quinta-feira, 16 de maio de 2024

Vax-sceptic Slovak PM fighting for life after assassination attempt


David Montoute
May 16th

Slovakia’s anti-globalist Prime Minister Robert Fico has survived an assassination attempt and is now in a “life-threatening condition” after being airlifted to a hospital in Banská Bystrica (in central Slovakia).  

Whilst the PM was still alive according to initial reports, his condition was described as “very serious”, Fico having sustained wounds in the stomach, arm and leg. According to the country's interior minister, he was shot five times.

The attack took place in the town of Handlova, some 150 kilometers northeast of the capital, according to the news television station TA3.


Robert Fico, a  left-wing populist a former member of the Communist party, was appointed Slovakia’s Prime Minister for a fourth time on October 25, 2023. During this time, he was a severe critic of the Von der Leyen Commission and its policies in relation to Russian invasion of Ukraine. Fico had pledged to end military support for Ukraine and immediately made good on his promise. This did not stop him, however, from eventually moderating his position and advocating for a peaceful solution, one that would respect the “territorial integrity” of Ukraine.

An opponent of enforced gender ideology, Fico also publicly rejected George Soros' interference in his country’s affairs. With such hostile positions against George Soros NGO network as well as NATO in Ukraine, Fico had clearly begun to ruffle some feathers in the Atlanticist establishment of Brussels.

Yesterday's suspected shooter, 71-year-old Juraj Cintula, is a former security guard, the head of something called the Rainbow Literary Club and the author of several books. In one of his books, Cintula had exalted the programme of the far-right People's Party Our Slovakia and expressed understanding for mass-murderers in the context of perceived governmental failures. 

Although Slovakia's interior minister, Matus Sutaj Estok, had initially told reporters that the attempt on Fico's life was "politically motivated", he later went on to opine that Cintula was a "lone wolf" who had "acted alone".

The real trangression?

Beyond Fico's anti-Atlanticist positions, the Slovak PM issued an even more powerful provocation with his refusal to sign the WHO's Pandemic Treaty and his powerful denunciation of the pharmaceutical companies behind the global "health" measures adopted since 2020. “One study after another confirms the scandalous consequences of mass vaccination with untested experimental vaccines,” he said in November 2023. In another impassioned speech given shortly after taking office, Fico recalled the media's campaign against the unvaccinated, who had advocated for all of the unjabbed to "squeal in pain like a pig."

He recalled:

“Ladies and gentlemen of progressive Slovakia and the opposition, have you seen the statistics on how deaths from various cardiovascular causes have increased here due to vaccination? Do you reject this? Of course you deny this, you claim the vaccination was the best in the world. Do you know how many expired vaccines we have left and how much money was wasted as a result? What do you know about medical devices and test procurement?


“We have had 21,000 deaths, which we attribute to the incompetence of our governments since 2020. To rule and focus only on economic benefits and of course to bow before the pharmaceutical companies from whom they have purchased huge quantities of unnecessary medical supplies and vaccines.”

In his speech, Fico also announced the establishment of his own committee to investigate the vaccine procurement issues. Consisting of an expert team of scientists, doctors and lawyers, the committe will investigate how exactly the “Covid circus” was allowed to take hold, how bad the vaccine damage really is and who the true beneficiaries in the deal between Pfizer and the EU actually are. Most importantly,the man appointed to head this investigation is “known anti-vaxxer”  Dr. P Peter Kotlár, an SNS Member of Parliament. 

 Fico has dismissed the WHO Pandemic Treaty as "nonsense invented by greedy pharma companies." He made clear that Slovakia would not sign the treaty, nor the revised International Health Regulations (IHR), which would give the WHO dictatorial control over member countries’ policies concerning health and climate. In this position, he joins a large spectrum of countries primarily from the Global South. Fico, however, was the only politician in Europe to take this position, and with his specific focus on elucidating vaccine harms, he went much further than any other president or prime minister. No other current head of state anywhere in the world has had the audacity to speak this way in public. In fact, the last two heads of state to reject the vaccine/biosecurity regime with such force both met untimely deaths.

Is this attempt on Fico's life a continuation of the pattern?


FLASHBACK: Slovakian Prime Minister Announces Investigation Into Covid Vaxx!


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