quinta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2024

Under cover of darkness

Weltanschauung Italia
June 2023

In a world where the all-seeing eye has numbers and strength on its side, and certainly cannot be faced head-on, one must be elusive.

The fastest way to lose a war is not knowing how to identify your enemy. To destroy him before the war even begins, you would need to know him better than you know yourself. The digital world, from this point of view, is our enemy's spy and we should use it with care. While people demonstrate their absolute docility by sharing vacations and daily meals of dubious interest, there are those who use these platforms to communicate important positions, forgetting that they are feeding the enemy a portion of what makes him dangerous, and are thus neutralizing themselves.

Against a being as insidious as the omnipresent hidden hypnotist, we cannot allow ourselves to follow the rules of chivalry and face him head-on. He has the brawn, the technique and the numbers. It would be like challenging him to single combat with a duel pistol while he uses an assault rifle and has hundreds of faithful tormentors over whom he has complete control. It may be brave and heroic, but it would certainly be idiotic.

Instead, we must use cunning. Remain invisible among the tormentors, difficult to attack, and under cover of darkness boycott the cogwheels that make the machine run. Like the Vietcong, who with old rifles and sandals pushed back the most powerful empire ofall time, while hiding like ants underground amidst napalm, carpet bombing and democracy. Quite aside from the end result, the traps of the Vietnamese jungle still haunt the nightmares of the Americans who lived there.

So we should share sparingly. Maybe anonymously. Everything that is shared with the wrong people can be used against you.

Today, with social media, the enemy no longer even need spies. People voluntarily give all the necessary information. When they see that something is gaining traction, if they are unable to stop it or delegitimize it, they know perfectly well how and when to turn it to their advantage, taking away the lifeblood of our actions until it is confined to the margins and then remains there or disappears. This is because, thanks to those who participate, they know exactly who is thinking what, and are able to categorize it more or less specifically based on the amount of information given away. By remaining anonymous or creating social profiles, where the page is one but the individuals behind it are many, the spies can remain aware of the what, but without having any idea of ​​who is behind it or, above all, how many there are. This discussion is inherent to all those ideas worthy of being expressed through social media. The rest is better kept to oneself. 


Source: https://www.weltanschauung.info/2023/06/col-favore-delle-tenebre.html

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