sexta-feira, 17 de maio de 2024

One Video Lists Many Fertility Damaging Properties Of Ivermectin: What Can We Conclude?


I Believe It Is Curative, (Antiparasitic,) AND Destructive To Fertility

This video lists scientific papers detailing the anti-fertility effects of Ivermectin in animals:


We don’t know his name, and he takes a contemptuous tone, (about “truthers,” and “Conservatives,” who “fell for” Ivermectin,) but the matter is on the table.

Is Ivermectin, as some voices have been saying, for some times, a dangerous insecticide and “poison?”


I believe both are true: Ivermectin stopped death (“saved lives”) and Ivermectin had severe adverse effects on fertility. That is what all the available evidence says to me.

“Tim Truth” compares Ivermectin enthusiasts to Jim Jones devotees. (!)

Think about spirit and frequency, always.

Remember what I always ask: What is the spirit behind? You just listen to the voice, and feel it.

The spirit behind revealing that certain rock star anti-parastics in the post Covid era are “poisons” and “insecticides” is generally intellectually contemptuous and superior. I know it well.

It can also be “correct.”

What I think is: We’re human beings, and we sought many ways to stay alive, keep our loved ones alive, in a time of great terror and stress, and Ivermectin came up as one of the tools, and by way of this, we also got serious about de-worming.

We’re not “idiots,” or cult followers. But it may be better to return to the tried and true—the pine tree.

Turpentine Oil (Pine Tree Oil) For Parasites and Candida (Many Years Before Ivermectin Became An Issue)

I started understanding the role of anti-parasitics when I discovered Dr. Jennifer Daniels work on turpentine/sugar about 10 year ago. It made a profound difference to my fatigue syndrome/mystery condition at that time. This person, Sun Fruit Dan, has done more work on turpentine protocols than anybody I know. He’s very direct, kind and helpful. In this video he describes how important it is to take activated charcoal when you do turps. [In the first video linked, he talks about turpentine crossing the blood brain barrier.]

Here’s a short clip of Dr. Daniels describing why the pursuit of happiness determines disease outcome:



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