quinta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2024

Discovering "Truth" amidst the diversity of viewpoints

Joseph Stroberg

People are becoming so accustomed to the single-track thinking of the mainstream media that there is also tendency towards a single-track thinking in the alternative media.

There is only one Truth, but is it within the reach of individual human beings? One person will describe a house from its south side, another person will describe it from the north, another from the air in an airplane or helicopter, and another will go inside it. But each of them will describe it only from a particular angle. The Truth of the house can nevertheless result from the combination of these different points of view.

Even science cannot claim to have the Truth that it nevertheless actively seeks. While some of its theories have not yet been factually refuted and are therefore still considered valid
1, others are much more contested.2

Let us note that even a very reliable and unanimously accepted theory can only be considered truly scientific if it remains falsifiable and can be refuted by new discoveries that find fault with it or contradict it.

On the other hand, when a hypothesis becomes incontestable, such as the hypothesis of pathogenic viruses, each time it is found to be faulty, instead of being abandoned we apply new patches and excuses to allow it to linger on, despite the growing internal contradictions that this produces (and possibly a lack of fundamental evidence)
3. In this way, we abandon the scientific framework and enter into religious or ideological beliefs. Supporters of the hypothesis may still consider themselves "scientists", but they have become scientists, high priests or gurus who propagate their beliefs without ever again questioning them. Science, however, is based on doubt and permanent questioning.

Nowadays, in many areas, it seems that only two mutually exclusive narratives are allowed, and this allows the authorities to dismiss other, more inconvenient, explanations4 for the phenomena in question. This is how we see a dominant current, compatible with globalism, affirming that SARS-CoV-2 is natural, while another widespread current, supposedly "opposed" to globalism, affirms that this alleged virus which would be the cause of an allegedly new disease "Covid-19" was created in a P4 lab. This futile contest facilitates the erasure those who propose a third solution: namely that no virus has yet been scientifically isolated and that there is nothing new  or specific about covid symptoms, whose explanation is most likely to be sought elsewhere.

Another example is the battle between the supporters of covid vaccines and their opponents who promote the mRNA vaccine. Although several of these vaccines are not based on this supposed genetic technology, they nevertheless generate the same kinds of side effects. This unscientific conflict between vaccine advocates and anti-mRNA vaccine activists allows the erasure of those who bring up the existence of graphene in all types of covid vaccines, knowing that this substance is toxic and can explain the observed side effects.
5 However, patents and various analyses and observations tend to demonstrate the existence of an injectable nanotechnology that can transform human beings so as to include them in the Internet network.6

In our era which seems dominated by lies, manipulation, hypocrisy and corruption, a gauge of truthfulness vs lies can undoubtedly and likely be established on the basis of the following proposition:

The truth harms the establishment of a New World Order that is based on lies and the inversion of reality. By contrast, lies favour that order.

If we consider this proposition as well-founded (or true), then any hypothesis or story that supports the NWO is likely to be false.

Is the viral hypothesis harmful or useful to the New World Order?

The belief in evil viruses capable of invading human or animal bodies and multiplying there not only allows the enrichment of multinational
pharmaceuticals owned by the promoters of globalisation, but also to justifies totalitarian "health" measures without which such a NWO could hardly see the light of day.

Would the public and media-supported recognition of a vaccine nanotechnology which generates a universal identifier and connects the human body to the Internet be harmful or useful to the New World Order?

In combination with the coming CBDCs, this nanotechnology could be used to control not only the purchases of our
transhumanised human beings, but also their other actions. Would human beings let themselves be vaccinated as easily if they knew the primary and probable purpose of the injections? While a secondary goal may be the sterilisation of a part of Humanity in order to control the herd, the brutal depopulation suggested by some does not seem to be a real goal, because otherwise it would have been easy to use only lethal vaccine batches.

How to find the Truth beyond false dualities?

The Truth will most likely be found by not limiting oneself to the authorised narratives in either the mainstream or alternative media, but rather by exploring together all avenues and hypotheses, however incredible they may seem at first glance, and by making the individual and collective effort to question all of our beliefs, measuring them again and again against the facts. 



1 Like the fundamental laws of optics or those of thermodynamics.

2 As in medicine, biology in general, and in climatology.

3 Concerning the pseudoscience that virology has become, see in particular Aveuglés par la pseudo-science and Les sophismes logiques de la virologie. Virology has been refuted and its opponents expose its inability to provide real proof of the existence of a pathogenic virus, proof that virologists are currently unable to provide by following the scientific method. The latter cling to the dogma of evil viruses because they believe that it is the only way to explain what appears to them to be epidemic contagions. However, even if there were no alternative explanations for the apparent contagions, the viral hypothesis remains unproven and clinging to it is not a matter of reason, but of faith or emotional attachment.

4 Inconvenient to the powers that be. 

5 See especially Les nanoparticules de graphène : Propriétés, applications, toxicité et réglementations
and Dr David A. Hughes : « Qu’y a-t-il dans les soi-disant “vaccins” COVID-19 ? » — Preuves d’un crime mondial contre l’humanité

6 In particular: Une étude japonaise confirme l’existence d’éléments artificiels autoassemblés dans les vaccins anticovid,
Nanotechnologie et « vaccins »,
Nanoréseau intégré au corps humain. Extraordinaire dossier réalisé par un scientifique
and Très important — Émissions de rayonnements à énergie dirigée de cinquième génération (5G) dans le contexte des vaccins Covid-19 à nanométaux contaminés avec des antennes en oxyde de graphène ferreux

Source: https://nouveau-monde.ca/note-sur-la-diversite-des-points-de-vue/

Translation: David Montoute  

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