sábado, 20 de novembro de 2021

Allied to the virus, allied to life: Biólogos por la verdad



Almudena Zaragoza

November 2nd, 2021

As the year 2020 dawned, a familiar story was circulating. A virus in China was being covered on the news. It didn't startle me because after the bird flu, swine flu, Zika, Ebola, etc. pandemic fearmongering in the news was common, but certainly remote and loaded with much propaganda and very little truth. Everything changed when the most infamous Spanish president in recent memory came out to tell us that all citizens were going to be subjected to a forcible lockdown. The bellicose phrase of his that most marked me was this:

    "The only enemy is the virus and its allies, those of hatred, hoaxes and divisiveness."
    Pedro Sánchez Castejón. President of the Government of Spain, 04.26.2020.

Viruses have been misinterpreted in their very origins. Even their name, which means "viscous liquid or poison", does not do justice to their biological significance and the incredible function they have, because they are literally the most abundant source of genetic information in our planet. It is estimated that there are about 10
31 different bacteriophages on Earth. These bacteriophages are responsible for inserting genes into bacteria, such as those for photosynthesis which gave us oxygen to breathe. They are also behind the nucleation of the clouds that starts the water cycle and in our intestines, where there is an abundance on the order of 1015, and they do such important things as being part of the non-host-derived immune system that protects our bodies.

In our genome, the code that defines us as living beings, it has been discovered that there are 10% of endogenous retroviruses capable of transcribing as RNA and forming viable viral particles that contain messages that put into operation processes as important as placentation. It is also known that they are capable of being translated into proteins such as syncytins, which are of vital importance for human reproduction. Their role in embryonic development and in the innate immune system is also very notable.

In addition to retroviruses, our genome contains transposable elements, SINE, LINE and a so-called dark area, which accounts for 55%, where elements of the human transcriptome have been detected, all of them derived from viral sequences.

Therefore, if planet Earth and living organisms are designed thanks to sequences of genetic information of viral origin, viruses must logically be the origin of life itself. Therefore, something or everything must be wrong in the official explanation about these biomolecules, which are not even living beings, but simple fragments of information with the same density as a crystal.

When a head-of-state puts together in the same sentence the words virus, enemy, hatred, hoax and division, something serious is going on and it has nothing to do with biology.

The profession of biology, based on scientific evidence about viruses and their role in life, should have stood as a fundamental pillar in the criticism of this presumed pandemic. However our biologist colleagues have followed this to the letter Dantesque story, in which there is more fiction than science.

The first thing they assured is that the SARS CoV 2 virus is a zoonotic disease and that this virus "jumped" from a pangolin or a bat to a human in a Wuhan market, ignoring the fact that in biology there is a species barrier, a
biochemical language  that cell membranes have that prevents the proteins of the capsid of a foreign virus from making their way into the cell. Therefore, despite the fact that we naturally have contact with viruses, a contact which has been occurring since the origin of life on Earth 3.7 billion years ago, and despite the fact that there are billions of these biomolecules across different ecosystems, for a piece of a bat's genetic information to fuse with a pangolin and a human is biologically impossible.

This fact reopened the debate on the disastrous gain-of-function experiments which aimed at designing gene sequences that are a mixture of animals and humans, and which can be recognised by our cells. And from these experiments and the vaccine production industry that grows human viruses in animal cells, came the so-called recombinants and super modern chimera viruses.

As these biomolecules are not pathogens, but components of life, their dreams of finding a deadly virus, fortunately remain pure fiction. But the reality is that these aberrant sequences are used in the pharmaceutical industry and are now being tested in the population. In fact the misnamed Astra Zeneca or Janssen vaccines are chimpanzee adenoviruses with recombinant human DNA: artificial chimeric viruses. And, strictly speaking, these are not vaccines. They are gene therapies because they are designed to introduce a gene into our cells, the one that codes for the famous spike protein, a retroviral
class 1 fusion protein.

RNA vaccines are another aberration, since they use a human molecular fragment, because the famous spike protein is found in all mammals and birds, it belongs to the capsid of the famous coronaviruses known since the '60s and which are innocuous, capsules of information containing RNA. In our case, it is encoded on chromosomes 6 and 7.

The transcriptome, which is the set of RNA molecules that circulate in the human body, has hardly been studied, but it is known that it has enormous importance in the cellular communication of living beings. Which means that its evil viruses are actually components of our body, which the pharmaceutical companies synthesise in order to "immunise" us.

The war against bacteria and viruses is a self-destructive one as Dr. Máximo Sandín has observed
in his valuable work. Because bacteria and viruses are the essential components of life, components that make it possible for life exist, make up our cells and live in our body. So, trying to kill them is an attack upon life itself.

he masks and extreme disinfection that they want to subject us to are also attacks against health and intelligence, since our skin and mucous membranes are colonised by billions of bacteria and viruses, which are part of our body, and which connect us with the environment in which we live. Lockdowns too are another sinister weapon, because human beings are social creatures and we need touch in order to have sound psychological health. So if we just stop and think a little bit, we can see that humanity is undergoing an unprecedented attack, from which the authorities and pharmaceutical companies are the only ones really profiting, as they fatten their bank accounts at the cost of our death suffering.

It is difficult to become concious of this fact, but it is also the only protection available in these times, because whosoever has believed in the official account is in serious danger. Both his psychological and physical integrity are on the line. That is why, for our collective, all that is left to us is to discuss biology, and to divulge and to disseminate information with the hope that as many people as possible will read us.

Biólogos por la verdad (Biologists for Truth) was born from the need to find colleagues who love the science of life, who also felt that they were living a lie, and who therefore wanted to reclaim the truth. In this crusade, we have gathered many colleagues from all over the world, we have discovered how statistical data is being manipulated; with more tests & more positives, to lock us up and scare us into inoculating ourselves with these gene therapies, inaptly named vaccines. We have seen how they ignored the fact that our genome has sequences of viral origin and how they have tried to cover up that the human transcriptome exists. To maintain their story, they even avoided mentioning that coronaviruses have been known since the 1960. And to sneak past us the idea that a positive PCR is the unequivocal indiactor of a case, or an infection, they have hidden the test's endless limitations, the primers that are homologous to human RNA, as well as the inflated number of cycles, as well as the nature of the test itself, which is unable to diagnose a disease because it simply copies DNA fragments and does not detect viable viral particles. 

And finally, the isolation of the virus, which has not been possible in any real pneumonia patient in the world. Even the Spanish Ministry of Health has recognised that it does not have isolated viral particles, or cultures, so none of the positives have been confirmed with viral cultures, which means that they have locked us up, violating our fundamental rights of free movement, and they have stigmatised people as contagious without even confirming that the famous bat virus was present in them. Because, friends, this deadly virus does not grow in healthy cells, nor does it appear in the nasopharyngeal fluid of positive individuals. It is a strain that only certain biosafety laboratories have available in green monkey VERO cells for testing under controlled conditions and for the development of injectable products. It is not circulating among the population, and it is not a real threat. Those who are our true enemies (those of hoaxes and divisiveness) are the politicians and pharmaceutical companies, along with their employees, the media included. They are the ones most opposed to being allies of the virus, to being allies of life.

So let's wake up, let's resist. Because we are on the right side. The side of biology. 

Almudena Zaragoza is an accredited biologist No. Col. 19089 M. She has a Masters in Techniques for Characterization and Conservation of Biological Diversity, and is the web administrator and scientific disseminator of the work of Dr. Máximo Sandín on the role of bacteria and viruses in ecosystems.Their project is Tejiendo la Red de la Vida ("Weaving the Web of Life") www.somosbacteriasyvirus.com

Source: https://biologosporlaverdad.es/biologos-por-la-verdad-los-aliados-del-virus-los-aliados-de-la-vida/ 

Translation: David Montoute  

RELATED:  Why Everything You Learned About Viruses Is Wrong


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