segunda-feira, 16 de setembro de 2024

Fear: the whip of the masters


Fear is the most powerful mechanism for influencing people's behavior. It is tailored by the elites who govern. The creation of "dangers" frees up budget allocations and generates "consensus" for all kinds of purposes.

Claudio Fabian Guevara 

Originally published February 2020

Nobel Prize winner Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, in an article, recounts a Sufi tale: “The Plague was on its way to Baghdad when it met Nasrudin, who asked it: Where are you going? 'To Baghdad to kill ten thousand people.' After a while, the Plague met Nasrudin again, who angrily said to it: 'You lied to me. You said you would kill ten thousand people and you killed a hundred thousand.' And the Plague replied: 'I did not lie, I killed ten thousand. The rest... died of fear.'

The anecdote is relevant because it is appropriate to remember that the collective alert measures for "threats" that from time to time bring chaos to daily life are part of an old and well-known circus. Zika now, as
Ebola before it, the A flu and the endless list of "epidemics" that are spread by the media, are part of a gallery of fears industrially manufactured by the masters of the world. 

►The Society of Fear

a recently published book calledLa Sociedad de los Miedos” (The Society of Fear), Pacho O’Donnell explores this subject. Each chapter includes the description of a particular fear: of being different, of death, of losing what one has, of the future, of failure, of suffering, of madness, of urban insecurity, of old age, of loneliness. “Some fears are exacerbated because they imply a very attractive commercial consequence. The fear of insecurity generates industries related to car armoring, gated communities, alarms, private guards,” he says.

“Love for one’s neighbor,” he adds, “was replaced by fear of the other who can take away what you have. A very paranoid, very defensive way of life was created. Everything became dangerous.”

The society of fears has been slowly taking shape in recent decades, especially since the hegemony achieved by the US and its partners, and the development of modern mass communication techniques that allowed the elements of the cocktail of “threats and dangers” to infiltrate every home in the world.

►Fear is a feeling harmful to our health.

Fear paralyzes, impacts us and reduces our natural defense mechanisms. But it is the most powerful mechanism to influence people's behavior. That is why fears are tailored to the political and economic needs of the ruling elites. The installation of “dangers” frees up budget items and generates “social consensus” for all kinds of purposes: a preventive war, the purchase of Tamiflu or vaccines, or the extermination of certain groups or individuals.

Alerts about “threats” extort congressmen, muzzle science and plunge citizens into confusion. It is the dirtiest of the lying moves of governments, and one of the most difficult to dismantle, because the arguments are frozen and the debate is placed in the realm of emotions. Who would not have the instinctive feeling of protecting their family?

Who would gather enough elements to disprove that a hypothetical future event CANNOT happen? And even if we were certain that the bad omen will not take place, it is difficult to avoid the distressing doubt: "What if I am wrong and it happens?"

Fear is an effective mechanism of social control, and it is installed through the deafening repetition of the news.

►The myth of global chaos

Ordinary citizens often forget that newscasts are a source of entertainment, not information. They are designed with the logic of a spectacle, not a cult of truth. They are an attractive menu of images and sounds, not a reflection of reality. That is why their favorite topics must have short titles, simplified concepts that are easily transmitted, and content with a high emotional impact that makes the news similar to fiction films. A review of some very obvious ones: pirates, crime, bird flu, anthrax, killer bees, weapons of mass destruction, viruses and epidemics, terrorism, Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein.

It is enough to investigate a little and abstract oneself from the mental atmosphere created by the newscasts to verify that the real dangers are not usually news, nor are they among the priorities of the powerful. There are simple and old phenomena that take millions of lives, such as hunger or traffic accidents, that do not seem to deserve greater efforts to mitigate them. Or new and massively extended evils, such as electromagnetic pollution, which has more fatalities than the two world wars combined, and never deserves even a passing mention on TV.

We have never had campaigns to stop any of these lethal “threats”, nor million-dollar investments, nor a daily journalistic count of the number of dead.

Pino Arlacchi, an Italian sociologist, in his latest book “Deception and Fear” calls “the myth of global chaos”, the sequel of dire predictions, the clash of civilizations, planetary threats, demands for security and defense needs – whether the military or the police – that torment humanity in our time, burdening individuals with unmotivated and excessive anguish. The fear campaigns to which we are subjected by the media, politicians and military strategists, contain a hidden agenda. We must be alert: that is the main danger we face.


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