sábado, 7 de setembro de 2024

Potions against demons


Better to debunk superstition than profit from it, whilst simultaneously hastening the Reset.

Mike Yeadon
May 17, 2024

As you may know, I’ve developed a severe allergy to the proposition of “early treatment for covid19”.

I’m absolutely fine with early treatment for anything provided it’s rational. It’s the tag “for covid19” that I can’t tolerate. It’s much more than an academic argument about whether there was a new syndromic illness in some people, in the opinion of some physicians.

I think those promoting early treatments for covid19 have first to concede all the major points the perpetrators seek to nail in people’s minds.

Otherwise, their treatment paradigm doesn’t work. Is this what they want? Implied acceptance of:

-New disease.
-New virus.
-GOF research & leaks.
-Viruses as cause of acute respiratory illnesses.

Since there are no widely accepted clinical signs and symptoms differentiating “covid19” from the broad swathe of influenza-like illnesses, this whole business

-reinforces the utility of PCR as a reasonable diagnostic.


-unavoidably, reinforces the myth of contagiousness. 

These are all things I’m working hard to show people are just not true. They form most of the heart of the deception that will be used to destroy what’s left of our freedoms and all of our medical autonomy.

So I hope knowing this helps you understand why I have little patience for the concept. 

Do those promoting early treatment for covid19 really want to gift all those lies to the perpetrators? I so much don’t believe any rational person would want to do that I’m struggling to credit such a stance as being benign, because it doesn’t look that way to me.

If I was one of the perpetrators and I wanted to reinforce the deception, I’d have been highly motivated to prompt at least some physicians to do it. 

Influenza-like illnesses

The plus of “promoting early treatment of covid19” is the real possibility that certain acute respiratory illnesses respond to certain pharmaceutical treatments.

However, it would be both more precise and more correct to “promote early treatment for influenza-like illnesses”. (ILIs)

I don’t think this is a minor point of difference.

I confess that my first thought about the claims that drug X or Y “worked” in “covid19” was that what was being treated was a non specific ILI, a treatment paradigm previously unexplored. 

Clinical research into ILI has been a non-sexy area all my professional life, because it was considered a drug development graveyard (nothing works), beyond being the largest single source of revenue for oral antibiotics for suspected bacterial pneumonia. 

Best wishes 


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I have never accepted and will never accept any donations or payments for myself. Voluntary Paid Subscriptions all go to my admin, Tim West, to allow him to put in a lot of time both here and on my (only genuine) Telegram Channel.



Source: https://drmikeyeadon.substack.com/p/potions-against-demons

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