domingo, 21 de novembro de 2021

The 'Deniers' Manifesto



Luis Carlos Nogués

November 18th

This manifesto is addressed to Spaniards from all corners of the country - whether they are left or right, believers or atheists, monarchists or republicans - and from this humble gallery I encourage you to spread it by all possible means, in the face of the totalitarian drift of European and international parliamentary “democracies” and for fear of seeing our nation subjugated by the health dictatorship that is being imposed in neighbouring countries.

    We deny the impartiality, objectivity and independence of a media that has bombarded us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with alarm, panic and fear for almost two years now. Likewise, we assert –based on easily verifiable evidence- that the Spanish mass media have shareholdings –and, therefore, interests- with Big Pharma (Pfizer, ModeRNA), all belonging to the business conglomerates Black Rock, Vanguard and others.

    We deny that there has been an authentic scientific debate on the origin, cause and impact of the disease called 'COVID19', with the official discourse giving voice only to those who regurgitate the dominant narrative (and with some officials having serious conflict of interests). Meanwhile, those who question it have been criminalised, as occurred to Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid, the professor at the University of Almería who detected undeclared ingredients, such as graphene oxide, as detailed in his expert report.

   We deny that the inoculation of experimental drugs called vaccines is 100% guaranteed to be safe and effective, and the statistics have shown this with: increases in myocarditis, pericarditis and other heart diseases, strokes, heart attacks and sudden death in single or double vaccinated people, and overall case increases in spite of high vaccination rates.

    We deny that it is necessary to inject minors, a group in which the disease is practically non-existent and, therefore, we condemn the obscene media campaign to vaccinate minors.

   We deny the existence of transparency in the health services of the Autonomous Communities, which do not reveal in their COVID19 fatality stats whether the victims are vaccinated or not (only the province of Extremadura does so, with the result that approximately 85% of deaths due to COVID19 occur in  vaccinated people, whether, single-dosed, double-dosed or with with booster doses).

    We deny the existence of transparency in the contracts signed by the European Commission and the multinational drug manufacturers, in which these companies are exempted from any responsibility in the case of lawsuits for serious side effects.

    We deny that the Data Protection Law is being respected when citizens are required - as in an Inquisition - to publicly declare whether or not they are vaccinated against COVID19, as the President did to the leader of the opposition in the Congress of Deputies.

    We refuse to bow before the government's threats and coercion to force the whole population to be annually vaccinated (along with COVID passports or 'Green Pass', selective lockdowns of the unvaccinated, etc.), which generates a serious sanitary apartheid violating fundamental human rights and reminding us - tragically - of the identifications that Jews were forced to wear on their lapels under Nazi Germany. This is especially the case when the US Center for Disease Control has already shown that both vaccinated and unvaccinated alike contract and spread infections.

   We deny that there is freedom of the press and freedom of expression on social media, whose censorship bodies are in charge of eliminating and restricting the opinions and accounts of those who do not agree with the official narrative.

And, finally, we refuse to remain impassive before the loss of freedoms, the impoverishment of public services (primary care, etc.), the ruin of the economy and loss of jobs, and the degradation of democracy in our country, a degradation that has taken advantage of a health emergency that we now know to have been planned by the powers that be. This story is so plagued with murkiness and inconsistencies that we wonder if the longed-for "old normal"
will ever be recovered.



Translation: David Montoute 

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