quinta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2021

Self-healing: the innate power

Mundo Bacteriano

Originally published

Much has been written about the placebo effect (the healing of the sick by suggestion rather than an effective treatment) and this is almost always expressed in pejorative terms. It has been wielded by skeptical platforms to attack all those therapies classified as pseudoscientific or para-scientific. And it is based on one fundamental idea:

    To heal there must be an active principle that heals. Otherwise, the drug is a placebo, that is, a scam.

This idea is, from my point of view, absolutely fallacious. Read another way, the idea could be expressed like this:

    The sick always need the help of an external agent to heal.

This is the basis of Western medicine, and as we will see, not so much of the rest of the world's medicines. The thesis of this article is that the placebo effect should be applied in a constructive way by the current healthcare structure because it obviously serves our desired purpose: the healing and well-being of patients. And if it is condemned and repressed, this is mainly because they cannot admit that the patient has autonomous mechanisms that allow the improvement in symptoms and in many cases the cure of diseases. And this, of course, is due to clear interests generated by pharmaceutical laboratories and the medical establishment.

If you want and know how to properly exploit the placebo effect, you have a powerful weapon: the self-healing force present in all living beings with greater or lesser intensity and that has been concealed for centuries by human manipulations.


We constantly see that capacity for self-healing in ourselves. To take an everyday example, let's look at a wound. We make a cut and in a short time it has closed. We apply hydrogen peroxide to disinfect it,
or the doctor or nurse does so, and we place a dressing to cover the wound. And the wound heals. But has the hydrogen peroxide or the dressing been the healing factor or have they been just an aide? The truth is that they have worked in helping to prevent infection, but they have not served at all in rebuilding the damaged tissue. In this the body has acted only with its own self-healing force. There is an undeniable truth, which is that...

                                 We know almost nothing about life

At most, human beings can approximate a description of the mechanisms that underlie biology, but we do not know what the meaning or origin of life is. And humans cannot even remotely create a living being, nor can we explain the mystery of living beings. We see that mystery around us every day, and we see it in ourselves minute by minute. A thing as seemingly simple as a bacterium or a virus, is unmanageable for us. We can experiment on them, reproduce them, cross them, mutate them, but we cannot create them. And this is relevant because I want to show that what we call "life" is a tremendous power that is in us and in all the beings that surround us. Among other things, it facilitates self-healing, without the mediation of anything or anyone, and of course, without any medicine or laboratory involved.

These self-healing mechanisms which we are habituated to are a marvel and show us that behind life there is an undeniable intelligence that allows each molecule to find its place and each cell to seek and participate in its tissue. It is this power, then, or intelligence, that facilitates healing when we get injured or sick. This power is what organises everything around us and makes it work to perfection.

The enormous power that heals us is precisely what is observed in the so-called placebo effect. And my thesis, here and now, is that rather than critiquing it as the product of suggestion or t
he imagination, we should recognise it as something very strong that exists within us all. It should also be strengthened, as it is our guarantee to life.


That healing power is the same potential hidden in seeds. In seeds it can be observed most perfectly since you just have to give the right conditions for them to germinate. Or seen in another way, you have to remove the obstacles. It seems that the obstacles present in the human being are greater than those that exist in a simple seed. Did I say simple? Nothing is further from my intention. And this is precisely what I want to demonstrate: seeds, small or apparently humble in structure, are extremely complex systems of life, endowed with a very strong vital force and highly resistant to the elements. They are a vital pump, programmed to grow when the right circumstances arise.

I am not referring to the fact that seeds are stores of food and nutrients. We know that all seeds contain large reserves to feed the plant, which we take advantage of. But no, I am not referring to that. I am referring to the potential force that lies in the seed and that, given the appropriate circumstances, sets in motion a programming (divine programming) so that a plant comes out of that seed.

It is something so wonderful that anything else falls short next to it. And we see it on a daily basis even though it no longer surprises us. Whoever takes a moment to simply reflect on this fact cannot but be astonished. But this power or vital potency is not seen. It cannot be touched, measured or weighed. And my hypothesis is that, even though the physical aspect of the seed is needed, it is not that physical aspect at work. Rather, it is the «vital force». This life force is found everywhere, starting with ourselves.

So, this vital force is the one that, operating on the body, allows the self-healing mechanisms to take place in the body.


For this self-healing power to work every day, you just have to very consciously not hinder its operation. How is this achieved? The body has natural self-regulatory mechanisms and the fact that we become ill only shows us that we subject it to circumstances that hinder the function of these mechanisms. One of the main obstacles, from my experience, is the intake of inappropriate food, excessive eating and eating at the wrong hours. Why does incorrect eating become an obstacle to self-healing? Because digestion is one of the processes that consumes the most vital energy. Every time we eat food, the body diverts a part of the blood
stream to the intestine and liver. So, knowing that how we eat is essential, the next step is to do so in the correct quantity, with the right food quality and at the right time. This ensures that the body has optimal energy resources available to it.

The idea is that many diseases can be prevented by a way of life that controls the
body and mind's expenditure of superfluous energy. Unfortunately, many of the current diseases, in my own experience, are caused by social customs, and by irresponsible consumption promoted by advertising, anxiety and stress.

My experience with all of these habits is that most people are able to endure (and enjoy for many years) intense regimes of bingeing, alcohol, and sweets without their bodies seeming to notice a thing. At a certain point, usually between the ages of 45 and 55, the digestive system (along with other systems) ends up collapsing and opening the way to disease. And at that point no one can maintain control, and the human body must endure whatever is thrown at it.

Only a small group of "weak" people cannot tolerate this pattern and fall ill sooner. They then turn their habits around and, ignoring social pressures, begin to remove obstacles to self-healing. They break the viscious cycle of indulgence and illness. These weak people are the center of attention in social gatherings, because they do not eat meat, do not drink alcohol or simply, or because they sleep early and for long hours.

It is curious fact that society, in many ways, forces us to destroy our own self-healing capacity. And my conviction is that being a resistant individual is almost worse than being a weak individual, because it condemns you to disease.

Diabetes, classified as a "social disease" is an obvious example of this. But there are many more, such as cancer from tobacco smoke, cirrhosis from alcohol consumption, or intestinal and heart problems from an excess of proteins. I am not the best suited to talk about these problems, but I am when I feel like a victim of social practices that were imposed on me at particular times in my life: when I was studying at the University (I was a student at the Law School of Valladolid in the 1980s) a lot of people smoked in class and the atmosphere was unbreathable. This caused me much breathing difficulty and I ended up leaving the classrooms, which caused delays in my studies. Thanks to this "sensitivity" I ended up with a chronic cough and stopped attending classes. With this I avoided getting sick. Now I understand why one of my teachers died of cancer very young, since surely he was very sensitive but was not able to leave any of his classes, as this was his job. Unable to remove this obstacle, his body was unable to kick-start the self-healing process.


Source: https://www.mundobacteriano.com/la-autocuracion/

Translation: David Montoute 

UNLOCK the Creative LIGHT-FORCE Within ( Zach Bush )

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