “mpox” confirms the data. Epidemiologists now call them “risk groups” and, when they want to be more refined and elegant, they talk about “risk practices”, as in the days of AIDS.

The white man has to take care to keep the blacks as far away as possible. But also the Mongols, because Down syndrome (trisomy 21) always carried the name of origin of that Asian country.

Naturally, the Mongols did not give themselves the name of the disease. It is always the empire that gives names and labels to its subordinates.

Even meteorologists have joined in the verbal flirtations and fill their intellectual void with an inexhaustible battery of neologisms. Either they want to seem original, or new atmospheric phenomena have appeared that did not exist before.

For example, they're giving the term “
isolated depression at high levels” (dana in Spanish) to what has always been called “cold drop”, a term derived from the German “kaltlufttropfen”, which has been known to us since 1886 and which, in 1982, killed 38 people in the east of Spain.

In the absence of precise concepts, pseudo-ecologists could compile a voluminous dictionary of neologisms: sustainability, anthropocene, decarbonisation, greenhouse effect, water stress, thermal stress, humid burst, thermal sensation, climate refuges…

One of the new words invented by the green nonsense has a psychiatric tone. It is “solastalgia”, which they also call “ecological pain”. This is the melancholy caused by the loss of the traditional environment or the means of livelihood that have sustained people for centuries: vegetation, forests, rivers, glaciers…

If someone wants to invent a pseudoscience, they must start by coining their characteristic verbiage.



Translation: David Montoute

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