sexta-feira, 24 de maio de 2024

Video images: Strange formations and artificial life in vaccinated blood



Claudio Fabián Guevara
January 25, 2024

“2024 will be the year of madness,” predicts Dr. Wilfredo Ramón Baltasar Stokes.

This Guatemalan surgeon, a member of the Gallery of Illustrious Guatemalans, from the beginning of the pandemic differentiated himself from other colleagues, those who were critical of the pandemic operation but limited in their general vision of it. Stokes joined all of the dots from the beginning: the inoculation programme behind the pandemic setup, the interaction of the elements injected with electromagnetic frequencies, the 2030 Agenda and depopulation as a background political objective. He confronted the alliance of doctors that declared an international medical crisis, and declared: “It is not a medical crisis: it is a genocide.”

Three years after the start of the pandemic, the facts seem to be proving Wilfredo Stokes right. In his office in Guatemala, and with the collaboration of colleagues from different countries, he is investigating a possible treatment for the condition of those inoculated with the Covid "vaccines", and explores the evolution of the blood of those inoculated, a fundamental factor to analyze their health condition.

Artificial life in the blood of the vaccinated

In an interview with Diario de Vallarta & Nayarit, Dr. Stokes reports that in the blood analysis of his vaccinated patients he has found “artificial life, extremely complex organisms, self-assembling structures, eggs in a gel environment that allows them to grow.” ”.

These organisms grow, move and become more complex structures. Strokes suggests that we still do not know how many elements were introduced into the Covid injections, nor what they can transform into when combined with each other.

Image gallery: Structures found in the blood of Covid vaccinated. All rights reserved. Reproduced with permission of Dr. Wilfredo Stokes

These elements create groups of grouped red blood cells in the blood, stacked together, called Rouleaux's phenomenon. This disturbance in the blood of vaccinated people has been observed by many researchers. Stokes points out that the Rouleaux phenomenon in many people grows until they become true conglomerates, in clusters of increasingly larger size.

There are also sets of points that are speculated to act as receivers or antennas. Stokes points out that many of these foreign elements settle in the tissues. Graphene, specifically, binds to the neurological system.

Video: More than the Rouleaux phenomenon 

“Some have mutated and are creating an alternative path”

“There are people who have only 1 to 2 percent normal blood. "They couldn't be alive," says Stokes. “If they are, we have to deduce that they have mutated and are creating an alternative path of life.”

For Stokes, the phenomenon of magnetism in vaccinated people should be an alarm signal that even many resistance doctors ignore. He also criticizes that “those vaccinated are tortured: in hospitals they are not given adequate care and instead they are swabbed, thereby further contaminating their bodies.”

Throughout the interview, Wilfredo Stokes also gives his opinion on the great debate among resistance groups around the content of Covid injections. On the one hand, those who denounce graphene oxide; on the other, those who believe in mRNA technology and the Spike protein. His verdict is final: “The charlatans are falling this year.”

Video: Wilfredo Stokes interviewed by Claudio Fabian Guevara 



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