domingo, 30 de janeiro de 2022

«House of numbers»: Radiografía de un fraude médico


«House of numbers», un documental del canadiense Brent Leung sobre el SIDA, se ha convertido en un emblema de la comunidad médica disidente, y cobra dramática actualidad por los asombrosos paralelos entre el SIDA y el Covid-19.

Claudio Fabián Guevara

12 de abril de 2021

«House of numbers» (2009) es un documental del canadiense Brent Leung sobre el SIDA. Está construido en base a entrevistas a los principales referentes médicos del dogma.  El trabajo de Leung, que se ha convertido en un emblema de la comunidad científica que descree de la narrativa oficial sobre el SIDA, cobra dramática actualidad por los asombrosos paralelos entre el SIDA y el Covid-19.

«House of numbers» es un trabajo de un director que fue dignosticado como seropositivo en los 90, cuando obtener un positivo en un PCR sobre el HIV era prácticamente una sentencia de muerte:  desarrollar la enfermedad era sólo cuestión de tiempo, decían los «expertos». Pasaron los años, y el «portador asintomático» nunca se enfermó. Intrigado, comenzó a recorrer el mundo entrevistando a los principales referentes científicos del SIDA, a otros seropositivos y a científicos disidentes sobre el dogma.

El resultado es un conjunto articulado de testimonios cuyas conclusiones se desprenden por su propio peso. De las contradicciones en que caen los propios fundadores del dogma (entre ellos, el francés Luc Montagnier, y el omnipresente Anthony Fauci), se deduce claramente que la narrativa oficial sobre el SIDA es fraudulenta y pseudocientífica. Además, se visualiza que el SIDA fue el primer ensayo para diseminar la noción tóxica de «portador asintomático». Este concepto es hoy el núcleo conceptual central de las políticas de aislamiento social.

Hay otras asombrosas similitudes entre ambos paradigmas médicos.

Paralelos entre el SIDA y el Covid-19

«House of numbers» es la radiografía de un fraude médico, y como tal expone:

  • El retrovirus HIV jamás fue aislado, lo que implica que se trata de un virus teórico. Es decir, no se pudo demostrar su existencia como entidad separada, distinguible, autónoma, y por lo tanto, capaz de «viajar», propagarse, multiplicarse y tener conductas que «infecten» a las personas.
  • Nunca jamás alguien explicó los mecanismos a través de los cuales el HIV provoca el derrumbe del sistema inmunológico que se etiquetó como SIDA.
  • Los test PCR para diagnosticar HIV pueden dar positivo o negativo alternativamente si se realizan varios seguidos. El resultado además, puede variar según los diferentes fabricantes, o los diferentes criterios para leerlo. Los test PCR, por lo tanto, no tienen ninguna validez para diagnosticar una enfermedad.
  • El SIDA, como enfermedad, es una etiqueta-paraguas de definición difusa, que cambia de país en país. Así, es posible ser rotulado como «enfermo» en un país, y como «persona sana» en otro. El SIDA es un concepto engañoso que se aplica a muchas enfermedades diferentes.
  • Por este motivo, las estadísticas de enfermos y muertes de SIDA son irrelevantes desde el punto de vista científico: incluyen, dentro de la misma narrativa fraudulenta, desde trastornos relacionados con el abuso de ciertas drogas, hasta dolencias relacionadas con la pobreza, la malnutrición y el consumo de aguas contaminadas.
  • La noción de «portador asintomático» funcionó como un primer ensayo para inducir miedo al prójimo como «peligro biológico», pero muchos «seropositivos» nunca se enfermaron.
  • La medicación contra el SIDA (retrovirales) que se suministró a muchos «portadores asintomáticos» (personas sanas) fue en última instancia la causa de su decadencia y muerte.
  • La intensa propaganda sobre el SIDA despertó una alarma pública mundial, y sirvió para justificar la asignación de millones a la investigación de un falso paradigma, y al bloqueo de cualquier punto de vista que cuestionara la narrativa oficial.

Usinas de la desinformación global: «negacionista» y «absurda»

El excelente documental de Brent Leung -aplaudido por los miles de médicos y científicos que son silenciados en su denuncia de las falsedades del dogma- tiene otro punto de contacto con la narrativa del Covid-19. Los razonamientos de «House of Numbers» son estrictamente científicos, y la inconsistencia del fraude se cae por su propio peso. Pero la película es descalificada como «negacionista» y «absurda» por las usinas de la desinformación global, «fact checkers» y otras criaturas de similar pelaje.

Un verdadero honor en estos tiempos, y un indicador claro de que es una película que vale la pena ver. Todavía está completa en Youtube.

«House of numbers»: Película completa subtitulada en español:


sábado, 29 de janeiro de 2022

Fooled if you think it’s over; it’s just begun


The systems are still intact, they are stronger and richer than ever, and now they know their strengths and they know your weaknesses

I’m sure that some of you recall the lyrics from the 1978 song “fool if you think it’s over.”

Over the past two years of the planned pandemic, the billionaires who are running the international show have only become richer and more emboldened. The billionaires became richer by at least $5 trillion according to the news in the image below.

These people are richer than your local/state/provincial government and quite possibly richer and certainly more focused than your national government. Plus, they have cash in hand.

Your politicians are loyal to the people who pay them

To which king are soldiers loyal? To the man who pays them.

The technocratic-pharmaceutical-billionaire elite have now demonstrated that they have control of nearly every government (including groups of governments such as the European Union), every governmental medical and public health organization of every major country, all of the medical journals, medical societies, hospital systems and channels of drug distribution (pharmacies).

You’ll notice the emergence of an entire new group of billionaires all tied to pandemic profiteering.

No one in their right mind can possibly think that this is going to have a benign or beneficent outcome.

Yes of course everyone’s going to be happy with the lifting of restrictions, but unless the current systems are dismantled and protections are put in place to protect the public, then nothing is to stop this from recurring again in a few weeks or a few months or a few years but with much more force. Now they have gained experience and they know how to do a better job the next time. Meanwhile over the past two years, the entire global population has become fatter, sicker, weaker, and arguably dumber— America by itself for example has lost up to 3 million students. For the past two years we haven’t been talking about philosophy and science and art and culture but we’ve been looking for our face masks and following lines on the floor; when we do dumb things, we become dumb—this applies to all of us.

Now they know they can get their police and military to agree with anything including using attack dogs against their own populations, as we saw in Amsterdam. They know that people aren’t going to do much more than engage in “peaceful protests”, and that’s exactly what they want.

Their systems are intact, they are stronger and richer than ever, and now they know their strengths and they know your weaknesses. They have control of the governments, the media, the entire medical profession, all channels of distribution of goods and information. Good luck with that.

May the odds be in your favor… while they control the game, the rules, the board, and the odds.

The only reasonable action is accountability and punishment, just like we saw with the Nuremberg trials. Until and unless we see a Nuremberg 2.0 and until and unless we see laws written to protect the public sphere, this can repeat and it almost certainly will repeat.

Yeah sure take your mask off and enjoy your freedoms but we all need to get politically engaged and protect ourselves before they do this again.

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The Insaurralde case, ANMAT and graphene: Confessions of a criminal State


Various lines of evidence point to different levels of the Argentine State colluding to hide the serious damage caused by Covid injections, to deny essential information to the public and to hinder the work of a public official committed to his profession.

By Claudio Fabián Guevara*

24 January 2022

The case of the prosecutor Carlos Insaurralde, who had to excuse himself from a file in which "due to a typing error" ANMAT recognised that the Covid injections contain graphene, gives the impression of a spontaneous confession by a criminal state. 

A particular set of circumstances is pointing to serious collusion between different levels of the Argentine State. In a chain of events attested by official documentation, the grave damage inflicted by Covid injections is being concealed, essential information is being denied to the public, and the work of a judicial officer committed to his role is being hampered.

We have ascertained a deliberate attack upon the health of the Argentinian people. On the one hand, highly dangerous experimental injections are being approved, while, on the other hand, safe  and effective therapies such as chlorine dioxide are banned and suppressed. In both cases, the decisions are arbitrary and not supported by any scientific evidence.

To complete the picture, lawmakers from the ruling party (with firm support from the opposition) are trying to pass a law to make Covid inoculations mandatory.

The Insaurralde case: summary

  • The prosecutor Carlos Insaurralde gained notoriety as a result of an audio recording in which he urged the Argentine people to denounce the abuses of  Argentina's health tyranny. That is, the deaths and adverse effects of the inoculation of the population, the disorders of the unconstitutional “Covid” pass, and the abandonment of people by the sanitary apartheid.
  • Insaurralde also initiated a legal case resulting from the death of a woman following an Astra Zéneca vaccine. He asked the ANMAT for information on the composition of the "vaccines", and the agency said in an official statement that contain graphene, thus confirming the Campra Report.

  • El document was quickly denied in the midst of international controversy. It was explained as “a typing error”. But ANMAT did not provide any alternative information on the components of the injection.

  • After the commotion caused by the case, Insaurralde had to excuse himself from running the case at the suggestion of the attorney general. Today he fears for his position. A popular mobilisation rallied in front of the Attorney General's Office to support him.

Video: Act in La Plata asking for the reinstatement of the prosecutor Insaurralde


Confessions of a criminal state

In this succession of events, the Argentine State has incriminated itself, by action or omission:

  • In an interview with the journalist Verónica Ressia, the prosecutor Insaurralde narrated his personal condition, which deserves the attention of his peers and superiors: He has not been "vaccinated" because he has verified the danger of the injections, since he has treated many victims, and also has vaccinated relatives inoculated who developed thrombosis. Therefore, he does not have a "health pass" and cannot enter the bank, travel on public transport or lead a normal life. None of this seems to have drawn the attention of the "judicial family", which instead of acting ex officio and/or supporting the only judicial agent who has raised his voice, has removed him from the picture. What was his criminal offense in this situation?

  • Insaurralde recounts how ANMAT gave him partial, incomplete and contradictory answers to his inquiries about the "vaccines". Nor does it possess information on the number of post-vaccine deaths and injuries in Argentina. Qualifying the pharmaceutical giants as "least trustworthy industry" a recent article from the editors of British Mmedical Journal stated that it was "morally indefensible" that this information remains inaccessible to clinicians, researchers, and the public. What criminal profile justifies this refusal to provide reliable information to our citizens?

  • ANMAT has shown that it does not have any information of its own on the composition of the vials it approved. And, whether deliberately or accidentally, it responded to the judicial request in a contradictory way: first YES, then NO. How would a judge interpret that conduct?

Video: The prosecutor Insaurralde interviewed by Verónica Ressia


ANMAT as an organ of control: the case of chlorine dioxide

In a recent video, Marcelo Daniel Otero exposes the other face of the ANMAT. It is clear, from the agency's contradictory statements about the Covid injections, that it does not have the resources to investigate the very products it approves, including the "vaccines". Similarly, a case initiated in mid-2021 requesting that tests be carried out on the safety and efficacy of chlorine dioxide was answered with the argument that there is extensive foreign literature on the substance, but to carry out tests, a request from a pharmaceutical laboratory was needed.

This implies that the agency banned and criminalised the use of chlorine dioxide without any scientific evidence. What motivated the vehement prohibition, in the midst of a "pandemic", of a product that is legal in most parts of the world, and which was freely sold for years in Argentina?

Due to ANMAT's decision, there were raids, arrests, intense negative propaganda in the mass media, and refusal to supply the substance to patients who later lost their lives. The document presented by Marcelo Daniel Otero shows that ANMAT does not have scientific evidence to justify its position against chlorine dioxide. How do they justify it then?

Video: Marcelo Daniel Otero, ANMAT and chlorine dioxide


Compulsory vaccination in Argentina? Anatomy of a criminal operation

In this context, the ruling party in the Argentine Parliament pushes for mandatory "Covid vaccination". The project attempts to circumvent the need for informed consent, the absence of which has caused vaccination clinics to be closed, and is one of the indicators of the procedure's illegality.

The legislative's initiative aims to legalise what was illegal until now, and closes the circle of criminal collusion between the different levels of the State.

The results of the experimental inoculation in other countries (where, unlike in Argentina, there are official statistics) is devastating:

However, the Argentinian government is even injecting children and now aims to forcibly jab the entire population.

As in the time of the last military dictatorship, we see backdoor illicit deals, manipulated by external powers, and returning now to decimate the Argentinian people.


*Text has been slightly modified for readability. 


sexta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2022

MEP tells Macron: "mandatory vaccinations represent the death penalty for many."

Arjun Walia

January 26, 2022   (leer en castellano)

Mislav Kolakusic, a Croatian lawyer and politician who has been a Member of the European Parliament for Croatia since 2019 recently called out the President of France, Emmanuel Macron. He did so for taking away the rights and freedoms of French citizens during the pandemic. This took place at a meeting of the European Parliament on January 21, 2022, in Strasburg, France.

Kolakusic brought up that Macron has stated that he is proud there is no death penalty in Europe. Kolakusic then stated that “tens of thousands of citizens have died due to vaccine side effects.” It’s not clear whether he meant EU citizens or just in France alone. He then stated that “mandatory vaccinations represent (the) death penalty and its execution for many citizens.” He references data from the European Health Organization (EMA).

Help Support Our FOI Efforts: We are holding the Canadian government accountable by submitting Freedom of Information requests demanding transparency on COVID policy decisions as we know science is not on the side of policy. Help us fund these efforts by donating today. Click here to Donate.

You can view his statement below. 

 Is Kolakusic correct about COVID vaccine injuries?

Government health authorities claim that serious adverse reactions and deaths from vaccines, including COVID vaccines are extremely rare. But what is considered rare? COVID vaccines alone are responsible for approximately 50 percent of vaccine injuries reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) in the last 30 years.

As of today, 22,193 deaths, 39,150 permanent disabilities, 118,367 hospitalizations and 25,265 life threatening injuries have been reported to VAERS. U.S. federal health regulatory agencies have emphasized that there is no way to prove these injuries are connected to the COVID vaccines in any way. That being said, VAERS has always been used by them as a surveillance system to detect ‘red flags’ with regards to vaccine safety the past, so why is now different?

Over the years VAERS has been quite useful. On July 16, 1999 for example, the CDC recommended that healthcare providers suspend the use of the licensed, RotaShield – a rotavirus vaccine – after only 15 cases of intussusception were reported to VAERS.

The United States also has a Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP), it has paid out more than $4 billion in taxpayer money to claimants since its inception, while pharmaceutical companies are completely protected from any liability.

It was created in the 1980s after lawsuits against vaccine companies and health care providers threatened to cause vaccine shortages and reduce U.S. vaccination rates. People injured from COVID vaccines however are not entitled to receive compensation while they are under emergency use.

Furthermore, it’s assumed that a large majority of vaccine injuries remain unreported.

study published on October 7, 2021 in the Journal Toxicology Reports estimates that underreporting of deaths as a result of the COVID vaccines may have resulted in a number 1000 times less than what the actual number is. A Harvard Pilgrim study published in 2010 estimated that less than 1 percent of vaccine injuries are probably reported at that time. This includes serious adverse reactions.

It’s already known that serious adverse reactions to prescription drugs, for example, are extremely underreported, perhaps up to 95 percent of them as multiple studies have pointed out.

Jessica Rose PhD, who studied Immunology at Memorial University in Newfoundland and Labrador along with statistician Mathew Crawford published a paper in September looking into this specifically for COVID vaccines.

Using the VAERS database and independent rates of anaphylaxis events from a Mass General study, they computed a 41X under-reporting factor for serious adverse events in VAERS, leading to an estimate of over 150,000 excess deaths caused by the vaccine.

“The estimates were validated multiple independent ways” the authors claim. She concluded  that at least 150,000 Americans have been killed by the Covid-19 Vaccines. She was subjected to the criticism of “fact checkers.” However, “fact checking” have been losing credibility and have even been called out by organizations like the British Medical Journal (BJM).

Here are a few examples of what a VAERS report looks like.

A death involved a 12-year-old girl (VAERS I.D. 1784945) who died from a respiratory tract hemorrhage 22 days after receiving her first Pfizer product dose. Another recent death is the case of a 16-year-old girl (VAERS I.D. 1694568) who died of pulmonary embolism 9 days after a Pfizer product dose (whether it was the first or second is unknown).

A 15-year-old died six days after receiving his first dose of Pfizer product. The VAERS report (I.D. 1764974) states that the previously healthy teen ‘was in his usual state of good health. Five days after the vaccine, he complained of shoulder pain. He was playing with 2 friends at a community pond, swinging from a rope swing, flipping in the air, and landing in the water feet first. He surfaced, laughed, told his friends “Wow, that hurt!”, then swam towards the shore, underwater as was his usual routine. The friends became worried when he did not reemerge.

His body was retrieved by local authorities more than an hour later.’ The autopsy revealed ‘small foci of myocardial inflammation’, an adverse effect of these COVID products commonly found among children and youth, particularly young men.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration, a regulatory agency of the Australian Government, has recorded approximately 80,000 adverse events linked to COVID-19 inoculations. So far, more than 10,000 people have registered to make a claim. The registration for this compensation program opened up last September. If each claim is approved, as of now the cost of payout would be at least $50 million. The adverse reactions range from mild to serious, including deaths.

There are also people all over social media sharing their story. Are these unreported and unverified incidents? Here’s an example from Australia, and instagram account dedicated to sharing the stories of people who believe they’ve suffered severe COVID vaccine injuries.

Previously confidential documents released via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit revealed that Pfizer was aware of more than 50,000 serious adverse reactions to their inoculations within the first 90 days of their rollout.

By October 15th, 2021, adverse events reported worldwide passed 2,344,240 for COVID vaccines alone in the World Health Organization (WHO) reporting system VigiAccess.

With all of these numbers, using a vaccine injury database like VAERS, for example, has been deemed useless by the mainstream. They claim that that “anti vax conspiracy theorists” are using VAERS to scare and mislead people.

Sure, VAERS is a flawed reporting system, but it’s what the government officially created to monitor vaccine issues and it’s all we have. Why aren’t measures put in place to make the monitoring and reporting of vaccine injuries easier and more accurate? If there are so many limitations with regards to VAERS, why not put some effort into improving the system?

The VAERS system isn’t even designed to determine causality of adverse events. So why isn’t there a system designed to do so? Or at least further investigate?

All this being said, the majority of reports to VAERS do seem to come from health service employees, as they are required to report what they believe to be a vaccine injury to the system.

Why isn’t this issue addressed and focused on? It’s almost as if the FDA and CDC don’t want to make an appropriate vaccine injury monitoring system.

Other factors not included are long term consequences. How do we know vaccine injuries may not occur years after inoculation? There are so many limitations that we have no choice but to refer to what people are experiencing and reporting.

Last but not least, why are COVID vaccines, and all others, a liability free product?

With all of these factors and numbers, how can COVID vaccine mandates be justified? Furthermore, vaccines have failed when it comes to stopping the transmission of the virus. This has not been a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” as politicians have claimed. Throughout this pandemic there have been multiple examples of the most vaccinated regions and countries on earth experiencing large COVID outbreaks.

Vaccines that do not stop transmission, as explained by paper that was published in PLOS BIOLOGY in 2015 titled, “Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens” by Penn State biologist David Kennedy PhD.

All of these factors continue to be ignored, censored and/or labelled as “false news” by “fact checkers.” There is never a proper discussion about vaccine injuries within the mainstream.



quinta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2022

Serbia Cancels Rio Tinto's Mining Project Days After Australia Deports Djokovic



Great Game India

Serbia has cancelled a huge deal with Rio Tinto, an Australian firm, following the deportation of Novak Djokovic from Australia.

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabić revealed on Thursday that the eastern European country had abandoned a profitable lithium mining venture with Rio Tinto, only days after Serbian tennis star Novak Djokovic was kicked out of the Australian Open for his position on coronavirus vaccines.

In a televised address on January 20, Brnabić declared that the Serbian government had “fulfilled all the demands from the environmental protests and have put an end to Rio Tinto in the Republic of Serbia,” referencing environmental worries highlighted by citizens, including Djokovic.

“All decisions and all licences have been annulled. As far as the project Jadar is concerned, this is the end,” the prime minister added.


Rio Tinto’s main venture, the Jadar project in western Serbia near Loznica, was to become the company’s flagship project, with the mining behemoth having already invested $450 million. Excavating the reserve was expected to be worth $2.4 billion, putting the business among the top 10 lithium suppliers in the world.

Rio Tinto claimed the government’s announcement to abandon the project caught them off guard and they were “blindsided.”

Rio Tinto’s stock dropped 2.2 points when the contract was terminated, culminating in a $5 billion drop in the valuation within 48 hours of the announcement.

The mining behemoth expressed that they were “extremely concerned” and said it is discussing the situation with its attorneys.

“Throughout our work on the Jadar project, we have always operated in compliance with the laws of the Republic of Serbia,” the company said in a statement. “Rio Tinto is reviewing the legal basis of this decision and the implications for our activities and our people in Serbia.”

Djokovic supported protests against the proposed excavation of the Jadar site in December, posting photographs to his social media pages with the message “clean air and water are the keys to health.”

Brnabić stated Thursday that ministers are “listening to our people and it is our job to protect their interests even when we think differently.”

The announcement to scrap the venture comes only days after Australian officials decided to deport the world’s top tennis player over a dispute over his COVID-19 vaccination status.

Djokovic went on to win an appeal in the Federal Court Circuit days after the Australian Border Force (ABF) refused his visa upon entry into the nation in early January, forcing him to be freed from mandatory isolation.

As the ABF cancelled the player’s visa, Judge Anthony Kelly remarked that “rules were not observed,” giving them only 30 minutes to comply with his ruling.

Although fulfilling the state of Victoria’s and the tournament’s drastic medical exemption rules and having a court appeal on his side, Australia immigration minister Alex Hawke decided that sustaining Djokovic’s visa revocation was “in the public interest to do so.”

Hawke judged that Djokovic’s “ongoing presence in Australia may lead to an increase in anti-vaccination sentiment generated in the Australian community,” instead of basing his judgement on medical research.

At the time, both Brnabić and Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić criticized the Australian authorities, calling it “scandalous” and a “witch hunt.” Commentators suspected that the suspension of the mining deal was done in revenge for the hostilities involving Belgrade and Canberra over Djokovic’s expulsion.


More background information:



Canadian truckers protest could be the downfall of Schwab apprentice Justin Trudeau


 A convoy of truckers and others opposed to public health restrictions is on its way from British Columbia to Parliament Hill for a “freedom rally” this weekend against mandatory vaccinations in Canada, and Transport Minister Omar Alghara is not happy.

“I am concerned about the small number of far-right, vocal opposition that is polluting the political debate, It’s something that we all need to be aware of, we all need to call out.

“But at the same time, let’s not lose sight of this, that the vast majority of Canadians are vaccinated, the vast majority of truckers are vaccinated. Truckers as you and I are speaking today are delivering goods for Canadians.” Alghabara said

Alghabra also said the large grocery store chains and other retailers have assured him they have plenty of goods to provide their customers, despite some labour shortages and supply chain bottlenecks caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

But Alghabra did acknowledge that pandemic-induced supply chain disruptions and the role truckers play in ensuring the smooth flow of goods into the country are serious issues deserving of “rational and meaningful” debate and “even criticism” of government policy.

Even before the Trudeau government brought in a mandate on 15th Jan that requires truckers crossing the border to be vaccinated, Canada was short 23,000 truck drivers. The lack of drivers — brought about by tough working conditions and at times onerous regulations — may have existed before the mandate, but this mandate is making things worse.

The Canadian Trucking Alliance has estimated that about 15 per cent of truckers — as many as 16,000 — are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19, but it has shamefully lost its nerve and denounced any protests on public roadways, highways, and bridges and has urged all truckers to get inoculated because the Government said so.

A day after refusing to say whether he supported the truck convoy heading to Ottawa, Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole appeared in a Facebook live event Tuesday evening to say he understands why many truckers, especially independent ones, are upset.

“You can understand why there’s some frustration and why people are protesting,” O’Toole said.

He argued that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is more focused on dividing people with his policies, putting the country’s supply chain under greater strain when he could simply allow unvaccinated truckers to use rapid tests.

“I want to say this: In Canada, people have a right to peacefully protest, people want to work and are worried, people are tired after two years of a pandemic,” O’Toole said.

On Monday 24th Jan — even as some of his MPs, including predecessor Andrew Scheer, praised the convoy for defending freedom and liberty — a circumspect O’Toole argued it wasn’t up him as leader of the official Opposition to meet with protesters on Parliament Hill.

The Canadian Chamber of Commerce has urged the government to give truckers more time to get vaccinated while the Canadian Manufacturing Coalition hasn’t lost its bottle like the Canadian Turcking Alliance and has called for the vaccine mandate to be scrapped entirely.

Among the truck drivers in Canada who are slow-rolling in convoys across the country to protest the COVID-19 vaccine mandate at the U.S. border, will be Ontario owner-operator Brigitte Belton, who until recently regularly moved freight between the U.S. and Canada.

Since Saturday 22nd Jan, she and other drivers who haven’t been vaccinated against COVID-19 have been barred from crossing the border. 

“I’m literally going to lose my truck, my house, my car, my savings and live in a cardboard box,” said Belton, who drives a 2015 Mack Pinnacle.

Hundreds of trucks set off as part of the Freedom Convoy on the 23rd Jan, while local protests have already snarled traffic at some border crossings. Organisers say thousands of drivers have signed on along with supporters from outside the industry.

For Belton, who questions the safety of the vaccines, the U.S. and Canadian mandates go too far.

“We’re not anti-anything,” she said. “We’re pro-choice. If you want the vaccine, go get it. I’m not stopping you. But why do you have the right to tell me what I actually ingest in my body?”

“I’ve got questions all over the place about this shot,” she said.

Belton also blamed World Economic Forum Young Global Leader graduate Prime Minister Justin Trudeau after the Canada Border Services Agency earlier this month made statements that unvaccinated Canadian drivers wouldn’t be subjected to testing and quarantines upon returning from the U.S. The Canadian government subsequently said those statements were issued in error.

“If he had just left it as [it is] now — you don’t need to be vaccinated to cross the border — this probably all never would have happened,” Belton said of Trudeau. “But when he switched it, he pissed off truckers and we went, we can’t just fight for us now, we’re fighting for everybody.”

Trudeau brushed aside anger over the vaccine mandates, claiming that “90% of truckers are vaccinated” — and blamed Conservative Party politicians for stirring fears about disruptions to the supply chain.

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Canadian truckers receiving hero's welcome:

terça-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2022

Response to “Canadian Anti-Hate Network” on “virus isolation.”


Christine Massey, M.Sc

December 3, 2021

Peter Smith, Canadian Anti-Hate Network, is identified as the author of an article containing false and misleading statements regarding both “COVID-19” and 2 gentlemen who I happen to have a great deal of respect for.

The gentlemen in question are quite capable of speaking for and defending themselves, but I wish to address Peter’s damaging and false claim that the alleged “COVID-19 virus” has been isolated (a necessary step in proving the existence of an alleged “virus”).

Here is Peter’s article:

Canadian Police Officer Following Fringe Legal Philosophy Appears Alongside US QAnon Influencer – Canadian Anti-Hate Network (

A quote from Peter’s article:

… Pritchard tells his viewers the familiar line that COVID-19 and the pandemic is a lie, claiming that it has failed to be isolated in a laboratory, despite this being patently false.”

In this quote, Peter included hyperlinks to 3 resources that he seems to believe prove that the alleged “virus” has been isolated. These are the only pieces of “isolation” evidence provided in his article. Let’s check them out.

The links point to 1) a webpage of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2) a Globe and Mail article attributed to Ivan Semeniuk, published March 13, 2020, and 3) a March 2020 preprint of a “SARS-COV-2 isolation” study.

The “SARS-CoV-2 Viral Culturing at CDC” webpage was last updated Dec. 29, 2020 and claims that:

SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, was isolated in the laboratory and is available for research by the scientific and medical community“,

and that:

SARS-CoV-2 strains supplied by CDC and other researchers can be requested, free, from the Biodefense and Emerging Infections Research (BEI) Resources Repository“.

CDC explains that “the virus” was “grown” by CDC researchers, and lists all the fabulous ways that the “strains” are being used to further the good of humanity.

Wow, so impressive. This is all the evidence we really need, right? It’s been isolated, end of story! Only a kook would suggest otherwise. And hey, the CDC even provided a time line of their epic accomplishment and a link for more details.

On January 20, 2020, CDC received a clinical specimen collected from the first reported U.S. patient infected with SARS-CoV-2. CDC immediately placed the specimen into cell culture…”

Wait a minute. What was that again? They immediately placed the clinical specimen into cell culture. Huh?

Does this mean that the patient sample was immediately placed into a cell culture – a source of genetic contamination? Surely they mean that the virus was placed into a cell culture after it was isolated from the patient. Because if the patient sample was immediately contaminated with a cell culture, how could it then be established scientifically that the patient was infected with a new virus? I’m confused. Let’s keep reading.

On February 2, 2020, CDC generated enough SARS-CoV-2 grown in cell culture to distribute to medical and scientific researchers.

Fabulous, but how did they determine that a virus, and specifically SARS-COV-2, was even present? I’m still confused. Let’s keep reading.

On February 4, 2020, CDC shipped SARS-CoV-2 to the BEI Resources Repository.

Woah, talk about putting the cart before the horse. Let’s keep reading and figure this out.

An article discussing the isolation and characterization of this virus specimen is available in Emerging Infectious Diseases.

Ok, well we will definitely have to check out that article and get these details sorted out.

So the link for the article takes us to “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease, United States” by Jennifer Harcourt (affiliation: CDC) et al.

Jennifer Harcourt… That is also the name of the first author listed in the study cited by Peter. They are the same study. Peter cited the preprint, and the CDC’s webpage links to the final published version. So let’s focus on the final version, which is published in the CDC’s own journal Emerging Infectious Diseases.

In the Specimen Collection section of this CDC paper, we find that “clinical specimens from a case-patient … were collected on day 3 postsymptom onset, placed in 2–3 mL of viral transport medium, used for molecular diagnosis, and frozen. Confirmed PCR-positive specimens were aliquoted and refrozen until virus isolation was initiated...”

That’s interesting, because a colleague of mine noticed that the CDC’s Standard Operating Procedure for viral transport medium includes fetal bovine serum and toxic drugs. So… this means that the clinical specimens were contaminated with cow material before the molecular diagnosis (via PCR) and “isolation” procedure even began.

That seems strange. And troubling. And unscientific. But let’s keep reading and see how they isolated the virus from these contaminated patient/cow specimens.

The Methods contain a section on Cell Culture, Limiting Dilution, and Virus Isolation. In that order? Hmm. More confusion.

We used Vero CCL-81 cells for isolation and initial passage.”

So, in the CDC’s mind, culturing a patient sample in a cell line and “virus isolation” are the same step. Iiiiiinteresting.

And what are Vero CCL-81 cells?

Google search. First link: a company called ATCC lists Vero CCL-81 as animal cells.

Organism: Cercopithecus aethiops.
Morphology: epithelial.
Tissue: kidney.

Derivation: The Vero cell line was initiated from the kidney of a normal adult African green monkey on March 27, 1962…
Passage history: The cell line was brought to the Laboratory of Tropical Virology, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health in the 93rd passage from Chiba University by B. Simizu on June 15, 1964.

And, under Required Products:

These products are vital for the proper use of this item and have been confirmed as effective in supporting functionality. If you use alternative products, the quality and effectiveness of the item may be affected. Eagle’s Minimum Essential Medium…; Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS)…

More fetal bovine serum. Seriously? Fetal bovine serum and kidney epithelial cells from an African green monkey are necessary to “isolate a virus”. You can’t make this stuff up.

Back to the supplier, ATCC. Their product sheet states: “This product is intended for laboratory research use only. It is not intended for any animal or human therapeutic use, any human or animal consumption, or any diagnostic use.

Back to the CDC study:

We used Vero CCL-81 cells for isolation and initial passage. We cultured Vero E6, Vero CCL-81, HUH 7.0, 293T, A549, and EFKB3 cells in Dulbecco minimal essential medium (DMEM) supplemented with heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (5% or 10%) and antibiotics/antimycotics… We used both NP and OP swab specimens for virus isolation. For isolation, limiting dilution, and passage 1 of the virus, we pipetted 50 μL of serum-free DMEM into columns 2–12 of a 96-well tissue culture plate, then pipetted 100 μL of clinical specimens into column 1 and serially diluted 2-fold across the plate. We then trypsinized and resuspended Vero cells in DMEM containing 10% fetal bovine serum, 2× penicillin/streptomycin, 2× antibiotics/antimycotics, and 2× amphotericin B at a concentration of 2.5 × 105 cells/mL. We added 100 μL of cell suspension directly to the clinical specimen dilutions and mixed gently by pipetting. We then grew the inoculated cultures in a humidified 37°C incubator in an atmosphere of 5% CO2 and observed for cytopathic effects (CPEs) daily. We used standard plaque assays for SARS-CoV-2, which were based on SARS-CoV and Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) protocols

When CPEs [Cytopathic effects aka harm to the monkey cells] were observed, we scraped cell monolayers with the back of a pipette tip. We used 50 μL of viral lysate for total nucleic acid extraction for confirmatory testing and sequencing. We also used 50 μL of virus lysate to inoculate a well of a 90% confluent 24-well plate.

Did you see anything in that blurb about isolating a virus? Me neither. Monkey cells, fetal bovine serum, swab specimens and drugs mixed together. Harmful effects to poisoned monkey cells irrationally, unscientifically attributed to “the virus”. Nothing isolated/purified, not even from the monkey cell mixture.

No virus purified, characterized, sequenced or studied with controlled experiments. No virus was even looked for in the patient samples. What the hell?

THIS is what’s passed off as “isolating a virus”?

Hmm, well what about that Globe and Mail article that Peter cited, the one with the smug photo of Dr. Rob Kozak and Dr. Samira Mubareka of the University of Toronto, and Dr. Arinjay Banerjee of McMaster University?

Fortunately I’ve seen that article before, many times, and dealt with that “isolation” claim well over a year ago.

In fact, I even obtained Freedom of Information responses from all 4 of the institutions involved, and the CDC, showing that none of them have any record of a “virus” having been isolated/purified, from any patient sample, by anyone on the planet – all of which have been publicly available on my website for well over a year now.

I’m actually surprised that Peter, who is clearly familiar with the claim that “the virus” has never been isolated, never came across my FOIs. Or the ever-growing collection of FOI responses from institutions (138 of them as I write this) in over 25 countries, showing that no one on the planet has any record of a “COVID-19 virus” having been isolated/purified from any patient sample, by anyone, period.

Despite Peter’s article, and despite the list of further useless/fraudulent “isolation” studies, and published “virus genomes” that Peter later emailed to Gabriel (shown at the bottom of this page), it is 100% clear that the alleged virus has never been isolated/purified from any patient sample.

And because “it” has never been purified, we also know that “it” has never been sequenced, characterized or studied with controlled experiments.

Instead, virologists have always worked with soups of material that they assume contains “the virus”. And wild assumptions have no place in science or logic.

In other words, there is zero proof or compelling evidence that the alleged disease-spreading virus, allegedly composed of a 30,000 base pair RNA strand and a spikey protein shell, actually exists.

It is 100% clear that “the COVID-19 virus”, like viruses in general, is purely theoretical and imaginary, with “genomes” that are fabricated electronic codes corresponding to nothing in the physical realm.

If Peter actually begins reading the Methods sections of the “virus isolation and sequencing” studies, instead of relying on headlines and Abstracts, he will be able to see this for himself. Not just for the imaginary “COVID-19 virus” (aka “SARS-COV-2”), but “viruses” in general.

Because virology is not a science.

Whether or not Peter would then admit and report these facts, or retract his misleading, inaccurate claims, is another matter altogether.

Peter’s list, that he wrongly claimed shows proof of the isolation of “the virus” and that “it” has been fully sequenced multiple times:

Either Peter has, like a lot of people, not read the Methods used in these “isolation” studies, or he is intentionally playing along with the unscientific and absurd practice of blaming harm to starved and poisoned cells on a phantom virus that was never actually shown to exist.

And, either Peter has not read the Methods used to conjure up a “virus genome”, or he is playing along with fabricated, fraudulent “genomes” patched together from zillions of sequences (allegedly) detected in patient samples and cell cultures.

More from Peter:

Note to Peter:

Yawn. I read Siouxsie’s slanderous, red-herring article long ago.

So you are aware of the FOI collection, interesting.

Well, if you actually read the requests, you should have noticed that the vast majority of them make no mention of Koch’s Postulates whatsoever. Because we know that a strict application of Koch’s would not be possible, even if imaginary viruses existed.

The requests only ask for records of isolation/purification, which, like it or not, is necessary for proving the existence of a “virus”. No matter how inconvenient for virologists and all the related indu$trie$.

Aside from being focused almost entirely on this red herring topic of Koch’s Postulates, Siouxsie’s article relies heavily on ad hominen attacks and contains zero citations for any studies proving the existence of “the virus” or any other “virus”.

Not impressed!


For some more insight into what’s really going on:

“So What The Hell Is Going On”?