quarta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2024

Baby Crash: will we soon have a world without toddlers?

Nicole Delépine
*originally published 27 April 2023 (
Lire en français)

Nicole Delépine is a hospital doctor, pediatrician and oncologist, and has been fighting for 40 years for better care for hospital patients. Internationally recognised for her knowledge on cancer, she has notably denounced the paradoxes of Gardasil, the vaccine against cervical cancer. She has just published Les Enfants sacrifiés du Covid (Fauves).

While 30% of French women of childbearing age do not want to have children in order to "save our blue planet", is humanity's future not already compromised by the decline in fertility over the past several decades? Add to that the effects of the Covid-19 gene-based injections and we can seriously cast doubt on the statistics predicting 10 billion human beings by 2050!

The decline in sperm concentration in humans has been known for many years and the recent synthesis by the academic reference journal Human Reproduction Update shows an even more vertiginous fall over the last forty years
1. Above all, it highlights the rapid decline in male fertility. This large-scale publication is based on hundreds of studies published on the subject and brings together data covering the period 1973-2018 available in more than fifty countries.

Thus, in 45 years, the average concentration of gametes in the sperm of the general male population has fallen from 101 million per milliliter (M/ml) to 49 M/ml, or half as much! In addition, as the French urologist Valentine Frydman points out, "20% of infertility is strictly of male origin". It is not surprising, just given this initial observation, that fertility is falling all over the world.

In France, nearly 3.3 million people, or about 1 in 6 couples, are directly affected by an infertility problem. A phenomenon that has been increasing for about twenty years according to professionals in the sector, such as Professor Jean-Marc Ayoubi.

The canary in the coal mine

This rapid decline in male fertility does not only concern northern countries, but the entire world. The worst thing is that, far from slowing down to stabilize, the phenomenon is accelerating sharply.

"Including all data after 1973, the average rate of decline is 1.16% per year worldwide. This rate has more than doubled since the beginning of the 21st century, increasing to a decline of 2.64% per year over the period 2000-2018." An acceleration described as "alarming" by the authors of this study. “Our findings are like the canary in the coal mine,” Levine says. “We have a serious problem on our hands that, if left unchecked, could threaten the survival of humanity.” These trends also apply to countries in Africa and South America,
3 which had never experienced such a phenomenon before.

Before 2020, other causes

Faced with unprecedented changes, such as the feminisation of fish, many studies have been undertaken by research units around the world.

Experts are discussing, pell-mell, possible factors. First individual causes linked to lifestyle (smoking, sedentary lifestyle, diet, overconsumption of medication, etc.), but also global causes, particularly environmental (pesticides and synthetic products, pollution, etc.).

All endocrine disruptors
4,5 which are contained in the smallest amount of our cosmetics or industrial foods are molecules that act directly on our hormonal system and which, due to their accumulation (the famous "cocktail effect") can cause various dysfunctions, such as ovarian insufficiency, defective spermatogenesis, miscarriages, pathological pregnancies, etc.

The situation changes with Covid

The arrival of Covid has reshuffled the cards a little. If the first coercive measures led some to evoke a probable baby boom in the following nine months, under the effect of the consolation of the duvet, clearly, it was not the case.

The collective depression induced by the succession of inoculated fears, repeated like a mantra by the power every hour of the day, is surely not unrelated to it. The terror of a potential nuclear war, of a global warming that makes people feel guilty (whose human role remains to be demonstrated), the well-organized shortages (no oil or mustard in France and the shelves are full in Italy), the explosion in the price of gasoline, the threat of power cuts: in short, the power spends its time threatening us with the worst... Add to that the dependence on screens, which increasingly replace human relationships. And you can easily understand why the much-heralded baby boom has not happened.

Did vaccination accelerate the decline?

In France, the INSEE confirms the collapse of the birth rate from the start of the pseudo-vaccination.

"In 2022, the birth rate is experiencing a historic drop, with figures never seen before. This trend, which began to emerge in June 2022, i.e. 9 months after vaccination rates of 85% were reached in the population, has worsened since August, i.e. after the third dose. For the moment, INSEE has not given any explanation for this worrying decline for the demographic future of the country


Births were indeed falling again from March 2022, with slightly fewer births between March and July 2022 than between March and July 2020. In August 2022, however, there were slightly more births than in August 2020. But in September 2022, births started to fall again, with 4% fewer babies than in September 2020, when the evolution of births was not yet affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.

The decline intensified in October, with 6% fewer babies than in October 2020. Nearly 2,300 children were born every day in France in September 2017. There were only 2,100 in 2020, a few months after the very beginning of the Covid epidemic. There were only 2,000 of them in September 2022, 9 months after the transition to the 3rd dose... The phenomenon is very worrying...

In the rest of the world, is it the same game?

Australia also saw a 63% drop in births after the introduction of the Covid “vaccines.”
7,8 From October to November 2021, the number of births was down 21% compared to the 10-year average. The following month, from November to December, the number of births was down 63%.

“December was about nine months after the Covid vaccines were rolled out,”
notes D. James of Life-SiteNews regarding this pivotal time of pregnancy.

Fertility specialist Dr. L. McLindon says he has seen a massive increase in miscarriages among his own patients after the introduction of the vaccines. Before Operation Warp Speed,
9 the miscarriage rate among McLindon’s patients was 12 to 15%. Today, among his vaccinated patients, it has reached 74%.

Taiwan also saw a similar 23% drop in births after the launch of Operation Warp Speed.

In the United States, 3 unprecedented phenomena

According to Brighteon.TV, researchers N. Wolf et al. have identified a long list of negative outcomes associated with vaccines, beyond simple reproductive failure.

They include male fertility problems affecting sperm and prostate function, and female fertility. The Food and Drug Administration was even informed about this as early as April 1, 2021, with no response. Ultrasounds revealed abnormal inflammation and calcifications in fetuses about eight weeks after the injection, as well as penile abnormalities acknowledged by Pfizer in its internal documents. A current miscarriage rate of 87.5% has been revealed on VAERS
10. The FOIA (Freedom of Information Administration)11 reveals that Pfizer and regulatory agencies hid (or at least greatly understated) the real dangers of the Covid injection during pregnancy, while they were aware that it increased the risk of birth defects and infertility.

This fraud and deception is said to have caused at least 4,113 fetal deaths due to Covid-19 vaccination in the United States alone compared to 2,239 fetal deaths reported to VAERS in the 30 years preceding the Covid-19 injections…
12 Remember that VAERS only represents 1, 2 or 3% of real cases — due to non- or under-reporting. If we multiply the official figure by 40, which is the most commonly used under-reporting factor, this would probably be 140,000 fetal deaths13.

As for breast-feeding babies by vaccinated mothers, it could also increase the risk of perinatal mortality. “Transient low levels of vaccine mRNA have been detected in the serum of vaccinated mothers with occasional transfer into their breast milk.”
14 Yet the FDA has known since at least 2015 that the gene products are excreted.15

Pfizer and the agencies also knew that the limited animal study showed a significant risk to the developing fetus, but they actively chose to suppress this information from public records.

This information was revealed through a US Freedom of Information (FOI) request to the Government Department of Health by the Australian government’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).

So correlation, causation, or mere coincidence?

Of course, early interpretations were dismissed as “conspiracy theories”—as if these corrupt classes could really be blindly trusted. A more detailed analysis of the data unfortunately seems to support the idea of ​​the causal role of gene injections in the decline in the birth rate in the injected countries and particularly in Switzerland.

“First of all, we observe that the sharp decline in the number of live births occurs precisely nine months after the opening of vaccination to all people aged 20 to 49.” Then, by comparing between regions, “we see that there is a correlation between the decline in births and vaccination coverage. In eastern Switzerland (vaccination coverage: 49.7%), births have declined by 8.6% compared to 18% in Zurich (vaccination coverage: 63.9%)

A Swiss lawyer is also calling for the definitive suspension of this gene injection in view of the notorious damage to children

So what now?

The role of pseudo-Covid vaccination in the decline in birth rates and neonatal mortality seems to be statistically demonstrated through this analysis, an
analysis which cannot be exhaustive in this short article. However, an analysis of data on birth rates in European countries shows a significant drop (up to 19%) in live births among 18-49 year olds nine months after the start of Covid vaccinations, particularly in countries with high vaccination rates.

As a pediatrician, allow me to be particularly concerned. We must stop all these injections as soon as possible, not only those against Covid, but also those for measles, flu or cancer that are based on mRNA technology.



1 « Temporal trends in sperm count: a systematic review and meta-regression analysis of samples collected globally in the 20th and 21st centuries » | Human Reproduc-tion Update | Oxford Academic (oup.com)

2 Head of the gynecology and reproductive medicine department at Foch Hospital, Suresnes.

3 L’Échelle de Jacob : Le Monde : « Le déclin de la fertilité est mondial et s’accélère » (echelledejacob.blogspot.com).

4 Chemical molecules having a structural relationship with hormones and modifying hormonal activity, particularly that of steroids (estrogens, androgens). In particular pesticides: fertilizers and weedkillers with high cumulative power, insecticides, dioxins, plastics including bisphenol A and phthalates, PCBs, parabens, phenoxyethanol, glycol ether in cosmetics; heavy metals such as cadmium and mercury in fish; vapors from varnishes, paints, hydrocarbons, indoor sprays, candles, etc.

5 The REACH program and the IARC (International Agency for Research on Cancer) are responsible for listing and classifying the 150,000 chemical molecules according to their CMR hazard: carcinogenic, mutagenic and toxic to reproduction; mandatory labeling, imperative to read the labels.
Perturbateur endocrinien et fertilité — Quel danger pour la grossesse (guide-de-l-infertilite.fr)

6 https://lecourrierdesstrateges.fr/2022/12/02/urgent-linsee-confirme-leffondrement-de-la-natalite-depuis-le-debut-de-la-vaccination/ 

7 Australia sees 63% drop in births after Covid ‘vaccines’ introduced – what will the government’s excuse be? – GAULLIST REINFORMATION PAGE. THE MEDIA ARE MANIPULATING AND LYING TO US, LET’S SORTING THE WHEAT FROM THE CHAINS (anna-bellas.com) November 18, 2022 by bellinaanne

8 https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-11-17-australia-63-percent-drop-births-covid-vaccines.html 

9 Operation Warp Speed ​​is the name of a vast program set up by the Trump administration to deliver and administer the Covid-19 vaccine across the United States. By extension, this operation was applied in many Western countries. 

10 Charts available on https://docteur.nicoledelepine.fr

11 https://www.foia.gov/about.html

12 According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) database, as of April 22, 2022 :

13 https://t.me/brigadesantigraphene
DailyClout (https://dailyclout.io/miscarriages-in-covid-19-vaccinated-mothers-as-reported-in-vaers/)

14 STOPPONS LES INJECTIONS A ARNm : ils s’excrètent, même dans le lait maternel — Docteur Nicole Delépine (nicoledelepine.fr).

15 « Design and analysis of Shedding Studies for Virus or Bacteria-based Gene Therapy and Oncolytic Products Guidance for Industry », US Food and Drug Administration, August 2015.

16 See the graphs in the reference document: 66-page document entitled « Geburtenrückgang in den Schweizer Kantonen » [Decline in birth rate in Swiss cantons] published on August 13, 2022.2.

17 « UK Government quietly confirms COVID Vaccinated Children are up to 137x more likely to die than Unvaccinated Children proving COVID Vaccination is causing significant numbers of deaths » The Expose (expose-news.com)

Source: https://association.ametist.org/la-baisse-de-la-natalite-tres-aggravee-avec-les-injections-geniques-anticovid-experimentales/

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