domingo, 15 de setembro de 2024

Something in the Water

Rosanne Lindsay, Traditional Naturopath, Nature of Healing
updated from February 2016


Rocket fuel (Perchlorate) is in the news…again.

Rocket fuel chemical found in dozens of food items.

Testing showed that “fast food and fresh produce had the highest levels, while beverages, seafood and meats had the lowest.”

However, rocket fuel contamination has been well known for decades as a contaminant, widespread in the water supply. How does rocket fuel get into the food and water?

Most drinking water contamination comes from activities related to the manufacture, disposal, and research of propellants, explosives, and pyrotechnics, as well as to accidental releases from manufacturing facilities and rocket launch failures, according to the National Institutes of Health’s Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. There are other sources of contamination, too, according to the ATSDR, including fireworks, road safety flares, and certain fertilizers. When crops are irrigated with contaminated water, that leads to contaminated produce.

The scientific way around any toxin is to normalize and naturalize it. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states, Perchlorate may occur naturally, particularly in arid regions such as the southwestern United States. 

Perchlorate is anything but natural.

As a known goitrogen, Perchlorate prevents the uptake of iodine to affect the thyroid. Along with chloride and fluoride, added to public water supplies, as well as lead, PCBs, pesticides, nitrates, formaldehyde, and other toxins, Perchlorate is only one reason for a global epidemic of thyroid disease.

Thus, Perchlorate is not the only toxin in the water.

In 2016, toxic water made headlines when the EPA announced that water was unsafe to drink in Flint, Michigan due to lead contamination. But water dangers in Flint go back to 2003. By 2017, the consequences of drinking toxic water turned up as an increase in fetal deaths and a drop in fertility rates. In 2024, the EPA says lead in Flint water is at acceptable levels.

…financial motives are causing government science agencies to ignore inconvenient truths—like high levels of lead in public drinking water. – Marc Edwards, the Virginia Tech civil engineering professor who helped expose the Flint water crisis, February 4, 2016

Instead of reassuring residents of Michigan, that lead could be filtered from the water using carbon filters, the government supplied bottled water – one bottle per day per resident – bottles which carry their own toxins of nanoplastics.

The researchers found that, on average, a liter of bottled water included about 240,000 tiny pieces of plastic. About 90% of these plastic fragments were nanoplastics. – NIH, January 2024

Ironically, most bottled water in the U.S. is tap water.

In 2018, Mark Edwards, the Virginia Tech researcher who helped expose the 2016 Flint, Michigan water crisis, was barred from testing well water in South Carolinia.

Not Safe To Drink

Agencies, such as the Department of Natural Resources, and the EPA claim  public water supplies are safe to drink. Some of the reported water-related disasters over the last decade show otherwise:

  1. Fluoridation of water using waste byproducts (hydrofluorsilicic acid) from the phosphate fertilizer industry.
  2. August 2015 Gold Mine disaster in Colorado that sent 3 million gallons of contaminated wastewater (lead, arsenic, mercury, cadmium, uranium, cyanide, sulfuric acid, etc.) into rivers that supply drinking water to at least three states (Colorado, New Mexico and Utah) as well as the Navajo Nation. The spill resulted from a blow-out, a risk that EPA knew about, but are washing their hands of any responsibility.
  3. November 2015 Mining disaster in Brazil, from the Samarco mine in an area where around 150,000 people are still reliant on deliveries of drinking water.  “The best thing that can happen now is for the mud to flow out to sea as quickly as possible,” said Antonio de Padua Almeida, a biologist and head of the local Comboios nature reserve. “The mud will have much greater impact on the river than on the sea.”
  4. Discovery of PFOA’s (Perfluorooctanoic acid, also known as C8), chemicals from Dupont’s Teflon manufacturing process, that are now pervasive around the world though water systems. “DuPont pumped hundreds of thousands of pounds of PFOA powder through the outfall pipes of the Parkersburg facility into the Ohio River.
  5. One million tons of oil enters the marine environment annually. The 2010 BP Oil disaster in the Gulf —and the addition of the toxic chemical Corexit  has longterm human and environmental effects.
  6. Fracking water being used to irrigate organic crops, such as fruits and vegetables in numerous states like Texas and California.
  7. Flint, Michigan water crisis, 2016 (lead)
  8. Ohio 2023 train derailment  spills hazardous chemicals. As of October 2023, 742 incident reports for train derailments in the U.S. have been recorded. [See derailment and spills map of U.S.].
  9. Graphene oxide  and hydrogels (nanotechnology) used in vaccines, wastewater treatment, and water filtration, is also spread via cloud seeding and  climate engineering.

Various synthetic medications, hormones,  anti-depressants, and nanotechnologies make their way to public water that cannot be filtered out. Chemicals, such as Triclosan used in hand sanitizers, creates chloroform when mixed with tap water. Triclosan is an antimicrobial chemical, also known to affect thyroid function.

Nitrates in ground water from pesticide run-off, fertilizers, and septic tank waste affect fertility. [See evidence of nitrates in drinking water by state].

Focus on age-old contaminants distracts from new threats at a nano-level.

How do we control an unseen threat?

Nanotech Toxicity

What is a nanoform? How would EPA regulate it?

Current regulations do not adequately address the development and use of nanomaterials in any system, human or otherwise.

A nanometer is roughly 10,000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair and 1 million times smaller than a single grain of sand. A major concern with new technologies are unknown risk factors.

First, due to their extremely small size, nanoparticles are difficult to contain, meaning they could escape into the environment and pose a threat to aquatic life, all life. Secondly, the enhanced reactivity of nanoparticles increases their toxicity.

 As we inject a nanomaterial into groundwater to remediate a problem are we simultaneously creating a new problem by injecting a material that may have adverse environmental effects? – Troy Benn, ASU researcher in environmental engineering

Graphene oxide, as an electrically-charged magnetic nanoform, is considered relatively ‘new.’ Even the structure of graphene oxide, as a one atom thick layer of carbon atoms, is still unclear due to its complicated non-stoichiometric nature.

There are never any regulations published before new technologies are unleashed into the environment (eg. GMO crops and mosquitoes). Yet, graphene is now used in all industries, from plastics, and water filtration, to dental anesthetics, biomedical applications and cloud seeding.

Impacts and Solutions

A little known fact is that water holds memoryHumans are 99% water at the molecular level.

What does nano-contamination do to the collective memory of humanity? We know Alzheimer’s is a disease of Aluminum toxicity.

The problems are multifaceted: 1) the failure of government scientists, and agencies, to acknowledge a problem, 2) failure of agencies to do their job to protect the public health, 3) the failure of people to question the status quo.

The impacts are many, from reproductive harm to shortened lifespan, to the destruction of habitats, and oxygen depletion. Unfortunately, mitigation solutions are far behind the rollout of contamination.

Basic Solutions to Complex Problems
  1. Test your well water or water source.
  2. Find and collect a clean source of water, or boil and filter tap water (avoiding nanofiltration)
  3. Stop eating processed foods; know your farmer, and grow your own.
  4. Reduce your plastic consumption and reuse or recycle plastic when you can.
  5. Don’t drink bottled water.
  6. Don’t flush old medications.
  7. Opt for herbs and homeopathy over synthetic medications.
  8. Properly dispose of chemical cleaners, oils, and nonbiodegradable items to keep them from going down the drain.

While individual solutions are a mere drop in the industrial toxic waste bucket, they can protect your health where you live. Simply take responsibility for what you inhale, ingest, imbibe, and inject.


Rosanne Lindsay is a Traditional Naturopath, Herbalist, Writer, and Author of the books The Nature of Healing, Heal the Body, Heal the Planet and Free Your Voice, Heal Your Thyroid, Reverse Thyroid Disease Naturally. Find her on Facebook at Consult with her remotely at Listen to her archived podcasts at



Colour revolution in Bangladesh: interference from the United States, the NED and the CIA


Thierry Meyssan
September 3rd, 2024

On August 4, a series of demonstrations and street riots led to the sudden overthrow of Sheikh Hasina, who had ruled Bangladesh for 15 years and was considered a champion of democracy. The new regime accuses her of having transformed her government into a dictatorship. The legislative elections – boycotted by the opposition – had provided her with a largely favourable parliament. This year, the demonstrations that marked the months of July and August were violently repressed, with 250 deaths, perhaps 650.

But, as always, appearances can be deceptive and the major media
reports have ultimately turned out to be black propaganda campaigns.

On May 24, 2023, the US State Department banned several Bangladeshi leaders from entering the country in order, according to official sources, to force them to organise “free and fair elections” [1].

First anomaly: interference from the United States and the European Union

On January 6, the day before the general elections boycotted by the opposition, Russian Foreign Ministry
spokeswoman Maria Zakharova denounced the interference by the European Commission and the US State Department in the organisation of Bangladesh's elections [2]. According to the Washington Post, India intervened with the State Department to ensure that the regime change in Bangladesh would not be violent.

It is now known that the American International Republican Institute (IRI) and the National Democratic Institute (NDI) were deeply involved in the preparation of the legislative elections in Bangladesh.
These two American partisan organisations, both also linked to the CIA, received several million dollars for this from the equally American National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

In June, the Supreme Court of Bangladesh reinstated the quota system in the attribution of public jobs. These positions are reserved for veterans of the 1971 war of independence and their descendants, which favours members of the ruling Awami League, which led the war of independence. But at the same time, young people who finish their studies are finding themselves without job prospects. This led student unions to organise a peaceful strike, which was interrupted by the Muslim
holiday of Eid.

Just after the elections in January 2024, an American diplomat warned Sheikh Hasina that she would be overthrown if she did not agree to several demands, namely,
the installation of a foreign air base on the island of Saint Martin, the giving up of a portion of Bangladesh's territory and allowing the creation of a Christian state that would include part of neighbouring Myanmar. On 24 May, two weeks before the start of the movement against her government, Sheikh Hasina gathered the leaders of the 14 political parties that make up her government coalition to warn them about the existence of the plot [3]. The warning proved useless.

Second anomaly: operations to destroy symbols of Bangladesh

From the very beginning of the strike, individuals attacked and defaced monuments that paid tribute to the memory of Mujibur Rahman, the founder of the nation, who was assassinated in 1975. This is strange, since there had been no criticism of this national historical figure before. But it turns out that Mujibur Rahman is not only the father of the nation (Bangabandhu) but that he is also the father of the head of government, Sheikh Hasina. Moreover, this is exactly the same pattern of unrest that was seen in Syria in 2011, when unidentified people attacked statues of the late President Haffez El-Assad (1930-2000) – in reality it was not about questioning the legacy of that historical figure but of destroying symbols of the Syrian state and delegitimising his son and successor, President Bashar al-Assad.

The international media did not give much importance to these acts against public monuments. Those actions were apparently carried out by members of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), founded by Ziaur Rahman, who was president of the country from 1977 until his assassination in 1981. The Bangladesh Nationalist Party is pro-Islamist while the Awami League is secular. The entire history of Bangladesh's half-century of existence as a country is marked by the struggle between Islamists and secularists. The BNP chairwoman and former ruler of the country (1991-1996 and 2001-2006), Khaleda Zia, is currently in prison for embezzlement. Her son, Tariq Rahman, has taken her place at the head of the party... from London, the former metropolis for Bangladesh, where he currently lives in exile.

Through the firm Blue Star, in May 2023, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party hired Hunter Biden - the son of US President Joe Biden. The contract states that, in addition to lobbying expenses, Hunter Biden will receive $100 million when the party returns to power in Bangladesh.

In that country, Islamists are represented by the Jamaat-e-Islami party, founded by Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi and Said Ramadan, a well-known figure of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. The Islamists are against the national state and demand that Bangladesh become part of Pakistan again.

On July 10, there was a clash between participants in an anti-government march and protesters from the Awami League. On July 19, groups of protesters attacked a detention center, freed the prisoners and set the facility on fire. A series of riots followed, costing the lives of around 100 people. On August 4, new riots left a toll of 97 dead. After two months of unrest, with the death toll already at 650, Sheikh Hasina resigned from her position as chief adviser (head of government) and fled to India in a military helicopter. From there, she denounced the role of the United States in the events that led her to resignation [4].

Third anomaly: a peaceful government unexpectedly turns into a “bloody regime”

Sheikh Hasina had never resorted to violence. So why did she suddenly unleash a bloodbath? Here in Bangladesh, the methods that the United States used and perfected during the wars in Yugoslavia are once again being rolled out, methods that I myself saw applied in Libya and Syria against the governments of those countries. Snipers conveniently positioned in strategic places would shoot simultaneously at police and protesters, so that each side believed it was being attacked by the other.

On August 6, Bangladeshi President Mohammad Shahabuddin dissolved parliament and appointed Muhammad Yunus as interim prime minister to govern the country after a series of discussions with the army and the protest leaders.

Fourth anomaly: a character returns from abroad to become head of government

“Coincidentally,” Muhammad Yunus had announced in June his intention to return to the political scene and govern the country [5]. Another characteristic of “colour revolutions” is that the winner is never who he appears to be.

The economist Muhammad Yunus (who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2006 for his practice of microcredit) had come into conflict with Sheikh Hasina, who questioned the practices of his microcredit bank. To avoid paying taxes, Yunus had transferred 100 million dollars in grants from different countries to a family business. He also imposed high interest rates (between 21 and 37%) on poor women who used his bank [6].

Muhammad Yunus is a personal friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton and a major donor to the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI). The Clintons threatened Sheikh Hasina with opposing a
1.2 billion dollar World Bank to Bangladesh if the national government took Yunus to court. In the absence of that loan, the Bangladeshi government had to stop building a railway bridge over the Padma River.

US-funded newspapers then claimed that the Canadian company in charge of building the bridge had paid hidden commissions to Sheikh Hasina. The Canadian company denied this and accused Muhammad Yunus of being the author of the hoax. Yunus then had as his defender the former president of the World Bank and member of the Bilderberg Group's steering committee, James Wolfensohn. The then chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Luis Moreno Ocampo, even went so far as to travel to Bangladesh to proceed with several indictments. Ultimately, there were never any legal proceedings against Yunus in Bangladesh, even though a Canadian court verified that there had never been any problems of embezzlement in the construction of the bridge over the Padma.

As soon as he was appointed head of government, Muhammad Yunus assigned himself 25 ministerial portfolios.
At his first press conference, he said: “I have taken over a country that was, in many ways, a complete mess. In its efforts to hold on to power, Sheikh Hasina’s dictatorship destroyed all of the country’s institutions. The judicial system was destroyed. Democratic rights have been suppressed by a brutal repression that has lasted 10 and a half years.” 


[1] Controversial US visa policy for Bangladesh catches flak from India”, Ranjan Basu, Dhaka Tribune, 20 August, 2023.

[3] China praises Bangladesh PM Hasina for refusing to permit foreign air base”, Press Trust of India (PTI), 24 de mayo de 2024.

[5] No competitive politics left in Bangladesh, says Nobel laureate Yunus”, Ruma Paul, Reuters, 11 June 2024.

Kuwait to freeze bank accounts of residents who do not register biometric fingerprints

Kuwait is mandating a biometric registration process for citizens and expatriates. Those who fail to register their fingerprints by the set deadlines will face consequences such as suspended government services and frozen bank accounts. 

It is claimed that the reasons for enforcing the registration of digital biometrics are to enhance security and address dual nationality issues. However, this initiative aligns with global trends in biometrics and the sharing of our data with selected agencies.

It’s no coincidence that at the same time, the United Nations is pushing for a Global Digital Compact to be adopted by 193 countries so it can play a significant role in the global governance of artificial intelligence, the Internet, digital public goods and digital infrastructure.

Rhoda Wilson
September 15th  (leer en castellano)

Kuwait is preparing to suspend government services for people who fail to register their fingerprints by the set deadlines,  30 September 2024, for Kuwaitis and 30 December 2024, for expatriates

There are approximately 175,000 citizens and 800,000 expats who still need to complete the biometric registration process. The Central Bank of Kuwait has directed banks to implement measures like suspension of electronic channels, blocking of bank cards, and eventually freezing accounts for those who do not comply with the registration requirements. This will also affect financial assets like shares, funds and investment portfolios.

If people do not meet the fingerprinting deadline, their electronic banking channels will be disabled, bank cards will be blocked and their accounts will be frozen. However, deductions for loans and mortgages will continue. While travel rights will not be affected, illegal residents crossing the border will be required to submit fingerprint registrations.

In March 2024, it was revealed that the country also intends to share biometric data as part of a regional security network.

It is claimed that the aim of the initiative to register biometric fingerprints for both citizens and expatriates is to address dual nationality issues and enhance security measures by detecting individuals using fraudulent passports.

Kuwait plans to collaborate with Interpol and Gulf Cooperation Council countries to establish a robust security network. This partnership aims to address the challenges posed by dual nationals using multiple identities while travelling between countries.

The move comes as Kuwait is home to a large foreign population, many of whom hold dual citizenship or temporary work visas. Biometric fingerprinting, the official identification method in Kuwait, is expected to streamline the entry process for visitors and residents.

The initiative is part of a wider trend in global biometrics advancements, with other countries adopting similar measures to enhance security and streamline travel processes.

(The above is a condensed version of ‘Kuwait to share biometrics with Interpol, Gulf countries for regional security network’ published by Biometric Update on 25 March 2024.  You can read the full article HERE.)

As we mentioned in an article earlier this month, the European Union (“EU”) is introducing an automated border registration computer system for registering travellers from countries outside the EU. And while the EU and EU countries roll out biometric digital IDs and facial recognition across various public services, including border control, US authorities continue to push for access to EU member states’ biometric databases.

They are centralising our data and access to it for global centralised control.

On 22-23 September, the United Nations (“UN”) is holding the ‘Summit of the Future’.  The UN is hoping the outcome of the Summit is that 193 nations will adopt the ‘Pact for the Future’ with its annexes ‘Declaration on Future Generations’ and ‘Global Digital Compact’. The Pact and its annexes stem from UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ report ‘Our Common Agenda.”

In preparation for the Summit, Guterres has released 11 policy briefs “that are set to reshape our world,” the UN Foundation said.


Our Common Agenda Decoded: Making Policy Make Sense, United Nations Foundation,
11 August 2023


In an article that explains the preparations being made for the Summit of the Future including an overview of the 11 policy briefs, Jacob Nordangård said:

The eleven policy briefs contain the blueprint for a digital system (Global Digital Compact) that will be run with the help of “trustworthy” artificial intelligence. We can assume that “trustworthy” means that it will not criticise UN policies (like the SDGs and The Paris Agreement). The AI has to be in tune with the “Al Gore rhythm.”

Summoning the Pact for the Future, Jacob Nordangård, 3 February 2024

Within the Global Digital Compact, the UN is pushing for it to play a significant and governing role in artificial intelligence (“AI”) globally. As noted by the Brownstone Institute, “[The UN] somehow manages to link the implementation of the SDGs to its ability to control and implement AI, and exert governance over the Internet, digital public goods and infrastructure, and AI too.”

Guterres stated the UN’s aim for imposing itself as the global “enabler and accelerator” of AI during a 2023 press conference. “The 2030 Agenda – our global blueprint for peace and prosperity on a healthy planet – is in deep trouble.  AI could help to turn that around.  It could supercharge climate action and efforts to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals [“SDGs”] by 2030,” Guterres said.


quinta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2024

Under cover of darkness

Weltanschauung Italia
June 2023

In a world where the all-seeing eye has numbers and strength on its side, and certainly cannot be faced head-on, one must be elusive.

The fastest way to lose a war is not knowing how to identify your enemy. To destroy him before the war even begins, you would need to know him better than you know yourself. The digital world, from this point of view, is our enemy's spy and we should use it with care. While people demonstrate their absolute docility by sharing vacations and daily meals of dubious interest, there are those who use these platforms to communicate important positions, forgetting that they are feeding the enemy a portion of what makes him dangerous, and are thus neutralizing themselves.

Against a being as insidious as the omnipresent hidden hypnotist, we cannot allow ourselves to follow the rules of chivalry and face him head-on. He has the brawn, the technique and the numbers. It would be like challenging him to single combat with a duel pistol while he uses an assault rifle and has hundreds of faithful tormentors over whom he has complete control. It may be brave and heroic, but it would certainly be idiotic.

Instead, we must use cunning. Remain invisible among the tormentors, difficult to attack, and under cover of darkness boycott the cogwheels that make the machine run. Like the Vietcong, who with old rifles and sandals pushed back the most powerful empire ofall time, while hiding like ants underground amidst napalm, carpet bombing and democracy. Quite aside from the end result, the traps of the Vietnamese jungle still haunt the nightmares of the Americans who lived there.

So we should share sparingly. Maybe anonymously. Everything that is shared with the wrong people can be used against you.

Today, with social media, the enemy no longer even need spies. People voluntarily give all the necessary information. When they see that something is gaining traction, if they are unable to stop it or delegitimize it, they know perfectly well how and when to turn it to their advantage, taking away the lifeblood of our actions until it is confined to the margins and then remains there or disappears. This is because, thanks to those who participate, they know exactly who is thinking what, and are able to categorize it more or less specifically based on the amount of information given away. By remaining anonymous or creating social profiles, where the page is one but the individuals behind it are many, the spies can remain aware of the what, but without having any idea of ​​who is behind it or, above all, how many there are. This discussion is inherent to all those ideas worthy of being expressed through social media. The rest is better kept to oneself. 



12 Fertility Toxins to Avoid

Julie Martory

In recent decades, fertility has declined significantly, and our environment and diet are undoubtedly responsible for this. With Dr. Patrice Halimi, pediatric surgeon, co-founder of ASEF (Association Santé Environnement France) and author of La grande détox (Calmann-Lévy, 2015), this is a review of toxic products we must avoid in order to preserve our fertility.

Toxic product: phthalates

Phthalates are present in many everyday objects: food packaging, PVC products, certain fabrics, toys, etc. However, they are endocrine disruptors. They modify the functioning of our hormonal system. A study (1) has shown that exposure of adult male testicles to phthalates leads to a decrease in testosterone production and is responsible for the reduction of testicles, with consequences on fertility.

Dr. Patrice Halimi's advice: Avoid heating your food in plastic containers. Favor glass. As for cosmetics, favor products with an eco-label.

(1) Human testis steroidogenesis is inhibited by phthalates. Hum Reprod. 2012, March 8

Toxic product: bisphenol A

Bisphenol A (BPA) is also an endocrine disruptor. Once in the body, it mimics estrogen. In 2013, a team from Inserm (2) experimentally demonstrated that exposure to BPA reduced testosterone production. According to the author of the study, "bisphenol A may also contribute to the drop in sperm production (...)". On the woman's side, a study showed that the higher the concentration of BPA in the blood, the lower the chances of IVF success, which suggests a possible effect of BPA on the quality of oocytes.

Dr. Patrice Halimi's advice: Since January 2015, BPA has been banned in all food containers, but it may be replaced by BPS and BPF, which are also suspected of being endocrine disruptors. As a precaution, swap your plastic food containers for glass containers, especially for heating in the microwave. If you have a baby, opt for unbreakable glass baby bottles instead.

(2) Differential Effects of Bisphenol A and Diethylstilbestrol on Human, Rat and Mouse Fetal Leydig Cell Function; Plos One, December 2012

Toxic product: pesticides

In the large family of pesticides, around forty are considered endocrine disruptors. This is evidenced by this recent American study (3) which concluded that men who consumed the most
pesticide-laden fruits and vegetables with had a sperm count 50% lower than men who consumed much less. On the female side, "the link between pesticides and infertility in women is poorly understood and needs to be better studied", said Inserm in 2013.

Dr. Patrice Halimi's advice: Choose organic fruits and vegetables (French AB or European AB label) and local (to avoid them being coated with preservatives). If you cannot afford "organic", remember to peel your fruits and vegetables. Gardening enthusiasts, avoid using pesticides as much as possible and favor natural solutions (see the Little health guide to organic gardening, on the ASEF website).

(3) Fruit and vegetable intake and their pesticide residues in relation to semen quality among men from a fertility clinic, Human Reproduction, Vol.0, No.0 pp. 1–10, 2015

Toxic products: parabens

We are regularly exposed to parabens, substances used as preservatives in cosmetic products and medicines. However, they are endocrine disruptors: their estrogenic effect could have consequences on male fertility. As proof: a study conducted (4) on a hundred men consulting for infertility revealed that the presence in the blood of butyl paraben (a type of paraben) was associated with alterations in the DNA of their spermatozoa.

Dr. Patrice Halimi's advice: Not all parabens are the same, but as a precaution, it is better to avoid them all. Instead of “0% parabens” or “paraben-free” products, choose eco-labeled products (ORGANIC cosmetics or ECO cosmetics label). (see the Petit guide santé du Bio-Cosmétique, on the ASEF website).

(4) Urinary concentrations of parabens and serum hormone levels, semen quality parameters, and sperm DNA damage. Environ Health Perspect. 2011; 119 (2): 252-57.

Toxic products: glycol ethers

Glycol ethers are solvents used in paints, varnishes, glues, cosmetics, and cleaning products. "Also, the circumstances in which consumers come into contact with them are very varied: breathing the air in a repainted room, applying makeup or dyeing your hair, cleaning windows, etc.," as the Ministry of Health has
specified. This is worrying given that some glycol ethers are recognised as "reprotoxic" they can impair male or female fertility. 

Dr. Patrice Halimi's advice: Choose natural or eco-labeled household products (see the Little Health Guide to Bio-Household Cleaning, on the ASEF website) and if you are planning to do some painting work, choose an eco-labeled paint as well and ventilate as much as possible.

Toxic products: dioxins

Dioxins include around sixty chemical products from industry and incineration. Present in the environment, they accumulate in the food chain. Result: we all have a more or less significant stock of dioxins in our bodies, especially in our fat cells. However, "dioxins are very toxic and can cause problems with reproduction," reminds the WHO.

Dr. Patrice Halimi's advice: When eating eggs and dairy, choose "organic".

Toxic products: PCBs

PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls, substances used as electrical insulators, in certain paints, in microwaves, etc.) have been banned since the 1980s, but it will take decades to eliminate them from nature, particularly in rivers. However, several studies have revealed the impact of PCBs on fertility. One (5) showed that exposure to PCBs could lead to delayed pregnancy; another (6) that this exposure was linked to an increased risk of embryo implantation failure in couples undergoing IVF.

Dr. Patrice Halimi's advice: Anses recommends that women of childbearing age limit their consumption of freshwater fish (eel, barbel, bream, carp, catfish) to once or twice a month.

(5) Persistent Environmental Pollutants and Couple Fecundity: The LIFE Study. Environ Health Perspect. 2012 Nov 14.
(6) Serum Concentrations of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Relation to in Vitro Fertilization Outcomes, 2011 Jul;119(7):1010-6.

Toxic products: perfluorinated compounds

Among the perfluorinated compounds, PFOA and PFOS present in certain non-stick coatings are particularly problematic. "A study carried out on a Danish birth cohort reports an association between plasma levels of PFOS and PFOA and the fertility of couples (increased risk of involuntary infertility). Another Danish study suggests a link between cumulative levels of PFOS and PFOA and a change in sperm morphology,” reports Inserm in its 2011 Reproduction and Environment report.

Dr. Patrice Halimi’s advice
: Avoid Teflon pans, especially if they are scratched and damaged, and opt for stainless steel or natural cast iron pans.

Toxic products: non-native EMF waves

Smartphones, laptops and tablets connected to Wi-Fi: they all emit waves. Their effects on health are not yet well known, but an Argentinian study (7) showed that Wi-Fi waves could reduce sperm mobility and alter their DNA.

Dr. Patrice Halimi's advice
: Ask your man to stop using his computer on his lap (which also heats up, and sperm don't like heat) and to avoid keeping his smartphone in his front pocket.

(7) Use of laptop computers connected to the internet through Wi-Fi decreases human sperm motility and increases sperm DNA fragmentation; Fertility and Sterility, January 2012, Volume 97, Issue 1, Pages 39–45.e2

Toxic products: tobacco

In women, smoking could impair fertility by 10 to 40% per cycle (depending on the number of cigarettes) and extend the time to conception by almost double. Tobacco also reduces the ovarian reserve, the quality of oocytes, the vascularisation of the uterus (and therefore the chances of implantation), and increases the risk of early miscarriage. In men, tobacco would have an impact on the number and mobility of spermatozoa, as well as on their entire DNA.

Dr. Patrice Halimi's advice: Ideally, stop smoking a few months before attempting pregnancy in order to clear all the toxins. Quitting smoking is difficult, so do not hesitate to get help, for example with

Toxic products: alcohol

We know the harmful effects of alcohol on the fetus, less so those on fertility, yet very real. In women, alcohol would disrupt ovulation and increase the risk of miscarriage. On the man's side, alcohol consumption would have effects on the quantity and quality of spermatozoa from the consumption of 2 glasses per day.

Dr. Patrice Halimi's advice
: A small glass from time to time is OK, but not regular consumption. Alcohol intake should remain an exceptional thing, for both women and men.

Toxic products: saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids

Saturated fatty acids are naturally present in meat, dairy products and in certain tropical vegetable oils (especially palm oil) and food products (pastries, cakes, chips, ready meals, pizzas, chocolate bars, etc.). When these vegetable oils have been hydrogenated (to make them more stable and easier to use), they are called trans fatty acids. Implicated in overweight and obesity, these bad fats are also said to have an impact on female and male fertility.

Dr. Patrice Halimi's advice: On the label, look out for the words palm oil, copra oil, palm kernel oil, and especially "partially hydrogenated vegetable oil". Better still: avoid industrial products, or failing that, opt for their organic version.

A big thank you to ASEF (


quarta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2024

Biological Systems: When stability means change

The basis of a group's stability is the freedom of its members. When individuals join together, new properties emerge. The ability to change keeps organisms alive. Here are the keys to rethinking our role in the world via the formula of life.

Claudio Fabian Guevara

*originally published September 2019 

The basis of the of a system's stability is the individual freedom of its members. And at the same time, the stability of a system depends on its members' capacity to change.

This paradox about the creative principles that seem to govern living systems is exposed by Margaret J Wheatley and Myron Kellner-Rogers in “A simpler way”. The work is a frontal criticism of the highly controlled mechanistic systems that create robotic behavior, and suggests instead that a philosophy that preserves the freedom of individuals and free collaboration is closer to the principles of life's organisation and gives greater guarantees of survival.

“People and ideologies are pitted against each other, believing that in order to survive, they must destroy the opposition,” says Margaret J. Wheatley. But “if we change our way of seeing things, the things we see can change.”

What do biological systems have to teach us?

The authors propose to stop worrying about the design of perfect structures or rules:

“There is no ideal design for anything, just interesting combinations that arise as a living thing explores its space and possibilities.”

They suggest learning from the way life creates itself, in order to manage our lives less rigidly, and cultivate more open and creative relationships.


The dance of life

Wheatley and Kellner-Rogers describe life as a pulsating experience, collaboratively built in networks, in a dense and dynamic dance of relationships between individuals and systems, where change is a constant.

They point out a first paradox: the stability of each system depends on the capacity of its members to change. And when a system stops its offering of new ideas, then the system becomes moribund. Without constant change, the system sinks into the death of equilibrium and no longer participates in co-evolution.

A second paradox says that the stability of systems lies in the individual freedom of their members, not in conformity and compliance with determined rules. We may think that the survival of our organisation is guaranteed by finding the right way and insisting that all people conform to it. But the “same for everyone” formula is not an equivalent of stability. What creates stable systems is individual freedom.

A third important aspect is that when individuals come together, they create new systems with properties that “emerge” suddenly and mysteriously. “Emergence” is the surprising capacity we discover when we do something together. The new properties that will “emerge” from the union cannot be predicted. No matter how much we know about individuals, we will never have the ability to predict how each one will behave within a system. Once individuals are linked, they become something different. 

►The Seven Principles

Life combines all of these elements and unfolds itself following these seven principles:

Everything is in a constant process of discovery and creation. Everything is changing all the time: people, systems, environments, norms, the processes of evolution. Even change changes itself. Every organism reinterprets norms, creates exceptions for itself, creates new rules.

Life uses disorder to obtain neat solutions. Life does not seem to share our desires for efficiency or neatness. It uses redundancy, fuzziness, endless trial and error until it finds what works.

Life is the intention to find what works, not what is ‘right’. What is important is the ability to find solutions, and any solution is only temporary. There are no permanently “right” answers. The ability to keep changing until you find what works now is what keeps organisms alive.

Life creates possibilities as it engages with opportunities. The possibilities for generating more possibilities are endless.

Life is drawn to order. It experiments until it discovers how to form a system that can contain diverse members. Individuals search within a wide range of possible relationships to see if they can be organized into a sustainable living system. Explorations continue until a system is discovered.

Every organisation is an identity in motion. Life is organized around identity. Every living being acts to develop and preserve its identity, which is the filter that each organism or system uses to make sense of the world. Everything is interpreted through a sense of self. This tendency toward self-creation is so strong that it creates another paradox: an organism will change in order to maintain its identity.

Everything participates in the creation and evolution of its neighbors. No system dictates the conditions to another. All participate together in creating the conditions of their interdependence.

Identity, the center of our perception

We perceive the world on the basis of our identity. At any given moment, the greatest influence on what we see comes from what we have decided to be. At least 80 percent of the information in the brain works with information that is already in the brain. Therefore, we will only be encouraged to change our minds, or change ourselves, if we believe that the change will preserve our identity. 



Baby Crash: will we soon have a world without toddlers?

Nicole Delépine
*originally published 27 April 2023 (
Lire en français)

Nicole Delépine is a hospital doctor, pediatrician and oncologist, and has been fighting for 40 years for better care for hospital patients. Internationally recognised for her knowledge on cancer, she has notably denounced the paradoxes of Gardasil, the vaccine against cervical cancer. She has just published Les Enfants sacrifiés du Covid (Fauves).

While 30% of French women of childbearing age do not want to have children in order to "save our blue planet", is humanity's future not already compromised by the decline in fertility over the past several decades? Add to that the effects of the Covid-19 gene-based injections and we can seriously cast doubt on the statistics predicting 10 billion human beings by 2050!

The decline in sperm concentration in humans has been known for many years and the recent synthesis by the academic reference journal Human Reproduction Update shows an even more vertiginous fall over the last forty years
1. Above all, it highlights the rapid decline in male fertility. This large-scale publication is based on hundreds of studies published on the subject and brings together data covering the period 1973-2018 available in more than fifty countries.

Thus, in 45 years, the average concentration of gametes in the sperm of the general male population has fallen from 101 million per milliliter (M/ml) to 49 M/ml, or half as much! In addition, as the French urologist Valentine Frydman points out, "20% of infertility is strictly of male origin". It is not surprising, just given this initial observation, that fertility is falling all over the world.

In France, nearly 3.3 million people, or about 1 in 6 couples, are directly affected by an infertility problem. A phenomenon that has been increasing for about twenty years according to professionals in the sector, such as Professor Jean-Marc Ayoubi.

The canary in the coal mine

This rapid decline in male fertility does not only concern northern countries, but the entire world. The worst thing is that, far from slowing down to stabilize, the phenomenon is accelerating sharply.

"Including all data after 1973, the average rate of decline is 1.16% per year worldwide. This rate has more than doubled since the beginning of the 21st century, increasing to a decline of 2.64% per year over the period 2000-2018." An acceleration described as "alarming" by the authors of this study. “Our findings are like the canary in the coal mine,” Levine says. “We have a serious problem on our hands that, if left unchecked, could threaten the survival of humanity.” These trends also apply to countries in Africa and South America,
3 which had never experienced such a phenomenon before.

Before 2020, other causes

Faced with unprecedented changes, such as the feminisation of fish, many studies have been undertaken by research units around the world.

Experts are discussing, pell-mell, possible factors. First individual causes linked to lifestyle (smoking, sedentary lifestyle, diet, overconsumption of medication, etc.), but also global causes, particularly environmental (pesticides and synthetic products, pollution, etc.).

All endocrine disruptors
4,5 which are contained in the smallest amount of our cosmetics or industrial foods are molecules that act directly on our hormonal system and which, due to their accumulation (the famous "cocktail effect") can cause various dysfunctions, such as ovarian insufficiency, defective spermatogenesis, miscarriages, pathological pregnancies, etc.

The situation changes with Covid

The arrival of Covid has reshuffled the cards a little. If the first coercive measures led some to evoke a probable baby boom in the following nine months, under the effect of the consolation of the duvet, clearly, it was not the case.

The collective depression induced by the succession of inoculated fears, repeated like a mantra by the power every hour of the day, is surely not unrelated to it. The terror of a potential nuclear war, of a global warming that makes people feel guilty (whose human role remains to be demonstrated), the well-organized shortages (no oil or mustard in France and the shelves are full in Italy), the explosion in the price of gasoline, the threat of power cuts: in short, the power spends its time threatening us with the worst... Add to that the dependence on screens, which increasingly replace human relationships. And you can easily understand why the much-heralded baby boom has not happened.

Did vaccination accelerate the decline?

In France, the INSEE confirms the collapse of the birth rate from the start of the pseudo-vaccination.

"In 2022, the birth rate is experiencing a historic drop, with figures never seen before. This trend, which began to emerge in June 2022, i.e. 9 months after vaccination rates of 85% were reached in the population, has worsened since August, i.e. after the third dose. For the moment, INSEE has not given any explanation for this worrying decline for the demographic future of the country


Births were indeed falling again from March 2022, with slightly fewer births between March and July 2022 than between March and July 2020. In August 2022, however, there were slightly more births than in August 2020. But in September 2022, births started to fall again, with 4% fewer babies than in September 2020, when the evolution of births was not yet affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The decline intensified in October, with 6% fewer babies than in October 2020. Nearly 2,300 children were born every day in France in September 2017. There were only 2,100 in 2020, a few months after the very beginning of the Covid epidemic. There were only 2,000 of them in September 2022, 9 months after the transition to the 3rd dose... The phenomenon is very worrying...

In the rest of the world, is it the same game?

Australia also saw a 63% drop in births after the introduction of the Covid “vaccines.”
7,8 From October to November 2021, the number of births was down 21% compared to the 10-year average. The following month, from November to December, the number of births was down 63%.

“December was about nine months after the Covid vaccines were rolled out,”
notes D. James of Life-SiteNews regarding this pivotal time of pregnancy.

Fertility specialist Dr. L. McLindon says he has seen a massive increase in miscarriages among his own patients after the introduction of the vaccines. Before Operation Warp Speed,
9 the miscarriage rate among McLindon’s patients was 12 to 15%. Today, among his vaccinated patients, it has reached 74%.

Taiwan also saw a similar 23% drop in births after the launch of Operation Warp Speed.

In the United States, 3 unprecedented phenomena

According to Brighteon.TV, researchers N. Wolf et al. have identified a long list of negative outcomes associated with vaccines, beyond simple reproductive failure.

They include male fertility problems affecting sperm and prostate function, and female fertility. The Food and Drug Administration was even informed about this as early as April 1, 2021, with no response. Ultrasounds revealed abnormal inflammation and calcifications in fetuses about eight weeks after the injection, as well as penile abnormalities acknowledged by Pfizer in its internal documents. A current miscarriage rate of 87.5% has been revealed on VAERS
10. The FOIA (Freedom of Information Administration)11 reveals that Pfizer and regulatory agencies hid (or at least greatly understated) the real dangers of the Covid injection during pregnancy, while they were aware that it increased the risk of birth defects and infertility.

This fraud and deception is said to have caused at least 4,113 fetal deaths due to Covid-19 vaccination in the United States alone compared to 2,239 fetal deaths reported to VAERS in the 30 years preceding the Covid-19 injections…
12 Remember that VAERS only represents 1, 2 or 3% of real cases — due to non- or under-reporting. If we multiply the official figure by 40, which is the most commonly used under-reporting factor, this would probably be 140,000 fetal deaths13.

As for breast-feeding babies by vaccinated mothers, it could also increase the risk of perinatal mortality. “Transient low levels of vaccine mRNA have been detected in the serum of vaccinated mothers with occasional transfer into their breast milk.”
14 Yet the FDA has known since at least 2015 that the gene products are excreted.15

Pfizer and the agencies also knew that the limited animal study showed a significant risk to the developing fetus, but they actively chose to suppress this information from public records.

This information was revealed through a US Freedom of Information (FOI) request to the Government Department of Health by the Australian government’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

So correlation, causation, or mere coincidence?

Of course, early interpretations were dismissed as “conspiracy theories”—as if these corrupt classes could really be blindly trusted. A more detailed analysis of the data unfortunately seems to support the idea of ​​the causal role of gene injections in the decline in the birth rate in the injected countries and particularly in Switzerland.

“First of all, we observe that the sharp decline in the number of live births occurs precisely nine months after the opening of vaccination to all people aged 20 to 49.” Then, by comparing between regions, “we see that there is a correlation between the decline in births and vaccination coverage. In eastern Switzerland (vaccination coverage: 49.7%), births have declined by 8.6% compared to 18% in Zurich (vaccination coverage: 63.9%)

A Swiss lawyer is also calling for the definitive suspension of this gene injection in view of the notorious damage to children

So what now?

The role of pseudo-Covid vaccination in the decline in birth rates and neonatal mortality seems to be statistically demonstrated through this analysis, an
analysis which cannot be exhaustive in this short article. However, an analysis of data on birth rates in European countries shows a significant drop (up to 19%) in live births among 18-49 year olds nine months after the start of Covid vaccinations, particularly in countries with high vaccination rates.

As a pediatrician, allow me to be particularly concerned. We must stop all these injections as soon as possible, not only those against Covid, but also those for measles, flu or cancer that are based on mRNA technology.



1 « Temporal trends in sperm count: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis of samples collected globally in the 20th and 21st centuries » | Human Reproduc-tion Update | Oxford Academic (

2 Head of the gynecology and reproductive medicine department at Foch Hospital, Suresnes.

3 L’Échelle de Jacob : Le Monde : « Le déclin de la fertilité est mondial et s’accélère » (

4 Chemical molecules having a structural relationship with hormones and modifying hormonal activity, particularly that of steroids (estrogens, androgens). In particular pesticides: fertilizers and weedkillers with high cumulative power, insecticides, dioxins, plastics including bisphenol A and phthalates, PCBs, parabens, phenoxyethanol, glycol ether in cosmetics; heavy metals such as cadmium and mercury in fish; vapors from varnishes, paints, hydrocarbons, indoor sprays, candles, etc.

5 The REACH program and the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) are responsible for listing and classifying the 150,000 chemical molecules according to their CMR hazard: carcinogenic, mutagenic and toxic to reproduction; mandatory labeling, imperative to read the labels.
Perturbateur endocrinien et fertilité — Quel danger pour la grossesse (


7 Australia sees 63% drop in births after Covid ‘vaccines’ introduced – what will the government’s excuse be? – GAULLIST REINFORMATION PAGE. THE MEDIA ARE MANIPULATING AND LYING TO US, LET’S SORTING THE WHEAT FROM THE CHAINS ( November 18, 2022 by bellinaanne


9 Operation Warp Speed ​​is the name of a vast program set up by the Trump administration to deliver and administer the Covid-19 vaccine across the United States. By extension, this operation was applied in many Western countries. 

10 Charts available on


12 According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database, as of April 22, 2022 :

DailyClout (

14 STOPPONS LES INJECTIONS A ARNm : ils s’excrètent, même dans le lait maternel — Docteur Nicole Delépine (

15 « Design and analysis of Shedding Studies for Virus or Bacteria-based Gene Therapy and Oncolytic Products Guidance for Industry », US Food and Drug Administration, August 2015.

16 See the graphs in the reference document: 66-page document entitled « Geburtenrückgang in den Schweizer Kantonen » [Decline in birth rate in Swiss cantons] published on August 13, 2022.2.

17 « UK Government quietly confirms COVID Vaccinated Children are up to 137x more likely to die than Unvaccinated Children proving COVID Vaccination is causing significant numbers of deaths » The Expose (
