quinta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2024

Scepticism about the MAGA-Medical Freedom alliance


Denis Rancourt
August 24, 2024 

From Denis Rancourt's Twitter page:

My critique of the Kennedy promise to save American children.

👉I don't think Trump or Kennedy or anyone can make American children healthy by removing toxic pesticides, toxic junk food, and dangerous pharmaceuticals, for these reasons:

1. The forces that run agri-food and pharma occupy and merge with all the institutions (gov, military, finance, gov agencies, education, professions, propaganda...) 

2. There is virtually no structural capacity for nation-wide alternatives in the USA, such as industries of healthy food, non-toxic health care, etc.

3. Individual children and parents are biologically dependent on (addicted to) the high-sugar, high-gluten, high-salt, high-caffeine... intakes of designer foods.

4. Food producers have financial contractual obligations towards high-yield low-cost production methods, using chemical fertilizers and herbicides/pesticides.

5. Most importantly, the factors being targeted are SECONDARY or ancillary determinants of health. The first determinant is stress from changing and low social status (life-changing or destabilizing events affecting those living in poverty in low social status), known as dominance-hierarchy biological stress. 

In other words, healthy children in sick families, in a sick society, is an absurdity.

👉There is no way that child health can be measurably improved in 4 or 8 years, by executive-branch policy changes, as suggested by Kennedy.

👉Corruption and societal stupidity and viciousness have taken many decades to deeply install themselves into USA society and institutions. This cannot be reversed by electing a new executive crew. 

👉It would need to be a project of the Deep State itself to fix itself and its base, and there is probably not a critical mass of so-inclined or sufficiently competent agents within the Deep State, at this stage. (These typically emerge during a major war or existential threat.) 


The Trump-RFK-Musk cabal is not coming to save you


Source: https://x.com/denisrancourt/status/1827155338132381910

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