Dr. Ariyana Love, ND
There are many people now experiencing jabbers remorse and want to know what they can do to detoxify Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles and the gain-of-function spike protein they were injected with. Meanwhile, the unvaxxed are experiencing Adverse Events and magnetism due to transmission.
This article contains all the known safe and effective detox protocols that both the vaxxed and the unvaxxed can use to help your body remove these deadly poisons.
Dr. Vladimir (Zev) Zelenko is a Board Certified Family Physician. He was the first in America (March 2020) to innovate a successful treatment for covid-19.
A Nobel Prize nominee, Dr. Zelenko was censored and de-platformed across big tech for sharing his life-saving formula and for affirming that Covid-19 is a “bioweapon for mass Genocide”.
“The Covid-19 poison death shots create killer antibodies and killer antibodies are time bombs that get triggered by exposure to matching viral infections” says Dr. Zelenko. “NANA-ME may stop that from happening. N-Acetyl Neuraminic Acid Methyl Ester (NANA-ME)”. He further says that “NANE-ME may prevent Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE) and potentially billions of deaths”.
Dr. Zelenko explains here what you can do if you’ve taken the Covid shot.
Dr. Zelenko’s Protocol contains Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), Zinc, Vitamin D3, and Quercetin. Zinc together with HCQ as a delivery system while Vitamin C with Quercetin works as a delivery system.
See Dr. Zelenko’s Protocol here. Read more about Dr. Zelenko’s Protocol and watch his latest vitally important interview, here.
Order from Dr. Zelenko’s products, here.
America’s Frontline Doctors are helping people obtain Ivermectin, here.
Hospitals can purchase Ivermectin for critical care, here.
Scientific medical studies:
Over 100 studies proving that Vitamin D3 is essential for treating Covid-19 can be viewed, here.
Please see the study for treating adverse reactions caused by pathological antibodies induced by Covid-19 and vaccines here.
A Slovakia research team discovered under microscopy that Ivermectin halts the crystalline growth of Graphene Oxide Hydrogels inside your body, here.
This study demonstrates that Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) is very effective at reducing Graphene Oxide Toxicity from the body, here. And this study shows that high dose Vitamin C is also an effective treatment for Covid-19, even for the critically ill, here. Finally, intravenous Vitamin C can be successfully used to treat patients with Covid-19, here.
Important note:
If you take more than 10,000 international units of Vitamin D3 per day, you must stop consuming all dairy and Vitamin C supplements in order to avoid calcium clots.
The research of La Quinta Columna led by Ricardo Delgado, successfully tested an inexpensive way to remove magnetic Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles from the human body after they were injected with a Covid jab using N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) and Zinc.
“These two antioxidants are essential to degrade Graphene Oxide,” says Delgardo. NAC causes your body to secrete glutathione endogenously and glutathione can reduce Graphene Oxide Toxicity down to zero. In this article and video, you will see Delgado describe what to do, here.
Scientific studies:
A study published in PubMed reveals that biocompatible NAC reduces Graphene Oxide, here. In an animal study where enhanced spike protein was used to cause lung damage to animals by binding to the ACE2 receptors, the animals were remedied using NAC, here. Read more about NAC here.
La Quinta Columna recommends taking NAC 600-750mg, first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Also take 2x tablets of Zinc, 25mg each.
Secondary: Astaxanthin 5mg, Querectin, milk thistle, Vitamin D3.
Dr. Rima Laibow recommends taking 900mg of NAC per day. Some people are even taking 1400mg. Since NAC is an amino acid, it’s safe to consume it in a non-pharmaceutical, natural form. If using a synthetic pharmaceutical NAC, please consult a physician on dosage.
In addition to NAC, Dr. Rima also uses the following protocol.

You can purchase Dr. Rima products here.
While NAC is effective at enabling your cells to produce glutathione, it has some limitations. For example, it’s more effective when injected vs ingested orally. Also, its effectiveness starts decreasing after about 3 months so a long-term solution must be used.
It has been demonstrated that Graphene Oxide Toxicity causes intracellular oxidative stress, leading to cytotoxicity and the inhibition of cell proliferation. Glutathione is the body’s master antioxidant that eradicates free radicals and poisons from your body. Glutathione is created by our cells and used by our bodies at the speed of light. Glutathione is vital in the regulation of oxidative stress levels to maintain normal cellular function. However, its concentration decreases with age, and people are already deficient in glutathione.

ASEA Redox signaling molecules can be described as the ‘Water of Life’ because ASEA provides significant gene activation in regulatory pathways that signal dozens of important biological functions. Gene signalling pathways get shut off by Graphene Oxide Toxicity.
ASEA Redox enables your cells to increase the efficacy of endogenous glutathione by a whopping 500-800%. This would enable your body to detoxify Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles and spike protein, optimally.
According to scientific research, ASEA Redox signaling molecules may increase the capacity of cells to detox by 4 fold and may increase mitochondria production by 30% after a fortnight. This anti-aging meta anti-oxidant is native to the body, and the benefits of consuming ASEA will increase with continued use. People have reported ASEA being good for teeth and gums.
ASEA was originally discovered and developed by a Biotech firm. An atomic medical physicist specialized in nanotechnology and figured out how to stabilize the molecules for human consumption. There are years of research and a plethora of doctors behind ASEA and Nobel Prize winners behind the discovery of these life-giving molecules. While the pharmaceutical industry attempted to suppress this medical breakthrough, ASEA’s founders had an integral mission to make their product widely available for public use.
ASEA is potentially the strongest single treatment that’s mentioned in this article. You can become an ASEA distributor for as little as $40 US Dollars. I welcome anyone who wishes to spread this information far and wide. Contact me for details, metanutrients@mailfence.com.
ORDER Asea’s Redox Signaling molecules, here.
Scientific research:
This initial gene study showed ASEA Redox affected important signaling pathway genes, here.
It’s worth mentioning that whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovitz went on record stating that Suramin is the ‘antidote’ to the Covid-19 bioweapons, here. Suramin is a pharmaceutical drug that is derived from pine needles. Dr. Mikovitz states that a small amount of Suramin injected into the body is sufficient. Consult a doctor before using.
Pine needles, Spruce, Cedar and Fir (conifers), contain Shikimate (Shikimic Acid), and a slew of other meta nutrients which boost immunity, hydrate, and contribute to the detoxification of Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles at a cellular level.
Conifer needle teas inhibit adverse reactions from graphene oxide and Covid-19 spike protein transmission and protect against components of the coagulation cascade; possibly protecting against blood clots. Pine tea also inhibits the inappropriate replication and modification of RNA and DNA.
Conifer needle oil and needle tea rejuvenates cells and act as a natural stress reliever, pain killer, and antibiotic. It treats every kind of pain, stress, trauma, and PTSD because it works directly on the nerves, bypassing your nervous system. It’s one of the few meta nutrients which erases cellular memory of trauma. Essentially, everyone should be drinking pine needle tea or taking pine oil.
Order pine needles here.
Shikimate has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to halt plagues, and pandemics. Shikimate halts respiratory infections and viral replication. It can be found in high doses in pine needle tea. It’s also found in a large quantity in Star Anise, Fennel, and dandelion root, leaf and flower.
World renown Scientist Mike Adams the Health Ranger and founder of Natural News, explains how you can easily extract Shikimate from these herbs using an espresso machine, here. Like other experts, the Health Ranger expresses his belief that the vaxxed may still be able to save themselves, here.
It’s very important to consume as many super foods, herbs, spices, and natural medicines as you can which contain Shikimate. David Avocado Wolf is 20-year, world-renown health guru.
Please follow David Avocado Wolf’s Protocol and learn how to order the world’s finest natural products in “Summary of the Spike Protein Protocol”, here.
Important note:
Please only consume natural forms of C60 offered by David Avocado Wolf. C60 in its pharmaceutical form must be avoided due to overtly toxic properties. Similarly, iodine found in bleached table salt is a poison and must be avoided. Your body simply will not assimilate it.
Natural forms of iodine can be assimilated and absorbed by your body, like the iodine found in vegetables and herbs.
Order from David Wolf’s Shop, here.

Email: metanutrients@protonmail.com
Hydration is key to your health, to detoxification, and to using these protocols: all of them. If your body is dehydrated it cannot properly absorb the nutrition particles from what you consume and that nutrition will be flushed out and lost.
Right now, 97% of the world’s population is dehydrated and 76% is chronically dehydrated. This is due to the majority of our drinking water is acidic based and the molecules are simply too big to be absorbed by our cells.
Dehydration hinders cell communication. Drinking 8 glasses of water per day will not hydrate you unless it contains electrolytes.
It’s extremely important to keep your body’s PH level in balance. You want to be always in an alkaline state. An Acidic body is a breeding ground for disease. Electrolytes will not only keep you hydrated but will also balance PH.
Pine needle tea is a natural electrolyte and very hydrating while replenishing cells. Sea salt is also a natural electrolyte. Normal sea salt has between 16-24 minerals but Himalayan salt has 87 minerals which is the exact same saline as your blood. So toss out your table salt and replace it with Himalayan salt.
Hydration formula:
Add a pinch of Himalayan salt to one liter of water. Squeeze a quarter of fresh lime or lemon juice (lime is less astringent and just as good) into your glass of Himalayan charged water, every time you drink. This creates a complete electrolyte formula that will fully hydrate you.
Consume foods, herbs, and medicines that are high in antioxidants which enable your body to detoxify poisons. African bush tea called Rooibos is a meta antioxidant and is widely available in supermarkets, worldwide.
Asians are believed to have the lowest cancer rates because of their daily consumption of green tea. Drinking one cup of Rooibos tea is equivalent to consuming 50 cups of green tea in its antioxidant effect. Rooibos is also very hydrating.
Last but not least, spending 45 minutes in the forest breathing millions of spores of life, increases your body’s killer cells by 50%. Due to this recent phenomenal discovery, scientists decided to call this “Forest Bathing”.
Investigative Journalist Ramola D. has additional recommendations for detoxifying Graphene Oxide (GO) Nanoparticles after exposure from chemtrails, here.
Dr. Carrie Madej suggests regular detox baths with Bentonite Clay to help your body remove GO Nanoparticles.
CBD oil and Cannabis will help your body cleanse GO Nanoparticles.
Chlorine dioxide can also detox GO.
MSM is another supplement that restores glutathione levels.
Sodium bicarbonate E500 (baking soda) will help to keep your PH level in an alkaline balance.
Super Blue Green Algae is a miraculous meta nutrient which chelates the blood and removes heavy metals, here.
Saladmaster cookware enables you to retain up to 98% of nutrition when cooking your food. Saladmaster pans are made from titanium and surgical stainless steel and do not leach any metals into your food.
To minimize transmission, I suggest showering after being around the general population. Either wash your clothes immediately or keep them in a plastic bag until you wash them.
I will be adding updates to this article periodically.
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