I’m absolutely blown away by what I found in this article.
shows that vaccines may not just be responsible for injuries that we
can easily see, but also for widespread subtle brain damage which leaves
unrecognized neurological disorders, sometimes precipitating a life of
dysfunction and criminality.
If this is true, then vaccines have shaped society in the worst way, that we never imagined.
If the DPT vaccine can cause "acute encephalopathy" in a small number of cases (which was acknowledged
by the Institute of Medicine in 1991), it must cause a milder condition
in a larger number of cases as the reactions of a group of individuals
to a given biological stress are never "all or nothing," but fall along a
A variety of
conditions were created by the American Psychiatric Association which
spanned the range from how minor to severe brain damage manifested
itself in behavioral disorders (e.g., minimal brain damage, oppositional
defiance disorder, conduct disorder, sociopathy). Coulter emphasized
that as the DPT encephalitis condition exploded across America, the
psychiatric profession tried again and again to gaslight
the population by blaming it on unresolved psychological conflicts or
poor upbringings rather than providing treatments holistic doctors had
consistently found could help these conditions. As far as I can tell,
this psychological gaslighting continued until the newer psychiatric
medications (e.g., the disastrous antidepressants)
entered the market, at which point psychiatric pivoted to
mass-prescribing these lucrative products to the post-encephalitic
Many of the
complications of encephalitis (e.g., a myriad of learning disabilities
or psychiatric and neurologic illnesses such as autism) became
dramatically more common in our society starting in the 1940s and 1950s,
a rise which paralleled increased vaccinations and increased vaccine
injuries (predominantly as a result of DPT) and could be directly
observed rippling through society as these children grew up. For
Rimland and Larson have called attention to "the
striking, almost mirror-image correlation, starting about 1963, between
the curves showing the decline in SAT scores and the upsurge in violent
crime [which was often psychotic in nature]," suggesting "the existence
of one or more common causal factors."
There is much, much more on this topic, so please read on.
By A Midwestern Doctor, April 2024 (link to original at end.)
Story at a Glance:
long history exists of a wave of severe injuries following new
vaccinations being introduced to the market. In most cases, those
injuries were swept under the rug to protect the business.
many cases, the severe “mysterious” injuries we see now are remarkably
similar to those that were observed over a century ago. Unfortunately, a
widespread embargo exists on ever allowing this data to come to light
(as that would instantly destroy the vaccine program).
•A variety of independent studies (summarized below) have shown that vaccines cause a wide range of chronic illnesses.
1990 book made a strong case that widespread vaccination was also
causing an epidemic of widespread brain damage which was both lowering
America’s IQ and causing a massive rise in violent crime.
this article, we will also review exactly what is in that 1990 book and
the classic signs that can be used to determine if someone has a
vaccine injury.
I frequently recall events
that happened in the past which perfectly mirror what is unfolding
before us, and in turn, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve witnessed
humanity repeat its same mistakes. During COVID, I realized we were
again reenacting the same tragedy humanity had ever experienced since
the smallpox vaccine was brought to the market, and I had a thought. If
people became aware of what had happened before and ended our collective
amnesia, perhaps this could at last stop.
As fate would have it, my wish came true, and without knowing me, Steve Kirsch gave me the opportunity to begin introducing that forgotten history to the world. This happened after he chose to publish
an article I wrote illustrating how the trucker protests were identical
to smallpox protests that had happened more than a century before and
then encouraged his readers to subscribe to me so I would start writing
Because of this, I’ve effectively become a
“historian” of vaccination. In turn, I’ve noticed again and again that
when a vaccine disaster happens which injures many in a very similar
way, it gets swept under the rug (often by officials who are quite
conflicted in their decision to do so), and then the same thing happens
again a few decades later.
Given that we give dozens of vaccines to each member of society, this raises an obvious question—what is that doing to society?
Note: This list is incomplete.
1798, the smallpox vaccine hit the market. Once it hit the market, it
was observed to frequently cause smallpox outbreaks (rather than prevent
them) and to cause a wide range of debilitating and complex injuries
that many of the doctors had never seen before (and many of which I
believe were examples of “blood stasis”). Curiously, rather than
recognizing this was a mistake, most of the medical profession endorsed
the smallpox vaccine, and governments around the world mandated it as
cases kept on increasing (caused by the vaccine). Having looked at it
extensively, I am of the opinion the smallpox vaccine reshaped the
trajectory of humanity’s health and ushered in the era of chronic
Note: the smallpox vaccine is discussed in further detail here.
the 1800s and early 1900s, a variety of early vaccines (e.g., rabies,
typhoid, diphtheria, tuberculosis) and horse-generated antiserums (for
most of the common infections at the time) entered the market. Since
many of these vaccines were produced in small independent labs, there
were a variety of quality control issues with these products, which
frequently led to hot lots severely injuring or killing a group of
people. Additionally, many of those vaccines had a high degree of
toxicity. Because of this, a variety of new and severe medical
conditions emerged, many of which were deemed to be due to brain
inflammation (encephalitis) or brain damage (encephalopathy) and
observed to occur in conjunction with cranial nerve damage. Most of
these conditions in turn mirrored the myriad injuries we now too see
from modern vaccinations.
Note: many of these forgotten cases can be found in this book
which I am presently synopsizing into an article. The key point is that
many doctors at the time could tell the vaccines were causing brain
injuries and were willing report that throughout the medical literature.
the 1940s-1950s, the original pertussis vaccine (DPT) entered the
market. This vaccine excelled at causing brain inflammation and a
variety of concerning differences were seen in the generations born
after its mass adoption in America.
Note: The rabies
vaccine also excelled at causing encephalitis (around 1 in 750
injections, of which 20% were fatal), but it did not have as large an
impact on society because far fewer people received it.
the 1950s to 1970s, numerous instances happened where a rushed and
poorly produced experimental vaccine (e.g., polio or the swine flu) was
brought to market to address a non-existent “emergency,” and the
government chose to ignore warnings from its scientists that it was not
safe to give to America. Since the press was honest at this time, they
reported the disaster, it became a national scandal and the government
provided compensation to the victims.
Note: I compiled those media reports here, the last of which happened in 2002 with Bush’s smallpox vaccine.
1986, enough public awareness existed of the dangers of the DPT vaccine
that lawsuits were regularly being filed for the brain damage and
sudden infant deaths it caused (discussed here). This in turn led to the 1986 vaccine injury act being passed (discussed further here),
an act that both shielded vaccine manufacturers from product liability
and was intended to help parents of vaccine injured children (even
though it didn’t). This act being passed led to an industry gold rush to
bring experimental and liability free vaccines to the market, and
before long the childhood vaccination schedule ballooned in parallel to
chronic illnesses increasing as well.
Note: the 1986 Act also led to a much safer (but still dangerous) DPT vaccine being brought to market.
1990, an experimental anthrax vaccine was deployed upon the military to
prepare them for invading Iraq. While the war was non-eventful (Saddam
did not use anthrax and it was likely the most one-sided conflict in
history), the anthrax vaccine severely injured over 100,000 servicemen
(leading to what was known as Gulf War Syndrome). Despite these issues,
individuals within the Department of Defense who were committed to
funding their bioweapons defense program mandated it—leading to severe
injuries throughout the military and widespread rebellion against this
Note: the Anthrax disaster is discussed further here.
2010, Merck convinced America’s women they were at a high risk of dying
from cervical cancer (which in reality only kills about 1/38,000
American women each year) so that everyone would buy their highly
lucrative vaccine (which was never proven to reduce cervical cancer
deaths). This vaccine had an extraordinarily high rate of causing
autoimmune disorders, but nonetheless, despite a deluge of complaints,
the CDC and FDA did everything they could to protect it, and to this day
it is still mandated for children.
Note: the Gardasil disaster is discussed here.
2021, the COVID vaccine hit the market. In my opinion, everything we
witnessed with it mirrors what happened in each of the previously listed
I mentioned this history because at the time each of
these happened, the medical profession and public were struck by the
explosion of these new diseases (and their immense social cost) but
before long, became acclimated to them and forgot they had ever emerged
in the first place. This in turn, I would argue is exactly what is now
happening from the COVID-19 vaccines.
is a large body of evidence suggesting vaccines are either solely
responsible for, or one of the primary things responsible for the
tsunami of chronic illness which has followed their ever-increasing
Unfortunately, while there is a great deal of
evidence suggesting a problem exists, the effects of the vaccine
schedule have never been formally studied in a clinical trial, nor will
agencies like the CDC (which insist vaccines are safe and effective)
make their data sets available which could answer the question. This in
turn suggests that either:
•No evidence exists of
the harms of vaccination and it has simply not been a priority to
formally publish that data (which is odd given how much effort blocking
all the lawsuits requesting them to takes).
is some evidence vaccines are harmful, and there are concerns this data
could be misinterpreted to suggest vaccines are much more harmful than
they are.
•The existing evidence shows (or would show) that vaccines are incredibly dangerous.
I personally believe the final point is the most likely explanation as:
Numerous clinical trials of individual vaccines (e.g., the HPV vaccine)
show that vaccines cause many of the same disorders (e.g., a myriad of
autoimmune conditions) that have increased in parallel to the number of
doses of the vaccine one receives (e.g., the second shot is almost
always more likely to cause a severe reaction than the first). This in
turn suggests that taking a large number of vaccines (presently the ever
increasing CDC schedule gives children 90 before they turn 18) puts
them at risk for developing chronic disease.
Note: there
are numerous cases reports of children becoming permanently disabled
after receiving a higher than normal number of vaccines simultaneously
(e.g., at a visit where they also get caught up on missing doses), and
conversely, many have observed spacing vaccines out rather than giving
them all together lowers the likelihood of a severe reactions (e.g.,
autism) from vaccination.
2. Despite relentless
attempts to keep them from emerging, there are numerous retrospective
studies of large medical datasets which each show vaccination results in
a significantly increased incidence of chronic disease (e.g., a recent study
of 99 million people showed the COVID vaccines were 2-7 times more
likely than a typical vaccine to cause a variety of life-threatening
3. Established mechanisms exist to
explain how many different vaccines could all cause similar injuries to
their recipients (each of which are discussed here).
Numerous independently conducted studies attempting to assess this
question have all found childhood vaccination increases the rates of
chronic illness.
5. I periodically learn of medical practices that
have low rates of vaccination and also have much lower rates of chronic
illness in their patients.
6. Many colleagues and I frequently observe what we believe to be the harms of vaccination in our patients.
I personally know many trained observers who can have a high degree of
accuracy in identifying unvaccinated children. The approaches they use
are discussed at the end of this article.
is effectively an embargo on publishing any research critical of
vaccinations (e.g., no one will give you permission to conduct a trial
where some don’t vaccinate because “denying children life-saving
vaccines is unethical,” no one will give you data that already exists,
and no one will ever publish a study that is critical of vaccination).
Nonetheless, people find ways to get around this embargo.
illustrate, a study was recently conducted in which unvaccinated women
were placed in the proximity of COVID vaccinated individuals, which
demonstrated that COVID vaccine shedding (discussed further here)
was real as those women developed menstrual abnormalities. The group
that conducted that study has been trying for months to get the study
published in a peer-reviewed journal, but it is unclear if the embargo
will ever be lifted for them.
example, Paul Thomas MD, an Oregon pediatrician who had a practice with
a large number of unvaccinated or under-vaccinated children, and (like
many of the other practices with similar patient populations) noticed
that the unvaccinated children had dramatically better health. So, he
decided to compare their medical records to those of variably vaccinated
children and published the data in a study (which, as you are not supposed to violate that embargo, cost him his medical license and resulted in the study being retracted for spurious reasons).
Note: Paul Thomas (now retired and offering coaching services to parents) was also the author of The Vaccine Friendly Plan,
an approach to vaccinating that encouraged spacing out vaccinations and
resulted in a dramatically lower rate of vaccine injuries. Since his
plan implied the current vaccination schedule promoted by the CDC was
not safe, his plan was not popular with the medical authorities.
his study, to compare the health of 2763 vaccinated children and the
561 unvaccinated children born into his practice, he plotted how many
total visits each group had for a variety of issues as their age
increased (e.g., how many visits for asthma in total had occurred in
vaccinated children who were 1000 days old or younger) and then compared
the two (with the unvaccinated group’s visits being equalized by
multiplying them by 4.9 [2763/561]). This data in turn suggested
vaccinations were the primary agent responsible for the epidemic of
chronic diseases in our society.
when Thomas compared how likely a child was to come in for an office
visit for a variety of health concerns, he found the greater the number
of total vaccines a child received (which varied widely in his
practice), the more likely they were to require an office visit for a
variety of conditions.
Note: the full size version of this chart can be viewed here.
In this chart, pay special attention to the fact these charts include
ADHD (which was not found in any of the unvaccinated patients),
behavioral issues, speech issues, social issues, learning delay and
developmental autism.
Hooker and Miller performed a similar study to Paul Thomas. However, in their study,
they evaluated data from 3 different pediatric practices, and analyzed
the 2,047 who had been born within the medical practice between November
2005 to June 2015 that had not received one of the selected diagnoses
prior to their 1st birthday. They found:
the above chart only compares the children within the sample who were
at least 5 years old. When younger children were compared to each other,
smaller increases were seen in the rates of each of these chronic
diseases as there had been less time for the chronic effects of repeated
vaccinations to manifest.
The stark differences in the
rates of adverse injuries have also inspired a variety of independent
surveys to be commissioned which assessed if this link indeed exists. It
should also be noted that I can explain the mechanism that ties almost
every condition listed in this section to vaccination (but will not do
so for length considerations).
Note: I reformatted most of the surveys that follow to make their data easier to see.
In 2007, Generation Rescue (GR), an organization that is trying to alert Americans that vaccines cause autism, hired a third party polling firm (SurveyUSA) and paid them $200,000 to do a survey of 17,674 children (991 of whom were completely unvaccinated). It found:
In 2017, a survey of mothers of homeschooled children from Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and Oregon was carried out and then published.
Since there are a significant number of unvaccinated children who
homeschool, it was possible to compare 261 unvaccinated children to 405
fully or partially vaccinated children. Its results were as follows:
since the three illnesses vaccination were supposed to prevent
decreased (whereas the others increased), that data supports the
validity of this survey.
April 2019 to June 2020, the Control Group attempted to locate as many
unvaccinated as possible to survey their health. Ultimately, they
received 1544 completed surveys (1482 were from the US and represented
48 states). Once this data was obtained it was published in an easy to
read 21 page set of charts that compared the rates of these events to their general occurrence in the population and a more detailed 85-page report.
Like the previous groups, they found a massive increase in chronic
illness following vaccination, and additionally, demonstrated that
vaccinating while pregnant or a newborn receiving the vitamin K shot (about half of which contain aluminum) is not entirely safe.
people in tech believe the solution to all of humanity’s problems is
more data. This echoes the belief of the founder of evidence-based
medicine (which has become the current dogma of modern medicine), who
argued that having medical practice guided by the best available
scientific evidence was essential as it would eliminate bad medical
practices that had become entrenched medical dogmas and replace them
with evidence-based approaches that saved lives.
While he was
correct, like those in Silicon Valley, this approach was also incredibly
naive as it failed to account for the obvious loophole—burying any data
that provided inconvenient conclusions. As such, “the best available
evidence” typically ends up being the best funded evidence, not the best
evidence and at this point, trillions are spent each year to monopolize
that evidence.
To illustrate: our electronic medical
records which doctors are forced to spend a significant amount of each
day entering data into collect an absolutely massive amount of medical
data. Yet—despite countless pleas to, we almost never mine that data to
determine what constitutes the best medical practice (e.g., which drug
produces a better outcome for a condition or which pharmaceuticals are
more likely to harm than help a patient).
This would
be very easy to do, numerous people (including an acquaintance of mine)
have tried to do this but got shut down (e.g., the government scrapped a
system that in 2010,
showed 2.6% of recipients of vaccines had an injury within 30 days of
vaccination). I in turn, would argue that suggests the data in those
records greatly threatens the pharmaceutical industry.
Over the last two years, I’ve gotten to know Steve Kirsch and would argue the following traits hold true for him:
•He has a deep desire to help people and believes that better data and science are the keys to doing this.
believes things should be fair and it really bothers him when people
violate the responsibilities they are entrusted with (e.g., the CDC
monitoring for vaccine safety).
•When something
bothers him, he often doesn’t let it go and can be relentless in trying
to rectify it (which is demonstrated by how much time he has put into
the minute details of the COVID-19 injury data).
has no qualms about doing things you aren’t supposed to do or creating
an uncomfortable situation to get something done he believes is
important. This includes directly confronting people he thinks are being
dishonest or incompetent and full of it.
Note: I am
sure many of you know someone like this. Steve however is unique because
I don’t know anyone else who has been anywhere near as successful in
the professional sphere as he has, and I am hence incredibly grateful he
decided to pick up the vaccine issue as we’d been waiting for decades
for someone like him to do that (which is essentially why I’ve worked so
hard to support him).
Because of his
personality, Steve in turn had a revelation—if no one will give us the
data we need about the vaccines I should just obtain it myself. In turn,
beyond collecting every existing dataset demonstrating the harm of the
vaccines (many of which I’ve reused here), he has also funded numerous
professional surveys being conducted on the COVID vaccines (which all found between 8.6% to 16.4% of COVID vaccine recipients experienced significant harm from them, a rate similar to that of other independent surveys that were also conducted).
he has also leveraged his large following to conduct numerous surveys
on vaccine injury. While the initial ones were targeted at the COVID-19
vaccines, as he became aware of the scope of the problem we were facing,
he also chose to do the same for the childhood vaccines.
From this, he found similar results to the previously mentioned parties. For example in his first survey of ~10,000 people, he again demonstrated the dose-response relationship between vaccination and chronic illness:
Recently, Kirsch completed a larger survey of ~13,000 people which had similar results to his previous survey and the ones mentioned above.
Note: Steve Kirsch recently had an outside statistician assess and affirm the validity of the above survey’s data.
this shocking data provides some context to why many are so ardently
opposed to vaccination and why there is such a strong embargo on ever
letting any of this data get out. This is a shame as it has allowed an
ever increasing number of vaccines to enter the market (as the corrupt CDC consistently rubber stamps each new one) which in turn has led to us needing to spend trillions of dollars each year “treating” the complications of those vaccines.
I believe is the most important to understand about these statistics is
that they only represent the tip of the iceberg, as the surveyors were
only looking for the easy to observe conditions most obviously linked to
vaccination (the “significant reactions”). This in turn is reflective
of a fundamental principle in toxicology—extreme reactions to a toxin
(sudden death) are much rarer than minor ones.
the next section, we will consider the middle of this bell curve—the
moderate reactions that are rarely linked to vaccination.
remarkable feature of encephalitis—whether of epidemic origin or due to
an infectious disease, traumatic injury, or vaccination —is the
multifarious diversity of its physical, neurologic, mental, and
emotional symptom since any portion of the nervous system may be
If autism is a manifestation of vaccine-induced
encephalitis, the implications are very disturbing. The symptoms
manifested with pathological intensity in a small group will of
necessity appear in milder form in a much larger proportion of the
The 1985 Book, DPT: A Shot in the Dark
is arguably the most influential book ever written for the vaccine
safety movement (e.g., it was responsible for rallying Congress to do
something about the epidemic of sudden deaths and brain damage being
created by the original DPT vaccine). What is less known is that in
1990, one of its authors, Harris Coulter, then published a book that alleged that vaccines were responsible for the widespread increase in crime sweeping the nation.
I consider this book to be one of the most eye opening and disturbing
books I’ve ever read (e.g., I saw what it described happen in people
very close to me). Since some of its content is quite graphic (and
because the book is hard to find) I am including a copy of it at the end
of this article for those who would like to read it (which I would
strongly encourage you to do). As there are too many references to list
here, to locate them, please consult the book’s bibliography.
Since the book, “Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality: The
Medical Assault on the American Brain,” was included as a downloadable
PDF in the final, paid-subscribers only portion of A Midwestern Doctor’s
article, you can either take out a paid subscription to AMD (extremely
worthwhile!) or you can email me if you want the book PDF.
The author (who as his obituary shows was a lovely human being and gifted researcher) in this book argued that:
Many of the same complications seen after encephalitis (e.g., cranial
nerve issues, seizures, paralysis, or permanent intellectual disability)
also occurred after vaccination. He proved this by compiling extensive
literature reports of each, which showed they overlapped and in many
cases, showed the vaccine injuries were assessed to be “encephalitis.”
included over 400 references from the scientific literature (located
prior to the internet existing), another 400-500 he reviewed but did not
cite (which arrived at similar conclusions), interviews of
approximately 150 families, where in many cases, he was able to show
these childhood brain injuries progressed into a life of crime.
Note: I believe “encephalitis” (or encephalopathy) is a combination of brain inflammation (autoimmunity is a common complication of vaccination), brain swelling, microstrokes throughout the brain (discussed further here) and an unresolved cell danger response (discussed further here). Additionally, if you read the medical literature from roughly a century ago (summarized here),
it is clear many doctors believed vaccines caused encephalitis based on
the symptoms they observed (and in many cases the autopsies they later
2. If the DPT vaccine can cause "acute encephalopathy" in a small number of cases (which was acknowledged
by the Institute of Medicine in 1991), it must cause a milder condition
in a larger number of cases as the reactions of a group of individuals
to a given biological stress are never "all or nothing," but fall along a
Note: Coulter cited many different authors who observed a bell curve in post-encephalitis complications.
That it was very easy to miss that this was happening. For example,
Coulter cited two different authorities on this subject who said:
there is no correlation between the severity of the infectious disease
and the cerebral involvement. In many cases with only a mild illness
severe postencephalitic complications may arise months or even years
Even apparently uncomplicated attacks of infectious
diseases of childhood (e.g., pertussis) may result in brain damage,
which may then be the primary cause of subsequent behavior disorders.
in the epidemiology of vaccine damage invariably assume that long-term
sequelae will not occur in the absence of a severe acute reaction. This
assumption was accepted by us in writing DPT: A Shot in the Dark. Thus
it was puzzling to find that about half of the new families interviewed
for the present investigation could not remember any marked vaccine
reaction, even though the child began to develop symptoms of autism or
other severe neurology shortly after one of the shots.
Many of complications of encephalitis (e.g., a myriad of learning
disabilities or psychiatric and neurologic illnesses such as autism)
became dramatically more common in our society starting in the 1940s and
1950s, a rise which paralleled increased vaccinations and increased
vaccine injuries (predominantly as a result of DPT) and could be
directly observed rippling through society as these children grew up.
For example:
Rimland and Larson have called attention
to "the striking, almost mirror-image correlation, starting about 1963,
between the curves showing the decline in SAT scores and the upsurge in
violent crime [which was often psychotic in nature]," suggesting "the
existence of one or more common causal factors."
The contrast
between then and now was emphasized in a 1987 report on school
discipline by the New Jersey Human Rights Commissioner. In the 1940s the
most frequent school problems were: talking, chewing gum, making noise,
running in the halls, getting out of turn in line, wearing improper
clothing, and not putting paper in wastebaskets. In the 1980s they were:
drug and alcohol abuse, rape, robbery, assault, burglary, arson,
bombings, murder, absenteeism, vandalism, extortion, gang warfare,
abortion, and venereal disease.
The murder rate doubled between
1960 and 1980, from four to eight per 100,000 inhabitants, for a total
of more than 20,000 in 1987, giving the United States the highest
incidence of homicide of any industrialized country. The largest
increase occurred between 1960 and 1970.
A 1987 Washington
Post-ABC News poll made a curious discovery—that sixteen percent of
Americans under thirty are left- handed or ambidexterous [this is a
common consequence of encephalitis], as against only twelve percent of
those over sixty. Another recent survey found an even greater disparity:
thirteen percent of twenty-year olds were lefties, compared to five
percent of persons in their fifties.
5. Autism
(a condition which follows vaccination and first emerged after DPT
entered the market), has a strong association with many of the
consequences of encephalitis (e.g., cognitive disability and cranial
nerve paralysis).
6. That sociopathic behavior being
observed to cluster in families mirrors the observation that
sensitivity to vaccine injuries also clusters in families. Likewise,
Coulter suggested the increased sensitivity African Americans have to
vaccine injuries (best shown through the CDC’s infamous decision to bury data that showed vaccines caused black boys to develop autism) might explain the criminal patterns seen in those demographics.
Note: in a recent article, I discussed how some patients (e.g., those with hypermobility) are also much more sensitive to vaccine injuries.
That a variety of conditions had been created by the American
Psychiatric Association which spanned the range from how minor to severe
brain damage manifested itself in behavioral disorders (e.g., minimal
brain damage, oppositional defiance disorder, conduct disorder,
sociopathy). Coulter emphasized that as the DPT encephalitis condition
exploded across America, the psychiatric profession tried again and
again to gaslight
the population by blaming it on unresolved psychological conflicts or
poor upbringings rather than providing treatments holistic doctors had
consistently found could help these conditions. As far as I can tell,
this psychological gaslighting continued until the newer psychiatric
medications (e.g., the disastrous antidepressants)
entered the market, at which point psychiatric pivoted to
mass-prescribing these lucrative products to the post-encephalitic
Note: this is a pattern that has persisted ever since Freud’s original cases over a century ago which falsely attributed symptoms of mercury poisoning to unresolved sexual issues.
In the 1950s, a condition termed “minimal brain damage” [MBD] was
coined (with the defining characteristic of it being hyperactivity),
which before long became “perhaps the most common, and certainly one of
the most time-consuming problems in current pediatric practice”. The
symptoms of MBD (as defined by America’s Public Health Service and the
American Psychiatric Association) have a significant overlap with what
was seen after encephalitis, DPT injuries, and what was associated with
A British physician in 1928 noted that
"changes in morals and character" in patients who have had encephalitis
reveal a "curious uniformity."' This same "curious uniformity" stamps
the autistic, the minimally brain damaged, and the sociopath.
encephalitis may produce an intellectual, tormented, and cruel monster
out of a gentle girl or boy." "A child of previously responsible
character may be so transformed as to seem adifferent person...cruel,
destructive, abusive, indecent.
Note: as a point
of clarification, autistic children typically do not demonstrate cruel
or sadistic behaviors. However, they do share many of the other traits
found in post-encephalitic individuals.
9. There was a
wide range of consequences of encephalitis. Many of these were subtle
and insidiously altered the child’s personality, commonly making them
hyperactive, hypersexual, less empathetic, and generally uncomfortable
with their environment. Many of these traits in turn were also seen in
violent criminals and disruptive children (who frequently then went on
to become violent criminals).
10. Coulter
then collected numerous case histories of violent and sociopathic
criminals demonstrating that they displayed many of the exact same signs
(e.g., cranial nerve issues) seen in victims of encephalitis (be it
from vaccination or a natural infection). This included detailed reviews
of infamous criminals who precisely fit the post-encephalitic pattern
such as Ted Bundy.
Coulter also provided numerous statistics and studies which showed
violent criminals had dramatically higher rates of brain damage and
neurologic dysfunction. Many of the studies he cited (e.g., one of 321
excessively violent individuals showed 90-100% had demonstrable brain
dysfunction) found these defects occurred at 5-10 times the rates seen
in the general population).
Note: the associations shown in the papers Coulter compiled are also supported by modern research and hence are generally accepted. Additionally, newer research made possible by functional MRIs
also show that violent or sociopathic criminals often have significant
brain damage and lack the normal functions other humans have.
Coulter cited numerous statistics showing a small minority of the
population committed a majority of the violent crimes that occurred and
evidence showing the crimes in the post DPT era were often much more
brutal and sociopathic.
The traits commonly associated with MBD in turn were as follows:
Note: these were also frequently observed to be consequences of encephalitis and often clustered together. Additionally, quite a few of these are now known to occur more frequently in violent criminals.
•Hyperactivity (this was by far the most commonly associated trait with MBD).
Note: there is a well-known association between hyperactivity and stimulant drug use or violent crime. Many authors (e.g., psychiatrist Gabor Maté)
in turn have argued many people become drug addicts because they have
untreated ADD (which we typically treat with pharmaceutical
amphetamines—which unfortunately, like the SSRI antidepressants, can cause violent psychosis).
•Frequent drug and alcohol use.
this goes hand in hand with the emotional blunting frequently observed
after encephalitis. Additionally, one of the most common types of
dementia (which results from poor blood flow to the brain) is characterized by hypersexual behavior.
•Feeling overwhelmed by and not in control of their environment.
•Having difficulty organizing their thoughts or remembering their past experience.
this includes a flattening of one’s affect when remembering their
questionable conduct from the past, an inability to empathize with those
who were affected by it and in many of the case histories Coulter
compiled, a complete amnesia of it.
•A very short attention span (and paradoxically in a few cases, instead an obsessive and greatly excessive attention span).
impulsive and easily triggered into having violent outbursts (from both
external stressors and internal ones such as a severe headache).
•Headaches (which sometimes necessitated banging their head against a wall).
high incidence of seizure disorders: epilepsy, tics, tremors,
choreiform (twisting) movements, facial grimaces, infantile spasms, and
others. There were also frequently overt signs (e.g., EEG abnormalities)
and subtle signs (e.g., poor coordination) of these disorders.
•While some children with MBD had above average intelligence, on average their IQ was below average.
in childhood, typically occurring in conjunction with a sleep disorder
(that often had features such as teeth-grinding, night sweats,
nightmares, and night terrors). Sometimes this is also accompanied by
loss of bowel control (e.g., ectopresis).
visual-motor coordination, clumsiness and a lack of grace to their
movement (e.g., “impaired hopping ability, and a tendency to walk on the
•Decreased sensation to external painful stimuli.
•Left-handedness or ambidexterity.
Note: I know numerous people with DPT injuries this happened to.
processing disorders. These include dyslexia (difficulty reading),
dysgraphia (difficulty writing), dyscalcula (difficulty with numbers),
impaired speech (e.g., stuttering or stammering), paucity of speech or
mutism, hearing disorders (e.g., audiomotor incoordination, auditory
imperceptions or deficits, developmental receptive language disorder,
high-frequency hearing loss, or hypersensitivity to sound).
Note: the perceptual disturbances often were accompanied with a difficulty telling left from right or up from down.
sleepiness and a wide range of sleep disturbances (including new sleep
disorders the medical community had not previously witnessed such as
"delayed sleep phase syndrome," a condition where one cannot fall asleep
until 3 or 4 in the morning).
•Frequent food allergies (along with conduct worsening when those foods were consumed).
other neurological diseases (e.g., schizophrenia and autism) have also
been observed to improve after allergens such as gluten are completely
eliminated from the diet.
•Appetitive disturbances
(e.g., anorexia or bulimia). It was noted that this complication of
encephalitis far more frequently affected females, whereas hyperactivity
more frequently affected males.
•A strong desire to seek out music due to the rhythmicity and stability it provides.
•Being highly disruptive and violent from a very young age.
Note: in the second half of this series (which can be read here),
I discuss the changes in personality which specifically affect human
relationships (e.g., the ability to emotionally connect with one’s
partner) as there seems to be a fairly profound effect here that has
real life data to substantiate it.
Coulter’s thesis is correct, the implications are sobering, and it is
specifically for this reason that I felt I had an ethical duty to help
make his work available and to encourage you to consider reading his
As so much could be said about this subject, I will only share a few of my most pertinent thoughts.
many of you, I often encounter people who make me think “Why do you
have to be so difficult?” Becoming able to recognize how vaccine
encephalitis manifests has allowed me to switch from being frustrated by
their behavior to developing a great deal of compassion for them.
Likewise, it’s also made it much easier for me to understand how to
effectively interact with them because I can recognize how their brains
are misfiring and bypass those issues.
•Many of the
cognitive changes described in post-encephalitic patients perfectly
mirror the common frustrations women have with men who cannot
emotionally connect to them. This in turn has made me realize the
vaccine program has likely profoundly altered the dating dynamics of the
country, and from the limited queries I’ve made so far, my older
readers who witnessed this shift occur agree it is likely an issue.
believe the gravest violation of medical ethics is when the
pharmaceutical harms those who never consented to taking it. This is why
I have put such a heavy focus on both the COVID-19 vaccine shedding and the frequent tendency of SSRI antidepressants to cause episodes of mass violence.
whole concept really turns both the liberal and conservative notions of
what should happen with criminal justice upside down.
has been a longstanding observation that the quality of American
education has greatly declined (e.g., that what used to be taught in 8th
grade was more difficult than what is now taught in college). I long
thought this was due to education being massively mismanaged as it
shifted to a profit focused (student retention) based model, but after I
learned of Coulter’s hypothesis, I realized that it could also instead
be a symptom of the societal wide decline in cognitive function being
created by mass vaccination. This may also be intentional, as too many
intelligent and mentally healthy people would threaten any oppressive
power structure, and in turn mirrors what a doctor who was mentored by Robert S. Mendelsohn M.D. (a renowned pediatrician and one of the most impactful dissidents against the medical cartel) shared with me:
told me that during his appointment as Medical Director of Project Head
Start’s Medical Consultation Service in 1968, he was horrified by the
discussions held privately in the White House with his medical
colleagues. They were openly discussing how they could control the
population of the poor by promoting infant formula,
vaccinations, sadistic hospital birthing practices, deficient
government schools, and neighborhood abortion clinics. This was just too
much of an assault on his strong Jewish faith and his Hippocratic oath.
is presently no incentive to stop this as so much money can be made
selling treatments for these diseases (which are often very harmful),
while if the mistake is ever admitted, far too many people have too much
to lose. This in turn is why we keep on having worse and worse vaccine
tragedies inflicted upon the world.
I first entered the medical field, a variety of holistic doctors (and
other healers) told me they could typically tell if a child had been
vaccinated. While I believe this is often possible to do, it requires
utilizing a variety of more subtle signs most people would not agree
with (excluding say the parents who noticed “something” changed in their
child after vaccination).
Note: once you start becoming able to see how common vaccine injuries are, it gets really depressing.
turn, many have asked me what the signs of vaccine injury are. The
challenge with this topic is that subtle injuries are dramatically more
common than severe injuries (as reactions to toxins tend to follow a
bell curve, with the most severe reactions being the rarest). Thus, the
more subtle signs are harder to recognize (or prove resulted from
vaccination) but simultaneously are by far the most common.
Some of the most common signs we use are:
new condition developing shortly after vaccination that is known to be
linked to vaccination (e.g., those listed in the above surveys such as
seizures or autism). Often, there is a fairly consistent pattern in how
these injuries form (e.g., they are preceded by severe fevers and crying
that immediately follow the vaccination).
•Overt changes in the cranial nerves (e.g., the eyes no longer track normally, or the facial muscles become asymmetrical).
Note: in a recent article, I explained how vaccine induced microstrokes can commonly cause this to happen.
subtle change in function to any of the cranial nerves (many of which
are detailed in the copy of Coulter’s book included below and in
Wilson’s earlier compilation of our first century of forgotten vaccine disasters).
if you train yourself to spot these, they become more and more obvious
as you become able to notice when something facilitated by a
neurological process seems to glitch or misfire (e.g., the eyes lose
their smoothness and jump as they move to either side).
(rarer) or subtle (more common) cognitive and neurological changes
which can be indicative of brain inflammation or brain damage. Like the
cranial nerve changes, they are also discussed in Wilson and Coulter’s
book (included below).
In addition to these changes, they
are some more subtle “spiritual” changes, which are amongst the most
frequent changes observed (and what many of my colleagues eventually
default to using to identify vaccine injuries). Given that these signs,
while very apparent, are “spiritual” in nature, I went back and forth on
if I wanted to discuss them, and eventually felt it needed to be to a
limited audience.
(This is the end of the
unpaid portion of A Midwestern Doctor’s article. I did not copy the rest
because it was limited to AMD’s paid subscriber audience. Please email
me for a copy of “Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality: The Medical Assault on the American Brain,” if you wish to read it.) Please click on AMD’s article below to subscribe to their extremely important work.
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