domingo, 12 de maio de 2024

Globalists celebrate: world population to decrease for the first time in 700 years



Fourth World
May 12th, 2024

The world's population is set to decline for the first time since the Black Death, due to plummeting birth rates, says a new study in The Lancet. The report's primary bullet-point states that "By 2050, over three-quarters (155 of 204) of countries will not have high enough fertility rates to sustain population size over time; this will increase to 97% of countries (198 of 204) by 2100."

The decrease in the number of children that women have has begun to slow the growth of the world population, which stands at just over eight billion, and could mean that it will begin to decline within a few decades.

This would be the first time that the number of inhabitants of the planet has decreased since the bubonic plague. The Black Death killed up to 50 million people in the mid-1300s, including up to a third of the population in Europe. This was the only time to date that the number of human beings on Earth decreased. Historians estimate that the world population went from about 400 million to 350 million.

Women must have an average of 2.1 children each to maintain population growth, and this is known as the total fertility rate. In 2021, it stood at 2.23 worldwide.

The Lancet study was conducted by the IHME Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, a front organisation for Bill Gates, and funded by his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The
IHME, together with Imperial College London is known for producing the absurd models for the evolution of the supposed "Coronavirus" outbreak in 2020 which sparked worldwide panic and provided the bogus rationale for government leaders to shut down the global economy.

Dramatic declines in global fertility rates will transform global demographic patterns between now and 2100. This comes, of course, on top of the 30 million excess deaths since 2021, and it is here that democide meets a demographic winter. This Lancet's projections are indicated for almost 99% of the world. In fact, by 2100, only six countries will have fertility rates above replacement level.

Soon after the study's publication, a public health doctor in Ireland gave a typical reading of their findings, summing up admirably the establishment thinking: “The real question that needs to be asked is whether there are already too many humans on the planet and whether falling fertility rates, globally and in developed countries, is a singular opportunity for the planet to realign itself within planetary boundaries and address wealth inequality.” 

All of this is based on scientific chicanery and lies. Fearmongering about humans exceeding the Earth's carrying capacity is deeply entrenched in modern culture, despite the factual claims having been debunked over and over.

In reality, the global elites want us to wish for our own extinction. They are trying to dispel the most basic instinctive force of human survival and prosperity and encourage in its stead suicide, euthanasia, nutrient-poor diets, and other ways to solve “the problem” of overpopulation. 

The World Population Hoax:


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