Is this what Revilla has in mind?
David Montoute
November 20th
The president of Cantabria, Miguel Ángel Revilla, has demanded that the Spanish government create the legal instruments for mandatory Covid-19 vaccination. Revilla, who fears more waves of "Covid-19", believes that everyone should be forced to get vaccinated after Spain's case figures reportedly jumped by 67% in two weeks (to 82 "cases" per 100,000 inhabitants).
According to the regional president, if the vaccine were mandatory, the latest 'coronavirus' rebound said to be occurring both nationally and internationally would have been prevented. Revilla has also attacked the "denialist" discourse that supposedly permeates Spanish society (if only!) and which he says has led many Spanish citizens to reject the vaccine. "We cannot tolerate it, because if we do, we will not end the pandemic," Revilla told the media this Tuesday after a meeting with the Minister of Finance in Madrid.
“More than restrictions, I ask that everyone be vaccinated, by hook or by crook, by civil or military means. There is no right for some people to endanger the rest because they do not want to be vaccinated,” he said.
But the president of Cantabria was himself caught on camera violating Spain's lockdown rules. And now, he is demanding that the legal instruments be available to make vaccination mandatory nationwide, with the courts providing a legal statute, just as citizens are obliged to pay taxes: "That is what the legislative power of the country is for," he said.
When Revilla says "by civil or military means" this is unlikely to be mere rhetoric. As a teenager, Revilla was a member of the Spanish Youth Organization and became the darling of the Cantabrian fascists, who in 1973 appointed him the Torrelavega regional delegate of the Vertical Union. In this role, he participated in numerous public events of the regime, in which he spoke of "exporting and updating the thinking of José Antonio Primo de Rivera." Primo de Rivera was the Spanish politician who founded the fascist Falange Española. In one of his harangues he said: "We have to make the world understand that José Antonio's thought, properly updated, is fully valid in the current context."
It seems that Revilla's youthful totalitarian reverie could be about to materialise, as sweeping fascistic policies begin to be imposed all across Europe. On Friday 18th November, Austria became the first country in Europe to make COVID-19 vaccines mandatory by law, as well as announcing a new national lockdown. On the same day, Hungarian PM Viktor Orban declared that the vaccination of the entire population was "inevitable" and lashed out against anti-vaxxers, who will ultimately face a choice between "dying with the virus and getting a jab" (a flat contradiction of the actual figures demonstrating that it is the vaccinated who are dying in Europe's hospitals). And just days earlier, of course, Latvia banned unvaccinated MPs from voting.
The average European citizen could be forgiven for his ignorance of these events, since the mass media has decided that they are not worthy of comment. Moves that would raise howls of protest if they occurred in Venezuela or Iran are now accepted as wholly normal in the heart of our modern, secular "democracies". And as the new aegis brings together every variety of politician, from rebranded fascists to pseudo-leftists, another category of people are undergoing the official conversion into untermenschen status.
Where, exactly, is all of this leading?
With complete justification, science journalist Xavier Bazin has recently reminded us how, during the first anti-Jewish measures taken in 1933, no-one imagined that this would end in genocide. Take a good look, he asks us, at these early measures against German Jews: Jewish doctors and dentists were excluded from the health insurance system; Jewish artists were excluded from the cultural world; they are prohibited from performing open to all; and Jewish officials could be dismissed at any time.
We can understand immediately the comparisons with the ban on unvaccinated people leaving their homes or leaving the country, the ban on practice for unvaccinated doctors, the suspension and dismissal of non-vaccinated caregivers, and the unvaccinated's exclusion from sporting events and from public venues.
Secular Europe's bienpensants will naturally balk at such comparisons, but nothing that has occurred over the past two years gives cause for such nonchalance. The totalitarian policies of the Great Reset enthusiasts are currently converging to create a perfect storm of social disintegration. Meanwhile, the unprecedented lethality of their experimental Covid 'vaccines' is generating an increasingly militant movement for medical freedom and bodily autonomy. It is the latter that is winning in the battle of ideas, whilst the likes of Revilla, Orban, Macron and Mario Draghi are losing. And as totalitarians have always known, once the battle of ideas is lost, all that is left is force.
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